Blood God Laugh

Chapter 24 Red Troll

Chapter 24, Red Troll

The blood demon took more than 100 blood demon guards and wanted to break out, but more than 50 dwarfs have blocked the way of the blood demon!

The blood demon laughed wildly, "Hahahaha! Do you want to keep me? Although I lost, it's still easy to leave!"

More than 100 blood demon guards rushed up and stopped more than 50 dwarfs. The blood demon field opened, and the blood field of nearly 3 meters vibrated the surrounding air and flew up!

The dwarf strong man looked at the blood demon who wanted to escape, but he was not in a hurry at all. He didn't even shoot a giant crossbow arrow!

The blood demon was stunned. He was ready for defense, but no one attacked him by shooting arrows. Do the dwarfs know that they can't stop themselves and don't want to waste their efforts?

But it's impossible. Even if they can run away, if the dwarfs shoot thousands of arrows, they can also hurt their vitality. How can they let go of such a good opportunity?

Someone answered his question immediately. The mountain eagle rushed down fiercely and jumped at the blood demon that had just soared in the air, but it didn't have the courage to really jump down. It just wanted to do a powerful action!

Close to the blood demon, Fengyang stood up from the back of the eagle and stood with the blood knife in his hand. His upper body was bare and his muscles were agitated. His short hair on his head was blown back by the wind, and there was still a fierce look on his face. This posture, this posture greatly satisfied Fengyang's show mentality!

The sound of breaking the air came from the sky, and there was a strong sense of crisis in the heart of the blood demon! Looking up, I saw a long blood-black knife cut off his head!

The blood demon shouted, and the hammer with both hands resisted the knife. The sense of crisis made him feel that the blood domain could not stop this cut, so he used the sledgehammer, which also temporarily saved his life!

The long knife directly broke through the blood field and hit the hammer. The blood black knife immediately turned into a bloody red color, fiercely sucking the power of the blood field. Fengyang's strength automatically came out of the body, and it was no longer a pink color, but a demon red drop of blood!

As soon as the blood knife was cut on the hammer, the blood demon felt the power of his whole body and was strongly suppressed back into his body. Not to mention that, the sucking power of the blood knife broke out was horrible and shocking, and the blood demon's power was rapidly lost!

A large three-meter-square blood cell was smashed to the ground from mid-air, and the blood demon retreated more than a dozen steps on the ground, with an incredible face!

The blood demon asked, "Are you the Fengyang of Dayan City?"

Feng Yang: "Hahahaha! I knew you had a way to connect with each other. I am your nemesis! 17 years ago, from the moment my mother died, I was destined to kill you all!"

Blood demon: "Well, I'm the immortal body of the blood demon. God can't kill me. I'll see how you kill me!"

Feng Yang: "There are many things that God can't do. If God is really omnipotent, how can he make you evil, and I can just destroy you, hahahaha! God has not experienced me!"

Although Feng Yang still has hatred in his heart, he can now face it calmly. When he is no longer like Dayan City, he can't help rushing to kill the enemy, and he won't miss the opportunity at all!

The two didn't talk much. The blood demon collected the blood field and took the initiative to kill it. The hammer with both hands was 0.8 meters long, but the blood demon was only 1 meter tall, which was not pleasing to the eye!

Feng Yang's blood knife cut and intersects with the sledgehammer. The blood demon has nearly 300,000 catties of power. Even if it is suppressed for seven points, the power is still about 100,000 catties!

Feng Yang's strength is 14,000 jin, and the blood knife is already a spiritual weapon, which can double the strength of Feng Yang's cutting. Like the 2x increase rate, it becomes more than 40,000 catties of strength, plus 14,000 jin of physical strength, nearly 50,000 catties, but it still can't compete with the blood demon!

The power of the blood knife comes from blood, so before sucking enough blood, or the blood demon power of the blood demon, it also gives full play to the powerful characteristics of the blood knife!

The blood knife has just sucked a lot of blood domain power, and the knives and hammers have intersected, but Feng Yang was still shocked and retreated more than ten steps. The blood demon laughed. It turned out that Feng Yang was just like this. Take this opportunity to kill him and never suffer in the future!

Feng Yang shook his numb arm and gestured to the dwarf who surrounded the blood demon guard behind. The dwarf immediately realized that a blood demon guard who was half-dead was picked up by the dwarf sledgehammer and flew to Fengyang!

The blood knife was inserted up and the blood demon guard, and the blood demon guard immediately withered quickly and turned into a dwarf! Fengyang's strength strengthened by one point, and the second blood demon guard flew, and the blood knife was picked up again!

If it goes on like this, Feng Yang's power will immediately surpass the blood demon. The blood demon is in a hurry, and his short body is like a small bullfight, bumping into Feng Yang!

Fengyang put aside the third celebrity and fought sideways with the blood demon, 'Bang!' With the help of retreating more than ten steps, now the strength is not enough, and you still can't fight the blood demon!

Another half-dead blood demon guard flew over. The blood demon jumped up and caught the blood demon guard. He laughed. The blood mouth bit the blood demon guard's neck and sucked blood power. Not only Feng Yang can suck it, but the blood demon can also suck it!

