Blood God Laugh

Chapter 38 The Sea of Blood

Chapter 38, the sea of blood is boundless

The fire cloud spit down, not slowly spitting down, but pouring down. The whole city is like a huge stove, like a braised chicken, cruelly burning the tens of thousands of blood demon guards!

Countless blood bodies burned, and even the protective strength of the heavenly blood magic guard could not resist for long. They stretched out their limbs one by one, rolled their bodies, and screamed sadly!

The crackling sound of burning, the flesh and blood are bleeding, and then melt quickly, and the blood bones tremble and turn into the last ashes. No scene can be compared with this!

"Bang!!!" The city wall trembled,

"Bang!!!" The city wall trembles,

"Bang!!!" The city wall cracked,


A whole wall collapsed, like a dam with a raging fire rolling out.

Countless firemen rushed out with the stream of fire, screaming and running around, rolling on the ground. The flame of the fire god of destroying the world is not so easy to extinguish. Burning the body and burning the soul, endless!

The blood demon king came out, and there are dozens of domain-level blood demon generals, all of which are open to protect thousands of blood demon guards. This is all the survivors who can escape from the furnace!

With a soul cry, the blood demon king landed, and the blood demon king instantly completed the combination of the strongest state, shouting ferociously:

"Feng Yang, come out! Aren't you going to kill me? Come on!!!"

Fengyang came out step by step in the darkness, and the light of blood and fire shone on the face that also showed ferocious blood scales. The bloody eyes were full of violence, and the blood claws dragged the blood knife to cut the earth like a tofu!

At the same time, a famous demon and elf strongman also appeared on all sides. A pair of dozens of domain-level blood demon generals who escaped. The wind demon warriors in the sky have launched a bloody battle with the blood demon spirit. This is the last battlefield of this battle!

The blood demon king doesn't understand why Feng Yang is always one step faster than him. Even if he flies with all his strength, does it really not take time and consumption to solve so many blood demon guards?

"How on earth did you do it?" The Blood Demon King still couldn't help asking.

"Don't pay attention to how I did it. You will die today!" Feng Yang showed ferocity.

"Hahahaha! Can you stop me if I want to go? Do you think you have countless troops to help you lock the empty land? Wang Dao has been shaking, urging the Blood Demon King to leave quickly.

"I don't need others to help me surround you. You can't run away!"

Feng Yang thought for a moment and decided to cover up the existence of the split with the magic skill, so he shouted, "The magic art, the body illusion ten!"

Ten Fengyang splits suddenly appeared and surrounded the blood demon king in the middle. The blood demon king's blood eyes were so shocked that they couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

"Impossible, how can there be such an anti-sky spell? It must be an illusion, it must be an illusion!"

When the king knife was shocked, this was not a fantasy. The blood demon king took a step back and flashed with blood all over his body, and he was about to escape with blood!

Feng Yang condensed, and his blood finger pinched, "Magic skill, virtual stacked space!"

I saw eleven Fengyang walk together. Wherever the blood light goes, where the eleven wind Yangs will always surround the blood light in the middle!

It's just a breath, and the Blood Demon King is dozens of miles away. Of course, this consumes the strength of the blood demon, and the empty space of Fengyang also consumes spiritual power!

In fact, Feng Yang can directly stop the blood demon king, but he just wants to stay away from the battlefield, lest the blood demon king desperately hurt other strong men, but now it is far enough that the blood knife is cut, and the blood light directly hits the ground!

The Blood Demon King did not climb out of the ground, but ran away directly. If he didn't escape, he would die!

"The art of blood, cut open the mountain with blood, and cut the land!"

Eleven Fengyang cut two pieces each, and put together a bloody rune on the ground. A whole land was divided, and then the blood knife cut straight to the center of the earth!

"Hum!!!" As soon as the earth shook, the earth did not explode, but shook out a shadow of blood!

The Blood Demon King stood in the air and laughed crazily, "Hahahaha! You just locked me, but you ignored Wang Dao. He has escaped a hundred miles away!"

Feng Yang's face remained unchanged, "You can't run away, and the knife can't run away!" Then ten splits killed the Blood Demon King, and Feng Yang stood on the divided land!

"Do you think you can give all the power of the blood soul to the blood demon, and then be silent like mud to deceive my phantom eyes?"

After saying that, Feng Yang patted his palm to the ground and shouted, "Come out!"


The king's knife rushed out of the surface. Feng Yang put down the blood knife and waved his blood claws with his hands, "Magic skill, lock the soul! The art of blood, trapped body!"

A blood net put Wang Dao into the net. Wang Dao is like a small blood fish caught in the net, jumping desperately and struggling in vain!

"You can jump as much as you want and jump for a while. I promised Mo Bai to give you to him, and I won't treat you badly if you become his ghost sword!"

Fengyang no longer cares the king's knife. The king's knife that has lost all the power of blood and soul is simply the fish on the cutting board. If Feng Yang is now eroded with evil spirit, he can transform it into a bloody king knife in minutes!

Although the blood demon king lost the king's knife, he got all the power of the blood soul. Instead of weakening, his strength was three points stronger!

