Blood God Laugh

Chapter 18 The Danger of the South China Sea

Chapter 18, The Danger of the South China Sea

"Yuer, when do you think he will wake up? It's been a year!"

The princess supported her face with her hands, her golden hair was covered with a thin waist, and her golden red fish tail was crawling beside the bed to look at the unconscious Fengyang.

"Princess, I think you'd better give up. If this man could wake up, he would have woken up. Look at his body, he can't hurt his skin with a needle. Such a strong man doesn't look hurt at all. In my opinion, his soul would have died long ago, leaving only a stinky skin!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Mr. Hai said that he is just an autistic soul. He may have been injured by the soul disaster of the disaster of wrath. It will take time to slowly recover. I believe he will wake up!"

The princess stared at the beautiful Yuer and firmly believed that Feng Yang would wake up.

"It's up to you. Anyway, I don't think he can wake up. Princess, why don't you give me a short paragraph of the black dragon horn? I'll use it to make a magic sound angle, and the sound quality must be very good!"

"Go! Don't pay attention to the dragon horn. Hai Lao said that if he wakes up, he can use the dragon horn to restore his physical function!" The princess waved her hand to send Yuer away.

"If you don't give it, you'd better die faster, and then I'll take off the corner of his head to make a sound flute!" Yu'er said viciously.

"If you can't stop talking, I will ask my mother to marry you to Brother Guiming!"

"Well, you hate it! You are in a daze at this dead man. I won't be with you anymore!" Hearing that she was going to marry Guiming, Yuer quickly fled.

Looking at the sleeping man in front of her, Meixuan couldn't help touching his face with her hands. The mermaid family, like their names, all use beauty as their surnames. If it is a nickname, add a son after the name, just like the nickname of the princess, Xuaner!

"Damn you, die and die. I have taken care of you for half a year. Can you get up quickly and tell me the story on the mainland?"

"The mother said that as long as the mermaid family goes to land, the fish tail will become feet, and it will never change back, and it will never return to the sea."

"So, we can only see limited land stories on sea books, and can only hear some stories on the coast from other aquariums who have crossed the land."

"I can only watch the landing place from afar on the sea. How I wish I could go to the land without worrying about never going back to the sea!"

"Can you hear me? Forget it, you are a pig. You only know how to sleep, but unfortunately there are no pigs in the sea!"

"Princess! Princess!" Meiyu, who had just left, ran back in a panic, "Princess, go quickly. The shark people have rebelled and are already attacking the palace!"

"What! How can it be? The Shark King came to visit his mother a few days ago!"

The princess was shocked, but immediately calmed down and rolled her eyes and said, "You make up stories to coax me again. I'm not in the mood. Go and coax others!"

"The princess is real. Let's go. You're going to kill me!"

A faint shout came, which made the princess realize that it was not a joke. She nervously dragged Fengyang and wanted to take him away together.

"Princess, put him down. Bringing a living dead man will drag you down!"

"Don't talk so much nonsense, help me get him up!"


Nearly one million sharks, millions of sharks, and a large number of sea beasts completely surrounded the South China Sea Palace, but there are only hundreds of thousands of turtles in the palace, and hundreds of huge sea dragons protected. The strength of the two sides is very different!


A sea dragon bit the skull of a giant shark, and the blood quickly spread into pieces in the troubled sea. The smell of blood stimulated the ferocity of sharks and sharks even more!

Adult sea dragons have domain-level strength. Most of the dragon heads are similar to Shenlong, but their body is more bloated and huge, and their four claws have also degenerated into four dorsal fins. However, in the strength in the sea, the water dragon of the same level is not an opponent at all!

The turtle people's water arrows keep casting, because the turtle people's defense is too strong, and the general water arrows can't hurt them at all. Sharks can only follow behind the sharks and rush to attack. The sharks in the front are hugely dead and injured, and the blood completely dyed the sea around the palace!


