Blood God Laugh

Chapter 104 Cultivation

Chapter 1004, Cultivation

Fengyang has never been so tired. As soon as he lifted his feet, the Golden Light Avenue was finally paved to the palace ceremony gate. Looking back, the sea of people had already left, leaving only a golden light satire on the ground.

Anyway, the difficult journey has been paved, and the body is sour and tired under the activity. Feng Yang shouted loudly, "Iron City Marshal, Feng Yang came to welcome you. Why don't open the door!"

"Ge, it's finally here!" The woman's laughter came from the ceremony door, "The princess has an order to let the marshal pick colorful bouquets from the flowers in the city to show her sincerity!"

"Ah?" Feng Yang looked back, and the red flowers all over the city were like fire, "How can there be any color in this city except the red flowers?"

"As long as the general looks for it carefully, he will find all kinds of colors!" The woman smiled coquettishly, "Da Shuai, go quickly. We are all waiting to open the door for you!"

"Well, this woman is really difficult to marry!"

"Marshal! What did you just say!?

"Nothing, I said it's really hard to find these colorful colors. I'll look for them right now!"

Feng Yang looked for it carefully and finally found a purple flower. When he reached out and picked it, the flower turned into a demon elf. He made a grimace and quickly fled.

"Greener, take all your troublemakers, otherwise the Father will catch one by one and take them all as wine dishes!"

"Well, take it and take it. Father, take your time. Greener reminds you to believe in your own eyes. If you find it with your spirit, it will turn into red flowers!"


The poor groom began to churt in the red flowers, crawled or drilled, found a beige flower, drilled again and climbed, and found a purple-blue flower.

In order to find all kinds of colors, Fengyang drilled almost every flower in Mississippi City, and his whole face was dyed red.

Shake away the petals all over the body, count the small pieces, ninety-nine colors, and then pick a red color, and finally collect all the colors.

"Girls, open the door, it's almost dark!"

"Gig..." The girls laughed, "Open the door and welcome the groom!"

As soon as the door opened, the group came and took the colorful bouquet in Fengyang's hand, and then pulled out Fengyang's groom's wedding robe like a bad girl.

"What do you want to do?"

"The marshal's wedding robe is dirty. Let's change one for the marshal!"

"Oh, let's change it!"

The red robe he changed was slightly light. Because he wanted to set off the fiery phoenix, Feng Yang was stunned, and a red cover covered his sight.

"You, you..."

"The princess has an order, please take the marshal on the sedan chair. The princess will wait in the auditorium!"


"Is the general on the sedan chair? Or do you want to go back the same way?"



"I am a seven-foot man with boundless divine power. What dare I do? I get on the sedan chair!"

"Ring up the sedan chair and welcome the groom!"

The sedan chair was really planted with flowers, and the sedan chair was carried by eight beautiful women, and the petals fluttered all the way. It was originally to welcome and grab the marriage, but in the end, it became a live-in son-law.

Under the red cover, Feng Yang's expression was wonderful, a little sighing, and he was completely impressed.

"The bridegroom is arriving! Please welcome the bridegroom to get off the sedan chair!"

Verina is here. Today she is very beautiful and cool. At least it is the first time that a bride is wearing a golden dragon wedding dress. Of course, she is going to marry the groom.

The slender hand held Feng Yang, and Vernina also blushed and embarrassed a little, because she didn't pull Feng Yang several times.

"Come on, I'll let you take it back later!"


"Well, I'll let you take it back after worshipping my father and mother!"

"But why do I feel that I have become your father-in-law?"

"Who told you to pave the way with gold coins!"


"My father-in-law, come and worship!"

The ceremony sounded, and the newcomer worshipped the hall. What Feng Yang couldn't stand most was that according to the etiquette of the elves, the newcomers had to ask for blessings from the goddess of life and seek blessings with sincerity.

Of course, the goddess of life is green.

"God the Father, you are not sincere, and you will not be blessed!"

"God, you are so angry that you don't bless!"

"Father..., okay, forget it, bless the newcomers..." Greener blessed in elf mother tongue.

"Gift! Ask the bride to take off the red head for the groom!"

He took off the red head and showed Fengyang's smiling face. Although it was a little farce, he owed Vernine too much. As long as she could be happy, she could do whatever he wanted.

"The husband of the village has seen the wife of the village owner!"

"Excremely!" Vernina put the red head on her head, "Lady, take your wife back to the Iron City, with your back!"

"Good! Madam, get on the sedan chair!" Finally, he raised his eyebrows and returned with the beauty on his back.

Out of the palace ceremonial gate, Jinguang Avenue has been transformed into a stream of flowers. People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are boiling, red flowers fall all over the sky, and Fengyang is secretly proud. There will still be a golden light avenue to meet the Shuaifu outside the city gate.

