Blood God Laugh

Chapter 34 Blood and Fire Troll

Chapter 34, Blood and Fire Troll

Fengyang and Baishi combined into blood cells, taking the lead in rising to the sky, shouting "the magic skill, divided into a hundred magics, ten thousand cuts into reality!"

Ten thousand blood arrows, blood chaos in the night sky, more powerful than the joint efforts of tens of thousands of wind demon clan, each blood arrow has the power to penetrate dozens of bodies!

Endless blood arrows, like the legendary red line of the old moon, centered on the thousands of blood demons, infinitely crossed, and hundreds of the most central blood demons were pierced by ten thousand arrows!

There is a thick blood cloud on the night sky. Five thousand wind demon warriors, hundreds of domain-level strong men, and hundreds of demons all rushed into the blood cloud to carry out the final strangulation, and never let go of them!

A blood shadow burst out of the blood cloud, and the blood escape technique was as fast as a flash, and it fled ten miles away in an instant!

Feng Yang smiled and slowly stepped away. He was not worried about the fleeing blood demon at all!


The fleeing blood light was shot by a sudden figure, and the blood light fell to the ground!


A large humanoid pit appeared, and the blood demon emerged. The panic on his face did not disperse. The blood light flashed and continued to escape in another direction!


The second shot hit the blood light, and another sudden figure appeared. The blood light just lit up the face, which was Feng Yang's split!

The blood demon came out of the second humanoid pit and looked around. Eleven Feng Yang was stepping in the air step by step, and the leisurely appearance was obviously eating him!

"You, it's impossible. Haven't you been dismembered? Why are there so many! It's all ontology. It's impossible. It must be a fantasy. It must be a fantasy. Break it for me, break it!!!"

The blood demon can't believe the scene in front of him. No creature can have so much ontology, which is absolutely against the rules of heaven and earth, so he thinks he is in a fantasy!

"Hahahaha! You think it's a fantasy. I don't need to explain so much to a dying person, but I don't want to kill you yet. I happen to have a heavy damage that needs to recover with your original power!"

After saying that, 11 Feng Yangtong pinched his blood fingers and shouted, "Magic art, seal the soul!" The split drank together, "The art of evil blood, trapped gods and prisoners!"


Outside the Niwo King City, the sky has been slightly bright, and it will be dawn in half an hour. In the military tent, the blood demon king frowned and became more and more panicked!

It is reasonable that 100,000 blood demon guards should have returned before an hour at the latest, and the blood demon air force should have arrived before dawn, but now there is no one coming back. Is there something wrong?

The blood demon king sank into thinking, and Fengyang on the moon fang performed two magic tricks, one was to divide the magic hundred, destroying hundreds of giant crossbows, and the other was the blood needle in the air, directly emptying a blood demon!

In the end, when he fought with Feng Yang, it had always been a close battle, but Feng Yang's defense seemed to be much lower than the information shared by the blood demon!

Even if the blood is exhausted, he should not be pierced into a split body by a few blood arrows of the blood demon spirit. In addition, he has never used magic!

The blood demon king suddenly shook, and his body stood up from the couch and exclaimed, "Is that body fake? It was transformed with magic in the battle with the City of Life?

The Bloody Demon King rushed out of the military tent and shouted, "Come on! Ten teams of blood demons immediately searched north to see where the 100,000 troops of logging and machinery were, and in addition..."

Before he finished speaking, the blood demon was shocked, and another blood demon lost his senses!

At this time, eleven Fengyang happened to successfully seal the blood demon. A small blood cell was thrown twice in his hand, looked at the south, and said proudly with an evil expression, "Now you should know that you have been fooled, hahahaha!"

The blood demon king was still frightened by the loss of sensation of the blood demon, and there was a rushing sound from the rear. The blood demon king changed his face and thought that 100,000 blood demon guards were back!

However, after the large figure emerged from the ground plane, the blood demon king's happy face turned into a black and black pig liver color!

The 100,000 blood magic guard did not come back, but there was a large ghost fog. If the mummified corpse could support his body, plus the bloody sweatshirt and armor on his body, most of the 100,000 blood magic guards would have come back!

At the same time, dozens of demons flew out of the Niwo King City, among which was an intact wind Yang, looking up to the sky and laughing wildly, "Hahaha!

I didn't expect it, you fell for it!

Your 100,000 blood magic guards are over!

Your thousands of blood demons are over!

Your blood demon is over again!"

Every sentence of Feng Yang was accented, like a hammer hitting the heart of the blood demon king!


The blood demon king spewed out a mouthful of black blood, the joy in front, the suspension behind, the shock and anger now, and all kinds of rapidly changing moods made the blood demon king go crazy!

Stretching his neck and raising his head, his blood kept gasping, and his blood eyes stared at the wind Yang in the air with endless madness!

The bloody crazy eyes of the blood demon king really scared Feng Yang. He just wanted to scare the blood demon king away, and then slowly chased him all the way. If the blood demon king really goes crazy, 500,000 blood demon guards are not jealous, and he can fight at least half of his army!

Wang Dao was suddenly shocked, and the crazy blood demon king woke up in an instant. The madness slowly faded. Feng Yang has captured and transformed a king knife. This king knife doesn't want to be captured by Feng Yang again!

