Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 536 Find someone

Chapter 536 Looking for someone

Ren Tianchen left the fairy star, but the shock he brought to the fairy clan was so unparalleled that a few years later, there was a legend that an invincible strong man came to the fairy star!

After Ren Tianchen flew out of the fairy star, he suddenly felt a mysterious fluctuation, which seemed to come from the depths of the distant universe, from which he felt an invincible breath.

Suddenly, his eyes burst into light, looked through the void, and saw a vague figure in the endless distance, and a pair of cold eyes looked at him.

But the figure disappeared in a blink of an eye, as if it had never appeared.

"What a terrible existence, I'm afraid it's stronger than me!" He frowned deeply.

"The universe is boundless, and there must be some top strong men. They travel through the universe, look for further breakthroughs, and become supreme gods. It is estimated that the power you just released attracted him to release his breath to explore." Luo Fei said.

Ren Tianchen nodded. The universe is so vast that even if it reaches the extreme to become the top of the demigod, there will never be many strong men. It is even possible that there are even strong men stronger than Ren Tianchen.

The matter in the Andromeda Galaxy has been understood, and Ren Tianchen has set back to the solar system. Before leaving, he looked back at the Andromeda.

"Goodbye, Mina!" He said softly, then cut through the void, built a pattern, directly across the void, and left the galaxy.

Three days later, he returned to the solar system.

When he set foot in Huangyue City again, there was a dreamy feeling, which was really hard to imagine. Now he has the ability to shuttle between galaxies, which was absolutely unimaginable in the past, but he really did it.

He returned to Elant's house, but couldn't find Nina. Then he was told that she was working in the company, so he went straight to the company.

There is the tallest skyscraper in Huangyue City, which is the headquarters of the Elant family group, and Nina's office is on the top floor of the building.

Nina dressed in a workplace and outlined her perfect figure.

She stood in front of the window and overlooked the whole city. Everything downstairs was so small. This was the scenery that could only be seen from a high place. Without personal experience, it was difficult to understand why people like to stand high!

"It's been more than a week, why hasn't he come back yet?" She looked out of the window with a stunned expression. Every time he went out, as long as she was idle, she couldn't help thinking of him, which seemed to have become a habit and nature.

"President, do you miss him?"

At this time, a voice sounded, and Nina subconsciously nodded and said, "I really miss him!"

But then she felt something was wrong. Why is the sound so familiar?!

She suddenly turned around and happened to see Ren Tianchen sitting on her office chair with a smile, gently wandering around.

"My dear president, your vigilance is so low that the door is not closed. Aren't you afraid of bad people running in?" Ren Tianchen said with a smile.

"Yes! Only you, the bad guy, can sneak in. Nina also walked towards him with a smile.

Ren Tianchen opened his arms, and Nina went straight to his lap and leaned her back against his arms.

"Do you miss me?" Ren Tianchen rubbed her cheek affectionately.

"No." Nina said lightly.

Huh? So dishonest? I just heard someone say that they miss me very much!" Ren Tianchendao.

"Do you have it? You must have heard it wrong." Nina said blankly.

"Oh, so dishonest? Believe it or not, I'm staged an office** here. Isn't there often such a plot in TV series? Ren Tianchen smiled badly.

"When did you become so bad?" Nina sat on his lap with her waist in her, looking like she was guilty.

"Isn't it said that men are not bad and women don't love them?" Ren Tianchen smiled.

Then the two fought affectionately, and the scene was quite **. Nina exuded the ultimate perfect charm, which gave Ren Tianchen an impulse to put her on the spot.

Just as they were about to reach that point, the door was suddenly knocked open.

"President, here is a document for you to sign."

A beautiful woman came in with a pile of documents and was stunned when she happened to see this classic scene.

What did she see?

She saw the usually noble and elegant president, who was actually pressed on the work table by a man, and his clothes were ragged, revealing a large area of snow-white skin.

Ren Tianchen and Nina were also stunned. Nina woke up first and patted some Ren Tianchen to wake her up.

"Sorry, President! I don't know," the beautiful woman blushed and said she was about to leave.

"Xiaoyue, don't you have a document for me to sign? Bring it here!" Nina was a little embarrassed. After all, she was the president of the group. Seeing such a thing by her subordinates damaged her majesty.

The beauty named Xiaoyue came over with the document and handed it to Nina. At the same time, she observed Ren Tianchen with the afterglow of the corners of her eyes, thinking about who this man was? How can you be so intimate with the president?

"Little girl, you must be curious about who I am, right?" Ren Tianchen suddenly said with a smile.

Xiaoyue nodded obediently, but then she was a little reluctant. The man in front of her didn't look much bigger than her. Why call her a little girl?!

Ren Tianchen smiled cunningly and said, "Actually, what you see is hallucinations, and I don't exist at all!"

Xiaoyue was stunned. At this moment, Ren Tianchen's body began to decompose, turning into countless light particles, and finally completely disappeared.

"Ghost!" Xiaoyue was stunned, screamed, and then fainted directly on the ground.

Then Ren Tianchen's body condensed again, with a successful smile on his face.

