Blood God Laugh

Chapter 30 Battle of Shabei City

Chapter 30, the Battle of Shabei City

Shabei City is right in front of us. Sure enough, as Feng Yang expected, there is a blood demon. The dense blood demon guard in the city may look nearly 100,000!

The lowest strength of the blood magic guard has a first-level level. Coupled with the immortal body, ordinary warriors are three to one. If they don't cooperate well, they are not the opponent of the blood magic guard, let alone the siege battle!

The wind Yang looks up at the sky, the sunset is half west, the autumn wind is cool, and the Shabei City is surrounded by thick blood fog, and the blood demon is sacrificing again!

"Olion, how do you think this Shabei City should deal with it?"

Orion's eyes are as sharp as a blade, sweeping the appearance of the whole city and the shape of the mountains. "You were too reckless before. Hundreds of evils have come out. The blood demon has known your arrival and will definitely defend the city!

Shabei City faces mountains in the east and Liujiang in the west. Both sides are within the attack range of Shabei City. The army can only attack the city from the south, and the strong attack will certainly suffer heavy casualties!

And the blood fog on the city must be a protective shield with strong defense. Even if the elves are allowed to cast a forbidden spell, it won't have much effect!"

Fengyang looks at the magic skill and can't pass through the blood curtain. Even if he attacks each other with all his strength, he may not be able to break through the blood curtain unless he leads to the disaster of heavenly anger!

However, the disaster of heavenly anger has attracted too many. When he officially breaks through the boundary level, there will be a danger of heavy disasters, which is equivalent to several disasters and terrible!

"So, can we only attack from the ground?"

"It can be said, or to consume with blood demons, it must be very costing to maintain the blood curtain, but it will take a long time. With the magic of 20,000 people of the elves and wind demons, it will take at least half a month to consume the blood curtain!"

"No, you must take it down within two days!"

"There's nothing we can do. We can use the ready-made terrain conditions to break through the city with ingenuity, you see..."


When night fell, the blood demon guards on Shabei City did not know how to be tired at all. They stood at the head of the city like statues. The torch on the top of the city was gently blown by the early autumn night wind, highlighting the cold!

But brighter than this firelight, and colder than this autumn wind is that pair of bloody eyes, like a blood-eyed wolf in the night, creepy and thrilling!

The giant crossbow arrow also flashed with cold light on the Fire City, sharp and shocking!

The blood demon personally patrolled the city for a week and looked at the Fengyang army that set up a camp ten miles away, laughing, old and gloomy!

In his opinion, after three days, Fengyang will definitely take a detour. At that time, he will go deep into the enemy's territory and suffer from the enemy's back. He will definitely be able to annihilate Fengyang's army and escape alone!

Tonight's cold wind is surprisingly cold, the air is filled with water vapor, slowly rising fog, and the water surface of the Xijiang River is unconsciously falling!

The blood demon felt a little strange. Looking at the other party's camp, the fire was still shining, and the sound of the war song could be heard. There was no abnormal movement!

There are only two or three miles of flat land on both sides. There is no way that the ambush can escape the blood eyes of the blood demon guard. Except for the fog that is a little abnormal, nothing can be seen!

Maybe I thought too much. It's not strange that there is occasional fog on the autumn night. I can only order the Blood Demon Guard to strengthen the surveillance of the south to prevent the Fengyang army from taking advantage of the fog to raid!

Under the triple cover of blood curtain, fog and night, the Shabei City is covered with dark clouds, which is getting thicker and thicker, but there is no thunder and lightning!

Above the clouds, the wind Yang demon flutters its wings, and thousands of wind demon warriors are constantly spreading blood-black powder to the clouds, which is the necessary blood-killing powder for demons!

In the mountains in the east, there are green trees. In the autumn season, they are not allowed to take off their green clothes immediately, but more active. Each tree shakes the tree and slowly rises up!

