Blood God Laugh

Chapter 18 Entering Rotangi City

Chapter 18, Enter the city of Rotangi

Master Clad brought 10,000 dwarf warriors from Qiuyuan City and met Feng Yang on the way. 6,000 dwarf mounts were just mountain beasts.

Mountain beast, a human-level eighth-order monster, lives like a dwarves. It likes to make holes. It is only about two meters long. The height is that the dwarves sit on it, and their feet don't hit the ground. If humans sit on it, they will drag their legs!

The whole hill source dwarf kingdom adds up to more than 300,000 people. As long as the dwarfs are adults, men and women are warriors, but there are only 180,000 soldiers excluding the old and young!

Stilas City, southwest of the source of the hill, King Lulaqi led 100,000 dwarf warriors to stop an army of blood demons and 350,000 geology!

Rotanki City, in the west of the source of the hill, a warrior named Bremon led 50,000 dwarf warriors to resist another blood demon and nearly 150,000 earth spirits!

Last year's domestic chaos, more than 20,000 soldiers were killed and injured, so there were only 10,000 reinforcement soldiers left in Qiuyuan City, and no one can make up 10,000!

The physical strength of the dwarves is generally more than 800 jin. In addition, the probability of the dwarves to develop strength is twice as high as that of humans, that is, nearly half of the warriors have strength. The average strength is level one or two, which is indescribably powerful, but the number is too small!

However, there are nearly 500,000 warriors. Although their individual strength is not strong and a little weaker than human beings, their real strength cannot be ignored!

The gobion is slightly taller than the dwarfs, with an average of 1.1 meters to 1.2 meters. They are very thin, the same as the dwarfs, and are also residents of the dungeons!

The dwarves are powerful and good at forging weapons. Compared with the dwarves, they complement each other and are very good at the design and production of equipment!

Many of the offensive and defensive instruments of human beings are learned from the gobrians. If it hadn't been for the relatively shortness of these two races and far less reproductive ability, the center of the continent would have been the world of these two races!

The current battle situation is very bad. Although the dwarfs are powerful, the warriors of the gobius are three times that of the dwarfs, and all kinds of attack equipment are also very powerful!

Each gobion is equipped with one or two consecutive short crossbows, and the arrows shot have a penetration power of 1,000 catties. Each crossbow is full and can shoot ten arrows in a row, which is very powerful and insidious!

Although the dwarves' full-body shield can block the arrows, but hundreds of crossbows are fired at the same time, which brings huge impact, even the heavenly strong can't stop it!

If there is a frontal battle with the goboli on the ground, the dwarves will suffer a lot. They can't beat the gobrates at all, and the giant crossbows of the gobiki clan are much smaller than human beings, but the penetration is more than 1,000 catties, that is, 4,000 catties! Of course, the giant crossbows of the dwarfs also have this power!

Therefore, the dwarfs are huddled in the city, with the protection of the city wall, which can greatly reduce the practicality and attack range of goblin equipment!

15,000 allied forces went to Rotangi City, which is the 'chicken' city in Fengyang's heart!

The warrior Bremeng's strength has reached the sixth level, but he has not realized the increase. Without domain-level strength, he can't beat the blood demons at all, and he can't beat the gobler on the flat ground, so he can only defend the city well and has asked Qiuyuan City for help many times!

But the number of 50,000 dwarf soldiers defending the city, plus 15,000 coalition forces, is not dominant at all, so how can we win this battle?

15,000 allied troops have arrived ten miles away from Rotangi City. The hills are mostly sloping, the ground is full of rock layers, and the ground vegetation is sparse. It is a dream to find a forest!

Therefore, even if there is a slope, it is not easy to hide. Just rush up like this. 150,000 gobion concentrates on several rounds of shooting can destroy half of the coalition, and can only stay far away first!

Fengyang rode a mountain eagle and circled over Rotangi City. The western half of the tomb of Rotangi City has collapsed, and a large number of gosters are still making holes with special instruments. The whole grave is full of holes, a bit like a beehive that has been pinched in half!

Many holes are still shooting at each other. The dwarfs use short bows, which are powerful in attack power, but the launch is too slow, but they can still be defended to guard the holes, but I don't know how long it will last. How many people are left for 50,000 people left!

Fengyang came back and told everyone about the situation. 6,000 mountain-travelling beasts immediately began to drill holes. All the mountain-travelling beasts in Qiuyuan City were basically brought!

The hole speed of these 6,000 mountain-piercing beasts is not blowing. In less than a day, a huge channel can be made!

In the evening, Feng Yang, Silly Er and Master Clad began to act with ten dwarves.

