Blood God Laugh

Chapter 23 Three Women's Words

Chapter 23, Three Women's Words and

Seeing the elf queen meditating, Feng Yang continued to say while it was hot, "Now the south is surrounded by the blood demon army. As long as one side is broken through by the blood demon army, you can imagine the consequences!

Do you have the ability to resist the blood demon army? Do you have the ability to save the mainland from the sea of blood? No!

If the battle of extermination finally comes to the elves, this world of life is your last way to escape from shrinking. Is this your way to save the mainland?

Or do you only care about self-salvation?

Since you don't care about the survival of the mainland, what right do you have to imprison me here?

Open the divine world of life and let me out!"

Feng Yang's strong questions continue to shock the spirit of the elf queen. Indeed, as Feng Yang said, this life world is the last retreat of the elf clan, and there is no way for the inevitable elf clan to stop the war of annihilation!

The elf queen's indifferent eyes slowly became complicated and sighed softly, "Let me go. There is no entry or no exit in the divine world of life. What you said is too late!"

Feng Yang was shocked and shouted, "What are you talking about? What does it mean to have in and out?"

The elf queen seemed to apologize a little, "The goddess has fallen. The divine world of life is left by her body and life tree, but the goddess did not completely die. She just lost the divine crystal, and her soul was seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep. If she can wake her up, maybe she will let you out!"

Feng Yang Yixi asked, "How to wake her up?"

The elf queen shook the jade hand that was sore and painfully caught by Feng Yang, "Can you let me go first?"

Just now, I was just afraid that the Elf Queen would escape from the divine world of life alone. Now that she knows that she can't leave, Feng Yang loosened her big hand slightly awkwardly. It's really inappropriate for a lonely man and woman to hold her hand here.

Pun back the jade hand and gently rubbed it, and the elf queen replied, "There is a goddess temple in the center of the divine world of life, where you may wake up the goddess!"

The two went on the road. The divine world of life is indeed a paradise. It is full of vitality and flowers and trees. The small animals are full of aura one by one. The crystal eyes look at the foreign guest curiously and jump around the two!

Even Fengyang, who is rejected by the breath of life in the outside world, has also been washed by the breath of life here. His body and mind are comfortable, and his mind slowly calms down. It seems that he is willing to live in it for the rest of his life!

Fengyang has to admit that this is a good place, but he, who has obtained the magical inheritance, will not really be affected by the breath of the divine world of life, but with the help of these spirits of life, to wash away the thick violence brought by a large number of killings!

After walking for a long time, Feng Yang asked, "How big is this divine world of life?" He always feels that the Elf Queen is taking him around and wants the spirit of life here to assimilate him and stay here voluntarily!

"The forest of elves is actually a mapping of the divine world. The size of the divine world should be several times that of the elves, which is a semi-closed state. If the divine world of life is completely closed, the forest of elves will disappear!"

When Feng Yang heard this, he was stunned, "Wow, it's so big, can't it accommodate many people to take refuge?"

The Elf Queen looked at Feng Yang and knew what he was thinking. "If the goddess had not fallen, the divine world could indeed accommodate many people!

But the divine world seems to have infinite vitality, but if there are more vitality, it will be consumed quickly, and the green forest flowers and plants will slowly wither until the desert!

That's why the elf clans live outside, because it can only accommodate 100,000 people, and more will break the balance!"

Feng Yang shook his head. It seemed that it was impossible for his clan to take refuge, but then he thought about it and asked, "What's the difference between the physical world and the divine world?"

The elf queen replied, "The body world is the prototype of the divine world. When the body world is consolidated and reaches a certain range, and at the same time, when it can independently nurture life, or can withstand a certain life to live in the body world, this is the divine world, that is, break through to become a god!"

Feng Yang became interested and asked again, "How to break through the divine level?"

The elf queen turned her head to look at Feng Yang beside her and shook her head slightly. "There are two ways to break through the divine level. One is to get the divine crystal and directly enjoy part of the power of the main god, but will not have the divine world!

The second method is to break through independently, which must break through the divine world of the Lord God, that is, the continent of Wanchao. Only in the outermost world can we break through the divine level, truly have the divine world, and have the power to nurture life!"

Feng Yang was shocked and his face was incredible, "Is the continent of Wan Dynasty just a divine world? What kind of world is that outside the divine world?

The elf queen sighed, "I don't know much. The goddess of life is one of the few gods who have the divine world, and there is only such a little information in the queen's inheritance.

If the life in the divine world wants to break through the divine level independently, it must obtain the consent of the Lord God to break through outside the realm.

After the breakthrough, you can choose to accept the gift of the Lord God and continue to stay in the divine world, or completely leave the divine world and go to the outside world! But the Lord God has fallen asleep, and no one can break through the divine level!"

Feng Yang muttered to himself, "God, the outside world!" He seemed to figure out something, but he couldn't grasp the point and continued to ask, "Can't you leave the divine world without the consent of the Lord God?"

Looking at the persistent Fengyang, the elf queen replied, "You can try to break the divine world. If you have that power, you can come and go if you want to!"