The blood demon king's blood soul roared, and the soul sound was transmitted in eight directions. The blood demon guard surrounding the king's city contracted quickly. Feng Yang, who saw this scene, put down the hanging stone in his heart. Just now, it really scared him!

Looking at the arrangement of the blood demon king's northward army, it should be that he still wants to escape back to the crescent moon. The ghost army did not attack, and the army in Fengyang Wangcheng is also slowly concentrating from the north city, which is quite a taste of preparing to release the tiger back to the mountain!


After the gathering of the blood demon army, the sky was already bright. At this time, the wind and Yang army swarmed out of the north city. Obviously, they did not want to collide with the blood demon army!

In fact, after seeing the ghost army, the blood demon king has guessed that there will not be too many Fengyang's army in the king city, which is also the reason why he is ready to go crazy, but now it is the right thing to escape back to the crescent moon. He and Wang Dao must not die in the hands of Fengyang again!

"Dong Dong!!!"

The blood demon king finally set up and rushed north. The ghost army actually avoided the side. The ghost watched the blood demon army pass in front of him, and the wind and Yang army began to slowly rear-end!

The high-headed ghost horse stomped its hooves, and its hooves made a ring of small black ghost fog. Mo Bai on the horse's back laughed. His former stick has been lost. Now he uses a long ghost-headed knife, which condenses the power of countless soul of war, and the ghost fog surrounds!

But he heard that Feng Yang grabbed a blood demon king knife and transformed it into a blood king knife with evil spirit, so he stared at the blood demon king's knife, Mo Bai kept adding ghost tongue. He must have a ghost king knife!

Two-thirds of the blood demon army has passed. Mo Baigui roared and went straight in with hundreds of thousands of ghost troops, cutting off hundreds of thousands of blood demon guards at the tail of the team!

Fengyang's army charged at the same time, competing for the cake!

The Blood Demon King did not hesitate at all, and continued to escape back to Xiyali with more than 300,000 blood magic guards at a faster speed, and even showed a sinister smile at the corners of his mouth!

The three armies fought, and the Fengyang army had many races and different colors of military uniforms. It was like a color stream in a semi-inner arc to resist the escape of the blood demon guard, only blocking but not rushing, and slowly forced in with a dense array of gun forests!

The ghost army is like the tide of black fog. The blood magic guard can be compared to the lake of blood and water. The black tide surge lake is like a blood-black yin and yang fish eye. The line of clear division is also a violent line of corpses!

There is not a domain-level blood demon general among these hundreds of thousands of blood demon guards. It seems that the blood demon king has long expected this and has already transferred the domain-level blood demon general to the front of the army, but even if there is no super high-end power, hundreds of blood demon guards are not so easy to eat!

The most central thousand heavenly blood demon guards lined up in a ring, 100,000 blood demon guards pushed their backs and shoulders one by one, forcibly filled their bodies with strength, and a blood-colored circular pattern appeared on the ground!

Even if it is the same source of power, the force pours into other people's bodies requires the bearer to have a strong enough body, otherwise it must explode and die!

Thousands of heavenly blood magic guards slowly become red and dazzling, the blood body is slowly expanding, and the momentum continues to rise, and the last one has become a giant bloodfire man!

Like the flame lord in fire magic, the blood and fire are stacked, and the momentum is even more powerful than the ordinary domain-level blood demon general, but the swollen blood body is not exploding!

This should be the 'blood demon array' carved by the blood demon king yesterday or overnight, which is ready to attack the city today, but now its role is not small at all. At the cost of 100,000 blood demon guards, thousands of blood and fire trolls that are not domain-level but stronger than domain-level!

One hundred thousand blood demon guards died one by one, but the thousand blood and fire trolls had the momentum of the sky and shocked the three armies!

Mo Bai screamed repeatedly. I don't know whether he was excited or scared. Yes, he was excited about the 100,000 intact dead bodies, but the thousand blood and fire trolls made him shocked!

Feng Yang's split was also scared and shouted. The troll's fire foot can trample several soldiers into blood mud with just one foot!

If thousands of people rush together, whether it is to rush to Mobai Ghost Army or to rush to Yang Dajun, it will cause heavy casualties in just one round. How can Feng Yang and Mo Bai not be surprised? How can they not be afraid!

Feng Yang shouted and ordered, "Regress, run, and go back to the royal city!"

The army has retreated crazily without orders, and Fengyang flew up with dozens of demons and rushed to the blood and fire trolls who were about to completely complete their transformation!

The space of 2,000 wind demon warriors in the sky is constantly fragmented, but they can only cut off pieces of blood and fire, and even the troll's blood body has been exhausted!

"Ghost art, thousands of bones, the cohesion of all souls, the king of ghosts!"

Mo Bai ghost roared, the whole body of ghost blood flowed back, the ferocious face exploded little by little, and the ghost gas broke out, "Give me the group!!!"

"Wan! Wow! Wow!"

One hundred and dozens of huge ghost fog whirlpools appeared in the ghost army, and countless ghost soldiers disintegrated into scattered bones. Skulls, white bone arms, thigh bones, etc. were all involved in the whirlpool!

The sound of the combination came out, and the ghost soldiers who had not disintegrated on the battlefield also fell one by one, and all the souls of war were converging into the hundred and ten whirlpools!