The battle to dodge at the mouth of Rotangi City has not stopped. The thirteen people of Fengyang slowly approached the south of Rotangi City. The tomb head city is full of caves made by gobombs. On the other side of the cave are dwarves guarded, not only the grave, but also the ground floor. It is a complete cave battle!

It was not until it really dark that there were several cavegob warriors retreated a little, but they hadn't heard the general horn of the retreat, and the gobion warrior could only continue to attack!

Thirteen people took advantage of the cover of the night and passed through the loose siege circle of the gobump warriors and picked a weak point. There were dozens of gobster warriors outside the cave. With the night, they slowly approached!

As soon as he approached, Feng Yang took people to kill him. At the end, more than a dozen little govities went to see their gobrine gods before they could react!

Feng Yang's hand is the sword rewarded in the competition. The blood knife and the dragon knife are not used to kill the little one. Feng Yang cuts down all the way, because the goblin is really too short!

Thirteen people are all heavenly strong men. There is still no problem in breaking into a small hole. Dozens of gobron warriors were solved without even shooting a few arrows!

There are still wars everywhere on the grave, and it is not surprising that the hole was counterattacked by the dwarves, so no goblin pays too much attention to here!

Master Clade talked with the dwarf warrior at the other end and took everyone to drill into the hole smoothly. Fortunately, the hole was nearly two meters high, and Fengyang and other human beings bent down to enter!

The width of the hole has reached 4 meters. Dozens of gobanas outside were still digging and widening, but now they are sleeping on the ground and can never get up!

Master Clad led the crowd and found the dwarf warrior Bremon in the center of Rotanki!

Brimon is holding nearly 10,000 dwarf warriors on a gravel slope with a height of more than 20 meters to block tens of thousands of gobvite warriors at the other end!

This is the central collapse of Rotangi City. After a large number of rocks fall, the top space forms a large gap, which is more than 30 meters wide and more than 20 meters high from the top!

If the dwarfs hadn't piled up this 20-meter-high slope in time with collapsed stones, the gobump would have come in!

Thousands of dwarves lined up and stood all over the slopes. The dwarves below kept sending stones up to pile up the gravel slope higher!

At the front, there are two rows of dwarf warriors holding shields, and the back rows of warriors will attack with arrows!

There are dozens of giant crossbows on the slope, and next to one of the largest crossbows, Bremon and more than 30 heavenly dwarfs stand together!

Feng Yang and others came up, buried themselves, stood behind Bremeng and others, and saw that the slope on the other side was paved as a slope, about 50 meters long, and the whole slope was half full of the body of the gobion!

Tens of thousands of gobron warriors, shooting crossbows while climbing, in groups of three or five people, several raised shields to shoot crossbows, and one desperately installed crossbows! They don't want to attack, but cover the ground spirit behind them to pave the ground with gravel, lay the slope as much as possible and make it longer, and provide a better terrain for the general attack behind!

As long as this gap is broken, Rotangi City will be completely trapped, because this is the central location, that is, the interior of Rotangi City. If you attack here, the goblin can kill from the inside to the eight-way channel, and combine with the outside goblin inside and outside.

Feng Yang now has a strong sense of the breath of the blood demon. As soon as he came up, he found a blood demon incarnated as a dwarf!

There are hundreds of dwarf blood demon guards behind the blood demon, and some of them may be blood demon generals, but the blood demon guards didn't see one. It should be that the govren's body is too weak, and the blood demons don't like it. What they like is only their equipment manufacturing ability!

And Bremon and more than 30 heavenly dwarfs are here to guard against the blood demons on the other side. More than 30 heavenly strong men have worked together to pull out the crossbow, even the blood demons dare not rashly!

Brimon: "Damn Clad, if you come a few days later, you can collect our bodies collectively!"

Master Clad: "Do you think I don't want to help you collect the body? If I were more than ten years younger, I would take care of your wife for you!"

Brimon: "If you go down and kill the blood demon, I will marry my mother to you!"

Master Clad: "If your mother loses 80 pounds, I will consider it! This is Fengyang, who brought 5,000 reinforcements from Style!

Brimon: "I will tell your words to my mother. I think she will be willing to lose weight! Hello, Brother Feng, are the 5,000 soldiers you brought here to die?

Feng Yang: "Warrior Bremon, I will kill the blood demon, but your mother should marry Master Clad as usual!"

Brimon: "How can it be that you have reached the domain level? This blood demon has the strength of the third level, and the body is the dwarf warrior Brich, my own brother!"

Feng Yang: "I have a weapon to suppress him. At that time, your brother's body may become a mummified corpse. You won't blame me!"

Brimon: "If you really kill the blood demon, I will marry your daughter!"

Feng Yang: "Well, in fact, I'm a pure elf, just a little mutant, like a human, and I already have a lover, so your daughter and your mother should be handed over to Master Clad!"