Blood God Laugh

Chapter 36 Robbery

Chapter 36, Robbery and Killing All the Way

The number of Fengyang's army in the mud and fertile country is still hundreds of thousands less, and the Blood Demon King is expected to have an ambush along the way to speed up and run away!

But after two-thirds of the army, thousands of giant crossbows and stone throwers were suddenly launched on the bald mountain. There was a continuous sound, and all the crossbow stones were dropped into the air. At the same time, tens of thousands of iron wood long bow arrows were covered by bees!

A Fengyang appeared in mid-air and opened his mouth to the center of one-third of the tail, "The art of evil blood, the explosion of giant evil!"


It's another huge lethal move. Thousands of blood magic guards were strangled into fog, and countless people were injured!

The Blood Demon King turned around in horror and said silently, "It's impossible. How can you be here? Have you solved thousands of trolls? No way, no matter how powerful you are, you can't be so fast!"

Feng Yang laughed, "Hahahaha, I solved it with a direct move. Your confidence in the thousands of trolls is too much. Run away. If you don't run away, my follow-up army will catch up. Demons come out and kill me!"

The blood shadow flashed, just like dozens of demons outside the royal city. In addition, Feng Yang really seems to have solved thousands of trolls in one move, and then chased them directly!

The blood demon king was furious, roared, and accelerated and fled with more than 200,000 blood demon guards. Nearly 100,000 blood demon guards were abandoned behind again, but no troll appeared here!

The crossbows on the bald mountain, falling stones, long bows, and the blood demon army were shot like live targets. The wind Yang and dozens of demons lined up to block!

The wind demon warrior directly blocks the space of the front road, like a crystal screen. He can see the front road, but he can't walk through it. Unless he can kill most of the demons, he will have a chance to break through the space blockade!

The Blood Demon King just left without a shadow, and two more Fengyang appeared, and the explosion of the giant evil came again, "Bang! Bang!" Two voices, kill thousands of blood demon guards!

There are several domain-level blood demon generals in this tail team. They look around and can't retreat. They can't go up the bald mountain. The army that rushed to the front is almost shot, and they can only escape from the direction that is not besieged on the other side!

So the blood demon was ready to run away to this side with the blood demon guard, but it had not been executed yet. Seven Fengyang appeared again, and dozens of demons lined up!

Where to escape? There are thousands of wind demon warriors in the sky, a complete dead game!

But even if it is a dead end, no one will directly give up the opportunity of that blog. The blood demon will drink at the same time, and the blood domain will burst into a large number of blood demon guards, and directly devour the power of the blood demon!

With the increase of killing and the enhancement of the blood demon's ability, the blood demon will also get an increase rate of more than ten times to 20 times!

As for the strength of the blood demon, it completely depends on the body of the blood demon general, just like the powerful alien blood demon general, which is several times thicker than the blood demon of the possessed human race!

Although the blood demon will not know the blood demon method, the ordinary blood gathering can still be done. The blood demon generals who have devoured a large number of blood demon guards are gradually getting bigger and bigger!

Then swallowed. Originally, the blood field of about three meters was about five meters, and the fifth level of the domain seemed to reach the limit they could bear, but the power that burst out would never be only the power of the fifth level!

The field tightens the body, and several blood demons will raise their swords and roar. The blood demon guards around them collectively raise their swords to gather strength. The blood sword in the center is getting more and more fishy, and the power fluctuates to 5 million catties!

Hundreds of other heavenly blood demon guards also raised their swords one by one, with their strength ranging from 60,000 catties to tens of thousands of catties. Blood demons pointed their swords to the front, and hundreds of heavenly blood demon guards waved their swords to follow!

If these hundreds of beheads are cut over and dozens of demons who block the way will not retreat, there will definitely be nearly half of the casualties. If they are removed, the space blockade will be cut down!

It seems to be a dilemma, but don't forget that there are still seven unconsumpted Fengyang. When the blood demon will raise his sword to gather strength, the three Fengyang have rushed over!

shouted at the same time, "The art of evil blood, evil gun and shield!"

Dozens of demons' evil guns automatically flew away, forming a net-shaped strange blood lines in front of them, and then each evil gun emitted a strong blood gas, quickly solidging the net shield, and a huge blood shield appeared!

Hundreds of heavenly blood demon guards were the first to cut out, "Bum bang!" The blood shield trembled violently, and most of the strong evil spirits were shaken away, and then the horrible 5 million catties of blood came out!

Three wind Yang roared, the blood palms were imprinted on the blood shield, and the blood was entered crazily, and the blood shield was strong again!

The number is cut to the same, "Bang!!!" The blood wave shook the earth, and the close row of blood demon guards was shocked, and then "broken" turned into a pool of thick blood!

All the rifles flew in all places, broke through the clouds and fog, and penetrated into the ground. The most central number of rifles were completely destroyed into powder!

The three Fengyang's mouths in the blood fog bleed, but their movements did not decrease, "The art of killing blood, the evil waves!"

The three joined hands, and dozens of 100-meter-long blood waves cut through the bleeding fog and cut from the sky to the inside of the blood demon army. The blood demon guard, who had just prepared for the second round of cohesion, was forcibly interrupted!

"Let's go!!!"

