Blood God Laugh

Chapter 41 Hundred Thousand

Chapter 41, 100,000

A small half of the soldiers who died had been killed and injured. Looking at the oncoming Dayan soldiers, they smiled and were moved!

Yes, they were recognized by the Great Firefighters and gained the last dignity!

"Forgive us, we can't help it. Compatriots, the tomorrow of the Dayan Empire is up to you. If our family is still there, please take care of us!"

A captain-level soldier shouted at the Dayan warrior, and then more and more soldiers repeated it!

"Forgive us, we can't help it. Compatriots, the tomorrow of the Great Yan Empire depends on you. If our family is still there, please take care of us! ......”

A big knife was placed around his neck, and the captain stopped rushing forward and roared and burst into tears, "My parents, the child is unfilial, and I can't take care of you or protect you!"

After saying that, the blade wiped his neck and killed himself!

A famous warrior can follow suit and be recognized by the Dayan warrior and respected by the Dayan warrior. They are satisfied and can no longer fight with their compatriots!

They killed 100,000 soldiers who died. Even if they were afraid of death, they also made up their determination at this moment. One after another of the soldiers killed themselves and shouted out their last words before they died, caring for their families, saying goodbye to their families, and blessing their families!

The tide of mourning spreads, and the atmosphere of death impacted the hearts of the Dayan warriors, as if their relatives left one by one, the powerlessness, the pain of bereavement, and the unbearable hatred of ordinary people made people's eyes full of blood and shed blood and tears!

The Dayan soldiers stopped and roared at the 100,000 soldiers who fell one by one. They saluted the highest warriors. They were all warriors. They sacrificed to protect their families and for the future of the Dayan Empire!

Yes, they are all sacrificed, and this kind of sacrifice is the greatest sacrifice! It is the most admirable sacrifice!

In the Blood Demon City, when the soldiers defending the city saw this scene outside the city, they also couldn't stop the blood and tears, and their hatred ignited blood. The violence against the Blood Demon Emperor could not be controlled by the blood anger that had been suppressed for a long time!

On a wall in the North City, a soldier, like many soldiers, had a tearful face and clasped a soldier beside him with his hands!

"It's not time yet, patience!"

This voice is so familiar. He is for love. Dayan Martial Arts Academy, Class 4 at the prefecture level, is in the same class as Feng Yang. He is one of Feng Yang's friends in Dayan Martial Arts Academy!

After the fall of Dayan City, as a son of the nobles of the Dayan Empire, he could not escape the fate of acting as a strong man, but he was not just a strong warrior!

He is a revenge warrior, revenge for Vice President Kong, revenge for the Dayan Martial Arts Academy, revenge for the people of Dayan, and revenge for the Dayan warrior!

Patience, there are many warriors like him in the blood demon army, but they need to be patient and wait!

However, a soldier finally couldn't stand it and roared, "Puff!" An unprepared blood demon guard was cut off his head with a knife!

The bloody brain will not die for a while. The head that lacks blood and mouths fly to the city one by one!

Blood and brain landed, "Kill...!" Thousands of soldiers followed the rampage on the tower!

"Puff, Puff, Puff!" In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen blood demon guards flew away from the body!

In the north city, the blood demon guard reacted and drew a knife to fight with the riot warrior. However, the riot warrior is far from the opponent of the blood demon guard!

Dozens of heavenly blood magic guards killed hundreds of warriors in an instant, and there were also 3,000 ground-level blood magic guards, and the generals and captains of these warriors have become blood demon generals!

There is no one to lead, there is not enough soldiers to respond, and there is no organized riot, and there is no possibility of success at all. It can only increase casualties and contribute to the blood demon!

More soldiers hold the weapons in their hands, and they also want to kill them, but they know that this will only bring serious bloody consequences!

Because, in the Beihuangmen, tens of thousands of blood magic guards are guarding hundreds of thousands of people. These are the families of 100,000 dead soldiers outside the city. As long as a soldier outside does not die, ten people will die here!

Yes, a large number of killings have increased the blood demon guards to nearly 100,000. Although there is no blood demon guards in the Battle of Dayan City, they are all above prefecture-level strength!

The riot-dong ended in a blink of an eye. Thousands of soldiers were all sucked out of blood by the blood demon guards and left outside the city, and only a few hundred of the 100,000 dead soldiers outside the city were still standing!

These hundreds of soldiers either don't want to kill themselves or can't let go of their families, but no one looks down on them, but they are more worthy of respect!

In the wave of suicide, in that sad atmosphere, if you are a timid person and a person without courage, you will definitely collapse crazily and follow the wave to kill yourself faster, so those who can persist are very strong-willed people!

