Blood God Laugh

Chapter 59 Snow God Palace

Chapter 59, Snow God Palace

Seven snowmobiles galloping on the snow. The snowmobile is very wide. Even the tiger and human tall can sit on five or six people, like a running beast. Each snowmobile is pulled by seven or eight strong snow wolves, but two snowmobiles are empty!

Feng Yang drove the snow car and was in a good mood. He roared twice from time to time and temporarily put aside his unhungry. Last night, it really made him feel so sad that he didn't sleep all night. Bai Yi listened to him nag aggrievedly all night.

Yuer hugged Chen Yun, who was driving tightly. Now she is still in a state of self-hypnosis. She doesn't believe that she is dreaming in reality!

Chen Yun was both surprised and worried. What was happy was that Yuer's dependence and tenderness made him feel unprecedented happiness, but he was also worried about whether Yuer's unrealistic mental state would have any sequelae.

The reborn Chen Yun integrates the tree of life. After the green branch tattoo on his heart turns into a tiger, he will become a green stripe, and his strength has been greatly improved!

The larger the body, the stronger the mythical beast, the stronger the strength. Chen Yun, who has the body of a three-foot tiger, is now the strongest among Fengyang. The ten-level territory, with a strength of up to 50,000 jin, and 100,000 jin has reached half of the requirements for breaking through the boundary!

In order to repay Feng Yang's lost tree of life, it can also be said to be a life-saving grace. Chen Yun gave almost all the treasures on his body to Feng Yang, but it is far from making up for Feng Yang's greedy heart!

Jin Jiantian sat on Kong Xi's snow car, cross-legged his luck and recuperated his injury. Last night, he was tossed by Yuer, and the injury was aggravated a little!

At first, he refused to take the dragon god lactite given by Fengyang. Finally, Bai Yi brought a bowl to feed it in person. He was so excited that he wanted to drink more poison, and the laty stone was really effective. The wound basically healed, and only the internal injury took some time to recuperate!

In this ice and snow, a magnificent ice city rises from the ground, and few surfaces are indeed covered with a thick layer of ice, with a cold noble atmosphere!

When the guards on the tower saw the seven snowcarts coming far away, they thought they were orcs, because human snowcarts were simple and practical models, and only the orcs would make the cars fierce!

A general saw the seven people in the car. According to the intelligence description, it should be the person he was waiting for, so he shouted:

"Open the Snow God Sky Gate!"

The guards were shocked that the Snow God Gate was opened once in a hundred years, and only the most distinguished guests could enjoy such treatment!

The snow god sky is getting closer and closer. Several people on the snow car are full of praise for this ice city. The city wall is ring after another, and the inner ring is even higher than the outer ring. From ten feet of the outer ring to 20 feet of the inner ring, there is a sharp tower in the center, which should be the Snow God Palace!

The general has led people to greet him outside the city. Although Fengyang and others don't understand, they will not be scared by this scene.

"The person who came to drink the snow barbarians in Xuenan City and deterred several orc nobles of the orcs?"

When the general asked, Feng Yang and others suddenly realized that it was this matter.

"Yes, I scared away those pig-headed people! Are you ready to invite us to dinner?

Fengyang is heroic, but the slim figure under the thin red veil seems to fall as soon as the wind blows in the ice and snow.

The general made a gesture of invitation, "God of our country has prepared a feast, please!"

"Really?" As long as there is food, Feng Yang will be excited, " lead the way!"

Most of the streets in the ice city are solid earth and stone, but there are also special snow trails. Soon Feng Yang and others led the general down to the Snow God Heavenly Palace!

"Damn, no wonder it's called Snow God Heavenly Palace. People live in the sky!"

Fengyang's admiration has always been like this. It sounds like a curse. The heavenly palace in front of him is almost built with ten thousand years of ice, moving up layer by layer like a triangular tower. The last few floors are the top of the tower seen outside the city!

"God is waiting for you at the top of the palace!" The general said.

"Damn, is it really in the sky? Then let's fly straight up!" Feng Yang suggested.

"Snow God has a forbidden snow array limit, and no one can fly!"

"Is there such a formation?"

"You can try it!"

"Try it, watch me fly up and show you!"

Feng Yang said he would try it. Jinyu's attachment vibration, but the air flow around him did not produce the power of pushing up as usual. After trying for a while, it didn't fly!

"Wh, why is there such a strange formation? I don't believe that I can't fly!"

With one kick, he jumped up and vibrated the golden field. But when he reached the highest point of the jump, his body began to fall, and Feng Yang shouted angrily:


The white lotus on the back of his hand flowed out white light, which finally attracted Feng Yang's attention this time, but the white light flashed away. When he looked at the back of his left hand, everything was normal!

But there were also abnormal things. For example, the general's eyes were almost staring out, and his eyes were reflected by Fengyang's suspended body. He flew up!