"You! Why are you tricking this little girl?!" Nina said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hey, it's just to scare her. It's okay!" Ren Tianchen smiled slightly, and then he waved his hand gently, and Xiaoyue, who fainted on the ground, floated to the sofa.

In fact, she was not very frightened. She woke up soon, but found herself floating in mid-air and immediately fainted.

Finally, she arrived at the sofa safely, but she couldn't wake up for a while.

Nina looked at him speechlessly and then walked over to take care of Xiaoyue.

"Take care of her. I'm going home."

Then Ren Tianchen's body blurred and finally disappeared.

Nina smiled helplessly, but there was a trace of sweetness in it.


The day of the decisive battle set by Ren Tianchen and Zhang Han has not yet arrived, and the situation in the solar system is normal and stable.

Although he doesn't know exactly where Zhang Han is and what he is doing, what Ren Tianchen can be sure of is that Zhang Han must calm his mood and make adjustments before the last battle.

On this day, the wind and the sun were beautiful. Ren Tianchen came to visit Junyu. The teachers and students drank and chatted together and talked about the past.

"Oh, I don't know what's going on with Risa now! I haven't heard from her for more than ten years!" Junyu sighed, and he remembered the girl.

Ren Tianchen was stunned. He remembered the girl named Risa.

When serving in the Heso mining area, he led a team into the occupied area of the federal army. After capturing a base, he saved Risa, who was a reinforcement. She had a unique talent, but had a pure heart like water. She and Ruoxue regarded each other as sisters.

In order to hide her identity, Ren Tianchen asked Junyu to take her in, but more than ten years ago, she was kidnapped and her whereabouts are still unknown. Ren Tianchen and Jun Yu have sent people to look for her, but the sea of people is vast. It is not easy to find a missing person, so her whereabouts are still unknown for more than ten years.

"At the beginning, I promised Ruoxue to take good care of her, but now more than ten years have passed, and I don't even know whether she is alive. I'm really ashamed of your entrustment!" Junyu looked guilty and took all the mistakes of Risa's disappearance on him.

"Teacher, you don't have to blame yourself so much. It's not your fault." Ren Tianchen comforted him.

"Oh, if only I could see her again." Jun Yu sighed.

"Maybe I can find her." Ren Tianchendao.

"Really?" Jun Yu's eyes widened and bloomed brightly.

"Although I haven't tried, it should be okay." Ren Tianchen said uncertainly.

"Then give it a try. Maybe it's okay." Junyu said, he can't wait.

Ren Tianchen nodded, and then he stood up, walked out of the door, and came to an empty flat ground.


His eyes are golden, like two rounds of sun, which are very dazzling.

A spiritual fluctuation swept out like a tide, and then covered the whole moon in a blink of an eye. Ren Tianchen traveled around the world, exploring every corner of the moon and looking for the trace of Risa. After a long time, he shook his head and said, "I can't find her, not on the moon."

This is his method to explore the whole moon with his vast spiritual power and find the trace of Resa. This is an anti-sky means. If he hadn't reached the demigod realm, he would not have been able to do it.

After that, he continued to release his strong spiritual power, cross the void, cover the whole earth, and carefully look at every place.

At this moment, in the royal secret land, the old marshal Caron opened his eyes and frowned.

"What does he want to do to release such a huge spiritual power?"

At the same time, a person on earth also felt this spiritual power.

"What do you want to do when you blatantly cover the whole earth with your spiritual power?" This man is as floating as a fairy, as if he is independent and does not exist in this world.

"I just want to find someone. You don't have to be nervous!" Ren Tianchen said lightly.

Is that right? Then take your time, but don't forget the decisive battle between us!" Zhang Han said lightly, and then he disappeared.

Zhang Han stayed on the earth, which was beyond Ren Tianchen's expectation.

After this episode, Ren Tianchen continued to explore the whole earth and found many mysteries. The earth is really not as simple as it seems.

Ren Tianchen searched the earth with spiritual power, looking for the trace of Risa, while Jun Yu waited anxiously.

"I found it!" Ren Tianchen suddenly opened his eyes and shot a terrible light. He found Resa's figure in the vast sea of people.

"Really? Where is it?" Junyu came forward excitedly and asked.

Ren Tianchen nodded and said, "Let's go and see her!"

Then he took Junyu directly across the void and came to the earth.


This is a remote and quiet small village at the foot of the mountain. It is full of flowers and trees, and the scenery is very beautiful. People living here have gentle smiles on their faces.

"This place is so good!" Ren Tianchen felt a gentle breath, which made people feel calm.

He covered the whole earth with his vast spirit and finally found Resa here.

The two walked into the village and found that it was not isolated from the world as imagined, and they could see many modern things.

Ren Tianchen and Junyu walked while looking for Resa, but there was no result after turning around for a long time. Just as Ren Tianchen planned to conduct a comprehensive search directly with mental strength, a young voice came from behind.

"Mom, I want to eat tomato and egg soup at night!"

"Good! Let's go home and mom will make it for you!" This is a loving and gentle female voice.

Ren Tianchen and Jun Yu were stunned first, felt that the voice was very familiar, and then suddenly turned around.

They saw a beautiful young woman leading a cute little boy of five or six years old and coming towards them.