The camp in the south, as expected, came in the fog, abandoned riding and crawling, crushing a large area of people's head in the dark!

Above the Xijiang River, bamboo and wood form a raft, carrying a siege crossbow and a stone-throwing car, against the current!

The demon messenger, all parties are in place and all ready. Feng Yang cracked his mouth and smiled, the blood knife stirred the clouds, the wind demon warriors flashed blue, the wind magic mixed the black blood clouds, and finally there was lightning and thunder!


The bloody black rain fell and fell on the blood curtain. The blood powder has a strong penetrating power of the blood demon, which is actually a corrosive power!

There were blood-black bubbles on the whole blood screen, bursting out, emitting a trace of black gas, and then being washed away by the pouring blood rain!

The blood demon who had just walked down the city looked up in horror and roared, "The whole army is on alert!"

There is a blood pool of more than ten feet in the center of Shabei City. The blood in the pool is quickly consumed, and the blood demon came quickly and shouted, "Put all the blood into the blood pool!"

Thousands of bloody wooden barrels by the pool are full of blood, "Wang!" The ground is poured into the blood pool, but it can't resist the violent corrosion of the blood curtain by the blood rain!

Fengyang laughed wildly and waved his knife, raised his head and roared through the sky. The bloody night resonated, and the cold wind was majestic. The army of the four directions beat the drums and responded, and the battle song became a wave. He stepped on the sky and earth, charging into the city of Shabei!

Tens of thousands of trees in Dongling become spirits, and the roots are full of iron and wood warriors standing on the branches!

Iron wood long bow, bloody night full of strings, like black bee buzzing, swordfish flowing, black lonely falling!


The blood curtain failed, the arrow penetrated the city, and the blood demon guard retreated in the arrow. The powder of blood killing made the wound unable to heal, blocked the muscles and veins, the strength was greatly damaged, the body and soul was double eroded, and the blood demon guard soul resentful!

Under the south of the city, 30,000 demon warriors are shielded by yellow sand, like climbing over the wall of earth, blocking crossbows and breaking arrows, and quickly advancing to the city!

Upon the West River, the American soldiers took off their clothes and untied their trousers, were not afraid of cold bones, hid under the raft, carrying countless siege equipment, and covered the river!

"Fare down, fall down!"

The blood demon roared hoarsely, and the blood curtain can only barely resist the bloodstorm. If the blood curtain is broken and the bloody rain drenches the city, the terrible corrosion power will definitely reduce the combat power of 100,000 blood demon guards!

"Magic art, the power of evil blood, blood palm magic giant!"

Feng Yang's blood claws became palms and headed towards Shabei City. A blood palm hit out, infinitely enlarged, patting the palm of the city, like the pressure of heaven, blood covering the world!


The blood curtain rippled, the lines rippled, the Shabei City shook the city, and the arrows tilted, and actually resisted the bloody palm of the city!

Feng Yang laughed wildly, "Second palm, third palm... Break it for me!!!"

Number of palms folded, like five days collapse!

"Bang!" "Oh!" ..."Bang!" The blood curtain is finally broken!


The blood demon's mouth sprayed, looked at the last blood palm that broke into the curtain, and hissed in fear, "Open the north gate of the city, retreat!!!"


Under the cover of blood palm, the whole sand was one meter south of the land, and a large number of blood demon guards were patted and splashed blood on the ground, and the city defense equipment "kaka!" Cracking!

The blood rain fell directly on the head of the city, eroded the body and hurt the soul, and 100,000 blood demon guards hurt the blood roared, and the whole city was sad!

On the Xijiang River, the bamboo and wood raft was in place, the flint was thrown into the sky, and the rocket bombarded the city. The flames stained with blood and rain were immortal. The blazing fire burned in the city. The fireworks were poisonous, and the blood demon guard fainted and fell into the blood of the city!

Under the south of the city, Huangsha gathered on the ladder, and 100,000 troops waved their knives. The blood demon guard was weak and his strength was greatly reduced. Even ordinary soldiers could kill a blood guard alone!