A Dayan warrior came out, saluted one of the soldiers, then drew his sword and asked:

"If you have any last wishes, please tell me. If you die under my sword, I will complete your last wishes for you!"

Then, more soldiers came out, one to the last one, asked the other party's last wishes, and finally fought with a warrior ceremony!

Some soldiers killed themselves after saying their last wishes. Some soldiers did not kill after defeating the Dayan warrior, but waited for the challenge of another Dayan warrior until they died in battle!

Isn't these hundreds of soldiers more admirable? Aren't they more courageous? It's difficult to be more...!

Language can no longer describe such sadness, such sadness, such..., all kinds of emotions make people cry and shed pain in their hearts!

Hundreds of thousands of people in the city soaked the ground with tears and were sad and angry. They knew that their children had gone out and could not come back!

They are all old and weak women and children, babies and children, and an emotional people. They are stopped by others and can't resist, at least not yet!

In the imperial palace, there is a high blood altar, and a blood demon is worshipping. The warriors outside the north city are constantly gathering, and the blood platform is getting more and more red!

The Blood Demon Emperor knelt aside and prayed devoutly, "I, Yan Wuxuan, would like to dedicate my life to the Lord. Please lower the artifact and help me slaughter the mainland with blood!"

The blood platform has become so red that it emits blood light, and bursts of powerful blood power begin to fluctuate, which is different from the blood power when Feng Yang transforms. This is a kind of suppression that makes people's soul war millet, and there is no resistance at all!

The blood light of the blood platform was getting stronger and stronger, and the strong blood power began to spread. From the imperial city, thousands of maids suddenly hugged their heads and screamed in pain, as if something was squeezing their minds and grinding their souls.

Blood power soon spread outside the imperial city, like a bloody magnetic wave, ignoring any obstacles and evilly eroding the souls of creatures.

In the Blood Demon City, there are more than a million people. Where the blood power has passed, more and more people screamed, rolling all over the ground, and slowly turning into a sad scream.

A 10-year-old child was not eroded by blood power. Looking at his mother rolling painfully on the ground, the child cried in horror and came forward to hug his mother.

The mother's struggle and scream stopped soon, but she couldn't help shaking with her eyes closed. The child called the mother. Suddenly, the mother opened a pair of bloody eyes, screamed viciously, and opened her blood mouth to bite her child!

The blood power continued to spread, and the people tightened their bodies one by one, trembling all over, as if their souls were about to be crushed!

One by one, the unsupportable people suddenly roared, and then their eyes immediately flushed blood, flashing with bloodthirsty light, and then rushed to the others who were still trembling around them!

The blood wave continued to spread and rushed to the four walls. The soldiers suddenly hugged their hair and trembled and were crushed by their souls. This is the deepest pain, this is the most inapproval torture and the pain of practicing the soul!

A large number of soldiers howled in pain and struggled. The kind side of their souls were crushed little by little, and the soldiers who could not support them eventually turned into blood ghosts!

There was a bloody scream, and the weak-willed people turned into blood ghosts one by one, biting others, drinking blood and eating meat. In the blood demon city, blood was slaughtered again!

And the blood demon guards enjoy caressing-love, meekly closing their eyes and feeling the most intimate and powerful love, that is, killing, that is, blood, that is, that is, all evil love!

There are still three dead soldiers left outside the north city. These are only three prefecture-level masters, but each of them has defeated dozens of Dayan warriors, but they are still being challenged!

Three Yan Wuwei came and challenged the prefecture level as heavenly strong men. These three soldiers are also proud!

All three Yan Wuwei separated from the body and gave the three soldiers the greatest respect. One of the soldiers had not yet said his last wish. Seeing the arrival of Yan Wuwei, he laughed happily and finally said his last words!

"I'm dazzling, the people of the mountain tribe of the Tongtian Empire, please ask the general to help me bring this letter to my parents! In addition, there are a pair of wives and children in the lower city. If they are safe and sound, please send them back to the Lishan tribe!"

Yan Wuwei took the letter and carefully put it in his arms. He has a space ring, but he wants to keep the letter in his arms, which is to always remember this last wish! Done for this soldier!

At the beginning of the three-pend duel, the three soldiers tried their best not to keep their hands, because they knew that they could not hurt Yan Wuwei at all and volathe as much as they could.

Cut one by one, one sword, completely burst out your own strength, shout out your grief loudly, and cry out your reluctance and concern loudly!

All three Yan Wuwei gave the other three moves, and then stopped giving up and fought with all their strength. The result was self-evident!

Outside the north city, three soldiers fell down. They left gloriously with a relieved smile on the corners of their mouths. They tried their best. They left, and 100,000 soldiers left. Although they were sad, they were all the children of Dayan. He was all Dayan warriors!