Blood God Laugh

Chapter 55 Blood-stained Southwest

Chapter 55, Blood-stained Southwest End

In the sky battlefield, Fengyang has fought with the Blood Demon Emperor several times, but it is still comparable. It is too difficult to kill the Blood Demon Emperor, especially there is a Blood Demon King under him!

If the Blood Demon Emperor wants to escape, no one can stop him, but if he is released, there will definitely be a second and third Blood Demon City, and the Blood Demon Emperor must be left behind!

The idea in the heart of the Blood Demon Emperor is not much different from that of Feng Yang. Feng Yang grows too fast. If you can't kill him this time, the next time you meet him, you may have to turn around and escape. Next time, you may not even have a chance to escape. You must kill Feng Yang!

The sound of birds singing came, and thousands of birds and monsters suddenly flew on all sides of the air battle. They finally came. On each bird warcraft, there was also a magician, some two of them!

In the whole sky battlefield, all kinds of magic fluctuated, and the blood demon air force was shocked. More than thousands of magicians plus thousands of birds and monsters. Such combat power is too terrible. Even if you are the supreme power of the 20th level of the domain level, if you are alone in front of this magic army, you can only escape!

The Blood Demon Emperor looks around and can't drag it. Strike to the death, the strongest move, one move must be killed!

The blood demon emperor's knife was held high, and the blood demon power in the blood demon emperor's body was imported one after another. The ten thousand pounds of blood magic power given by the emperor's knife at the beginning were all retreated back to the imperial knife!

The blood soul moved one by one on the surface of the imperial knife, hissing fiercely. The blood power of the soul was like the blood power of Fengyang, and the ring fluctuated outward. Emperor Yanwu's air force, a large number of birds roared in pain, and the soldiers roared with their heads!

The two elders of the Chang family were shocked. The two quickly met, and the swords met each other. They did not hesitate to exert their strength. The golden light rose sharply and turned into reality. The golden dragon appeared, and the sound of the dragon emperor was full of heaven and earth!

The golden dragon has a spirit, the dragon head looks directly at the blood demon emperor's knife, and the dragon mouth sings the ancient language of the dragon clan. In an instant, the dragon's body rushes to the sky and suddenly bursts. The whole air battlefield is illuminated by golden light, and the birds and warriors are back to normal!

The two elders of the Chang family were weak, and the blood took the two elders to retreat from the blood demon king. The magicians' magic support, and dozens of powerful fusion single magic made the blood demon king's blood domain deform and escape in confusion!

The whole battlefield is full of golden light, but the blood demon emperor's knife is not stained with golden light in the ten-foot range, and the soul's blood power is even more fishy. Fengyang is also within these ten feet, with golden red blood horns above his head, and the same blood pressure is strong, and it is stained with the blood power of the soul!

In the blood demon emperor's knife, a large amount of blood demon power is integrated, activating a sea of blood souls. Blood souls devour each other one by one, and the sad screams can make those who hear it fly away!

Feng Yang's whole body blood strength and blood transfusion angle, the blood angle is strong, the longer it grows, the blood tail behind him squirms, and slowly enters the body, collecting the blood strength of the whole body in the blood angle, the ultimate style!

Ten feet of blood cells are rich, and the outside world can't peep at them. There are only Fengyang, Blood Evil, the Blood Demon Emperor and the Blood Demon King, which must be killed. In the ultimate battle, who will live and die!


The treasury defense army outside the imperial city has killed and injured countless red-haired blood spirits. The little girl heard the dragon emperor's chant and looked up. The blood cells were hanging in the air and the golden light shined in the sky!

"Grandpa, have you really left? Above the realm, what kind of realm is it, and why is it a hundred deaths! Since you are dead, why do you have to break through!!!"

