Blood God Laugh

Chapter 67 Wind, Snow, Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 67, Wind, Snow, Thunder and Lightning

All the orcs have left, and Yuer and Chenyun have also changed back into human forms, but the black wind whirlpool is still spinning on the snow, and the storm of the person in charge is talking to himself and hooking his fingers, as if it is counting. Maybe it is more precious as a divine silkworm, or a real food.

"Hey, fat man, is it really that difficult to calculate? Are the people of your Snow God Kingdom important, or are those bugs important? Yu'er asked with contempt.

"What do you know? When I catch the silkworms in the Snow God Kingdom, I take off the ice bags and put them back on the ice. But if I give them to the orcs, I don't want to leave any worms left. In a few years, I won't see a few silkworms in this iceland!"

"If you don't have it, you won't have it. If you don't give it to them, in two years, your Snow God Kingdom will be so hungry that no one will be there, right?"

"Alas~!" The storm sighed, and his face was full of helplessness, "This is the only way for the time being!"

"I don't care what you do. Let him out quickly!" Yuer pointed to the whirlpool of the black wind and said.

"I have released it. Now he is spinning himself. With his talent, he should have realized the power of ice and snow. Wait!"

There were some expectations in the eyes of the storm. He had been watching the battle just now. He saw that Fengyang had grasped the power of the wind system in real time, saw that Fengyang had integrated the power of wind and thunder, and saw the terrible understanding ability and multi-attribute changes of Feng Yang!

Those who can master and integrate multiple attributes before the world are few from ancient times to the present, so Fengyang's powerful talent shocked him and surprised him!

That little snow scroll contains all his feelings about the power of ice and snow. He expects Feng Yang to understand it, and even expects Feng Yang to integrate the three forces of wind, snow and thunder!

Fengyang has understood the meaning of the storm, and it is not difficult to understand the power of ice and snow. What is difficult is how to integrate the three systems of attributes, which is a hundred times more difficult than the integration of the two systems.

The black wind whirlpool rolled up a large amount of ice and snow and became both black and white. The small snow scroll in it has been mastered by Fengyang. Gold, wind, thunder and lightning, ice and snow, and now he has four attributes!

The storm explains the attributes of heaven and earth to the wind and Yang to help him integrate smoothly:

"There are many attributes of heaven and earth, but the attributes that make up the world are based on five behaviors, gold, wood, water, fire and earth. These five systems complement each other and complement each other,... (about the five elements omitted ten thousand words)

Therefore, the body of heaven and earth is also composed of these five systems. Those who need to integrate into the boundary, that is, to consolidate the body with the most basic five elements of the body,... (About the world)

Wind, thunder, light, darkness, etc. are reproduced from the big world. The more perfect the world is, the more complex it is, and there are more reproduction attributes,... (About the attributes of heaven and earth)

The ice is the solid of water, which is extremely cold and solid. The snow melts into gas from the heat of the body of the current. The air is cold and turns into snow. The snow accumulates and turns into ice and re-evolution, achieving this far northland,..."

The words of the storm are not only for Fengyang, but also for Jin Jiantian and others.

Since ancient times, the two immortals have been passed down, and there are countless ways and experiences of understanding of the forces of various systems, but this is the first time to dissect all the attributes and forces layer by layer from the big world.

Of course, the most enlightened is Fengyang. The rotating dark dragon body has reced into cyan, and the fusion should start from the most basic. Obviously, his thunder and black quality is too high, which hinders the integration of wind and snow.

The cyan color of the whirlwind is gradually covered by ice and snow, blowing out a burst of extreme cold air, like a naturally formed ice and snow tornado in this common snowstorm in the far north!

The thicker it is, the more intense it is. Large snow clouds converge over the tornado, covering thousands of miles of snow in the low land, as if brewing a more powerful snowstorm!

"This guy is such a pervert!" Yuer was full of unconvinced and said with her mouth, "It is extremely difficult for a strong man in the world to integrate the two forces. Fortunately, he not only mastered the four forces, but also integrate them. Does he still want to live!"

"Don't compare with him. He is no longer a human, a monster!" Chen Yun firmly remembers Long Xian's words and doesn't compare with anyone.

"He is so similar to the first God!" The storm also said with some surprise.

"Isn't your first God the main god? Why is reincarnation so troublesome? Isn't it easier to directly send an incarnation of a god to establish the Snow God Kingdom?" Yuer asked doubtfully.

"In order to suppress the blood demon god, the main god suppressed the seal with all the divine power, so the main god could not use a trace of divine power at that time, otherwise the blood demon god would find loopholes and make the blood demon come to the world!"

"Oh, so that's it!" Yuer nodded and showed a little excitement on her face. She blinked and asked, "Can you tell us what it will be like after the reincarnation of the Lord God?"

"According to the inheritance records..." The storm thought back a little, "The first God has the appearance of jade face, noble and close to people, likes the clothes of white gauze, and the scenery of ice and snow. He stepped on the white lotus and watered the far north and south with a jade bottle to make the land fertile and cultivate a bumper harvest!"

"Is that all? What else?" Yuer's curiosity was obviously not satisfied, but Bai Yi was shocked by the words of Bai Lian and Yu Bing, because Feng Yang had also appeared in such an image.

"That's the description of the appearance of the first God. Behind it is God's mortal body to feel the power of ice and snow again in this snow. Wind and snow gather, stack clouds in the air, thunder and electricity..."


Just like the thunder sound said by the storm interrupted his words, a series of silver and electricity flashed in the snow clouds, and the wind Yang has integrated the lightning attributes into the wind and snow, and the three forces blended!

"My God, is this guy also the reincarnation of the main god?" Yuer exclaimed loudly.


The eyes of the storm were also full of shocks. I thought that the two forces of wind and snow had temporarily reached the limit, but the fusion of more than three forces was not achieved by some pseudo-divine realms!

Bai Yi's body trembled a little and didn't want to believe that Feng Yang was the main god, but his description of the storm was so consistent. If he was really the main god, what kind of relationship did he have with him? Do they still have the day to get married?

Suddenly recalling Feng Yang's blood world, he asked with the last glimmer of hope, "Sirres, what does the main god have to do with the blood element?"

The body of the storm was obviously shaken, which shocked him more than the fusion of the three systems. No one knows this secret except the gods and the heirs of the Snow God Kingdom. How did this little girl know it?

"Why do you ask that?"

Jin Jiantian and Kong Xi were also shocked. The Protoss also has a secret about the blood element, which may be known by the older forces.

"Nothing, I just feel that the blood element has something to do with the Lord God!" Bai Yi replied, with expectations flowing in his eyes. Judging from the reaction of the storm, there must be some secrets!