Hundreds of thousands of warriors and human soldiers on the bald mountain finally launched a charge. At this time, the blood demon guards had suffered nearly half of the casualties and were surrounded all over, and the whole army was inevitable!


The Blood Demon King is still leading the army. He has lost most of his troops along the way, and he can still rush back to the crescent moon in half a day!

As long as he retreats to the crescent, this large area is still the world of his blood demon king. Sooner or later, Fengyang will give up the crescent and go east. At that time, the blood demon army will go down the mountain again and continue to kill everywhere!

However, when passing a section of terrain with slopes on both sides, and when the blood demon army ran through two-thirds, countless fire and sand guns burst down to the left slope, and the gorgeous light guns fell to the right!

At the same time, endless tree spirits appeared on both sides of the hillside, waving wooden guns smeared with blood powder in their hands and charging down!

Another Fengyang appeared in the sky. His mouth was an explosion of a giant evil spirit, and dozens of demons also fell into the air, stopping before one-third of the blood demon army!


The yellow sand rose, the elements exploded, and the blood demon army was shot through and blown away in an instant, and then "bang!" The explosive reward of giant evil, yellow, color, blood color, three deadly colors are rampant in the army of blood demons!

The eyes of the blood demon king are about to fall out. Why did this Feng Yang come again? Has the 100,000 army been annihilated again? How is this possible!!!

Feng Yang laughed, "Don't be surprised, the 100,000 blood magic guards behind are indeed finished. You'd better run quickly, otherwise in a short time, my army will all catch up!" Hahahaha!"

The blood demon king has been unable to be angry. It seems that he is numb with anger by Feng Yang. He plays dizzy and continues to run away with the blood demon guard of less than 200,000!

Will there be an ambush in front?


30,000 blood demon guards in King Niwo City have been annihilated. Fengyang's hundreds of troops here are mainly soldiers from the sand and the United States, and the soldiers put together in the later two countries, other races, 1,000 elves, 3,000 demons, and 2,000 wind demon warriors!

The limited defense equipment at the head of the other three sides of the city have been carried to the North City. Although the individual strength of the human army is very weak, the power of thousands of people can destroy all evil in the world!


A giant crossbow arrow pierced the chest of the blood and fire troll, and the blood powder entered the body, and the blood soul screamed to avoid retreating, but the second crossbow arrow entered immediately, and the blood powder quickly eroded the blood body. The third and fourth troll's movements became slower and slower!


A piece of flint was punched by the troll, "Bum!" The second piece hit his blood brain, and the rolling oil fire ignited the blood brain. The oil fire and blood fire burned and devoured each other, making a small fire sound!

Two thousand wind demon warriors can no longer join the battle. Although there are not many demon and elf warriors, as the two most powerful aliens in the south, even if there are only 4,000 people, the attack power formed cannot be ignored!


The gun of fire and sand penetrated into the blood body, and the hot yellow sand was tyrannical, rejecting the blood fire and devouring the magic power. After the yellow salon, a blood fire troll extinguished the body!

"Jin Zhanqian army!" Beheading and breaking the body.

"Arrows cover the sky!" Heart-breaking lungs.

"Sweet rain and dew!" Good governance and exorcism.

"The breath of the fire dragon!" The fire burns the four fields.

"Landslides and cracks!" Open the earth and grave demon.

All kinds of magic are infinite, like fairies in colorful gauze, dancing dazzling clouds, blinding the eyes of the ignorant, and harvesting life in deception. Of course, it is the trolls harvested here!

Nearly half of the ghost kings have scattered, but the remaining ghost kings have been injected with scattered war souls. The ghost fog is more fierce and the fighting spirit is more fierce!

The soul of war roared, the ghost bone was cut with a big knife, and the ghost fog was as black as the tide, and the waves were surging trolls. When the black wave surged, the troll's blood and fire had been extinguished, and there was still a trace of ghost in the thick bloody seven holes!

The ghost king stepped, shaking the mountain and the ground, the rotary knife cut vertically, and the ghost fog arced, "poop!" The ghost knife cut the troll's head to the end, and the line of the corpse curls!

Feng Yang only loves one move, drilled into the blood body, gathered blood coagulation, and then the flesh ball blood burst, the blood wave cut the waist, the demon attacked the broken body, and twisted the blood soul!

There are only a small half of the thousands of trolls left, and the time limit of the blood demon method has arrived, and the blood and fire automatically slowly extinguished. There is no need to fight any more, and they can't hold on for much time!

Blood and fire trolls do not really exist. Just like the elemental people of all kinds of magic, they are temporary. When the time comes, the world will dissipate!

There is no suspense in the battle of Wangcheng. Thousands of demons have fallen, and even more than 100 blood and fire trolls are automatically scattered.

The Fengyang army suffered 10,000 soldiers, and the ghost army also suffered heavy losses, but the 100,000 blood demon guards in that place can completely make up for the loss, and the number of ghost troops will increase again!

Mo Bai's body is seriously eroded by ghost gas, and he can no longer use powerful ghost skills in a short time, but there is still no problem in commanding the ghost army!

The ghost king disintegrated and formed a famous ghost soldier again. The world of war ghosts and gods opened up. The dead bodies of that place were collected in batches, and the ghost army stepped out. Originally, hundreds of thousands of ghost troops have now soared to more than 200,000!

The whole army marched and chased in the direction of the blood demon king's escape!