Blood God Laugh

Chapter 37 Fight the Snow

Chapter 37, Snow Battle

The weather in the past two months has also begun to turn cold, and Fengyang and others have put on coats!

After the last dinner in Dewulou, Dayancheng posted a notice that the eldest princess of the Holy Demon Empire will marry Yan Wude, the eldest prince of the Dayan Empire, four months later, that is, next year!

The marriage of the two countries confirmed the throne of the eldest prince. Emperor Dayan will announce his abdication on the day of the eldest prince's marriage. The eldest prince Yan Wude will ascend the throne as Emperor Dayan the next day after his marriage!

The wedding ceremony was held in the imperial palace city. Feng Yang and the five people received an invitation from Zhou Zhizhi, the Holy Demon Princess. This is the reason why Feng Yang and others are eager to improve their strength!

Because on the day of the wedding, Feng Yang will secretly assassinate the second prince Yan Wuxuan and the fourth prince Yan Wusheng.

On the day of marriage, that is, the day of Fengyang's revenge, there are still two months left. In the past two months, Fengyang and others should not only continue to improve and master their strength, but also consider the various situations that will occur on that day, formulate a relatively perfect assassination plan, and finally retreat!

Five people are discussing around a table. On the table, there is a distribution map of the imperial city and a structural map of the imperial city!

Feng Yang: "You see that the wedding ceremony will be held in the imperial hall of the imperial palace city. As a viewing group of the Holy Demon Empire, we can stand behind the little princess Zhou Zhazha of the Holy Demon Empire and stand on the left side of the imperial hall!

On the right are the noble and senior officials of the Dayan Empire. Several princes will stand at the front of the right. The fourth prince Yan Wusheng is born*. At this time, it will be up to Vernina, and you will attract him!

After the wedding ceremony, the imperial hall will be filled with seats inside and outside, and everyone will be seated. Shortly after the start of the ceremony, you will lead the fourth prince out of the ceremony. Don't attract the attention of others. Orion and I will secretly follow!

You brought the fourth prince here. This is the residential area of some maids of honor in the imperial palace city. Usually, there are few imperial guards patrols, and there should be no one on the wedding day!

The escort of the fourth prince will certainly not bring too much in the palace, nor will it be too strong. You can introduce the fourth prince into the room, attack or faint!

Orion and I will quickly solve the guards outside and return to the banquet after we get it. On this occasion, the fourth prince will not receive much attention if he leaves the table for a long time!

As for the second prince, there must be a snake-patterned man to protect him. Before the end of the banquet, we will pretend to be drunk, return to the rest area of the Holy Demon Empire Viewing Group, and then disguise ourselves to sneak from this road to the Southern Palace to ambush!

The strength of the snake-print man can only reach the domain level after unlocking the seal, so we must kill him before he unlocks the seal. At that time, the movement may be great!

If a large number of imperial guards arrive at these positions, whether successful or not, the girl will remind us with a dragon's voice and create chaos at the same time to cover us to evacuate immediately. The evacuation route is here and here!

If you evacuate smoothly, remove your disguise and return to the rest area. The Holy Demon Empire should not be too suspicious when it saved the second prince last time!

If you are found, you will kill the imperial city from these roads. The inner response of the Sifangyou mercenary regiment will give some help. If it is dispersed, go to the martial arts shop of the Sifangyou mercenary regiment, and the martial arts academy can't go back!"

Everyone remembered the arranged route one by one, and even the fool took a piece of paper and kept drawing a road map, so that they would not be able to distinguish the route at that time!

Fengyang and others' plan is good, but will it really develop as they think?


At the same time, in the Southern Emperor's Hall, the second prince asked impatiently, "Master, how long will it take for the Blood Demon Guard to be trained? The old man will ascend the throne after marriage!"

Snake-striped man: "Don't worry, the second prince, the blood magic guard will definitely be trained within two months! Moreover, except for the North Marshal of the Northwest Military District, which is too strong to do it, I am ready for the other three major military areas and can be controlled in a short time. It will be foolproof!"

The second prince must be in his heart, "Okay, that prince will give him a big gift on the eldest's wedding day!" Hahahaha!"


"Feng Yang, we are going to see the snow outside the city. Come together!"

Zhang Qian pulled the corner of Mo Bai's clothes and said to Feng Yang and others at the gate of the martial arts courtyard.

There is still a month before the wedding of the eldest prince and the Holy Devil Princess. The weather is getting colder and colder, and the sky has begun to snow heavily. Today is the day of the martial arts academy holiday. A group of people stand at the gate of the martial arts academy to discuss where to go!

"Okay, Feng Yang, let's go and have a look together. The snow in this city has been trampled on before it has accumulated. I also want to go outside the city to see the snow!" Vernina looked at Feng Yang and said.

"Okay, you can go anywhere you like!" Feng Yang replied.

Originally, I was going to go to the Sifang mercenary Regiment to inquire about some new news, but since Vernina wants to see the snow, Fengyang is still willing to accompany her!

"Well, thank you!" Vernina replied with a red face.

Fengyang's words, which seemed to be a little warm, made Vernina's face burn red in this winter!

Fengyang looked at the shy Vernina and couldn't help touching her cheek with his hand, sweeping away some snow for her.