The set of Wangjia has not disappeared, because Wang Jia itself is condensed with the power of blood soul. The blood demon king supports the blood realm and let the ten split bodies of Fengyang beheaded, and his mouth has been meditating the ancient blood language!

He wants to tell all the blood demons about today's scene. Feng Yang's ability to have a physical split is terrible. If Feng Yang continues to grow up, it will be their biggest resistance!

Feng Yang snorted coldly and jumped to make a turn. The blood knife drew a bright blood wheel, and then a shocking blood light cut off the blood field of the blood demon king, and at the same time, all the splits were chopped!



The blood field collapsed, Wang Jia collapsed, seven holes splashed blood, the blood soul hiss fiercely, and the blood demon king was smashed into 100 meters!


With a blood roar, the endless blood soul rushed out of the ground, and the blood demon king slowly rose into the air, and the blood soul was wrapped around. It was originally the appearance of a flying winged blood demon spirit. The disgusting snake face still smiled ferociously, coupled with the moving stamens, a bloodthirsty and fierce excitement!

"Hahahaha! Fengyang, you are dead. You shouldn't have given me time to spread the news. You will regret it, you will regret it!!!"

Feng Yang slightly closed his eyes and flashed with a bloody cold light. A long knife turned over and synchronously lanced the gun, just like eleven blood-colored stamens cutting to the flower-hearted blood demon king!

"The blood demon-fa, the sea of blood is boundless!"

Endless blood soul rushed out of the body of the blood demon king, like the eruption of a volcano, spreading turbulently around, and the world instantly turned into a sea of blood souls in an instant!

Eleven chopping has arrived, "Puff!!!" The blood demon king was blown into petals, but there was crazy laughter on all sides, as if the whole sea of blood and soul were laughing!

The corpse gradually disappeared and was reborn in another part of the blood sea. At the same time, it restored the hugeness of the blood demon king, "hahaha! If you want to kill me, you have to pay a heavy price!"

The blood soul floated, tearing its teeth and claws, revealing a ferocious face to the wind Yang. The snake-shaped blood soul around the blood demon king was constantly formed, slowly surrounding 11 Fengyang in turn!

Feng Yang was so angry that he dissipated the annoying blood soul all over his body. "Oh, why did you make me pay a heavy price?"

The blood demon stared at Feng Yang's body. In his mind, it was useless to kill the ten splits. Feng Yang could also be transformed again, so all the power of the blood soul was directed to Feng Yang's body!

"The power of the blood soul, gather and devour the soul!"

The blood color of the sea of blood soul has faded a lot, and the soul power has been condensed by the snake-shaped blood soul. After losing most of the soul power, the floating blood soul has shown a pale and ferocious reduction a lot!

Feng Yang did not stop the cohesion of the power of the blood soul. He has been observing the change of the blood soul. He seems to have caught something, understood something, and continue to observe quietly!

Then the soul power was lost again, and the pale blood soul slowly showed a trace of relief, as if the bloody soul power was the source of their pain and ferociousness!

Feng Yang didn't have time to observe any more. The soul power of all the snake-shaped blood souls was almost strong to the entity. Collectively locked the impact of Feng Yang's soul sound, and then the snake tail rushed over as soon as it patted!

"The art of evil blood, evil shock!"

Feng Yang wants to shake away the powerful sound waves, but this gathers the sad sound waves of all the blood souls. How can it be so easily dissipated?

No matter how powerful the shock was, the sound wave still burst the shock and penetrated into the soul of Fengyang. The pain of blood soul purgatory was immersive. Fengyang looked up ferociously and screamed like a blood soul!

All the snake-shaped blood souls penetrated from Feng Yang's screaming blood mouth one by one, and then Feng Yang was like the endless blood eyes of the sea of blood soul, and the whole sea of blood penetrated into Feng Yang's body!

The Blood Demon King laughed excitedly. He never thought that everything would be so smooth. When the blood sea enters the body, Feng Yang will definitely be eroded into a super blood demon guard!

However, before the excitement of the blood demon king, he found that ten Fengyang split bodies surrounded him again and lost the power of the blood soul. Now there is only a little blood magic power left, and he can't even use the blood escape!

Look at the Feng Yang who held his head and screamed, and then at the ten split bodies around him. The blood demon king shouted in horror, "Impossible, why haven't you dissipated!!!"

A split answered his panic, "Because we are not transformed at all. We are all entities. Now you can die at ease!"

"The art of evil blood, trapped gods and demons!"

A round blood curtain imprisoned the blood demon king and slowly tightened and became smaller. The blood demon king screamed and collided in the blood curtain, but a trace of ripples could not shake out!

If the blood demon king still has enough blood soul power, the art of blood alone can't block him. He must be assisted by the magic skill!

But after a powerless struggle, the huge body of the blood demon king was slowly crushed, and finally squeezed into a blood-colored bead and thrown in the hands of a Fengyang!


Fengyang's body is still screaming. The two splits stayed to guard, and the other eight rushed back to support the strong under the crescent moon!