Blood God Laugh

Chapter 27 Blood Soup

Chapter 27, Sending Soup in Blood

There is a small basin of blood poison in front of Feng Yang. Although it is a little boring and very disgusting, the rewards are not small!

After sucking more than 100 prefecture-level blood magic guards and the self-explosion of the blood demon, the blood knife devoured the blood demon's original source feedback to Feng Yang's blood strength, removing the magical blood poison. After the blood strength stabilized, it rose from 14,000 jin each to 18,000 jin each!

But after the blood strength stabilized, Feng Yang's strength turned back to the funny pink color!

The biggest gain is the improvement of the blood knife. It turns out that through the blood knife, you can double your strength. With the addition of physical strength, all the strength is equivalent to double. Up to now, you can directly increase the strength in the body by 11 times!

That is: 18,000 jin of strength x 11 times increase rate + 18,000 jin of strength + 18,000 jin of physical strength = 234,000 jin of strength!

So, as long as the blood knife is in hand, Feng Yang is a second-order strong man! Based on the blood demon's strength in front of Feng Yang, now that the blood demon meets Feng Yang, even the sixth level of the domain level is also a dead end!

However, the strength of the blood demon is also increasing. The blood-stained man he met for the first time still needs to unlock the seal to reach the first-level strength of the domain level!

In the battle of Dayan City, the blood demons exceeded the second-order strength of the domain level, and in this battle of Rotangi City, the blood demon basically had the third-order strength of the domain level!

What exactly is the continuous improvement of the power of the blood demon?

Blood is certain, but the blood demon does not seem to suck a lot of blood, but only uses blood to train the blood demon guard and blood pon, and the strength of thousands of blood demons is jointly improved, which is not much different!

And in addition to the blood magic power, ordinary strength cannot be directly absorbed. Even Feng Yang's blood knife can only absorb blood magic power. People who are not blood demons can only absorb blood!

Why can they become stronger and become stronger collectively? What is the connection between them? A thousand blood demons are one. Why do they separate? They have such a strong strength to separate, so what about their combination?

Feng Yang can't help thinking that since he wants to destroy all the blood demons, he must understand them. One of the blood demons has died, and the remaining 999 will definitely have a sense. The myth that no one can really kill them has been broken. The remaining blood demons will be very careful in the future!


The city of Stilas is about to arrive. Here is the first warrior of the dwarves, King Lulaqi, led by 100,000 dwarf warriors, resisting the army of 350,000 gobler led by a blood demon!

Lulaqi is not a domain-level strongman, but only the seventh-level strength. The reason why he can defeat the blood demon is that he has been recognized by the dwarf artifact and the hammer of the God of War!

The hammer of the God of War, the spiritual weapon, and the dwarf clan are called artifacts. They can increase the strength by 30 times, but not to the body, but after passing through the hammer of the God of War, they can exert 30 times the strength, similar to the little girl's dragon knife!

In terms of power increase, the hammer of God of War is more powerful than the dragon knife and blood knife, but other functions are far less than the dragon knife and blood knife!

The dragon knife has the effect of controlling, summoning and suppressing monsters and monsters. It can also cut out 10 times the strength of the dragon knife, and has a certain defense-breaking effect!

The blood knife has the ability to eat the spirit of sucking blood, and can also greatly suppress the blood demon. The blood demon power of directly sucking the blood demon has been used. The upgraded blood knife now has a growth rate of 11 times!

So, the three spiritual weapons that appear now are very powerful, but they have their own uses!

Styras City cannot be accessed by digging tunnels, because Styras City, built on an underground magma river, more than 100 miles south of Styras City, is the famous Styras Volcano!

Styra's volcano is an active volcano that erupts every hundreds of years. It has been more than 300 years since the last volcanic eruption!

The dwarves are looking forward to his eruption again, because after each eruption, many rare metals will appear in the magma. After the magma solidifies, the dwarves will use special methods to identify the rare metals contained in the grout, and then pick them up and refine them out!

The magma river under Stilas is not only the best weapon forging place for the Dwarves, but also the largest treasure storage place for the Dwarves!

The goldware created by the dwarfs for tens of thousands of years will be stored in the city of Stilas, because the underground magma river is the best place to cultivate artifacts!

All gold objects will be placed near or far from the river of magma, and some are even directly inserted into the bottom of the rock. The Hammer of the God of War is the ancestor of the Dwar clan, refined on the Stilas volcano!

The artifacts of the dwarf clan, not only the hammer of the God of War, but also several artifacts are in the rock river, but only those recognized by the artifact can bring them out of the rock river!

Feng Yang heard that there were several artifacts, and his heart was happy. 'My, mine, it's all mine!'

