Blood God Laugh

Chapter 29 Hualong Youcheng

Chapter 29, Dragon Chengcheng

Five small-milk dragons were wrapped in golden statues, and the golden arm was smashed a few times without scattering the milk dragon. Not only was Jin Jiantian shocked, but even the referee Jin Chiya was three points surprised and muttered to himself:

"Injecting the dragon with snake charm, and can condense the five dragon shapes to such a state, there is indeed a tendency to turn snakes into dragons. It seems that this little guy wants to evolve Shen Yun in a progressive way. He is indeed a talent to transform snakes into dragons and become dragons!"

Feng Yang didn't know that he had received such a high evaluation. In fact, it was not him who wanted to turn into a dragon, but his white sister. Yesterday, he bit the dragon whip and was electrocuted into a black sister!

Jin Jiantian suddenly withdrew from the golden statue, imprinted the golden back with his palms, and shouted loudly:

"Jin Zun Statue, melt the sky and the earth!"

The golden statue suddenly soared into a ten-foot gold body, imprisoned the five dragons into the body without rejection, and then drank:

"Imprison evil and trapped demons, town!"

The golden statue raised his feet, stamped the ground and shook, shaking the bottom of the whole full moon. The sense of Fengyang, the little white snake and the five dragon was immediately broken, and he shook back a few feet!

The five dragons still stopped in the golden statue, and Jin Jiantian shouted again:

"The skill of the golden god, the golden rule of heaven and earth, call the sword spirit of melting the heavens and the earth, and give the golden sword!"

The wind and clouds suddenly changed, and the surface of the whole full moon valley emitted a little golden light, converging in the air, and suddenly splitting the golden light. The golden statue reached out and took it with a golden sword in his hand!

The sound of the whole audience is exciting, and this skill is more wonderful than the martial arts, magical and shocking!

Long Xianlao nodded slightly and said:

"What a golden world, the golden god of the human race is indeed fierce and domineering, upright and unyielding. He will bring the strongest sword spirit to heaven and earth for future generations to summon. Unfortunately, it is difficult for future generations to achieve the divine road!"

Bai Yi asked incomprehensiblely:

"Does this mean that the Golden God regards heaven and earth as straight and does not change at all, but how did he become a god?"

Long Xian replied with a smile:

"Many gods are actually not gods by themselves, but are given by the Lord God, just like the golden god enters the road with a sword, taking a completely straight and domineering extreme route, and the highest achievement can only reach pseudo-god!

But even if the rules of the Golden God are extreme, the Lord God needs various rules to perfect the divine world, because the extreme is also a manifestation of rules, with various other rules to achieve perfection.

So a long time ago, Yingshen Cliff was also called Tongshen Cliff. As long as his power of rules passed the test, the main god would directly give the divine crystal to let him exercise this part of the power of the rules!"

Bai Yiming nodded, and Yuer thought about it and asked:

"What about becoming a god?"

Long Xian replied with a wry smile:

"I am still thinking and feeling about the road to becoming a god. If the rules are not round, it is easy to break the world and die under the divine disaster. Let's watch the fight first. It's over!"

Feng Yang looked solemnly at the golden sword, which is still a sword that does not exert magic power. If he really has the ability to hold each other, even if he fights with all his strength, he will definitely be cut down under the sword.

Re Looking back on the old dragon's move, Feng Yang calmly stepped sideways and became the momentum of Fulong. At this moment, he finally had a three-point real dragon shape!

Si Haoran is upright, but Feng Yang Si is himself, because yesterday, when Long Xian said that he was the rules and juli, Feng Yang suddenly realized that as long as he is upright, isn't he gathering Haoran upright in himself? Why don't he think about himself?

He can't do heaven and earth, but more than 20,000 faces of the Miao nationality appeared in his heart.

Their joys and sorrows, their endless expectations, their trust and dependence on him have all turned into a strong sense of responsibility, which surged into their hearts and then turned into an invisible powerful force!

