Blood God Laugh

Chapter 52 Blood Warcraft Tide

Chapter 52, Blood Warcraft Tide

"Wind Yang, wake up, wake up, the Blood Demon Emperor has retreated..."

Orion and others looked at Feng Yang speechlessly and finally responded after shouting for a long time:

"Give me a **, and I'll guard it here. No, every hill is carried ** for me. I want to sleep on all the mountains at the same time. I want the Blood Demon Emperor not to sleep. Uh-huh, I'm asleep..."

Feng Yang didn't really sleep. He could see the offensive and defensive battle just now.

The attack of the blood demon army was very fierce at the beginning, but when the blood demon emperor sensed the breath of wind and Yang on the three mountains, the attacking blood demon guard was obviously not so active and desperate.

So Feng Yang wanted to arrange a split on each mountain, so that the blood demon emperor could not distinguish between reality and reality, forcing him to protect the army with a bloody soul array every time he attacked.

The power of the blood soul swept across the hundred-mile front, and more than a dozen Fengyang opened their eyes at the same time and attacked with evil spirits.


The Blood Demon Emperor stepped back a few steps, dripping blood from the corners of his mouth, couldn't help shrugging his cheeks and his heart was extremely shocked.

Although I have long received the news of other blood demons, saying that Feng Yang can be a real person for a long time, and has almost physical strength, and it is difficult to distinguish between reality, but this personal exploration is still a little unbelievable.

Fengyang Xie smiled and continued to sleep with his head covered. The soldiers around him did not know what had happened, but the commander could sleep in person, which brought them endless support and confidence.

In the next few days, the blood demon army was calm, but everyone knew that the decisive battle was about to begin.

"Report!!! Your Majesty, the 50th army of the elves has arrived!"

"Oh? So many Japanese elites came?"

"The Japanese elite army will not be less than 3 million!" The wind demon warrior who came to report looked a little ugly.

"Damn! How many people are there in total? Do you want to be exterminated?

Feng Yang jumped up from **, "Try me to have a look!"

The army is as endless as the ant tide, and there are countless chariots and other large siege equipment, just like the big men in the ant tide, showing their powerful lethality!

The Japanese spirits are as good at making equipment as the Ggoat, and they are a very learning race. It is said that their equipment production is learned from the Glanders, but they are much stronger than the Glanders.

Compared with human beings, there is not much difference between Japanese spirits and human beings except for their short bodies, but the reason why they are not accepted by human beings is that they are **- messy by nature!

The Japanese used to live in human territory, but they did not have a husband-wife system. They were an extremely promiscuous race, even mother and son, sibling, father and daughter, etc.

Because of this, many of their babies are born with defects, and then they will kill the defects with their own hands.

So their population is not large, only more than 10 million, and they are discriminated against by human beings and driven them out of human territory.

But the elves are kind-hearted and give up the territory outside the eastern part of the Elf Forest to live in. Up to now, they not only don't know how to be grateful, but also bite back at the elf clan.

At present, these three million troops may be all the great fighting power of the Japanese elites. It seems that they have come to avenge the exile of human beings!

In the command, the generals of all countries panicked. Although there are 8 million troops in all ethnic groups, the blood demon army has reached more than 5 million. The blood demon guard and blood warcraft alone are extremely powerful. Now there are Japanese elite equipment. How can we fight this battle?

Feng Yang also had a headache, but he couldn't show it. He coughed and roared:

"Be quiet. You panicked before you fought this battle. Then you still fart. Go back and wash your necks and get bloodsucked!"

With such a roar, all the generals of all countries shut up. Feng Yang took advantage of the hot iron and continued to roar:

"No matter whether you win or lose, there will be no shortage of people who will die this time. If you don't want to suffer blood soul purgatory after death, go back now and make a vow of soul war!"

Bloody eyes swept at the hundreds of generals here. Feng Yang can see that there are still many people who are unwilling to be slaves after death!

"After the end of the battle of extermination, the ghost will release all the souls of war. What? Don't you want to? So do you want to become a blood soul or a blood demon guard?

Feng Yang despised everyone, "If you are afraid of death and don't have a trace of fighting spirit, the world of war ghosts still don't want to accept it. It's a battle to kill, or escape back and wait for death. You can choose!"

After a while of silence, the Holy Demon Emperor said, "I, millions of soldiers of the Holy Demon Empire, are willing to swear by the soul of war!"

"I, 300,000 soldiers of Shamo, are willing to take the oath of the soul of war!"

"Our 200,000 soldiers and soldiers in Xishan are willing to take the oath of the soul of war!"


"Good! Very good!"

Feng Yang "bang!" on the handsome stage With a slap, he stood up, and his blood-eyed eyes glowed, emitting a bloodthirsty fighting spirit. "In this way, our army will win, and our army will win!"

"Hahahaha!" Mo Bai laughed and said, "Okay, our army will win this battle, and our army will win!"

Hundreds of people will win in unison, and the soldiers outside theshuai department also shouted after hearing this, and the confidence of victory slowly spread to the 100-mile front!