Although more than ten years have passed, her appearance has not changed at all. She is still so young and beautiful.

The young woman who came to them is Resa. Compared with those years, she has added a mature beauty and mother's love.

Ren Tianchen and Junyu didn't expect to see each other for more than ten years, and Risa has become a mother?!

Jun Yu was very excited and wanted to call her, but was stopped by Ren Tianchen.

"What's wrong?" Jun Yu turned around and asked puzzledly.

"Look carefully." Ren Tianchen said lightly.

Then Junyu saw that Risa nodded to them politely as she passed them, and then led the little boy away.

"Why is this so? Isn't she Resa?" Junyu was stunned. If that was really Risa, why didn't he recognize them?! Take them as strangers!

"That's indeed Risa." Ren Tianchen was very sure about this, and then he said, "If my speculation is correct, she may have lost her previous memory for some reason, so she doesn't recognize us."

"How could this happen?" Junyu looked at the big and small figure that was gradually in the distance and felt difficult to accept for a moment.

Then Ren Tianchen and Junyu followed Risa to her house.

They observed outside and asked the neighbors about their family.

Lisa has been here for about 17 years. As for where she comes from? What's your name? The neighbors didn't know that she was brought back by a young man, who was her current husband.

The two lived together and fell in love for a long time. Later, they got married. At present, they have two children, a daughter, who is 15 years old, and a young son, who is now five years old.

The couple are kind-hearted people who often help others and have a good reputation in the village. Everyone likes them very much.

Ren Tianchen also learned about the living conditions of the Risa family. Generally speaking, it was quite good, which made him feel much more at ease.

"Can you help her recover her memory?" Junyu asked.

The two of them sat on a big tree and could just see the family in the house through the window.

"It can be, but I don't think it's necessary." Ren Tianchen said lightly.

"Why?" Junyu asked.

"Because she is very happy now." Ren Tianchen said, "If she recovers her memory and remembers those painful memories in the past, it's better for her to keep losing her memory and living such a beautiful life."

Everyone has their own destiny and their own life. Outsiders cannot interfere at will, which will disrupt the original rhythm of life and even cause great harm to others. Since Risa is very happy now, there is no reason for Ren Tianchen to destroy it.

Jun Yu thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "What you said is very reasonable, as long as she can live a happy life."

After that, Ren Tianchen and Junyu left, but before leaving, they left a large amount of money for the Lisa family so that their lives could live better.

As for what happened in those years, Ren Tianchen already knows a rough idea.

It was indeed the federal army who took Risa, but their spacecraft had an accident on the way. Risa escaped in a lifeboat and later landed on the earth. Due to the great impact of the landing, her head was injured. It was her current husband who rescued her and took good care of her to recover. She recovered from her injury, but lost her memory. After that, she lived with her husband until today.

"Everyone has their own destiny. Is all this destined?" Ren Tianchen looked up to the sky, but then he shook his head resolutely and said, "I believe that people will win the sky, and I will smash the so-called fate!"

His eyes are like light, domineering and domineering. At this moment, he seems to have become the god of the universe, sacred and inviolable.


Time is like water, fleeting, only ten days away from the day of the decisive battle.

Ren Tianchen walks around every day, goes to some places he has never been to before, and gets a lot of experiences that he has never had before, which is very helpful for him to stabilize his mood.

Sometimes he will also look for some ancient books from Luo Fei to understand the lives of those strong practitioners in ancient times, and find that the strong men in ancient times are very eager for immortality. The most direct thing is to become the immortal god of war, live with heaven and earth, and live immortality.

But it is not easy to become an immortal god of war. Even in the strongest era, there will be no more than three immortal gods of war in the universe. Countless practitioners have embarked on this road one after another, but fell in groups. In the end, no one can even succeed. You can know how cruel it is to become an immortal god of war.

Although it is too difficult to become an immortal god of war, it cannot hinder the practitioners' pursuit of immortality. They find another way to explore the mystery of immortality.

Ren Tianchen remembered what happened in the tomb of the First Emperor. The stunning First Emperor did his best to survive, refined the elixir of elixir, and is still in that tomb.

Who can live in time? If you don't become the god of war, you can only turn into a loess after all. Can't you really change it? Ren Tianchen suddenly sighed.

"Tianchen, there is one thing I want to remind you." Luo Fei said.

"What's the matter?"

"You are now in the realm of demigod, and you can live at least thousands of years, but have you ever thought that Nina is just an ordinary woman, and years will shine ruthlessly. She will gradually age, but you will remain young. Decades, you will watch her die!" Luo Fei said.

Ren Tianchen was struck by lightning and was stunned. He never thought of this aspect. As Luo Fei said, if it goes on like this, Nina will really die in his arms decades, but he can still live for hundreds of thousands of years. That kind of loneliness and pain are absolutely unimaginable.

This is also the pain of the immortal god of war, because they have immortal life, and their relatives, lovers and friends will eventually die of old. Although they are invincible and supreme, they will eventually live alone in loneliness and endure pain.

"I will never allow such a thing to happen." Ren Tianchen's eyes burst into divine light, shooting out a terrible light.