However, the divine world of the Lord God is tens of millions of times that of the divine world of life, and even the god-level strong can't break it!"

"Hahahaha!" Feng Yang suddenly laughed and said, "I finally understand that the life in the divine world should not have the ability to fight against the Lord God, so the divine war 100,000 years ago was not a civil war, but a battle between the Lord God and the outside world!"

The elf queen was shocked. It turned out that Feng Yang did not want to break through the divine level, but was analyzing the divine battle 100,000 years ago. The blood demon was alien. Hearing Feng Yang's words, she seemed to be a little clear!

The two continued to go to the center of the divine world, but both of them were silent, digesting the shocking secrets just analyzed, and continued to connect all kinds of speculations and possibilities in their hearts.

On the way forward, the two crossed a grave. There was a half-meter-high blood-colored plant growing on the grave, with only four leaves, separated up and down, with a blood fruit on the top, which was as bright as a blood crystal. The whole looked like a blood-colored human figure!

The blood knife in the blood horn roared excitedly, and Feng Yang's blood couldn't help boiling and asked the Elf Queen, "What kind of spirit is this?"

The elf queen was a little complicated and hesitant, and finally said, "This is the essence of a blood element after death. There are hundreds of such tombs in the whole life world. Those with blood crystals are strong and demons who have killed countless lives!"

After hearing this, Feng Yang took away all the blood crystals and roots and leaves with a wave of his hand. "So, those blood elements who eventually disappeared were all imprisoned and died in the divine world of life by your elves?"

Looking at Feng Yang receiving the blood crystal, the Elf Queen was powerless to stop it. She knew that Feng Yang's strength was very strong. Even if there was an increase in the divine world of life, she could not be his opponent.

"Yes, as long as people who have awakened the attributes of blood elements will be imprisoned here by the goddess. After sleeping, the goddess will become the responsibility of the elves!"

The Elf Queen didn't think that Fengyang still had a chance to go out. She looked at him with a little sympathy and then said:

"Most of the blood elements for 100,000 years have been captured and imprisoned here until they die of old age, but there are other mysterious forces fighting for the blood elements!"

Feng Yang snorted coldly, "Well, I won't be imprisoned here. At worst, I will break through the world of life here. I think you know that you are different from other blood elements, otherwise you won't deliberately deceive me to the City of Life, because you don't have the ability to capture me at all!"

The elf queen was shocked, "Don't mess around!"

Feng Yang is indeed different from other blood elements. The blood elements of past generations have been arrested and imprisoned here before they have achieved great success. He is the first person among blood elements who rises as fast as Feng Yang and has such strength!

A year ago, he led to the disaster of the second world with domain-level strength. If he breaks through the boundary here and does not have the suppression of the disaster of heavenly anger, the terrible attack may really break the boundary wall and make the divine world lose a lot of vitality!

"I won't mess around, but if the goddess of life doesn't wake up or wake up and doesn't let me out, it's you forcing me to mess around!"

Feng Yang threatened, and then shouted, "The demons are out of the list!"

With a flash of blood shadow, hundreds of demons appeared ferociously, and the strong blood gas pushed the life around them far away!

Although it is the first time I know that Feng Yang has the power to gather evil spirits, and the number and strength are so amazing that the Elf Queen can't help but be frightened and feels more and more that she is wrong!

"The demon obeyed the order, find all the divine world of life for me and get all the blood crystals!" A hundred evil blood shadows flashed and searched everywhere!

The two continued to go to the temple. The divine world of life was not perfect. There was only hazy green light in the sky, and there was no night. Feng Yang knew that if he rushed to the sky at full speed, he might only need one day to see the boundary wall!

About a day later, the green glazed temple finally arrived. The peaceful breath of life made people feel that it was the sleeping mother, revealing the love and care for all life!

Maybe this is the reason why the goddess of life does not directly kill the blood elements, but imprison them here, and transform them with her love for life!


In the city of life, an old elf woman is singing an old saying under the tree of life. She is the last elf queen, and her 3,000-year-old life will end. If it hadn't been for the extinction, she would have returned to the embrace of the tree of life!

Verina has been relieved from the green cocoon, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes have disappeared. The compensation of the elf queen made her return to her youth again, but when she learned that Feng Yang was trapped in the divine world of life, she also asked to enter the divine world!

There is also Meixuan waiting for the opening of the divine world. The three women asked to enter at the same time. If Feng Yang is trapped in it forever, they are also willing to be trapped with him for a lifetime!

Lisha led Vernina and apologized sincerely, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. It's really none of Feng Yang's business. He also has no choice but to lose him again. Can I call you sister?"

Meixuan's eyes were also red. She knew that Vernina was the person Fengyang really loved. She and Lisha were just the third party accidentally inserted halfway. The fourth one, but now she has nothing but Feng Yang, and she can't lose him again.

For Lisha and Meixuan, Vernina's mood is very complicated. She once said in front of the White Star Flower Grave, "I don't ask Fengyang to love me alone in his life, but I will only love him in my life!" It echoed in my heart again.