Hearing the sound of victory, the Blood Demon Emperor couldn't help frowning. He didn't know why the human army had such confidence.

He began to prepare for this battle several months ago, in order to lose most of the human resistance in one fell swoop, and then **, train millions of blood demon guards, and then go south to destroy all aliens.

However, Fengyang's return has destroyed half of his plan, and then the blood demon army on the southeast coast was annihilated, allowing the demons to free up their hands. If there is no decisive battle, when the dwarves and goblins also come, his chances of winning will become smaller and smaller.

"Come on! Call me the emperor of the Japanese elite!"

That night, blood fog began to spread in the blood demon army. Three days later, the whole blood demon army was covered by a thick blood fog, and the battle began!


Looking at the tide of blood fog coming from the ground, Feng Yang gritted his teeth angrily. The blood fog seemed to be the diaphragm of another world. His spiritual power could be seen through, but the blood could not be summoned, and the blood demon guard was not suppressed by him!

The art of evil blood! ......”

Feng Yang was stunned for a moment, and the following move had not been named yet. After thinking about it, he shouted, "It's bloody!"

With the assistance of hundreds of demons and evil spirits, more than a dozen Fengyang supported the ground with their palms, and the blood of evil spirits poured into this simple city defense crazily, and a bloody wall appeared on the 100-mile front.

"Kill me!!!"

"Wu!!!" Giant crossbow pierces and shoots.

"Bang!!!" Oilstone fell from the sky.

"Boom!!!" The gunpowder collapsed.

The dense attack made the fog suddenly stop, but after a while, a bloody and ferocious front appeared.

The oil stone fell, "Bang!" The chariot was slightly damaged, but the fire oil quickly extinguished in the blood fog, and even the fuse of the rocket was swallowed by the blood fog, filling the front of the car like an ordinary crossbow!

Feng Yang Leng "Hum!" With a sound, he shouted, "The art of evil blood, the wave of shock!"

All the splits waved their hands at the same time, and an invisible blood wave suddenly surged out on the hundred-mile front, colliding with the blood fog in an instant.



The gunpowder on the front-row chariot was all detonated, and the blood fog in the front row was all blown away. Taking advantage of this time, more rockets fired, oil stones burned, and hundreds of miles of fireworks into a long dragon!

But soon, a long blood field array appeared in the blood demon army. Hundreds of domain-level blood demons led countless blood demon guards to provide blood demon strength and block all attacks.

The long array of the blood field stepped forward step by step, followed by the rear chariot. If the chariot is pushed to the attack range, the human army will lose most of its advantage.

"The demons obey the order! Fire and sand gun!"


The yellow sand roared, dry and hot. As soon as the human soldiers sweated, they were immediately sucked dry, but they were all ready, and each of them hung two water bags around their waist.


The blood curtain is turbulent, the sandstorm is slight, and the blood yellow color is violently rubbing. At the same time, countless giant crossbows, oil stones and other attacks make the blood curtain keep retreating.


A sharp soul roar came out of the blood demon army, and it was a bit like the roar of a beast. Hundreds of miles of blood fog suddenly surged forward, with the support of blood fog, and the blood curtain pushed forward again, and it was more rapid than before!

"The art of magic, the dance of war charm!"

This time, it is not Lisha that led millions of demons, but Mania, the demon king. Although the magic of illusion is not as powerful as the magic of illusion, the power of the magic dance of hundreds of demon women cannot be underesight!


Millions of demons roared, their potential exploded, their muscles expanded, and the yellow sand rolled up by the fire and sand gun was even hotter!

At the same time, most of the human warriors are also stimulated by the dance of war charm. Those with weak constitution spewed blood one by one. Fortunately, it was not aimed at human beings, otherwise it would be no wonder that they would not die.

However, the body of the human warrior with good constitution has also swelled, and the combat power has greatly increased, and the attack power of crossbows and oil stones has been greatly enhanced.


The blood curtain was blocked again, but he insisted on not retreating, and at the same time, there was a scream of blood soul in the blood demon army.


All the blood fog suddenly surged forward from the back of the blood demon army and sharply condensed into a hundred-mile-long blood wave, making a "boom" sound like countless bloody beasts galloping!


The yellow sandstorm collapsed in an instant, but the violent impact also dispersed a lot of blood fog.

Fengyang's coalition finally understood why the soul roar had a beast-like roar, and why the blood wave had a beast-like sound, because the blood fog was emitted by the blood beast!

The whole body is red, constantly emitting wisps of blood fog, ferocious blood eyes, and ferocious blood teeth splashing bloodthirsty beast saliva in the rush!

The speed of Blood Warcraft is too fast, and all this is too sudden. Even Orion did not expect that the Blood Warcraft would use Blood Warcraft like this.

According to Orion's estimation, the Blood Demon Emperor should let the Blood Warcraft concentrate on two or three walls. Unexpectedly, the Blood Demon Emperor would use the Blood Warcraft to open the way, so that the blood demon army in the rear could charge up without obstruction!

"Magic block, use magic to block!"