Blood God Laugh

Chapter 29 Black Dragon Borrowing

Chapter 29, Black Dragon borrows the way (please comment, you can point out anything is not good, never talk back, be taught with an open mind)

Lulachi took Feng Yang and others to stroll around Stilas City and has been introducing the history and city defense role of Stilas City, which is full of pride in his words and deeds!

Styras Volcano is the holy place of the dwarves. The hill source dwarves are the most orthodox dwarves. Even other dwarves on the continent come here every hundred years to make a pilgrimage to Styrus Volcano!

The whole day passed in Lulachi's proud introduction. The blood demon and the gobler king did not move at all. The strange phenomenon made everyone feel a little uneasy!

Feng Yang: "Hahahaha! They must be afraid of me~!"

Master Clad: "I'm afraid of you. You think you're really a god. At most a blood demon is afraid of you. Do you think 350,000 gobrine troops will be afraid of you~?"

Olion: "It is reasonable that they should not put us directly, with the advantage of the gobius on the ground. Even if we have the response of Stilas, we have to pay some casualties to enter the city. They should have other plans to drag us all into the city!"

Long Tiandu: "I also think so. The 350,000 troops of the Gobrons surrounded the city of Stilas for four months, and only launched three or five attacks!"

"Previously, it could be thought that they were waiting for the 150,000 gobrons on the other side to capture the city of Rotangi first, and then join forces to attack the city of Stilas!"

"But now, they still haven't moved or withdraw their troops. They must be waiting for something to happen, or someone to respond? Another blood demon? Reinforcements?"

Long Tiandu, a talented student who has studied in Dayan Martial Arts Academy for nearly four years, analyzed so quickly that the blood demon and the gondrite king may be waiting for some kind of conspiracy, but what is it?

Everyone agreed with Long Tiandu's conjecture and asked Feng Yang to sense all the dwarves to see if there was any hidden blood demon generals! The result is no, that is another blood demon?

People began to study the aliens around the source of the hill!

To the north is Style Rida, to the east is the Nanling Mountains, and to the west is the geoparticle territory. After the Styras volcano in the south, there is no too powerful alien race. What is it? Is it an alien from the expedition~? Which clan will it be~?

Feng Yang: "If you can't think of it, don't think about it. No matter who he is, kill him~!"

Lulachi clapped his hands and said, "Okay, whoever he is, kill them all~!"

Lulaqi and Feng Yang are very eye to eye. He likes Feng Yang's heroism and blood. This is the character that a warrior should have, and this is the pride that a man should have!

Is Feng Yang really such a passionate warrior?

Master Clad's heart is dripping blood, Lulaqi and Lulaqi, although the dwarves are not the smartest, you are definitely the stupidest in the continent of thousands of dynasties, the most stupid of hundreds of creatures!!!

Wow, why does the Hammer of God of War recognize such a fool? I'm much better than him. Why not me? Is it difficult for me to be too smart? Gaga, it must be like this!!!

Early the next morning, the goblin clan launched a sting attack as usual, just shouting but not fighting, chattering and quacking!

Thousands of chariots move forward like a snail crawling, but to Feng Yang's surprise, most of the goblin's chariots do not need human push, and they will drive by themselves. It should be the same structure as a four-wheeler, pressed internally with human pressure!

Unfortunately, this chariot is too small, three meters high. After removing the thickness of the interior of the chariot, human beings can't stand up in it!

But it doesn't matter, hey, the captives, big captives, caught Style Rida to do hard work, Gaga, 80,000 Gobion prisoners in Qiuyuan City, all of them caught Style Rida, large chariot, large crossbow, large crossbow, large four-wheeled car, all big size!

There is also a huge crossbow on each chariot. There is a mouth more than two meters wide in the back of the chariot, and six or seven gorons stand up to pull the crossbow together!

This is the real chariot of the goblin clan. Those seen in Rotangi City are simply garbage. This chariot is too powerful and modified into a large size. Haha, drive horizontally and vertically. Let's see who doesn't like him a huge crossbow!

At the speed of the chariot, it can't enter the attack range until noon. Fengyang is speechless. Is the govren army so swinding every day? The answer I got turned out to be yes!

"Attack, automatic attack!" Feng Yang suggested that this time, even Lulaqi didn't support him. He joked that the 350,000 gobler's explosives haven't been used much. If you run out like this, they have chariot defense. If you give you a few rockets, you will know it's wrong!

Fengyang is bored. He can't beat the govish when he goes out. The govren just pretends and doesn't attack at all. It's really rare to fight like this. Your reinforcements come quickly. Don't ink. Uncle doesn't have time to spend time with you here!


In the depths of the Nanling Mountains, the usual beast roared and fluctuated, replacing it with the silence of today's killing! The warm March day spreads widely in this mountain range, making people feel cold and powerful!

What is the pressure that can make the heavenly monsters tremble? Is it a forbidden spell? No, it is the blood suppression that scares monsters more than the forbidden spell!