Outside the soul film of Feng Yang, the blood demon emperor's knife was suddenly outside. The blood demon emperor incarnated the blood soul, holding the imperial knife, and laughing crazily, "You are dead. Give me this treasure body. Blood soul grabbing the body-fa, kill my soul! Destroy the spirit! Destroy God! Attachment!!!"

The emperor's knife is cut, like cutting paper, the soul film is broken, and the spiritual power is like a vast ocean. The blood demon emperor laughed excitedly, "Okay, that's great, not only is the body strong, but also the spiritual power is better than the domain-level spiritual power, God-given treasure body, God-given treasure body!"

The blood demon emperor quickly rushed into Fengyang's soul and looked for the soul crystal. As long as he killed the soul crystal, he could turn his blood soul into a blood soul crystal and replace it!!

In the outside world, Feng Yang's body is motionless and still maintains the trend of blood horns. The blood knife comes down from the blood corner, restores to the knife body, and waits quietly, without worrying about the safety of Fengyang at all!

Outside the blood cells, because Fengyang's spiritual power is like opening a gate, the blood summoning of pure blood elements makes all the blood in the blood demon city rise into the air and condenses to the blood cells. The blood demon city is like a flowing blood curtain!!

The blood demon power of the blood demon guard and the blood demon spirit quickly lost and gathered into the blood cells. Several blood demons and two blood demon kings were shocked. They quickly withdrew the blood domain and began to escape and break through with the remaining six blood demon kings, even ignoring the winged blood demons!

The two elders of the Chang family and others did not stop the blood demons and let them go, because only Fengyang, the man in the blood cell who made blood, had the ability to really stay and kill them!

What kind of person is he? Why is he more bloodthirsty than the blood demon? Why is he so noble and righteous!!

After more than ten minutes, all the blood demon guards and blood demons dried up and died without attack!

The blood cells in the sky absorbed the blood of hundreds of thousands of fallen warriors, and the blood magic power of tens of thousands of blood demons and blood demons were so huge that they covered half of the sky of the blood demon city. No one knows what happened inside!

The battle of Blood Demon City is over. Only the blood demon and six blood demon kings escaped. After leaving more than 200,000 casualties, they fled all the way back to the Tongtian Empire!

The huge blood cells in the city are still suspended. All the surviving people in the Blood Demon City have been rescued and fled from the Blood City. No one dares to stay, because no one knows what will happen to the blood cells in the sky and what kind of danger they will cause. It has been three days without any movement!!!


Battle of Blood Demon City:

Emperor Yanwu's army was 900,000, and 110,000 were seriously injured and killed. More than 300,000 soldiers in the Blood Demon City surrendered, leaving only 150,000 in the end!

The Holy Demon Empire, more than 60,000 people were seriously injured and killed!

According to the final statistics of the people in the city, only 280,000 people survived, and nearly 200,000 were children. If the soldiers in the city had not immediately rescued more than 200,000 people after the blood rain stopped, there might be only a pool of blood left by blood spirits!

Dayan City, with a population of more than 3 million, has only been reduced to a blood demon city for four and a half months. In the end, there are only 430,000 living people, plus soldiers left. This is the embodiment of the shrinking of the war of extermination. It reminds people that there are 10 billion creatures in the mainland of the Wan Dynasty. After the bloody war, how many more can be left?


This part is finished. If you want to know what will happen in the future, then watch the sequel, "Blood to the South"!

"Blood in the South" is very wonderful. Beauties of all races appear, and the blood war is more fierce. Is the man's true color erotic or blood?

However, before the publication of Blood Southern, there will be a prequel Time Reversal.

"Time Reversal" tells the story of the protagonist before his debut. How did he slowly get involved in this bloody battle that swept the road from a small tribe!

At the beginning, "Blood Southwest" may be a little confused, and the characters are too messy and there is no introduction. I'm sorry here. After writing, "Time Reversal" will be transferred to the front, and readers will not read it so hard in the future.

Time Reversal will be updated quickly, trying to update 5,000 to 1W words a day.