Master Clade looked at Feng Yang, who turned into a drooling man, and said, "Don't pay attention. The blood demon tried before his identity was exposed, and as a result, he was almost hit into the rock river by the hammer of the God of War!"

"That's the case. Only then did we know that he was the blood demon. Finally, the hammer of the God of War automatically recognized Lulaqi. Lulaqi used the hammer of the God of War to drive the blood demon out of the source of the hill!"

Feng Yang: "So powerful? Will it automatically hit people and recognize the blood demon? Then I'll run there, and not all the artifacts will come out to hit me!"

Master Clad: "It is possible, but the artifact is not only to recognize a person's attributes, but also to recognize a person's inner good and evil, and the strength of strength, and recognize the master in this way!"

"If you can kill the blood demon of Stilas and defeat the gobler army, we will give you a chance. Hey hey, don't think it's so easy. In the past thousand years, only Lulaqi has been recognized, and every time it is recognized, it is when the dwarves are in trouble!"

Feng Yang: "Really? But if I don't get the approval of the artifact, can I change the gold weapon?

Master Clad: "You can use the opportunity recognized by the artifact to change the gold weapon directly, but if you try it, you can't change the gold weapon, haha! It's fun. It's decided. Do you want to get a gold weapon directly or a relatively ethereal artifact? Think about it yourself! Haha!"

Feng Yang hooked around with his fingers, and his face was wrinkled. Gold weapons and artifacts are equivalent to gambling! Yes, this is a big bet, using a real gold weapon to bet on an ethereal artifact!

The little girl came back, jumped down from the bird, and sat on the black-horned Xuanniu with Feng Yang. The black-horned Xuanniu 'wooed' twice to please the little girl!

Fengyang despises the 40 monsters invited by the little girl. In addition to the mountain eagle, the other 39 are unreasonable to everyone and serve like an uncle!

Obviously, it was Longyan milk produced by herself. Why did they only please the little girl? It must be that the little girl lied and told them that Longyan milk was produced by her. Feng Yang thought with a black face, 'I want to deduct their salary!'

Little girl: "Styras City is still fighting, and the blood demon is really useless. It has been fighting for four months and is still surrounded, and he can't get in!"

Master Clad said angrily, "Bah! That's the strength of our dwarfs. Do you still want them to enter the city of Stilas?

Little girl: "If we get in, our appearance will be more meaningful. Do you understand? I learned it in Dayan Martial Arts Academy!"

Vernina: "Well, it's a gift of charcoal in the snow, not soup in blood!"

Feng Yang: "Ha ha, ha, ha ha ha! What a blood soup, classic, I like it! Since Stilas City doesn't need us to send help in the snow, let's send soup to the blood demon!"

This time, there are 40,000 dwarf soldiers and 5,000 style Rida warriors, a total of 45,000. They have arrived ten miles away from the city of Stilas, but they can't hide it, because the gomies have found them!

The death of the blood demon in Rotangi City has made the remaining 999 blood demons a lot more vigilant. A lot of elite scouts have been sent out within ten miles of Stilas City!

In the distance, a team of gobler scouts of more than a dozen people sat on a kind of four-wheeled car, but did not need horses to pull it. There was an iron ring at the front of the four-wheeled car, and a gobler held the ring to control the direction!

There are three warped poles behind the four-wheeled car, and there is a bulging point under the middle of the pole. One head is a gobster. Six gobumps are pressed down and lifted up like this, and the four-wheeled car runs faster than Jianma!

Fengyang's mouth is flowing. This gobump is indeed a genius creation. There are all kinds of things. I didn't find one in Rotangi City. Maybe it consumes too much preparation. It's all been dismantled to make something else. Don't matter. Let's grab it!

The mountain eagle flew, and the wind Yang jumped up and chased the four-wheeled car directly. No matter how fast it ran, it was not as fast as it flew. After a while, it caught up with dozens of crossbow arrows and hit the mountain eagle like tickling!

Fengyang jumped on the four-wheeled car and ignored the crossbows shot on his body. If there were hundreds of gobumps, these ten people had no impact. He grabbed a gobump's head in one hand, and then two of them touched it and fainted!

In addition to driving, he was knocked unconscious by Feng Yang. The four-wheeled car lost power and stopped. The driving gobiki was still holding the direction and turning around!

Looking at Feng Yang approaching, the driving gosling shouted, "You, don't come over, I'm also dizzy!"

Then the gobump hit the four-wheeler and fainted, making Feng Yang admire the gobump's self-harm courage!

I heard that if the gobler makes any big mistake, he will be given the crime of cutting his stomach by the gobler king, that is, he will cut his stomach and then strangle himself with his intestines. It is indeed a self-harm family!