Blood God Laugh

Chapter 9 Dirty Cross-Group Competition Begins

Chapter 9 Dirty Wealth - The Start of the Team Competition

Seeing the dozen gold and silver coins in the marijuana bags, Fengyang couldn't stand the drooling, golden, silver flashing, and drooling dripping. The happiest moment in life is no more than this!

Seeing Feng Yang coming, several people were so excited, "Brother Yang, there are about 100,000 gold coins here. There would have been more, but it's a pity that some bankers run too fast. Alas, we have limited manpower and can only catch up with so much!"

Fur picked from a pile of gems and kept muttering, "This one is for Sister Diao Chan, this one is for Sister Xi Shi, this one is for Sister Wang Zhaojun, and the biggest one is for the widow of Yang Guifei...!"

The four people in Forr's mouth are the four beautiful women in the legend of Rida!

"There are still a few poor guys who even took off their weapons and vests for us. Haha, Brother Yang, how to share so much money!"

Xiaowanzi asked while stuffing gold coins into his arms. He was really afraid that Feng Yangquan would take them away. First, he pretended to be full of gold and silver and then said, "You won't really take 50% of the car to take it to Dayan Wuyuan, will you?"

"Mountain people have their own tricks!" Fengyang sold a barrier.

I carried a bag of gold coins in my hand. Such a bag has 7,000 to 8,000 gold coins, about 500 catties. Using my energy, a bag of gold coins became empty.

It shocked that Xiaowanzi Fuer and others shouted like ghosts, "Where's the money, where's the money? Where have you been? Watch the other money. Don't let anyone steal it again. Get out of here!"

Feng Yang is speechless. The knowledge of such a guy is really not good, so he has to explain it to them now.

Of course, Feng Yang will not change the money from that hemp bag. In that case, he will be exhausted again.

Fengyang was not polite. After containing a bag of gold coins, he then put a bag of rings into space, which made his best friends drool.

After the two bags, Fengyang actually felt that he still had enough strength, and it seemed that his energy had increased a lot. So I tried to put the third bag in, and then there was a burst of dizziness, and my friends held it and didn't fall down.

After a while, he regained a little spirit, took out Longyan wheat wine from the space ring and poured a big sip, and then threw the wine to Xiaowanzi and others.

Although he was a little dizzy, Feng Yang was still very excited. I thought that when he recovered, he could try to put the bloody black knife into the space ring.

And Fengyang's spiritual power is huge. Even those strong people who specialize in practicing spiritual power will be extremely surprised and shout that heaven and earth are unfair.

However, with the future use of Fengyang, he will gradually become proficient. After all, he has just learned to use it, which shows how powerful Fengyang's spiritual power is!

If Feng Yang changes his spiritual strength, he can also become extremely powerful, but he can't chew too much, and it's good to learn the same.

Feng Yang rested for a while and got dirty with everyone. He really took nearly 50,000 yuan, and Xiaowanzi and others took 10,000 yuan each.

In the tribe, few families will have 10,000 gold coins. The tribe's money is generally concentrated in the hands of the chief, who is equivalent to the head of a big family!

Everyone leaves a little bit of their monthly wages and hand in everything else, and then the chief manages everyone's livelihood and protects everyone's safety.

So these more than 100,000 gold coins also made the Style Rida tribe an extra group of rich!

Feng Yang took the treasure knife as a flat pole, hung two marijuana bags at one end, and added three sacks in the space ring, a total of nearly 50,000 gold coins, and picked up a big knife. He didn't care about the surprised expressions of others along the way, and rushed back home in a hurry.

As soon as he entered the house, Yang shouted, "Filial piety is coming, new clothes are coming, and wedding clothes are coming!" It felt like he came to propose marriage.

No matter how surprised the old man was to follow Feng Ling, he directly left two sacks of gold coins and picked up two sacks to go back to the room to close the door to sleep and refresh himself.

Two hours later, Feng Yang has woken up and is full of energy again. He took out the pamphlet to learn the use of spiritual power. He needs to be proficient in the use of spiritual energy as soon as possible.

The use of the space ring makes him feel very convenient, and it is also very necessary, especially for him with blood feud. There are too many things to prepare!


The next day, Fengyang woke up early, moved his muscles and bones and was ready to go to the field.

Although Long Tiandu told him not to play today, both Fuer and Mo Fei are going. If they are seriously injured or something on the field, he will not forgive themselves!

So you have to say anything, as long as you don't act too fiercely!

Using his spiritual power, Feng Yang took the bloody black knife from the space ring and set off with his back on his back.

Yesterday, Fengyang could already put the big knife into the space ring. With the practice of mental strength, Fengyang's use of the space ring was also much more skillful and easier.

And the golden scales were also taken out and asked Feng Linger to help him make his dream golden armor scales, but the monster's skin still needs to be processed, which can't be made in a day or two.

It doesn't take much mental energy to take something out of the ring, just control it, just like you lift something and throw it down.

Just be careful when you lose it. Don't hit yourself. You don't need much effort to leave things directly. Of course, if you want to throw it far away, it's another thing!

