Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 538 Beauty is easy to grow old

Chapter 538 Beauty and Easy to Old

After the initial shocking power, the divine light converged, and I saw a crystal as jade lying in the binge drinking, exquisite to play, as big as a thumb, emitting a strong fragrance of medicine. Just smelling this fragrance makes me feel refreshed.

"The first emperor is worthy of being an emperor through the ages, and even such unnatural treasures can be found." Zhang Han also praised and said, "However, it is difficult to determine the specific effect of this immortal medicine without precise identification."

Ren Tianchen nodded and then handed over the matter to Concubine Luo to confirm.

She directly brought out an instrument engraved with ancient and mysterious patterns, and Ren Tianchen was curious.

I saw that Luo Fei carefully put the elixir in and then started the machine. After a while, she said, "It has been tested. A large part of the ingredients of this elixir are rare magic medicine. Coupled with the use of ancient alchemy, it does have the effect of prolonging life."

"How many years can it last?" Ren Tianchen asked urgently, which was his biggest concern.

"Like what he said, it can extend the longevity of about a thousand years, but there is great uncertainty." Luo Fei said.

"As long as it can be extended for a thousand years." Ren Tianchen was at ease and asked Nina to take the elixir of immortality first, and then he spent thousands of years walking around the universe to find eternal water. Of course, the premise is that he can go to the next level and become the immortal god of war.

Then Ren Tianchen put away the elixir and once again solemnly thanked the pre-Qin soldiers.

Ren Tianchen stayed here for a few days, drank wine with the pre-Qin soldiers and Zhang Han, and listened to the pre-Qin soldiers talking about ancient Chinese. It turned out that in his time, many people were practitioners, and the First Emperor was the most outstanding practitioners. He stepped on the realm of half a body, unified the world, and even spread his prestige to other galaxies.

The top strong man in the demigod realm can cross the void and go to other galaxies with his personal power. Therefore, the first emperor walked out of the earth and went to other galaxies as early as 2,000 years ago.

At that time, there were many foreign guests, and some even shouted to conquer the earth. As a result, the first emperor Longyan was furious and led an army of practitioners to hit the other party's home planet, which made the sky collapse and the galaxy tremble. Many civilizations in the star domain were frightened.

Later, the First Emperor met the most powerful enemy in his life. The two killed the galaxy and the sun and the moon were upside down. Although the First Emperor won in the end, he was fatally injured and died soon after.

A generation of outstanding men, like gods, passed away like this.

However, although the First Emperor passed away, his supreme prestige is still there, so even if the cultivation civilization on the earth gradually declines, no other strong men of the star domain have invaded him.

Of course, this may also be related to the king of Laurel thousands of years ago.

"Yes, how much do you know about the Laurel King?" Ren Tianchen asked that he heard the name King of Laurel more than once in the ultimate trial and completed the supreme strongman who completed the ultimate trial thousands of years ago.

"In those years, the Laurel King completed the ultimate trial, landed in the realm of demigod, and left after founding the imperial dynasty. No one knows where she went. I once looked for something about her in the imperial library, but what I found was to describe and praise her supreme power, and there is almost no really useful information." Zhang Handao.

"What a mysterious man." Ren Tianchen sighed.

"Who told you that she was a man." Zhang Handao.

Ren Tianchen was stunned and said, "Is the king of Laurel a woman?"

"Of course!" Zhang Han nodded and said, "Is there still a portrait of her in my room?" Then he joked, "The king of Laurel thousands of years ago was a magnificent beauty. You will definitely fall in love with her when you see it."

Ren Tianchen looked at him speechlessly, but the King of Laurel turned out to be a woman, which was beyond his expectation.

"In those years, the Laurel King was indeed extremely powerful and invincible in the world, but she had a strange hobby, that is, she liked to dress up as a man. It is said that the family she was born was too patriarchal, and her parents were very bad to her, so she made a vow to be more powerful than men. As a result, she did it. For the most powerful woman in the world and even the universe at that time. Then Zhang Han smiled and said, "The painting in my room was the only time she wore her daughter's costume."

Ren Tianchen nodded, and he had a sense of admiration for the Laurel King. She, a woman, could kill a bloody road in the hell-like ultimate trial, defeat the races of the universe, and reach the strongest position. This courage and courage are really amazing and worthy of admiration.

Then, he thought of another thing and asked, "The king of Laurel was a supreme existence thousands of years ago. Do you think it is still possible for her to live?"

"I don't know about this." Zhang Han shook his head and said, "When she didn't come back, no one knew where she had gone. Maybe she was still alive or dead."

"If she is still alive, I think she may have become the immortal god of war, right?" Ren Tianchen sighed.

"Maybe!" Zhang Han drank wine.

Ren Tianchen and Zhang Hanlai drank here for a few days, perhaps for the excellent wine. After all, if they left here, even if they wanted to drink, they could not get it again.

The pre-Qin warriors were very warmly treated. They took out one pot after another to let the two of them drink enough.

Of course, they had a good time drinking and chatting happily.

But there is no feast that never end. A few days later, it is time to say goodbye.

Before parting, Ren Tianchen and Zhang Han visited the coffin of the First Emperor together, expressing their respect for the eternal emperor.