A ten-foot-long earthy-yellow dragon suspended in the mid-air of the mountains, spreading waves of dragon power in all directions!

The dragon head is raised high, and the dragon eye is bigger than ordinary lanterns, staring fiercely at the front, as if facing a big enemy! What makes the dragons treat it so cautiously!

A dragon of more than ten feet is suspended in front of it, and the dark and bright dragon scales make people feel cold!

The center of the confrontation between the two dragons exudes bursts of fierce and chaotic fluctuations, and the air is full of shocking dragon killing!

The earthy dragon opened its mouth, and the dragon sound was like a roar of thunder, majestic and awesome!

"Black Wind Maiqi! Why did you bring people into my territory!"

The black dragon replied, "Haha~, Shi Tiandal! I'm just borrowing the way. Are you really so stingy?

Shi Tiandal, "Black Wind Maiqi, are you provoking my dignity? What on earth are you paying attention to? Why are you with the aliens!"

Heifeng Maiqi, "Don't worry, Shi Tiandal, I won't do anything to you. Anyway, we are all of the same race. How can I hurt you!"

Shi Tiandal, "Then why do you borrow the way from me? Give me a reason, and I'll let you go!"

Black Wind Maiqi, "Shi Tiandahl, I really don't need any reason to go there. Can you still block my 50,000 army? Don't be boring!"

Shi Tiandal said, "Okay, I will break through the boundary level in the future. I will definitely pull out your dragon tendons and pull out your dragon scales to make a body protection artifact after transformation, hahahaha! Go ahead!"

Black Wind Maiqi, "Do you think you are really the blood of the Dragon Emperor? Return to the world level, be careful to break through the dragon elixir, lose all the dragon power, and be a demon snake! Hahahaha! Let's go!"

Shi Tiandal watched the black wind Maiqi leave with 50,000 aliens. Dignity, yes, the insult of dignity must be taken back!

Black Wind Maiqi, you took a brigade of aliens through the Nanling Mountains, where is the territory of the dwarves, but what on earth do you want to do?

Is it an artifact of the dwarfs? But can these 50,000 people defeat the dwarfs?


Fool two: "Big boss, boss! The gobin has entered the attack range!"

Feng Yang had fallen asleep on the observation platform in Stilas City and asked for a fool before going to bed. As soon as he saw the govish entering the attack range, he woke him up!

rubbing his eyes, Feng Yang threw away the boredom before going to bed, his energy was great, and rushed down the observation platform. He had to personally control the giant crossbow and have a rocket addiction!

The rocket is best launched within 500 meters, because if it is too far away, the explosives on the arrow will explode in advance, or the fuse will be extinguished due to the wind!

As long as the rocket hits the object, the fuse can also explode when it is extinguished, but it loses its purpose. For example, if you want to blow up the tiger, it will blow up the tree behind the tiger. Unless the tree falls down and kills the tiger, it will be meaningless!

Feng Yang has pulled away the crossbow string and aimed at the target. Feng Yang shouted, 'ignite!'

The No. 1 chariot selected by the rocket Chaofeng Yang flew away, 'Boom!' With a loud noise, the rocket was in the No. 5 chariot!

Lulaqi praised Yang Shenyong. It's not bad that he is a warrior among the warriors. This time he can shoot so accurately by controlling the rocket!

Feng Yang blushed and smiled, aiming at No. 1 and shooting at No. 5. Is this accurate? Fortunately, I was shot in a chariot. If I told them that this was just a mistake, I don't know what everyone would think!

The fire smoke dissipated, and the situation of the No. 5 chariot gradually emerged. The giant crossbow on the chariot was blown up, but except for the insertion point of the arrow and a large concave entry point, the chariot was only a little deformed and tilted, and there was no major damage!

"Wow, it's really powerful!" The rocket is powerful, and the chariot is also powerful!

Lu Laqi urged Feng Yang to shoot two more arrows and directly destroyed the No. 5 chariot. Feng Yang blushed awkwardly and didn't know how to deal with it!

'Well, we have always been blessed and have fun together. Orion came to you and blew up the chariot in front of me!' Feng Yang finally thought of a way to shirk!

Orion immediately stood up. He is also interested in this rocket. It's not magic, but it's better than magic. If you don't try it yourself, you will be sorry for abandoning demons and martial arts!

The little girl rubbed her little fist excitedly and was eager to try. The stupid second did gymnastics, which is called pre-match exercise!

Vernina's bitter face. She couldn't pull the giant crossbow. Long Tiandu gave a thumb to the chariot, drew and compared it again, and also wanted a rocket!

Orion has been formally trained in the giant crossbow, with standard movements. Looking ahead, there is a thick blue light on the rocket, ignited, fired, and roared away with a 'swd' sound!

The blue light rocket's 'boom!' With a sound, it was right to the No. 5 chariot, and everyone praised it!