In the east, Wanmu Lincheng, the iron and wood warriors jumped to the head of the city. The iron and wood guns were fierce and invincible, forming an iron gun array and platooning blood guards!

The gate of the north opened, 30,000 blood demon guards swarmed out of the city, and 10,000 winged blood demon spirits rose from the rain!

10,000 wind demons cast spells together, the wind strangles the blood of the night sky, and the flying winged blood demons broke their wings and fell into the air!

Thousands of elf magic warriors, light guns fell into the air, Mars fell to the ground, and the earth cracked, blocking 30,000 blood demon guards under the northern city!

Hundreds of evil blood attack, wind and Yang blood cut, and the bloody night of the battle of demon slaughter is long!

At dawn, the red sun rose in the east, and the blood fog on Shabei City did not disperse. Except for a little sporadic resistance, except for the blood demon who took advantage of the chaos, 100,000 blood demon guards were killed!

"The emperor is invincible, the general is brave!"

Such a great victory, the wind and Yang army roared in the red sun, and the excitement scattered the blood fog in the city. The fighting spirit was vast, the blood of the war was shocking, and the invincible momentum swept through the sea and continued!

Shabei City suffered more than 10,000 casualties in World War I, and 250,000 troops repaired for a day and embarked on a journey again!


Muwo Country is a small and medium-sized country with fertile black mud. Nowadays, during the autumn harvest season, grain fields are everywhere, but no farmers and people come to harvest autumn harvest. Only the rustling autumn wind tells about the alternative desolation of this country!

Feng Yang rode down, squatting on the edge of a grain field, rubbing some rice in his hand, with a faint fragrance, but those farmers who have worked hard for half a year can no longer enjoy the joy of autumn harvest!

"Come on, pass the order, collect the autumn grain and fill the military supplies!"

Orion looked at Feng Yang's sadness, why not himself?

If these countries were not in front of us, maybe Sirida would be the same as this muddy country. There was no one in a thousand miles, and there was little smoke left in this hard work, sad autumn!

"Fengyang, this muddy country may be really empty. We can only see if their royal city is still sticking to it. After this country, it will be the West Yali Kingdom!

Our troops are now only more than 300,000, and most of the bloody demon army along the way have retracted to Xiyali. The strength is at least twice as much as ours, and it occupies the terrain. This victory is difficult!"

Feng Yang was silent, and he did not expect that the sweep tactics of the blood demon army were so thorough. After the Battle of Shabei City, the two countries were passed by, and the tribal towns passing by were decomposed. Only the two kings were good, and only 60,000 soldiers were barely drawn together!

A wind demon warrior fell into the air and looked frightened, "Your Majesty! Tens of thousands of ghost troops are rushing to our army hundreds of miles to the east!"

Feng Yang was stunned and asked, "What kind of ghost army?"

The kneeling feet of the wind demon warrior were still a little trembling, "Your Majesty, it seems that the legendary army of ghosts from hell, possessed to the mummified corpse, ghostly!"

Fengyang's chin fell big, "Aurian, have you ever heard of ghosts?"

Orion frowned and thought for a while. "It is said that there is a kind of undead magic that can summon ghosts in the dead world, but they are all transformed by bones and creatures, which is obviously different from the current description.

Ghost possession should be similar to the blood soul controlled by the blood demon. Their purpose should be to find mummified corpses in various countries to form a stronger army of corpses!"

Feng Yang patted his chin and said, "In this way, it should not be with the blood demon, otherwise there is no need to look for mummified corpses everywhere. Let's go for a while to see who the monster is!"


White bone rotten corpse mount, dry corpse's eyes are deep, ghost hair fluttering, ma yi broken, dead bone hand, sword shaky!

The ghost roars, the ghosts are full of fog, like black clouds falling on the ground, rolling and shaking, afraid of people's hearts and minds!