"See you on the day of the decisive battle."

Ren Tianchen and Zhang Han just said a simple sentence, and then cut through the void and left the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

The pre-Qin warrior lamented. He knew that these two people as strong as the First Emperor were going to have a decisive battle. The decisive battle between the demigod strong was absolutely horrible. There was no victory or defeat, only life and death.

"Anyone's death is a loss of the human race. Unfortunately, it's not something that I, an ancient man two thousand years ago, could intervene in. Let nature take its course."

The pre-Qin warrior entered the Heavenly Palace to worship the First Emperor, and then turned into a stone man again to guard at the gate of the Heavenly Palace.

Maybe this is really the last time he wakes up.


Ren Tianchen returned directly to Elant's home on the moon. Nina happens to be at home.

He disappeared for several days. Nina was very worried and was not in the mood to work at all. Finally, she simply handed over the work to a few confidants.

Seeing that Ren Tianchen finally came back, Nina first gave him a pink fist, and then snuggled up in his arms and cried in a low voice.

Although Ren Tianchen felt that he was beaten inexplicably, how could he be angry with Nina?

"Good baby, don't cry, it won't be like this again." He gently comforted the beautiful woman in his arms.

"Hmm! You bad guy, you haven't heard from me for a few days and came back with the smell of alcohol. It stinks. Nina left his arms and deliberately pinched her nose.

"Ha ha, I forgot the time after drinking with two friends." Ren Tianchen smiled cowardly.

"Dinkard!" Nina groaned angrily.

Ren Tianchen smiled and then took out the treasure box.

"What is this?" Nina asked curiously. She saw at a glance that the treasure box was a very precious cultural relic, and she could even roughly judge the age of the treasure box.

"A gift for you." Ren Tianchen pretended to be mysterious.

Nina is curious about what kind of gift it will be in such a precious cultural relic box?!

So she gently opened the treasure box and suddenly glowed, like a sun hidden in the treasure box, making her unable to open her eyes.

Then, the divine light was restrained, and there was a crystal jade-like and exquisite pill lying quietly in the treasure box.

"What is this? It smells so good!" Nina twisted the elongation pill with her fingers, looked at it and smelled it.

"This is the elixir of long life!" Ren Tianchendao.

"Ha? The elixir of long life? Nina was stunned for a few seconds and then smiled, "Are you kidding? Where is the elixir of life in the world? That's just a legendary thing."

"It's not a joke. This is indeed an elixir of elixir." Ren Tianchen looked at Nina plainly.

Nina suddenly knew that it was not a joke. Looking at the pill, her hands were stiff.

Long life medicine! This is a legendary treasure, and now it is actually held in her hand. This feeling made her difficult to accept for a moment and couldn't help but be excited.

"Is this really an elixir?" She asked again.

Ren Tianchen nodded with certainty.

Nina stared at the pill in her hand incredulously, and she felt her heart beating significantly faster.

"It turns out that the elixir looks like this." Then she asked, "Is this for me?"

Ren Tianchen nodded, then held her tightly in his arms and said, "Now I am in the realm of demigod, with a life span of thousands of years, and you are not a practicer, only a few decades. I really can't do it if I want to watch you grow old and die in the end. I have lost Ruoxue and Mina. I really can't lose you, so I want to prolong my life for you and let you go to the end of life with me. Even if I become the immortal god of war in the future, I will do everything I can to make you have an immortal life.

What Ren Tianchen said was very emotional. Thinking of Ruoxue and Timona, he couldn't help but blush and had lost two beloved people. That kind of pain was enough, and he didn't want to try again.

Nina cried to tears. At this moment, she understood that Ren Tianchen loved her more than she thought, and having this love was the happiest thing in her life.

"Thank you, husband! I will always love you!" She whispered in his ear.

"Me too." Ren Tianchendao.

Then Ren Tianchen let Nina take the elixir of life, and he guarded it.

The elixir is an anti-God medicine, but the power of the medicine is very meek. Nina didn't feel anything strange after taking it, but her whole body bloomed like the sun, and she seemed to have become a goddess.

After a while, her face became painful.

"Husband! I feel as if my body is burning, and my whole body hurts.

"Hold on, that's the manifestation of the medicinal attack of the elixir. Your body is being transformed. As long as you persist through this." Ren Tianchen comforted him.

After hearing this, Nina nodded obediently, clenched her teeth, and endured the pain of transformation very strongly.

It's just that she didn't know that countless people were burned alive by the violent drug power when they tried the medicine. Because this immortal medicine was the final product, the drug power was very docile and reduced the damage to a minimum.

Ren Tianchen did not take action. Only when Nina overcome this level can she exert the maximum medicinal effect of the immortality medicine. If she intervenes without authorization, it will lead to the loss of medicine power, which is not worth the loss.

After more than an hour, the light on Nina's body became restrained and everything returned to normal.

She fell directly into Ren Tianchen's arms and was soaked. It's all sweat.

"Wife! It worked! You are awesome!" Ren Tianchen kissed her, saying

Nina's face is very pale. After all, the process of transforming her physique is very painful and consumes a lot of physical strength and energy. It is very difficult for her to survive.

She could only squeeze out a reluctant smile and then fell asleep.