May everything is destined, but as a woman, who is willing to accept such a situation, who does not want to be his only one, who is willing to share it with others, and only be one of his!

Vernina seemed to accept the reality and smiled at the two women, "Let's go in and find him together. If we can't get out, then we will be good sisters in it for a lifetime, and we will be good sisters when we come out!"

The old elf queen's old saying was completed. The green light shone, and the three women appeared in the divine world of life and began to call and search for Fengyang!


Fengyang and the Elf Queen have arrived at the temple and saw the lifelike statue of the goddess of life, green gauze, hair composed of green leaves, holding a green branch in her hand, smiling at the corners of her mouth, like a young mother looking at you and smiling at you. It's very beautiful!

Fengyang suddenly felt that what was in front of him was his mother, Bai Xinghua. The kind of longing and yearning for his mother for more than ten years turned into tears and fell down. He said to his mother in his heart, "Mother, Feng'er will definitely take his father and Lingzi to see you to accompany you!"

The spiritual queen is conceived by the tree of life. She has no mother, or her mother is the goddess of life. Although she also feels maternal love under the statue, she does not have the feeling of Fengyang.

"If you want to wake up the goddess, you can only pray devoutly!" After saying that, the elf queen knelt down under the statue, closed her palms, and prayed silently.

Feng Yang continued to look at the statue and replied, "I'm sorry, I only kneel to my parents, and I can't be pious. If you want to pray, you'd better pray by yourself. I'll wait here!"

Another day passed, and half of the demons came back and brought back more than a dozen blood crystals, but the statue still had no reaction, and Feng Yang began to be impatient.

"How much more does it take to wake her up!" Feng Yang asked, but the elf queen ignored it and continued to pray.

Walking to the statue, Feng Yang shouted, "Goddess of Life, wake up quickly. I don't have time to compare with you. If you don't wake up, I will smash your divine shadow and break your divine world!"

Feng Yang may dare to speak like this in front of God, but he didn't just say it. After waiting for a moment, he didn't see the reaction of the statue. He immediately bought the blood knife, and the strong blood light spit out and cut into the statue in the panic of the elf queen!

A thick green shield suddenly appeared in front of the statue. The blood knife was cut down and there was no sound, because the thick green shield did not resist, but held the blood knife. The blade was embedded in half of the shield, but it could no longer be cut down!


Fengyang shouted, and the strong blood burst out, like a burning blood fire. The blood power rolled up the elf queen's cyan gauze like a strong wind and pushed her out more than ten meters away!

The blood knife went deep into half and was blocked again, but the thick green shield also seemed to be angry. The thick light flashed, and the huge force cut by the blood knife bounced back several times, "Bang!" With a sound, the wind Yang shot out of the gate of the temple like a blood arrow!

A blood shadow was drawn in the green sky. After a while, Feng Yang stabilized his body and looked at the temple full of shocks. Sure enough, he was a god-level strong man. A statue has such divine power!

When he was about to fly back to challenge the statue again, "Feng Yang!!!" Three excited shouts shocked Feng Yang's heart. He turned his head and looked to the side and saw three demons flying, each with a woman standing on his back. It was Vernina's three women who came in to find her husband!

"Why did you all come in!" Feng Yang was surprised to ask, and his body quickly greeted him!

Vernina jumped off the demon's back and went straight to Yang's arms. Vernina had more tears, but more than a year later, all the tears saved burst out and cried in a mess!

"Why don't you die? If you die, I can die with you. Why don't you die? Why don't you die!"

Vernina cried and patted Feng Yang. She really wanted to die with him in the way of sharing her life, but his life was so hard that she not only didn't die, but also brought back a wife and another woman to share a man with her. How could she not hate!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I swear that I will never look at other women except the three of you. If there is any violation, I will..."

Verina blocked Feng Yang with her hand, "Don't swear casually. I feel that you will have at least one woman!"

Feng Yang shouted, "It's impossible. I don't want it even if it's sent in the future!" And resolutely put an end to accidents!"

"She may be more surprised than an accident!"

With that, Vernina seemed to look at the little girl who grew up, shook her head to get rid of this terrible idea, and then said to the other two silent women, "Come here together. Let's divide him together!"

Then the three women said one by one, forcing Feng Yang to agree to a series of unequal treaties. Although he was bitter on the surface, Feng Yang was so happy that he could bear fruit in his heart. He couldn't wait to come out with the three girls and several golden dolls immediately!

The last few demons also came back. In addition, there are 32 blood crystals obtained by Feng Yang himself. This is the essence of 32 more powerful blood elements. For Feng Yang, the effect is undoubtedly huge!

"You wait outside first. I'll meet the goddess of life. If I don't go out, my Iron City will be over!"

The demon returned, and Fengyang's strength also reached the peak. If he still can't break the statue and wake up the goddess of life, he will have to directly break through the world level with the help of blood crystals and the blood power of demons!

Although he is not sure that he will succeed, he is fully confident that he will not die, and the divine world of life will not lead to the disaster of heavenly anger. Don't worry about being struck by lightning, at least not here!