Feng Yang looked left and right and made sure that he had flown up, and then shook Jinyu. His body flew higher and higher. After a circle, he returned to the ground and laughed proudly:

"Haha, I said I can fly. What are you waiting for? You flew up directly. I don't know how long it will take to walk from it. I'm hungry!"

Fengyang held Bai Yi and was ready to take off, but everyone else looked at him like a monster, all motionless!

"What's wrong with you? What's wrong with me?"

"We can't fly!"

"Just try twice more. Just like I just now, jump for sure!"

"We skipped!"

"Well... Well, you go inside, and Sister Yi and I will go up first!"

Feng Yang took off with Bai Yi in his arms. The general had not come to his senses until now. Kong Xi called him a few times before he reacted, and then took everyone into the Snow God Heavenly Palace!

The ice window on the top of the palace has been opened, and it seems that Feng Yang will soar into the sky, and an old man with an ice jade crown on his head is waiting behind the ice window!

"Welcome to Your Highness the Son of God!"

The old man bowed slightly. He should be the God of the Snow God Kingdom. Although he is no longer young, he has a special icy spirit on his body and still looks brilliant!

"Ah? How do you know my identity?

Feng Yang was very surprised. His identity and name are only known to a few people around him, and he has never been revealed to outsiders. How can the old man know about it now?

"The first God of the Snow God Kingdom is also the Son of God, and only the Son of God can fly in the Snow God Sky!"

The old man looked at Feng Yang with a smile, "The first God has left a prophecy that when the blood demon comes down, the son of God will fly to the Snow God Palace, and the old man has been waiting for you here all his life!"

"Damn, isn't that guy from tens of thousands of years ago? How could he calculate that I would come?

Feng Yang was shocked. The more this kind of thing happened, the more he felt that his fate had been controlled or had been arranged. This feeling made him very disgusted!

"The Son of God naturally adheres to the will of the Lord God to calculate until today!"

"It's the immortal Lord again!" Fengyang is the only one in the world who dares to curse the Lord God so blatantly. "Where is the seal of the Lord God? I'm going to open it and go in and ask!"

"This..." The old man paused and then looked directly at Fengyang, "You should ask yourself, or go to the Ice and Snow Temple!"

"Where is the Ice and Snow Temple?"

"At the pole of the far north, guarded by the ice and snow giant, no one can step into half a step, of course, except you, that is also the whereof the first God of my Snow God Kingdom!"

"Didn't you prepare a feast?" Feng Yang is a little dizzy and difficult to digest this messy information. What he eats is still easy to digest. "I'm hungry. Take us to dinner first!"

"Come with the old man!"

The old man led the way, but the God of the Kingdom of Snow God did not have any shelf. After a while, he walked into the spacious ice hall, with a round table in the middle, without table feet, like a big ice cubes integrated with the ice hall, which was full of delicious food and fragrant!

"Wow, Sister Yi! Let's eat quickly and don't leave it for the people behind!"

Feng Yang devoured for a long time before he found that there was a man sitting at the table, a fat man, familiar, and he felt very hard to be beaten!

"Fat man, what are you looking at me for?"

The fat on his face trembled by the storm. He was not surprised by the arrival of Fengyang and others, because someone had reported their whereabouts, but Fengyang was actually the son of the God who had been waiting for tens of thousands of years in the Snow God Kingdom. He was a little puzzled!

"Your Highness, I am the head of the Sifang Friends Mercenary Regiment and the heir of the Snow God Kingdom. My name is Storm!"

"Puff!!!" Feng Yang spit out the meat in his mouth, "Damn, is there anyone else called this name?"

"Hahahaha!" The old man beside him laughed, "Do you know what the old man is called?"

"What's your name?" Feng Yang frowned and asked, "Is it a blizzard?"

"You--" The old man was shocked, "The son of God is really smart, and the name of the old man is the blizzard!"

"It's up to you!" Feng Yang was too depressed, "You two put together to fool people!"

"The gods of all ages in the Snow God Kingdom are all in the name of wind and snow. Before the old, the gods were called the blizzard, and before the old man ascended the throne, it was also called the storm!"

"Ouch, stop it!" Feng Yang can't stand it anymore. What a messy weirdo.

"I don't know the full name of His Royal Highness... What's your name?" The old man asked with a smile.

Long Xianlao and Jin Chiya kept Feng Yang's identity very secret, so even the Sifang friend mercenary regiment all over the world could not find out Feng Yang's real name!

"My name is Yang Feng!" Feng Yang doesn't want to be trampled on by others anymore, so he has to turn down his name for the time being!

"Yang Feng?" The storm frowned, and then whispered, "Feng Yang?"

"Puff!!!" Feng Yang sprayed meat again, and his name was turned upside down, but someone poured it back!

The storm once again stared at Fengyang carefully. Fengyang said angrily, "Look at your mouse again. Believe it or not, I dug you out!"

"Well, it doesn't look like it at all, but the personality is a little similar!" The storm nodded, "But that boy is much more cunning than you, at least he respects people on the surface, and swearing is behind his back!"