"The art of acting as a dragon, turning yourself into a dragon, controlling the rules of heaven and controlling the rules of the earth! Aw-! Longyin”

"Jin Zun's divine sword, split the earth, kill evil and kill demons!"

Two people drink together, this is the last formula!

The dragon fairy who watched the battle stood up and said excitedly:

"The secret of transforming dragons, he actually understood the art of transforming dragons by himself!"

Yuer and Chen Yun screamed at the same time:

"It's impossible. He doesn't have the blood of the dragon. How can he jump over the dragon and directly turn into the dragon!"

Kong Xi was shocked. Last time Fengyang's full-out broke out, he did not have such momentum, and he also used the snake soul. It's only been a few days. It's just a magic shape, and the momentum has completely surpassed the last time!

Jin Chiya also took a deep breath. Feng Yang was just a talent in his eyes, but now he has become a genius. Is this the so-called epiphany?

The sound of the dragon stopped, and a super small milky dragon turned into milky light, which was even smaller than the huge golden light sword that was chopped!

But it was this little dragon that made Jin Jiantian feel a strong sense of crisis. The golden domain supported and broke the rules of warfare that could not be exerted magic!

The milk light passed through the sharp blade, and the sea of people screamed. However, the milk light they imagined was divided into two and did not appear. Instead, it was the golden light sword covered with cracks like crystal!

The rules of the sword were broken, and the golden light floated on the earth again, while the milk light continued to rush forward, and the five released dragons followed. The dragon's power surged, and a group of dragons fluttered!

"The art of the golden god, the heavenly sword is a hundred cuts!"

With the momentum of splitting the mountain, the golden sword sky raised the sword and cut it firmly, but there were hundreds of golden half-arc sword spirits, one after another like the back waves pushing the front waves, and constantly rowing the ground!


The five dragons rushed to the sword spirit before the little dragon. The whole battlefield looked like a milky wave column and a stacked golden sickle machetes facing each other!

A heavy sword spirit cut into the body of the dragon, and then the two dragons did not hold their breaths. The three dragons, four dragons and five dragons were all cut, the milky wave columns were separated, and the hundred golden sickles continued to cut the last little dragon!

The five dragons are just the shape of magic and have no magic power. It is impossible to block the sword spirit full of magic power, but this last little dragon is also full of magic power!

When the first sword spirit kills the little dragon, the little dragon's dragon body suddenly stops, and one cut is better than one cut. What will happen after a hundred cuts?

All the people watching the battle were worried. Bai Yi was hugged tightly by Yuer, and even the dragon fairy pinched out the dragon finger. If there is anything wrong, he will immediately cast a spell to save people!

When the swords overlapped into one, the huge golden arc moon stood at the bottom of the valley, and the noble gold was as arrogant as the Protos!

Look at the little dragon, it is completely suppressed under the tip of the arc moon. As long as the arc moon gently tilts forward, it can cut the little dragon in two! Just when everyone thought that the arc moon was invincible:


A dragon chant came from the mouth of the little dragon again, followed by the second dragon chant. A huge white dragon phantom emerged, rapidly shrinking and possessed the little dragon!

The milk light flashed, like a teleportation. The golden sphere threw hundreds of meters, which was the golden sword sky attached to the golden domain, and the little dragon under the tip of the moon slowly blurred, and the golden arc moon collapsed into pieces of golden light and dissipated the sky!

In the original position of Jin Jiantian, Fengyang appeared, and blood flowed down one by one. Seeing that the hand was actually a pair of dragon claws!

"The first fight is over, and the Protoss wins!"

The referee of Jin Chiya attracted the endless "boo" sound of the sea of people. In their eyes, it was obvious that the immortals defeated the Protos. Why did they announce the victory of the Protos?

"The first immortals admit defeat, and the Protoss wins!"

The sound of the dragon fairy also spread all over the audience, and the sea of people is even more unclear, but the immortals have admitted defeat, and the sea of people can only calm down with doubts!

