Blood God Laugh

Chapter 38 I'm afraid of the Protos rogue

Chapter 38, I'm afraid of the protoism hooliganism

Jinlong bought a huge price of 500,000 yuan, which made Feng Yang very proud and laughed:

"Haha, bitch, it's your turn again. Let's see how you can surpass me!"

Jin Jiantian was shocked by Feng Yang's understanding of his kendo, but the huge price of 500,000 yuan was expected!

A long golden hair is now in my hand, still shining, exuding infinite vitality, and then shining to explain:

"This is the blonde hair cut by Jiantian, and it is also the useless hair taken off. If it is worthless, it is worthless, so it is not complicated with the cost of materials!"

Fengyang extremely despised Jin Jiantian, but he couldn't oppose anything. He still wanted to use dragon scales as materials. He curled his lips and said:

"Ok, don't explain. Do it. What can you make with a handful of garbage yellow hair?"

Jin Jiantian smiled confidently and took out five ordinary small jade bottles. The auctioneer checked. The price of the small jade bottle was one gold coin, and the material cost of the second item totaled five gold coins!

Five points of blonde hair, hold one of the bunch, and slowly pass through the blonde hair with the spirit of a golden sword. The gold fades and turns into dry and split pale hair!

Open the palm of your hand, a thumb-sized golden bead is displayed, and Jinze flows, containing a palpitating and urgent force!

Put the golden beads into the jade bottle and condense the other four bunches of blonde hair into golden beads in the same way. The five beads are all together, and the golden sword said loudly:

"People's hair occurs in qi and blood, and the essence and blood of the aggregate are inherited. As we all know, the golden elixir of a heavenly monster can make ordinary warriors gather blood and strength rise greatly!

And Jiantian is the golden guard of the god clan, and his strength has reached the territory. This golden bead not only contains the power of the heavenly golden elixir, but also contains the blood essence of the god clan!

Youth clothing can wash tendons and marrow, improve talent and blood power. Strong clothing can increase strength and improve the power of qi and blood! Five beads are auctioned together, starting at 100,000!"

The whole audience was in an uproar. I didn't expect that the blonde hair of the Protoss could be so effective. A heavenly golden elixir could buy tens of thousands to 100,000 gold coins, and this golden bead made people more favored by the blood essence of the Protoss!

"Twenty thousand!"





"One million!"

The auction soared at a horrible price of 100,000 gold coins. The golden beads of this move were indeed extremely powerful, and finally they were once again pocketed by Tiannan Palace for a sky-high price of 1.2 million yuan!

Jin Jiantian nodded to the wind with a smile:

"Feng, it's your turn again. Jiantian is temporarily ahead of 950,000 gold coins. You have to use snacks for the last item. If the auction price does not exceed one million, Jiantian, the third item, will be prepared in vain!"

Feng Yang has seen his failure and wants him to cut off his hair and kill him. Moreover, the auction money of the loser will all belong to the winner. He is so angry that he really wants to rush to strangle Jin Jiantian!

I took back a few dragon scales held in my hand. Originally, the last item was intended to be made of dragon scales, but even if the auction price exceeds the golden beads, the third item of Jin Jiantian will definitely surpass him again, which is equivalent to being sold and helping many people!

"You are proud and cowardly. If you eat too much, sooner or later you will come back with profits, hum!"

Feng Yang took out ten gold coins and ten silver coins, and then pulled off a small piece of red yarn from his body:

"This is the material of my last item, no more than 19 gold coins. If you keep your eyes open, you will definitely be surprised!"

When buying gold coins, Feng Yang pinched and pinched hard, and kept repeating in his mouth:

"I pinch your little head, I pinch your little mouth, I pinch your little leg..." Finally, "I'll pinch you to death!"

A little golden man appeared in Fengyang's hands, with long blonde hair and a handsome face. He turned his face slightly, his eyes closed, and his expression seemed to be enjoying it!

