Blood God Laugh

Chapter 79 Traces of Ten Years of Bloody War

Chapter 79, Traces of Ten Years of Bloody War

Most of the artifacts born from the Ice and Snow Temple fall in the center of the mainland, which is much more powerful than ordinary artifacts and is known as the split of gods!

Even with the invincible strength of the heroes of all parties, if they can get the recognition of an artifact, it will add wings. Therefore, a fierce battle for artifacts broke out, and the melee in all directions is extremely tragic!

Several ice beasts pulled the ice cart and galloped on the snow. Of course, Fengyang and others sat on the ice cart.

Although he has grown up a lot, Feng Yang's face is still beautiful and still a girl. Maybe the Lord God deliberately did it, because he is good at it.

Everyone's strength has reached a high level of the boundary, especially the storm and the golden red cliff have been completed as a pseudo-divine realm, waiting for the opening of the road to heaven and achieving the true god!

Just like Yuer at the beginning, Feng Yang still felt that all this was just a dream, because his dream was too long, and he even smelled the decay of the dream and felt that he had lived endless years.

But his heart is actually very clear and understands that everything in the dream has really happened, but he just doesn't want to accept it.

After listening to Bai Yi's description of their experience of the eight people, Feng Yang knew that the eight people were in the Wanchen Star Array. The reason why there were no creatures was that the divine world of the Wan Dynasty gathered all the star power.

So, he knew that he was not him in the dream, but the Lord God!

Then who are you?

Is it just a drop of blood?

The ice giant also seems to have disappeared with the collapse of the temple. It was calm along the way and did not see a snow giant. More than that, it seems that the whole land in the extreme north lacks a vitality!

When they arrived in the central part of the far north, they did not see any trace of any aliens. When they arrived at the Snow God Capital, there were only some old and weak women and children left in the city. Only then did they know that the war of extermination had begun in full swing!

Jin Chiya asked Jin Jiantian and others to protect Fengyang and immediately soared into the air. He wanted to rush back to the Protoss. After learning more about the storm, he also flew away and let Fengyang and others be careful.

Feng Yang looked up and saw that the sky was faintly covered with a faint layer of blood, which was so similar to the last scene of the dream. Maybe it won't be long before that day will come again!

"Lord, what are you looking at?" Bai Yi asked.

"Can you see the difference in the sky?" Feng Yang asked rhetorical.

"It feels a little heavy, as if it is shrouded in an invisible force!"

"He's coming out!"

"Who is he?"

"He is a demon god!"

"Demon God?"

"I don't know. I dreamed of it in my dream, but he is different from ordinary demons. He is a little like him, but it's not him!"

"Who is he?" Bai Yi was confused and felt that Feng Yang had changed and become deep, and it seemed that there were suddenly endless secrets!

"He is..., don't worry so much. Let's go to dinner. It feels like... I haven't eaten for ten thousand years!" Feng Yang didn't want to say more, but added in his heart, "Maybe he is me!"

Several people enjoyed a good meal and just returned from a lonely thousand years of practice. Although their strength has increased, they are tired in their hearts and have a sense of physical and mental fatigue, so they have rested for two days on Snow God Day.

Two days later, although they are all strong people in the boundary and can escape at a very fast speed after consuming some strength, people are still used to walking on the road, which is more practical.

Along the way, there is almost no ice and snow in the south of the far north, and the former sand belt has completely disappeared, giving people a feeling that the world is failing, invisibly suppressing the hearts of several people.

After walking tens of thousands of miles, he saw only hundreds of living people, and the corpses he saw were all over the ground, which reminded Feng Yang of the bloody continent that gave birth to him in his dream. Does everything have to be repeated?

An old man dug a pit in the hill field, which was very difficult. The dry body seemed to be digging a grave for himself, and there were hundreds of graves nearby.

Feng Yang was a little touched and asked, "Old man, did you dig and bury all these graves?"

The old man looked up with a black bone-colored scar on his face, which looked secluded. Obviously, he was a survivor who came from the pile of dead.

"The old man's wife and son are all in this corpse, and the old man doesn't know which one is theirs, so the old man wants to bury them all!"

The old man was laughing, and the scarred old face smiled frighteningly, but it felt very desolate and added, "The last grave, the old man will leave it to himself!"

Several people are all silent. Similar scenes should be everywhere on the continent, but according to the old man's physical condition, maybe he is digging his own grave now.

Feng Yang took out the ice jade box, which contained the ice-hearted silkworm, "Old man, if you eat this, it will give you more time and strength."

Just from the jade box, the old man knew that the items inside must be very precious. He replied with a sad smile, "No, the old man is dead..."

The old man pulled off the coat full of mud and blood dirt because of excavation, and there was a big hole in his chest, exuding a black corpse gas. It turned out to be a corpse.