"Well, you two don't continue to be sentimental. I'm going to vomit!"

Chen Aier interrupted the two and followed them like a bodyguard for love. Since the last time they saved Chen Aier under the mouth of the Flame Wolf King, the relationship between the two began to become delicate, and they are no longer sad all day long for love!

Zhou Zhizhi is not here today. Zhou Zhazha is holding Orion's arm tightly. Orion also has a certain immunity to this cheeky nymphomaniac girl!

A group of ten people crossed the eastern part of the outer city and came out of Dayan City. Four girls added a little girl and rushed forward excitedly while shouting at the snowflakes in the sky!

The one who danced crazily and shouted the loudest was Zhou Zhazha. The little girl was unconvinced and screamed harder!

The soldiers guarding the city tower directly threw a few small snowballs to warn them. Zhou Zhazha made a small ghost face and spit out his tongue at the soldiers on the tower, then grabbed a large handful of snow and rubbed it into a small snowball.

Feng Yang and others thought that Zhou Zhazha was crazy and wanted to fight a snow battle with the soldiers guarding the city. That joke could not be like this. They were about to stop it, but a snowball hit the defenseless Oreon, and then there was a snowball war between men and women!

Five men were evenly matched against five women. Snowball hit Mo Bai's devil doll's face, and then hit Feng Yang's head, followed by: women's run, men's chase, catch up and kiss on the snow!

Fighting snow, making snowmen, sprinkling snowflakes, rolling in the snow, the last group of ten people lay in line on the snow, looking at the sky with snowflakes and shouting, "It's snowing! It's snowing! ......”

Feng Yang suddenly felt that this was the happiest and most relaxing day after leaving the Style Rida tribe. Vernina suddenly rolled over and kissed Feng Yang in the face!

Then everyone followed suit, and Zhou Zhazha jumped directly on Orion, which was a big kiss, which almost scared Orion to tears!

It seems that it was Orion's first kiss, just like the original Fengyang, which was taken away by the self-indecent manners!

Chen Aier also rolled to the side for love and gave a savor for love, melting the snowflakes that fell on her face for the happiness of love!

Seeing that Zhang Qian was indifferent, Mo Bai rolled to Zhang Qian and whispered, "Second sister, just kiss me, or let me kiss you!"

Zhang Qian held a handful of snow in her hand, patted Mo Bai on the face and shouted, "Get out!!!"

Mo Bai replied, "Second sister, I just rolled over!"

Zhang Qian turned around and bit the devil doll's ear. Mo Bai shouted, "Ah!!! Cool!!!"

The little girl rolled to Silly and said, "Look, we are not kissing each other. Why don't I kiss you? I'll be very gentle!"

After saying that, the little girl piled up a lot of snow on the stupid face, and then kissed the stupid face with her little buttocks! Everyone laughed wildly!

After playing, everyone was tired and lined up again, looking at the snowflakes in the sky!

Mo Bai suddenly said, "I'm homesick. I don't know how the people in the tribe are doing. Second sister, the annual leave of the martial arts academy will arrive in half a month. At that time, you can go back with me first and meet my eldest sister!"

"Hmm!" Zhang Qian replied.

Dayan Martial Arts Academy has an annual leave of one month every year, from the end of the year to the first half of the year!

"Will you still come to the college next year?" Feng Yang asked.

"I should not come next year. I have learned everything in the martial arts academy. I'm going back to protect the tribe and protect my elder sister!" Mo Bai said firmly.

"I won't come either!" Zhang Qian said with full of heart.

"Where are you? I'll visit you when I have time!" Feng Yang said.

"My family is between the west of the Dayan Empire and the Tiemu Kingdom, there is a small tribe called Sphinch, and the second sister is from the Tiemu Kingdom!" Mo Bai replied.

"What about loving you?"

Feng Yang asked again. If you don't ask at this time, the college may not have a chance to know after the holiday.



Everyone briefly asked about the other party's situation, and then continued to look at the snowflakes in the sky in a daze.

The little girl rolled over, pointed to a place in the wall in the distance, and whispered in Feng Yang's ear, "Brother Feng, look, that's the collapsed bear who fought against the devil doll last time!"

Feng Yang looked in the direction the girl pointed and really saw a man in a white robe lying under the wall as much as possible. If he didn't look carefully, he would think it was a pile of snow, but Feng Yang was not as good as the little girl's eyesight and could recognize who it was from so far away.

I saw the white-robed man observing the perspective of the soldiers patrolling the city tower. After seeing safety, he quickly moved down to the edge of the wall. After arriving at the wall, he suddenly got into the snow and disappeared!

Feng Yang was stunned. Oh, my God, did the collapsed bear come out of a hole under the wall of Dayan City?

Only Feng Yang and the little girl saw this scene. The rest of them either looked at the sky in a daze or fell asleep with their eyes closed.

Fengyang is so happy that he must catch the mountain bear when he goes back to the city and tell him to lead the way and find the exit in the city!

This tunnel is valuable. In the future, you can enter and leave the city secretly!

Fengyang did not dare to run to check it like this. Not to mention whether something was gambled at the other end of the tunnel and what happened at the other side of the cave? If the defenders found it, he would lose a super tunnel, so it was the wisest choice to catch the collapsed bear and lead the way!