The golden sword sky watching from the side is already dark, because the golden little man looks like him, and what's more annoying is that he has six legs like a cockroach, which is clearly a humanoid cockroach!

After pinching the golden little man, he bought the silver coin, gently pinched it, and muttered beautifully in his mouth:

"Pinch out my beauty, pinch out my handsomeness, pinch out the knots of purity and kindness, pinch out my unique enlightenment, pinch out my supreme wisdom, ... pinch out my boundless domineering, pinch out my slaps of the bitch!!!"

The last sound was almost excited. Feng Yang put the red veil on the pinched silver villain, which was lifelike and clearly Fengyang's little self-god!

One of the silver hands is slapped, a silver track is drawn in the space, and the other silver hand is also slapped!

The two villains of gold and silver were put together, and the silver palms were just drawn on the golden face, catering to the enjoyment of the golden face. Everyone recalled the cockroach race in the second battle at the bottom of the full moon!

Jin Jiantian finally couldn't help shouting, "This is an insult to the Protoss!"

Feng Yang shrugged his shoulders and replied, "What did I insult you? That's the truth. You don't know yet. I was the one who slapped you that day. Hey hey, it's a great surprise!"


The golden sword retreated a few steps, and the blood in his chest surged, "Puff!!!" Finally, he sprayed blood, pulled out his sword and pointed straight to Feng Yang, and roared:

"I want to fight with you, never stop!!!"

"Fighting your pig's head, you know how to fight and kill all day long. You see how powerful I'm. Pinching a little portrait can make you spit blood. Do you know this?"

Feng Yang said and jumped back proudly. Although he lost this fight and lost his money, he could seriously hit his opponent psychologically and earn everything back!

"You - bastard!"

The golden domain came out uncontrollably, smashing the table on the auction table. Last time I saw that Jin Jiantian's strength was only the first and a half of the domain level, and now the golden domain has stood up to more than five meters, which shows how much he has benefited from the nine-color thunder power!

"Enough, isn't it shameful enough?" Jin Chiya waved his hand and crushed the golden field.

Jin Jiantian spewed out another mouthful of blood. Looking at his grandfather, the anger in his eyes slowly suppressed, and then turned to Feng Yang, who had already escaped from the auction platform, and said harshly:

"You'd better win the eighth battle, otherwise the ninth battle will be your death!"

"Yo, is that your cockroach swordsmanship? Be careful to be slapped a few more times. I'm going to slap it with a dragon palm!"

"Hmm, continue the fight, you start the auction!"

Jin Jiantian retreated and played with ten mouths, but he couldn't beat Fengyang. He took out a small bottle and poured all the blood-colored pills into his mouth, and then quietly adjusted his breath to replenish his breath!

Fengyang jumped on the almost collapsed auction table, showed the gold and silver statue in his hand to everyone, and then said with a little difficulty:

"Alas, I know everyone wants such a treasure. It's no problem to shoot millions, but I also love this treasure very much, so I decided not to sell it at the last minute. Sorry, sorry!"

Fengyang's words are amazing, and his thick skin is comparable to the city wall. No one dares to ask for this thing. The immortals are a big business. Dalian Protos dare to insult them, but these small forces dare not offend!

Then Feng Yang said again, "Okay, bitch, you don't have to shoot your third item. You have won this fight. Congratulations, congratulations, hahahaha!"

Jin Jiantian has regained his composure and stood up and said:

"Since Mr. Feng has made three items, even if Jiantian doesn't sell them, the third item should be completed!"

Then Jin Jiantian turned around and continued to say:

"In fact, the golden words and the golden beads just now are the second and third items of Jiantian respectively. The first item is just a painting, and the price will not exceed 100,000 yuan. If Mr. Feng just sold the third item, he may still win this battle. Unfortunately, it's a pity!"

"What?" Feng Yang stared and scolded, "You are a despicable bitch, you are cheating!"