But contrary to expectations, the road outside the city has also been changed to a flower road, and the welcoming team is all composed of demon women. The majestic golden armor brigade has long been intoxicated.

"Please put the bride on the float and ride the bull!"

It's easy to say with a float on his back, but that flower cow made Feng Yang dumbfounded. Isn't this the black-horned black cow in purple and gold armor when he came?

The purple gold armor has gone, the bull's head is red flowers, the horn ribbon, and the cow's body is covered with a hundred flowers. The most unacceptable thing is that the cow's face is coated with red rouge, and the cow's lips are even more red!

"Please ask the groom to ride on the flower cow!"


Fengyang accepted his fate, rode a flower cow and pulled a cart, singing and dancing all the way, which was also pleasing to the eyes. The nine-sounding ceremony in the iron city was actually colorful, and finally rushed to the commander's mansion before dark.

Feng Yang's eyes flashed with golden excitement, because the golden road in front of the Shuai's house has not been withdrawn. I think there are still a few loyal people, and finally left some golden face!

"Hahahaha, has the general entered the bridal chamber once? Why did he wear the wrong wedding dress?" Everyone made fun of Feng Yang's fiery wedding dress.

"Well, I'm so handsome. Of course, I'm different. The golden road is majestic, and the sea of flowers and beautiful dance partners return. This kind of blessing is difficult for you to cultivate for a hundred generations!" Feng Yang still has some work left on his mouth.

"Haha, the general is different. It's really a blessing, but I've been waiting for most of the day. Why don't we skip the worship and have a drink first?"

"Who dares!" Feng Yang was slightly angry, "Where is the etiquette officer? Why don't you call the ceremony!"

"It's coming!"

Xiaowanzi drilled out with oily mouth. It seemed that he really ate a seat first, wiped his mouth randomly, and shouted loudly!

"Please carry the bridegroom into the wedding!"

Feng Yang put the bride on his back and bravely stepped through the sea of knives in front of the door in the crowd of laughter.

"Bride's entry, salute!"


Hundreds of towers in the city of Shuaifu are singing together, with golden flowers fluttering, and the wind and Yang are very excited. There are finally golden flowers. I think the gem bed should still be there!

"Please put the bride on the sedan chair and wait in the auditorium!"

"Hence." Feng Yang asked in a low voice, "Maruko, when did this item come out?"

"Brother Yang, just cooperate with me. I've shouted out!" Xiaowanzi's eyes flashed like a conspiracy.

"Have you all rebelled?" Feng Yang has a bad feeling.

"Hurry up, the sedan chair is here!" Xiaowanzi advised.

Feng Yang had no choice but to send the bride to the sedan chair, but shouted in his heart, "Come on, no matter what conspiracy, you can't defeat the golden road in my heart!"

As soon as they entered the auditorium and waited, more than a dozen dancers surrounded Fengyang, which was quite comfortable, because when the dancer withdrew, Fengyang changed into a big red wedding robe wrapped in golden dragons!

"Please enter the hall!" Unexpectedly, two sedan chairs came in.

"Please take off the bride's red cover!"

Feng Yang was depressed and didn't remove the red cover, so he already knew that the people on the sedan chair were not Vernina, but no matter what kind of conspiracy he had to take over and remove the red cover.

Meixuan got off the sedan chair, singing like the sea breeze blowing gently at midnight, blowing two rows of dancers into the hall, with red gauze ribbons, and welcoming the beautiful yarn of the main dance on the sedan chair.

The ribbon gently hooked some stunned Fengyang, and the beautiful gauze pulled the belt close to the body. The two lips and teeth were opposite each other, but they did not kiss each other. They loosened the ribbon and danced back.

Feng Yang involuntarily swallowed his saliva, which made the beauty laugh, the guests laugh wildly, and then the real song and dance appreciation.

The song of Meixuan, like the beach at midnight, the sea breeze blows the waves, gently pushes the beach, sings the sound of the waves in the tranquil sea night, and sings the mystery emanating from the tenderness of the sea night.

The dance of beautiful gauze is also on the beach, drifting with the sea breeze and dancing on the waves; like the gently surging waves, the dance posture is full of tenderness; like the mysterious sea level line, the dance posture is rippled with a yearning pursuit, such a charming heartstring.

The song of Meixuan, the softness of the sea breeze added a little enthusiasm, and the waves **, the mystery of the distant sea seemed to make a call, the "woo" sound of the conch came from afar, and the long sound of the sea corner.

The dance of beautiful yarn is the enthusiasm blowing in the sea breeze, which ignites the ** of the waves. The waves rush like fire, bringing the whole auditorium to the fiery coast.