A turtle man's armor was bitten by the shark man. The turtle man roared in pain. A water gun in his hand also penetrated the shark man's body, but another shark man came and bit the other side of the turtle man's body!

The turtle family, like the sea dragon, protects the royal family for generations. The turtle armor defense on its body is very strong. Generally, the aquarium of the same strength can't be broken at all, but the teeth of the shark people are the exception!

The blood teeth of ordinary sharks have twice the bite power of their own water strength. If the sharks reach the sky-level strength, the shark teeth will become black, and the penetration and bite force are several times to ten times the strength of their own water strength.

So, it is very scary to be approached by sharks, and in addition to royal mermaids, sharks are the fastest in the water!

Several mermaids wanted to break out at speed and ask for help, but how could this dense encirclement escape so easily?

Hundreds of sharks rode sharks and blocked their way. Sharks would not kill them, but only catch them alive, which was told by the Shark King, because he needed the divine blood of the royal family!

As a royal family, the strength of the mermaid clan is not strong. None of the ten thousand royal families in the South China Sea can reach the heavenly level, because their strength lies not in strength, but in the rhythm. However, in such a circle, the rhythm cannot be transmitted in the chaotic current!

The royal family has a very strong appeal in the sea and can attract various powerful sea beasts to fight through rhythm. Other aquariums generally obey the orders of the mermaid family. As long as a small number of mermaids escape, they can summon an endless aquarium army!

100,000 turtles gathered, and hundreds of sea dragons opened the way, protecting thousands of mermaids. Sea dragons roared, hundreds of powerful water impacted, and the army followed the strong current and forcibly broke through!

Hundreds of strong sharks took hundreds of huge sea beasts to stop the sea dragon's way, "Bang!" Hundreds of water rolled up the sea and collided with the strong current of the sea dragon!

The powerful impact produced a small vortex. A large number of sharks and sharks were involved. The turbulent water seemed to divide a vacuum in the deep sea, strangled the sharks involved in the vortex into blood fog, and even the sharks were blood marks!

Guiming is the prince of the turtle race. He stood on a giant old turtle, bypassed the obstruction with a large army and broke out to the side. Behind him was the princess and Meiyu, as well as the living dead Feng Yang and his black dragon horn.

At this time, no one found that the blood-stained seawater was being automatically filtered and absorbed by Feng Yang's body. The blood hole in the soul world quickly absorbed the power of blood, and a famous blood spirit condensed out and rushed to the weak green thunder!

Endless sharks are flying from all sides with sharks. The water arrows of the turtles can't stop the sharks' attack at all. They can only concentrate most of the water arrows directly in front and constantly break through the siege!

More and more sharks are jumping on both sides. The turtle's water arrows pierce the shark body one by one, bringing out a string of blood. They can also be aquariums. They are all watery. If the water arrows are not particularly strong, it is difficult to be fatal to them!

A famous turtle man was bitten by several sharks, his bloody teeth or black teeth were constantly grinding, and the tortoise shell rattled, breaking into pieces and splashing in the chaotic bloody water!

A powerful turtle was bitten by four sharks. The shark body has been cut off by him, leaving only four shark heads still hanging on his body, so that other sharks have no place to mouth, and the water arrows are constantly saving other people.

The turtle's hand reached into the shark's mouth biting on the tortoise shell, and a water arrow penetrated the shark's brain. The shark released the tortoise shell before death and also bit off the turtle's hand!

The battle of meat in the water is so cruel and bloody that the sea does not seem to exist anymore. What there is a sea of blood, complete blood, and in such an environment, it is undoubtedly a great tonic for Fengyang!

No matter how chaotic and violent the blood around you are, as long as you get to Fengyang, you will become very calm, as if you are waiting in line for the blood owner to enjoy them!

The blood condensed faster, constantly rushing to the green thunder as if driven to death, and the green thunder also seemed to have resistance. The weak thunder body was just crumbling, but it was still alive!