In fact, in the eyes of people with vision and strength, Feng Yang has used his skills when fighting against the golden light sword, so the immortals admitted defeat because they were the first to violate the rules of war.

At that time, Fengyang happened to realize the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and his magic power surged uncontrollably spontaneously. Jin Jiantian was forced to use magic power to fight!

The golden light flashed, and Jin Jiantian came to Fengyang again and took back the golden field without any injury on his body. He arched his hand and said:

"Feng Gongzi is indeed a martial arts wizard. If this battle is an all-out battle, Jiantian should be defeated!"

Feng Yang shook his hands and felt that the bones of his whole body were about to break. He not only suffered the sword spirit, but also experienced the pain of transforming the dragon, because that little dragon was Fengyang's body!

"Don't say polite words to me. Even if it is an all-out battle today, I will be defeated. If we really compare to four draws in eight games, we will win the last battle!"

"If there is such a battle, Jiantian will definitely go all out!"

Jin Jiantian didn't look up to Feng Yang at the beginning. Although there was a powerful snake soul to help him, it was an external force after all. But today's Feng Yang has not only turned into a dragon, but also the snake soul has advanced to become a dragon, and he has the strength to fight with life and death!

As soon as the space trembled, Long Xian always appeared beside Feng Yang. In an instant, Feng Yang's body and bones made a crisp sound, and then was lifted down by Bai Yi and Yuer.

Jin Chiya came forward and congratulated the old dragon fairy:

"Haha, the immortals are indeed full of wizards. At such an age, they will become successful. This junior must have extraordinary achievements in the future, but what is the attribute of this milky power? Please give me some advice!"

Long Xianlao also replied with a fist:

"Don't dare, don't dare, I, this descendant is just a little thin vein of a snow python, with mutating strength and the effect of softness and rigidity. I have a great feeling that I can change the snake into a dragon in the fight. How dare to point out!"

Looking at the golden sword sky, the dragon fairy also boasted:

"The descendant of the god king is also the talent of the god son. Seeing that his muscles and bones are less than 25 years old, the golden god's skill can have this feeling. He will definitely become the god king in the future, and even the god emperor may be!"


Jin Chiya laughed happily. It is well known that the Protos like to listen to compliments, and this is also a compliment from the fairy king, which is of course even more useful.

It's just that if he knew that the dragon fairy was not the fairy king, but the fairy emperor, or even the dragon emperor, he didn't know if he would dare to fight in the last game!

"In this second game, the descendants of my Protoss are also good. They have gone to practice for three years. After the Hui, they received the baptism of divine blood and their strength jumped thousands of miles. The fire magic mentors have a great advantage in understanding the rules of heaven and earth. The descendants of the fairy king should go all out!"

"Oh? That's really a genius. As soon as he becomes a god king, he can resist the pseudo-divine realm. It's rare. It's too rare!"

A little surprise flashed on Long Xianlao's face. Jin Chiya was more proud when he saw it, and then asked:

"I don't know what kind of fairy art the descendants of the Immortal King learn?"

"I have three tiger veins. As soon as I was born, I have a tiger shape. The secret to turn into a tiger has been completed, but the experience is too shallow, and it is easy to lead to lack of power. This outlying islands is to take them out to understand a hundred generations, sharpen their minds, sharpen their hearts and bones, and then they can achieve something in the future!"

"Oh? The immortals really live up to their reputation. They take the leaders of hundreds of clans, take in the veins of all spirits, integrate thousands of spells, and flourish in the world. However, at present, the blood demons are falling, and the world is about to be destroyed. The matter of welcoming the divine cliff is of great importance. I hope that the immortals will focus on the overall situation!"

"I also came here to find some strange things. Isn't it pleasant to finish the nine battles first to enhance the feelings of the two races, and then sit down to discuss the details?"

"Okay, with the promise of the fairy king, I should rest assured that the two sides will fight in the second game!"