The space ring cannot hold living things, because as long as it is a living object, it has spiritual power. When you try to put the fresh target into the space ring, the spiritual power of the fresh target will instinctively resist and fail!

Even if a living ant can't be put in, you must kill the target first and wait for the target's spiritual power to completely dissipate.

Even the spiritual weapon in the weapon, because psychic, that is, has the instrument spirit, is equivalent to having spiritual power, and cannot be included in the space ring!

Of course, plants generally have no spiritual power, so flowers and trees can be put into space rings.

"Feng Yang, are you really all right?" Long Tiandu asked in surprise, and he couldn't help admiring the immortal Xiaoqiang of Qifeng Yang!

Feng Yang said a little pleadingly, "Brother Tiandu, don't worry, I was smashed a few times yesterday and vomited two mouthfuls of blood. Everything will be fine after sleeping. I can play!"

"Well, since you're fine, our chances are a little bigger. There is still one hour to start. The team competition is very dangerous. Everyone must listen to the command!"

Then, Long Tiandu explained the strength of each team and his own arrangements:

"First of all, 30 people from each tribe participated in the competition, including Pingmoyuan, Sirida, Shanshen North, Shanshennan, and two teams of various small tribes, one group and two groups, plus a total of seven teams.

Although the average strength of the first group and the second group is stronger than ours, the cooperation of such a temporary group is not strong, and it is difficult to work together. Their goals should be white flags, so the threat is not very big.

Ping Moyuan's people are very good at riding, and their speed and assault power will be very strong, and they should also be careful of their bows and arrows, and Merbais will not be as conservative as last year this time. He will definitely try his best to compete for the red flag!

Because he may take over as the chief of the Pingmoyuan tribe next year, this team competition is very important for his prestige and smooth takeover!

Sirida has a magician every year. This year, Princess Vernina is an ice magician, but such a powerful group magic as the Wrath of the Ice God should not be used again, but she should be careful to freeze her face and let the horses slip!

Another thing to pay attention to is Orion. He is a wind demon warrior. He is extremely fast. If he grabs the red flag, he will definitely ride alone and break through the siege. Pay attention to interception!

Although the internal relations between the north and south of Shanshen are hostile, they are consistent with the outside world, so they will deliberately avoid conflicts in the annual team competition, and even have the momentum to work together. They must not fight hard with them, nor let them easily grab the red flag!

Our goal this year is mainly the white flag, because we have won a championship in the individual competition. Of course, it is better to grab the red flag, but we don't have to work too hard.

If they can't grab the red flag at the first time, they will immediately fight for the white flag, but the team that grabs the red flag can't let them escape smoothly, otherwise their attention will shift to the white flag.

Next, I will arrange the deployment. I follow Yang and lead 18 people. The main task is to seize the flag and intercept the pursuers.

Mo Fei, you take four people. The main task is to break through and escort the flag. Feng Yang and I grab the flag and give it to Mo Fei, and then help Mo Fei stop the pursuers behind them.

Gao Shanli, you take 4 people around the central flag platform and meet Mo Fei on the way.

It's simple to say, but the battlefield is ever-changing. The teams of various tribes may suddenly become allies and all enemies all of a sudden, so be careful and adapt to changes.

Now let's prepare. These are all body protection vests made of prefecture-level monster skin, which have a strong defensive effect. Even if you have it, you have to wear this again. I hope everyone can come back alive!

In addition, each person takes a bow, and the weapons that need to be changed will also be changed. The weapons here are all silver-grade boutiques, and then go to choose horses and gather after half an hour.

Fengyang and everyone came to the horse farm. There are thousands of high-class war horses in this horse farm, and people from various tribes are also choosing horses.

Vernina was also trying her horse not far away. Feng Yang suddenly saw her. She was shocked, buried her head in low, and immediately got into the horse farm and whispered, "Grandma, that old girl is not a tiger. What am I afraid of her doing!"

In my heart, but the man not only did not come out, but also went deep into the racecourse and prayed for the aunt to leave quickly.

Feng Yang also began to choose horses. The horses in this horse farm have the best style. All horses are very strong and can generally bear nearly 1,000 pounds without affecting the speed.

Feng Yang chose a war horse and turned over. Unexpectedly, the ** war horse was suddenly so heavy that he sat directly on the ground.

Feng Yang Eran immediately understood that the 1,200 catties of treasure knife in his hand, plus his own weight of nearly 300 catties, the 1,500 catties just sat up and went up. It was strange that the horse was not crushed by him.

I had no choice but to put the knife into the space ring and choose a good horse to look out, thinking that the aunt should have left.

Feng Yang led the horse out of the horse farm and saw that there was no Vernina around him. Like a big stone hanging in his heart fell to the ground, he sighed.

"Hey, fool! Aren't you hurt? Why do you choose a horse here?"

Verina was walking out of the racecourse. The horse she had just tried was not very satisfied, so she went in and chose a new one. As soon as she came out, she happened to see Feng Yang. It was really 'not that the enemy is wrong'!

Feng Yang's body was shocked, looked back at Vernina, and pretended to ask inexplicably, "Are you calling me?"