The blood knife was furious and increased the absorption of blood gas, making the blood outside Feng Yang's body change from an imperceptible weak fluctuation to a small whirlpool, which shocked the mermaid princess around her, and Meiyu screamed with fear!

The princess was shocked and happy. She grabbed Meiyu and shouted, "He has a reaction. He's going to wake up. He's really going to wake up!"

A black flowing blade shot, just past Meixuan's chest, and a string of divine blood flowed out, and then came Meiyu's scream, "Princess!!!"

Seeing the injured princess, Guiming was in a hurry and was about to treat the princess's wound, but the whirlpool that absorbed a string of divine blood suddenly soared and threw away all the people around, while the princess was sucked into the whirlpool!


This sudden change shocked the breakthrough army. A large number of turtles rushed into the whirlpool without saying life and death, but without exception, they were all thrown away, and the whirlpool seemed to recognize the princess alone!

In the whirlpool, Fengyang automatically opened his mouth, buried his head in the princess's chest, and sucked the divine blood in the wound!

Meixuan moaned in pain and hugged Feng Yang's head tightly. The blood horn was so straight on her body, bending her body back.

For this man who dared to invade her chest and suck her blood, she not only did not resist, but felt an unprecedented pleasure and happiness!

In the black hole of the blood knife, a special blood spirit condenses. The evil body seems to have a little divine brilliance. The green thunder is easily divided into dozens of sections by these special blood evils, and then takes a bite to completely devour the green thunder!

The hole of blood black is slowly illusory, and the blood knife is reflected in the body, chanting excitedly, calling the soul of Feng Yang. At the moment when the blood peak is connected with the soul world, the blood storm suddenly rose in the soul world for a long time, the blood sea surged, and the blood-colored soul power poured into the blood peak!

At the top of Xuefeng Mountain, a vague figure gradually condensed, shaking and a little drowsy, "I haven't died yet, but I feel like I've slept for a long time, huh? Where is this?"

Consciousness is attached, but the whole body is stiff and does not obey. Feng Yang has been sleeping for a year, and his physical function is seriously unbalanced. It is not a matter for a while to control his body again.

He couldn't help sucking a very sweet blood in his mouth. Feng Yang shook his head hard, and his face felt very soft, fragrant and tender.

"What is this? Is it in the arms of Lisha? This blood? Is it Lisha's?

Feng Yang immediately stopped absorbing blood, and Meixuan's consciousness of losing too much blood began to blur, and her face was pale and scary. With the shaking of Feng Yang's head, her moans became rapid!

Feng Yang, who had just recovered his hearing, heard this rapid moan, and suddenly a sense of fire directed his lower body from the brain, accelerating the support and control of the body.

"This is too enthusiastic. I just woke up and stimulated me so much, and I have to stand it. Anyway, I really can't stand it!"

Feng Yang thought arrogantly, had a little hard head, tore open the other party's skirt with his mouth, and held the soft peach in one bite!


Strong stimulation made Meixuan moan loudly, holding Feng Yang's head tighter with both hands and clinging to her crisp chest!

There was still something wrong with Feng Yang's hearing. He didn't tell that it was not a beautiful moan. The heat continued to hit his whole body and quickly controlled most of his body.

He put his hands around Meixuan's waist and ignited pink spring in this bloody whirlpool, as if celebrating the return of Fengyang!

The turtles are still hitting the whirlpool. In order to avoid accidentally injuring the princess, they dare not use powerful water to attack. Guiming and Meiyu shouted at the princess anxiously. If they don't follow the brigade to break through, there will be no chance!

And the newly awakened Fengyang needs the power of blood most. Instead of shrinking, the whirlpool is getting stronger and bigger!

Finally, the blood knife drilled directly from the blood corner and turned into a huge black whirlpool. Then with the help of Fengyang's spiritual power, all the blood was summoned and surged!

The blood water involved in all sides will turn into pure seawater and ejected from the top, like a huge blood purification whirlpool!


