Blood God Laugh

Chapter 6 Night Attack Style Rida

Chapter 6, Style Rida Disaster

The second day after Feng Yang passed the test, Feng Linger first returned to the tribe to report the good news, and then prepared all kinds of wedding utensils to welcome the bride with lanterns in her style!

Vernina has told her father and mother that she is willing to follow Feng Yang to live in Style Rida. Influenced by the last wedding between Yan Wude and Zhou Zhizhi, Feng Yang took out more than 100,000 gold coins to hold a special wedding ceremony and entertain all the ethnic groups in Rida style. She wants to be in the limelight!

Of course, let's forget the idea of gold coins paving roads, golden flowers, and gems building beds. Feng Yang can't afford so much money for the time being, but he dares to do this, and Vernina doesn't dare to marry like that!

First of all, Fengyang and Verina will hold a wedding in Mississippi City, walk from Golden Gate to the royal palace, and worship in the royal palace! Then, hold a banquet for the ministers and the people!

The next day, Vernina was married back to the Style Rida tribe from Mississippi City. The wedding is scheduled for ten days later, that is, February 14th. This day is the Valentine's Day of the elves, which means that the two will love each other for a lifetime and will never die!

After the wedding was confirmed, in addition to seeing the princess again after passing the test, Feng Yang fell into waiting again. He couldn't see each other until the wedding day and hated Feng Yang so much. What a shabby rule!

Ten days is not long, and it is not short. Mississippi City and the Style Rida tribe started work at the same time. After several court tailors came to measure the shape of Fengyang, even the people in the palace did not exist, and even the food had to be made by Fengyang!

The fool can't. The little girl can't reach the stove. Feng Yang can only prepare the meals of the three big eaters by himself. As a result, there is either too much rice and too little water, or the dishes without salt!

The little girl ate while crying and shouted, "I'll move to live with Sister Nina tomorrow!"

Princess Sirida's marriage style Rida is a top priority for the tribe. Even the chiefs come forward and organize the tribal people to make all kinds of preparations. Long Tiandu, the son of the chief, can't help sighing. This Fengyang's ability is too big, even the princess can cheat one back!

However, just as the city of Mississippi and the Style Rida tribe were nervously preparing for the wedding, 50,000 soldiers of the Mountain God Department and 13,000 soldiers of Ping Moyuan had assembled, and 63,000 coalition forces were about to besiege Style Rida from both sides of the northeast!

The west side of Style Rida is the sand of Dimore's death, the south side is the territory of the hill source dwarf kingdom, and the southeast side is the Nanling Mountains. If 60,000 coalition forces come, the 30,000 soldiers of Style Rida will rush to fight, and they will definitely be defeated!

After the defeat, entering the sand of Mor's death is equivalent to going to death, and the dwarf kingdom will not let them enter the source of the hills, so only the Nanling Mountains can be defeated and pass through the depths of the southeast of the mountains and enter the Sirida tribal kingdom!

However, not to mention the monsters in the Nanling Mountains, even the pursuers of the two coalition forces, it will not be so easy to let go of the Rida tribe with the old style!

Tomorrow, the disaster is tomorrow. Can Style Rida avoid this disaster?


When night came, more than 60,000 allied troops began to move forward in the dark, and the four hoofs or claws of the mount were wrapped in thick cloth. They had to attack the style of Rida in the middle of the night. At that time, more than 70,000 ethnic groups in the style of Rida were stripped up and slept in the paradise of **!

Soon, the 60,000 coalition forces had touched the periphery of Style Rida, and more than a dozen agile masters touched the watchtower and began to climb slowly!

More than a dozen Rida warriors on the watchtower are a little sleepy. On this dark night, no matter how high they stand, they can't see anything. They can only rely on their hearing to hear a lot of spring insects, 'squeaky', full of spring!

On the watchtower, a night watchman hit one, but before he finished enjoying it, a sharp blade had been inserted into his throat and could no longer make any sound. One after another night watchman was killed silently!

Another warrior on the watchtower ate fruit on the tower and threw the fruit core down casually, just falling into the mouth of a master who climbed up. The core suddenly fell into his mouth, making the master make a "quack" sound extremely disgusting!

The night watchman was shocked and looked down. Someone had climbed above half of the tower. At this time, no one came to hand over. Even if there was, he would use the signal in advance. This was the enemy attack. The night watchman quickly retreated and caught the heart of the tower!

The master of the sneak attack quickly rushed up, and the sharp blade flashed with the light of the forest in the night and stabbed the throat of the night warrior. Unfortunately, the sharp blade was still a step late. The alarm sounded. On the other watchtowers, the night warriors who had not been assassinated also sounded the alarm!

The cloth on the foot of the mount has been removed. After hearing the police, the two 60,000 coalition forces immediately rushed to various mounts, held torches, and rushed to Style Rida!

Tens of thousands of people woke up in the style, shouting for the enemy attack, chaotic and disorderly. Many soldiers did not wear clothes, hung shorts, and rushed out of the room with weapons!

The two coalition forces directly broke through the gate of the Style Rida tribe. More coalition soldiers concentrated their efforts and pushed the not-high and thick concrete wall of Style Rida directly. A large number of coalition soldiers entered the Style Rida tribe!

And Style Rida only organized thousands of soldiers to meet the enemy in twos and threes. The chief held a mad god hammer and gathered thousands of soldiers to kill them!

Fenglong gathered more soldiers in the rear to prepare. Long Tiandu has opened the tribe's arsenal, more than 400 silverware, which were taken out by more than 400 prefecture-level soldiers and quickly killed!

In a one-sided battle, the enemy's 60,000 allied troops killed into Style Rida, and the torches in their hands ignited one house after another. Thousands of soldiers in Style Rida were not concentrated in the first place, but now they have been completely scattered into several pieces and besieged by coalition soldiers!

The current situation can't organize an effective counterattack at all. The chief shouted at Long Tiandu, who had just been killed, "Let's weave the people, cross the Nanling Mountains and break through to Silida. If there is a wind Yang there, the people will be responded!"

After saying that, the chief waved a crazy hammer and a golden strong body protection. Unexpectedly, the chief was a heavenly strong man, with more than 400 land-level soldiers with silver weapons and thousands of ordinary soldiers, forcibly rushed into one encirclement after another, rescued the besieged soldiers, kept swimming around, and gathered everywhere. Gathered warriors!

Fenglong grabbed Xiaowanzi and Mo Fei, who are two of Fengyang's five best friends. "Bry to take a team of people and break through from the east, go to Xilida to inform Fengyang, and ask him to enter from the other side of the Nanling Mountains to meet the old and young people of Style Lida!"

After saying that, Fenglong led thousands of soldiers to kill to the east to cover the breakthrough of Xiaowanzi, Mo Fei and others. Under the arrangement of Long Tiandu, a large number of old and young people quickly gathered south to prepare to enter the Nanling Mountains!

In the north, the chief has gathered 10,000 soldiers to stop him, facing 13,000 soldiers led by Mei Baiyang himself, and 20,000 mountain god warriors led by several mountain god sacrifices, a huge gap of 10,000 to 30,000, so that the soldiers of Style Rida can only retreat while fighting!