"Deception is also a tactic. Jiantian also wants to thank Mr. Feng for 600,000 gold coins. With so much money, he can equip thousands of elite soldiers. If you count Jiantian, Mr. Feng is very generous!"

"I think you owe a lot of a beat. If you eat as much as you eat me, you will spit it out for me. Let's see!"

Looking at Feng Yang's angry appearance, Jin Jiantian finally found some balance. An ideas surged into his heart, and a graceful smile appeared on his face!

Take out the paper, pen and inkstone again, and take out some gold and silver coins. The production of the last item of the Golden Sword Day begins!

The gold in his hand is full of strength, swinging the pen to dye ink gold juice, swinging the pen in the air, spraying gold ink, hand dancing pen moving, flowing like a sword, picking flying spots and dyeing, running freely, it can be seen that its painting skills are excellent!

The golden pen stopped, and then the silver juice was put into the inkstone, the gold strength was removed, the silver pen was dyed, the wrist strength was soft, and the hand swirled the pen, winding like silk!

Golden sharp and silver soft, the combination of the two paintings, all the public under the stage is pleasant to the eyes, one by one secretly thought of a low price, ready to call for shooting, there is a tendency to win!

In particular, the women under the stage fell into a nymphomaniac, closed their eyes slightly and opened their lips, as if enjoying the soft touch of Jin Jiantian. Even Yuer and Bai Yi paid attention to their minds, and Fengyang almost exploded!

The silver pen stopped, and then dyed gold and ink at three or five o'clock. Finally, it was shocked with gold, and the gold light of the drawing paper flashed and floated up!

I saw a golden god in the painting holding a bright golden sword, exuding a strong and domineering spirit of justice, and quite a momentum of turning over the heaven and earth!

There is also a small silver-white dragon snake, with a dragon head but no four legs, and the snake is also a dragon, with a cunning expression and revealing endless sinister sharpness!

And the feet of the statue stepped on the small dragon snake, holding the golden sword high, and the blade facing down, wanting to stab the sinister and struggling dragon snake under his feet with a sword!

The audience was frightened, and the people who just wanted to buy paintings were even more scared!

"My grass-your grandpa!"

Feng Yang scolded, patted the drawing paper with one palm, and Jin Jiantian took the palm out of his hand!


The two retreated a few steps each, and Feng Yang scolded again:

"B bitch, if you don't ruin that painting for me today, I won't play with you!"

"Oh, since Mr. Feng likes it, then Jiantian's painting will not be sold. How about exchanging this painting for the third item with you?"

"Hmm! Just change it!"

Feng Yang tried his best to suppress his anger. Today, he was completely defeated in this battle. At the same time, he also realized that Jin Jiantian was no longer the fool who was slaughtered by him in previous battles.

"Okay, Mr. Feng's treasure Jiantian will collect it properly. In addition, thank you for Mr. Feng's auction money. If it is used to buy food species, you should be able to buy ten thousand kinds of food, hahahaha!"

As soon as the two exchanged the items, Feng Yang directly shook the scroll into powder, and then despised:

"There is a saying that hooligans are not terrible, but they are afraid that hooligans are educated. Now they can be changed. The Protoss are not terrible, but they are afraid that the Protos are hooligans!"

Jin Jiantian replied with a smile, "Thank you for your good teaching. Jiantian has really benefited a lot!"

Everyone under the stage wanted to laugh but dared not laugh. These two people are really nine enemies. Every move is weird and fierce. Whoever provokes these two people will definitely die!

"As long as you know!"

Feng Yang nodded and said, but it was wrong to think about it. If he taught it, isn't he a rogue master?

"You are a hooligan. You must be the yellow-haired old man below!"

"Kid, who do you think is the yellow-haired old man?" Jin Chiya asked.

"Your back is talking about you. What can you do with me?"


Fengyang's fart-gu was slapped with a golden slap. He quickly hugged the fart-gu and fled, and at the same time put down his harsh words:

"Yellow-haired old man, you bully the young, you wait! One day, you will beg me to return this slap to you!"