Feng Yang took a deep breath. This scene is really amazing. The blood demon army seems to be at least the body of life, but now this ghost army has completely subverted everyone's understanding of the world!

"Ghost, ghost!!!"

Some female soldiers screamed with fear and hugged the male soldiers around them, but even the male soldiers were not in the mood to enjoy the warmth of the opposite sex at this time. One by one, their feet trembled and their teeth trembled!

It's no wonder that all ethnic groups in the mainland have a natural fear of death, just like a quiet and gloomy night, looking at trees into monsters and ghosts!

What's more, the appearance of this ghost army is even shocked by Feng Yang!

A hundred evil spirits came out, and the blood power was blowing, and the wind Yang's voice was empty. "Who are you ghosts, stop answering me!"


The ghost army stopped five miles away, with strict discipline, and the momentum of holding the knife was exactly the same. Even the distance between the mounts was not the same. This is the power of fine control that the army of all ethnic groups could not achieve!

First, a high-headed ghost horse, full of dark, like a burning black fire dyed by the wind, a ghost king momentum!

The ghost is a strong man, with countless scars on his face and fierce ghosts, but both his eyes and his body can be seen as a real flesh and blood!

"The ghost master of the war, who is in front of me, why did you stop me from going!"

Even if a ghost sound is rendered, the sound is so familiar. Feng Yang and Orion are shocked at the same time and keep recalling. Who is it?

"Yang, are you an acquaintance?"

"Feng Yang?" The ghost of war recalled and suddenly became shocked, "Feng Yang? But Feng Yang from Class 4 of Dayan Martial Arts Academy?

Fengyang and Orion were both surprised and finally determined the identity of the ghost master of war, "Hahahaha! Mo Bai, you are Mo Bai!"

Mo Bai was also overjoyed, "You are really Fengyang, hahahaha!"

Feng Yang was about to ask Mo Bai how he became a ghost when he saw the flesh and blood riding out of the ghost fog alone!

Feng Yang was surprised and blurted out, "Your body and soul are all there. Aren't you dead?"

Five miles away, the ghost horse approached in an instant, "Hahahaha! Who said I'm dead, but I'm indeed more like a ghost!"

Isn't it? When Fengyang Dajun saw the ferocious face, he took a step back collectively, kept screaming, and there was such a momentum!

Feng Yang's mouth trembled, "Magic-Ghost-Baby-Baby!"

Mo Bai opposed Fengyang, turned off the ghost, and said in a majestic voice, "Don't call me devil doll. I'm now a ghost master of war, leading the ghost world!" Are you here to fight against the blood demons?

Feng Yang laughed and said, "What a ghost master. Let's go and drink two bowls first. Let's talk about it later. You have to tell us about your experience!"

Feng Yang then shouted, "The whole army camped on the ground!"


"Do it!" Three big bowls touched each other, and several demon women in the military tent danced and toasted!

Mo Bai wiped the corners of his mouth, "Hahahaha! I haven't had such a pleasant time for a long time. This is the first time I have drunk in nearly two years, and I almost forgot the taste of wine!"

Feng Yang respectfully, "Then drink more and tell us your story in the past two years. We all thought you were dead, Zhang Qiandu..."

Fengyang stopped and almost told him about Zhang Qian's marriage to Tie Yuwen. Now is not a good time. It's better not to tell him!

Mo Bai put the big bowl and asked excitedly, "How's the second sister? Not long after I came out of the ghost world, I haven't had time to go to Tiemu Kingdom to find her!"

Orion quickly replied, "Zhang Qian is very good. Tiemuguo has not been invaded by the blood demon yet. Everything is fine. Come on, do another bowl!"

"Haha! Do it!"

O Lyon told Mo Bai about the current situation. After the three drank several jars of wine, Mo Bai also began to tell his story:

"My second sister and I returned to the tribe from the martial arts academy, and my eldest sister spent the New Year together. On the day of the New Year, my second sister also agreed to my proposal. Those days were the most satisfying!