Feng Yang and others were not shocked. They had long felt that the old man was a little wrong, but out of their touch and admiration for this scene, they did not explore it with their mind.

Withdrawing the jade box, Fengyang bowed to the old man and bowed deeply. Bai Yi and others also bowed and worshipped, with tears in their eyes.

It is rumored that the ghosts are evil, but the old man in front of him is so sacred!

"Don't worship the old man. All that's left is a trace of obsession. If you keep moving forward, you may meet a lot of ghosts like the old man!"

"Why?" Feng Yang asked that even if there was a deep resentment before death, it generally turned into a fierce ghost, and it was extremely difficult for the corpse to become.

"The corpse God passed by here and took away some resentful corpses. Although the old man was persistent, he did not have a heart of resentment. He just wanted to bury his wife, son and grandson, and then go to the earth for peace!"

"God the corpse?" Feng Yang frowned, but did not continue to ask. He bowed to the old man again and left. The old man's lonely figure began to dig again until he buried himself.

Looking back on the experience in his dream, Feng Yang knew that there was a corpse turned into a spirit, and finally became the corpse spirit of the true god. What is pregnant in the divine world is not a living creature, but a grave specially buried or imprisoned corpse!

Ask Kong Xi on the way, "T turkey, have you heard of the corpse God?"

"No!" Kong Xi shook his head, "But there are records in the clan that there are corpses and spirits. They often collect corpses that do not disperse from the mainland, and even directly take away some living people with strong evil feelings, which makes people with evil thoughts afraid of them, so they are also known as the pure evil gods. This corpse spirit God should be the inheritor!"

"Is he a corpse, a human, or an alien?"

"It should be a corpse, almost immortal, and there are countless corpses in the corpse world, which can't be killed. If you fight with him, the best way is to escape!"

"Oh? So do you think the corpse will dream? Yuer suddenly asked, and her eyes flashed with magic light, which shocked Kong Xi. Everything was easy to guard against, but the power of this nightmare could not be prevented.

"Whether the corpse can dream or not, you'd better find an ordinary corpse to try first!"

"Well, that's a good idea!" Yuer nodded and was a little excited.

Along the way, thousands of miles, the corpses were scattered everywhere, and the field was full of graves. Sure enough, I met many corpses digging graves. Yuer experimented one by one, and the result was that the corpses had no dream!

"It's so boring. How can they not dream!" Yuer said angrily.

"Haha, you met the natural enemy this time. If you meet the corpse, you can only escape!" Feng Yang was in a better mood.

"Fuck, I also have thunder and lightning, specializing in defeating evil things!" Yuer's fingertips flashed with black thunder and stared at Feng Yang with a trace of threat. "Besides, the corpse doesn't dream. Don't you still dream?"

Speaking of dreams, Feng Yang's mood sank again. He did not tell them his dream. His life was full of killing and suffering from loneliness. The endless years were an alternative reality!

Seeing Feng Yang's deep eyes, Chen Yun shouted slightly, "Yuer, don't fool around!"

Yuer pouted and seemed to know that she was wrong. She couldn't help thinking, "What on earth did he dream of? Why did he suddenly change like a person?"

The people present calmed down. They had the same thoughts. Fengyang in front of them was no longer the unruly and cunning fake girl at the beginning. There was a very complicated breath in him, which was a little similar to the feeling of being one of the main god, but Fengyang seemed to have more faces!

The continent of the Wanchao Dynasty is extremely wide. From the far north to the center of the mainland, even if it is ten thousand miles a day, it will take more than a month, and this road is a trace of ten years of bloody battle!

The arable land has long been unmanaged and has become a grassland. What irrigates them is endless war blood, and it seems that even the fierce beasts have been eliminated. The mountains and forests are quiet and sad.

The once bustling town is full of sand and dust, like a historic site, erasing the thick sand and dust, and the dilapidated city is full of shocking scars, showing its pain!

Villages and tribes were supposed to be old people eating tea and talking, children laughing, women returning from farming from the fields, sweating hard on their temples, young and middle-aged people going up mountains to hunt, shouting songs and returning home full of songs.

But now all that is left is a few pieces of cloth hanging on the clothes pole. I don't know how many years it has been hanging. In the sun and rain, it is blown into wisps of loose cloth by the wind and dust, talking about the desolation.


Wind Yangfa - venting the heavyness of his heart, Lei Yun was summoned and rolled up, and the rainstorm poured down, like heaven and earth wept together!

The "flounder" rain washed the sand and dust of the house and the earth, washed the already black blood stains, and the "rolling" water seemed to be conscious, rolling a large amount of soil to bury the scattered bones.

Feng Yang walked all the way, and the rain kept pouring down. The depressed back made people look sad. Several people silently followed him and drenched in the rain with him. This shower was January!