Vernina felt that she was ignored by Feng Yang again and was unhappy. "It's not who I'm calling you. Who here will admit that she is a fool!"

Then her water-blue eyes flashed and she was a little excited and said, "Is it difficult for you to participate in the team competition? Wow, that's great! I must kill you, a shameless person in the team competition!"

Feng Yang has a pimple in his heart. It seems that he has saved her twice. Why did he kill himself?

Before Feng Yang replied, Verina asked with a little concern, "Is your injury really all right? I don't want to take advantage of the power of others. I must defeat you openly, and then kill you. Well..."

Vernina stopped herself and almost said that she had been hugged and then lost again.

"Injury? It's not good. I'm seriously injured! Cough! Cough!" Feng Yang deliberately coughed twice, "Brother Tiandu said that I was scary and asked me to go on the stage to scare people!"

"Well, see you on the field. Even if you are injured, I have to collect some interest first." After saying that, Vernina took people to the field.

"Powerful, take care of yourself!" Mo Fei patted Feng Yang on the shoulder and sighed, "Women are all tigers!"



On the field, the tribes have gathered, and seven teams are lining up on the starting line to prepare.

Feng Yang also put on a big knife in his hand. Although it is a silver-level treasure knife, it is too light to weigh only 300 catties, but there is nothing he can do. Who can't let the horse eat the weight of the bloody black knife!

300 jin is the greatest tolerance for many martial artists with weak physical strength, and only a pervert like Feng Yang can take thousands of pounds of weapons seriously!

And these silver-level weapons are usually not seen. Only in a competition like this will the tribe take them out for everyone and return them when they are used up.

"Prepare for each tribe!"

The chief held a big bow, put on a bone arrow tied with red strips of cloth, pulled it to the full string, and shot into the sky!

As soon as the arrow landed, the teams ran wildly.

500 meters away, if the horsepower is at full speed, it only takes a dozen breaths to arrive, but each team will maintain a certain formation and move forward at a uniform speed.

Suddenly, in the Pingmoyuan team, a comprehensive war horse flashed with a faint blue light, separated from the team at a very fast speed, and one by one rode to the flag platform!

This move immediately caused chaos among the teams, and they all rushed forward at a faster speed, and the formation was obviously disrupted!

The person who ran away can imagine that it was the wind wolf who injected his magic into the horse and made the speed of the horse explode!

"Don't panic!" Long Tiandu shouted, "Keep the formation and act as planned."

Long Tiandu saw that this was obviously Mei Baiyang's plan, which made the wind wolf rush up first, causing other teams to panic and formation chaos, while his team maintained a neat formation and advanced at a uniform speed!

This is not a simple horse race. Without the support of the team, it is only 500 meters away. No matter how fast a person is, it is impossible for a person to grab the flag from the 15-meter-high flag platform and escape safely!

The wind wolf was far ahead, regardless of the scattered arrows shot at him behind him. He clung to the horse's back and was about to run under the flag.

On the other side, there is also a horseman chasing quickly. It is Orion of Sirida. The horse's hoof is also shining with blue light. It should be a wind magic to increase the horse's hoof.

When he arrived at the flag platform, the wind wolf jumped up and jumped seven or eight meters high from the horse. He grabbed the wooden pillar on the flag platform, quickly climbed to the top of the platform, and then took three two-meter-long flags, one red and two white into his arms!

At this time, all the tribes were under the flag, and Orion also flew to the top of the platform. To Orion's surprise, the wind wolf did not fight with him or pay attention to him, but used his strength to shoot the three flags one by one like an arrow, all at the Style Rida team.

Feng Yang and Mo Fei took the flag. Everyone was stunned by the flag that fell from the sky, but Long Tiandu immediately shouted:

"Feng Yang! Shoot the red flag into a group! Mo Fei! Shoot a white flag to the second group!"

Everyone finally understood and scolded Mei Baiyang's despicability. If these three flags were in the hands of Style Rida, they would immediately besiege them unanimously by various teams, and 30 people would think of 180 people.

Just as each group was preparing to take action against Style Rida, one red flag roared towards the group, and the other white flag flew towards the group two groups, and the attention of each team immediately shifted!

Red Flag was picked up by a group of masters. He was so excited that he wanted to laugh three times. Suddenly, he found that his teammates turned their horses around and fled!

Because the north and south of the mountain god have rushed up fiercely from the front.

"My God!" The master was shocked and shot the red flag back to the style Rida team.

Looking at the red flag shot back upside down, Feng Yang's face turned black. In previous years, he had been fighting desperately. This year, he was desperate to lose it.

After catching the red flag, Feng Yang shot again and actually inserted the red flag back on the flag platform, making the wind wolf and Orion who had just come down from the flag platform and found the horse stunned.

No one expected such a development of the war.


"Wow, are they playing color ball? Throw it around!"

"I think they are losing handkerchiefs. Don't you think the red flag looks like a red handkerchief?"

"You all guessed wrong. I think they are throwing bombs. The dwarfs have a kind of magic material called bombs. When they explode, they can burst out powerful power and blow up people at close range to pieces and blood. That's terrible!"