After the year, I sent my second sister back to Tiemu Kingdom and said that she would give her a month to deal with family affairs, and a month later she would come to the Sfinch tribe to find me.

But when I returned to the tribe, it was already full of fire. Countless people in black slaughtered people with swords in the tribe, pressed the human brain on the blood bucket, cut their throats to receive blood!"

Speaking of this, Mo Bai's scar face is even more ferocious, full of ghosts, a ghost roar looking up to the sky, and a ghost fog broke the military tent!

The ghost army five miles away is fierce, and an alternative fighting spirit surges with the ghost fog, forming a huge ghost fog whirlpool on the dusk sky, covering the little light of the sunset, and the whole world fell into the ghost fog!

The soldiers of Fengyang's army hugged each other intimately, trembling with fear, and constantly increasing the bonfire to dispel the fear in their hearts!

After the ghost roared, Mo Bai's eyes were tearful, and then said, "When I was killing home, the eldest sister was already white and her throat was full of blood!"

I fought madly, and I don't know how many people in black have been killed and how many knives have been cut, but I only have one belief that I can't kill them, and I will kill them all!

The last few blood demon guards came and cut me into a dry well. When I woke up, I had already arrived at the ghost world!

I got the inheritance left by the god of war ghosts and became the owner of the war ghost world. It took me a year and a half to initially integrate the ghost world before I was able to come out!

The location after coming out is no longer the original dry well, but the neighbor of this muddy country, and then met a large team of blood demon guards just killing a tribe!

Next, I collected mummified corpses everywhere, formed an army of war ghosts, and met with blood demons several times, but the number of troops was too small, and I was finally defeated!

The stronger the war ghost, the higher the requirements for the bones, otherwise they can't bear their strength. If your army has fallen soldiers in the future, you can borrow it from me for the time being!"

The corners of Feng Yang's mouth twitched, and this guy hit him on the head. "This is not good. My soldiers want to be grounded after death!"

Mo Bai retorted, "Since you are a warrior, you should have a soul of war. You can fight again after death. This is the real warrior!"

And my war ghost world also needs to add a large number of war ghosts. You can let your warriors swear by the soul of war, and after death, you can enter the war ghost world and get the opportunity to fight again!"

Fengyang trembled. Mo Bai was really so rude. "Well, this depends on personal will. You see, they have been scared by you, or after a while, when they are not afraid of you, I'll ask again!"

After saying that, Feng Yang's heart moved and suddenly thought of something. He asked Mo Bai excitedly, "How big is your ghost world? How many soul of war can you hold? Will the soul of war be painful? Can you regain freedom in the future?"

I was still hurning just now. This series of eager questions made Mo Bai's transformation of Feng Yang open and replied with a little blush:

"When I accepted the inheritance, there were only hundreds of thousands of war souls left in the ghost world. Now I have initially integrated the ghost world of war and can only accommodate millions of war souls!

But as long as new soul of war continues to join, my degree of integration can be improved more quickly, and the soul of war can accommodate more!

As for the pain, it won't be. As long as they are not summoned to fight for a long time, their fighting spirit will fade away and automatically disappear from the world of war ghosts and gods. This should be regarded as freedom!"

Fengyang meditated that although Mo Bai's ghost world is too small, it can at least make blood demons get less blood souls. In the future, Mo Bai will completely integrate the war ghost world, and more than 10 million war souls must be indispensable, so that most of the warriors of all ethnic groups in the south can avoid becoming blood souls!

"Okay, I promise you that I will make the soldiers of all ethnic groups in the south take a vow of war, but the dead bodies must be agreed by themselves!"

Really? Great! Come on, drink!"

Mo Bai is excited. Most of the soul of alien warriors is much stronger than that of the human race. If all races take an oath of soul of war, he will integrate into the ghost world of war several times faster!