Everyone was ignited with surging efforts to shout at the waves, respond to the mysterious call, and then rushed to the fiery waves and felt the fiery**.

Of course, this ** belongs to Fengyang.

The red gauze fire wave submerged him again and again. In the fire dance, the red lips pecked gently, bringing him blood, but the fire wave retreated quickly, and then the fire wave came back, and another hot peck kiss.

The song is getting more and more exciting, the sea breeze transmits the mysterious ** call, and the fire waves are more high-high, the waves are connected, and the love is continuous, completely submerging the wind and Yang, and the outbreak of blood is on the edge.

Finally, the song light Yang summoned away, and the fire wave slowly receded, taking away all the blood, and all ** also took away the wind and Yang.

There was no applause, because the guests who watched the ceremony were like wooden piers and could not recover for a long time.


The fireworks in 81 cities sounded together, recalling the lost guests. Jin Chiya couldn't help admiring, "If you can get one of these two women in life, you should be willing to give up everything of the emperor, mortals for a hundred years!"

"Hey, even the ancestor-level golden god emperor is emotional?" The storm laughed, "It's a pity that no matter how young you are, you don't have a chance, and this boy has more than two girls..."

Guests whispered, how many people are not jealous of such beauty?

After a while, Xiaowanzi shouted again, "Please invite the bride and groom to come to worship!"

The big red wedding ball on his chest, full of wind and spring, holding red silk, five points of red silk, holding a whole five brides, which made the whole audience an uproar.

A woman's colorful feather coat, purple phoenix feather crown, red veil covered face, skirt red phoenix tail, walking noble and elegant, guests praised, "Colorful phoenix world!"

To the right of the colorful phoenix, a woman's pink wedding dress shows her charming posture, moves like a dance, adding all kinds of amorous feelings, and the dance touches people's hearts, dancing into the heart, making the heart of the person who sees it jump with the dance.

To the right of the amorous feelings, a woman's blue pleated skirt, with a quiet pace, is like the folding of the waves, like echoing the sound of waves, like seeing the clouds in the sea and the sky, which makes people's mind open.

On the left side of the colorful phoenix, a woman's flowers and leaves are dressed, trembling with flowers and leaves. You can smell the fragrance of flowers and leaves, fresh into the spleen. You can see that the nature of the flowers and leaves comes from the breath of life and warms the heart.

To the left of the flowers and leaves, a woman's white veil steps gently, like the white clouds in the blue sky, not stained with a trace of dirt, pure as a fairy, like the flawless jasper, penetrating the heartstrings and cherished.

The posture of the five women is extremely beautiful in the world, praising all the guests. If life is accompanied by one, it can be blessed for thousands of generations, which makes people have to envy the blessing of Fengyang.

Feng Yang turned around and looked at the five women in front of him. He thought that this was a blessing from Wan Shi Xiu, but Feng Yang didn't think so.

But his three women's oath is like an invisible blade, threatening him at all times. Once he has an illegal act, he will ruthlessly pierce his body, shed his blood and destroy his deity.

And now is an opportunity. The power of heaven is temporarily lost, and the invisible blade does not have the power to assassinate him for the time being. When the force recovers, he will directly face the ruthlessness of the blade, which is like beheaded after autumn.

But the battle of extermination is nearing, and maybe everyone will die. If you win, the power will recover, and at most, you will lose your deity. You will be old like a mortal, accompanied by five women, so how can you live forever!

"The auspicious time has come, and the high hall is in power!"

Xiaowanzi shouted so hard that his voice was a little sharp. As Fengyang's best friend, of course, he sincerely blessed him.

Fenglong patted his son on the shoulder without words, but nodded happily, with encouragement and blessings in his eyes, and then sat high in the auditorium with a bouquet of white star flowers in his hand.

Looking at his father putting the white star flower in another high position next to him, Feng Yang thought of Lian's mother, but she couldn't come. Her strength was weak for 100,000 years, and even the weak power was left to him.

"Newcomers listen to the ceremony!"

In order to show their status, Wangsun nobles have always worshipped nine times, but Fengyang's worship is the simplest ceremony for the people, with only three worships.

"One worship of heaven and earth!"

"Two-bai Gaotang!"

"Fare to each other!"


"Gun a salute!"

"Open the banquet!"

"The bridal chamber!"

8100 tower salutaries in the Iron City, the night sky is red and fiery, 81 cities are festive, 100,000 ceremonial banquets open for drinking, 18 splits of wind and Yang, more than 5,000 tables in a row.

On the night of the bridal chamber, the guests obstructed him in every way, and he couldn't stand the respect of thousands of people. Three days and three nights, he drank hundreds of cities, so the third night was the real bridal chamber night.