At the moment when Feng Yang woke up, Vernina woke up on the towering tree of life in the elf forest, and there were some wrinkles on the corners of her eyes!

In order to save Feng Yang, she lost a hundred years of youth. Now she looks like a middle-aged woman, but her heart is full of surprises and thoughts rolling in!

"Get me out!"

Verina struggled desperately to break out of the cocoon, but the cocoon on the divine tree did not move at all. No matter how she shouted, no one came to release her!

The Elf Queen felt the struggle in the cocoon and sighed and whispered, "I'm sorry, I can't let you out yet!"

Then he looked solemn, put his hands together, and sang in a low voice, "The art of life, life turns!"

The divine light on the tree of life flashed, hazy, converging into a green light, emitting a strong breath of life rushing into the cocoon. Vernina was submerged by the influx of green light, and her consciousness fell asleep in an instant!

The Elf Queen muttered to herself again, "This is a compensation for you!"

Also at this moment, on the southeast coast, Lisha, who was commanding the demon clan to fight against the blood demon army, was shocked and instantly fell into ecstasy.

As the imperial concubine of Fengyang, she has a special feeling, and this feeling that has disappeared for a year appears again!

Also at this moment, the blood dragon sleeping outside Qiuyuan City woke up and roared excitedly. Master Clad's cup "bang!" With a sound, it hit the ground, and then screamed excitedly and jumped up!

Also at this moment, the ten sleeping demons in Dayan City woke up, and ten blood roared in one after another. Emperor Yanwu, who was commanding the army at the north gate to resist the attack of the Tongtian Empire, was shocked and looked up to the sky and laughed wildly!

And more than a dozen blood demons attacking outside the city were frightened, "It's impossible, it's impossible. He has been killed by the disaster of heavenly anger. How can he still be alive!"


Outside the South China Sea Palace, two humanoid old men protect the queen. These are the two transformed sea dragons of the sea dragon clan. Of course, they are world-level strength. The aquarium people call them Hailao.

Opposite them are more than a dozen strong sharks led by the shark king, one of whom even stands in front of the shark king. This is the shark old and horrible world-level shark man of the shark race!

The Shark King laughed wildly, "Hahahaha, in the battle of extermination, when she became a god, wouldn't Her Majesty not know that the throne of the South China Sea must belong to my shark clan, so this royal family should be changed!"

Boss Hai shouted, "Aren't you afraid that we will lead to the disaster of wrath and die with your sharks?"

The shark king snorted coldly, "Two sea old men, this disaster of anger has been split from the sky, and the deep sea can no longer hurt the slightly stronger aquarium. On the contrary, the fish on the sea surface will definitely die on a large scale. Does the sea old man want to slaughter the sea?"

The shark clan is not threatened at all. They have been peeping at the divine blood of the royal family for a long time. As long as they capture the royal family, they can use the divine blood to create a large number of masters before the battle of extinction, and truly go ashore to compete for more divine positions with the mainland race.

One of the two Hai Laos said to the other, "President, I will open the boundary to drag the shark old. Take the queen to break through!"

"No, you are in the second realm of the world. You can't delay him for long. Let me do it!"

After saying that, Hai Lao's body suddenly became bigger. As soon as the shark king saw it, he quickly retreated with other sharks.

"Open the water world!"

The sea area of more than 300 meters, flashing with a little ripple light, unexpectedly formed a boundary independently and is inadvisable!

The shark did not retreat. It entered the water world of Hailao so generously. Looking at the area of more than 300 meters outside, there was no end in the water world, just like in another seabed. Except for water or water, there is no lack of vitality, but there is no fish!

The shark's eyes, which have been closed, suddenly opened at this moment. Unlike Feng Yang's blood-thirsty blood eyes, this is a completely ferocious blood eye, which can make people feel like being torn by thousands of sharks and stained with blood in the blue sea!

You can fully exert your strength in the physical world and are not limited by the disaster of heavenly anger, and as long as the physical world is not broken and the vitality is continuous, the owner of the world is immortal!