But the blood demon was still fooled. When he sucked-bite the blood demon guard, Feng Yang had already inserted the blood demon guard on the other side. More than a dozen blood demon guards were cut off and lined up on the ground!

The blood knife sucks blood at a fast speed. A blood demon has not been sucked out yet, and the blood knife has sucked seven or eight people!

The blood demon threw the man away and was about to laugh. When he saw the situation on Feng Yang's side, he was about to cry. Feng Yang was already sitting on the ground waiting for him! More than a dozen mummified corpses around!

More than 100 blood demons on the other side are almost finished. They are cut off one by one and lined up in several rows. This is Fengyang's energy gas station. If you can't beat it, just go up and refuel!

More than 50 heavenly dwarves are not easy to provoke. Several giant crossbows are placed, and the blood demon guard is lined up in front of the giant crossbow. The blood demon dares not run up and be shot!

The blood demon was aggrieved. He besieged the other party for four months, but in the end, he was the commander of the light pole and was surrounded by tens of thousands of dwarves!

If you want to escape, there are more than a dozen flying bird monsters in the sky, and there is also a blood god who is more bloodthirsty than a blood demon, surrounding the two of them as a fight to enjoy!

The dwarfs shouted, and the style Rida warrior shouted. The little girl took out a gong from nowhere and knocked, "In the first round, Feng Yangsheng~!"

The blood demon was furious and rushed up with a hammer. Feng Yang waved the same body. Although the strength was still much worse than the blood demon, he could still catch it!

A hammer head condensed by blood was smashed out, and the blood demon thought it would bring Feng Yang a blow. Who knew that the blood knife was excited and ate the blood hammer directly!

Feng Yang laughed and cut out a blood blade. The blood demon did not have the ability to eat the blood blade, and could only smash the blade with a hammer!

The grievance in the heart of the blood demon, the blood domain can't be released, the blood demon power can't leave the body, and you can't be killed by the blood knife. What kind of fight is this? It's too unfair!

However, the unfairness is still behind. Every time Fengyang is about to stand it, the little girl will shout, 'Look at the arrow!' Shock the blood demon!

More than 50 dwarfs and heavenly strongmen worked together to pull away a few giant crossbows and integrate into them. The iron arrows turned into strong golden arrows, exuding extreme horror!

As long as the blood demon can't stop fighting once, the golden arrow will definitely shoot. At that time, if Feng Yang takes advantage of his resistance to the golden arrow and give him a knife, it will be a major damage. If he ignores the golden arrow and is shot by the golden arrow, the consequences will be similar!


More than 6,000 mountain beasts in Rotangi City are holed, and the excavated gobster warriors disarmed and surrendered one by one. As long as they don't have crossbows in their hands, a dwarf can beat more than a dozen, or even dozens of gobsters, which are pitifully weak!

More than 2,000 monsters in the style are also digging holes. Although there is a saying that they surrender without killing, the monsters can't understand the meaning of the Gobana clan's 'ji' and 'ga gang'!

Dig out a gobium. Whether it's dead or alive, they just eat it in one bite. They are hungry. They haven't eaten flesh and blood for a few days. Even the gobbiter's dirty body is directly in one bite, whining to show that it's delicious!

Master Cradd looked at Bremont and said excitedly, "I'll leave this to you. I'll go there to watch the martial arts competition!"

Bulimon grabbed Master Krade, who wanted to slip away, and said, "Are you still human? That's my brother's body! You watch here, I'm going to watch the battle!"

The poor Master Crad said with a crying voice, "Go ahead, remember to draw all the passages with pictures. I like to see the picture version!"


Fengyang has added blood oil once, and there are more than 20 mummified corpses next to the giant crossbow. More than 40 level blood demon guards ate it, and finally supported his strength to the point of equal to the blood demon!

This is the battle between the blood demon and the blood god. The blood is turbulent, and the wind and sand around it is stained with a little red. With the advantage of height and long knife, Feng Yang came to fight Pang Yulong's serially in the individual competition last year!

I saw a four- or five-meter-long blood wheel rolling towards the blood demon. The hammer with both hands was too short, and I could only harden it in the face of this series of chopping!

Feng Yang has slashed more than 50, but he is still stable, and there is no feeling of dizziness at all. Strong spiritual power, iron-like body, and explosive blood strength are enough to support Feng Yang's hundreds of cuts!

The huge blood wheel is about to press the blood demon below, and the blood demon roars. Since the blood field cannot be stretched out of the body, it will be held in the body!

The one-meter-high body of the dwarf blood demon suddenly soared, and his blood surged, reaching a height of three meters. The huge body was completely composed of blood strength. Except for the head, his limbs increased three or five times, and a fishy red troll appeared!

Isn't this a bloody replica of the devil doll Mo Bai? Feng Yang suddenly thought of Mo Bai!

The blood domain in the body greatly strengthened the defense of the fishy red troll, and the blood knife cut into the troll's chest. Although the blood magic power on the troll's body could not block it at all, the blood knife cut behind the chest could not be cut in at all!

The blood demon has become a red troll, and the defense in his body has reached 300,000 jin, but he can use the power outside the body, which is still 100,000 jin!

In such a state, if the troll can't hold on for a long time, he will explode because his body can't support it, but in this time, the troll is invincible, and he must kill Fengyang!