Blood God Laugh

Chapter 111 The birth of the throne

Chapter 111, the birth of the divine throne

In the west of the sand of death, the yellow sand storm has been broken by the strong of aliens, and the fireworks have also been extinguished with blood by countless alien warriors and covered with corpses.

In the face of a foreign army that still had dozens of times more, the Southern League had to choose to retreat.

Because a large number of aquarium coalition troops have also been killed in the south of the Sand of Death, the retreat route is only to enter the Sand of Death.

The blood pattern under the Fengyang cloth is also the same as the previous sand flow. The bloody sand surface is flowing, and it needs to walk close to the sand flow, and walk the maze-like route left by Fengyang.

Although they knew that the sand of death was extremely dangerous, the place where the throne was born was in it. In any case, the alien coalition forces could not resist ** and rushed into this hungry blood basin.


screamed and screamed everywhere, and countless alien warriors fell, and one arm was struggling in the final struggle. The slowly flowing sand surface happily enjoyed the blood food automatically sent to the door.

A strong man in the domain rushed up and broke free from the devouring of the sand, but the panic was not sure, and a powerful sucking force acted on him and sucked him into the center of the whirlpool in the depths of the desert.

Many alien soldiers in the air are equally miserable, and they can only walk here.

Seeing the strange position of the Southern Alliance from afar, the alien coalition also learned to walk along the sandstream after a lot of sacrifices, but it was too late!


The two armies of corpses in the north also retreated into the sand of death. The original army of more than 10 million left only a million defeated soldiers. Mo Bai and Shi Lingya were quite weak and were chased away by dozens of strongmen.

The defeat was indeed defeated, but the victorious alien coalition also entered the irreversible place of death. A large number of alien warriors were swallowed up by the sand current, activating the greedy and bloodthirsty of the blood basin.


With the deep roar, the sand of death began to tremble, and the sand flow changed the trajectory, which was thicker and bigger. The alien warriors walking along the sand stream were swallowed up in pieces.

"Exit all, hurry up!" Dozens of strong people shouted in shock.

Mo Bai and Shi Lingya stopped fleeing and took advantage of the enemy's panic to open up the two worlds of corpses again, but this time it was not to release the power of ghosts, but to earn all the defeat of more than a million soldiers.

"Hahaha, ha ha ha!" Mo Bai laughed wildly, "It's too late. Go down and feed the blood monster!"

Shake his hand, a bloody bead was thrown high into the sky, and then sucked into the center of the desert, responding to a low roar again. The whole sand of death began to rotate, and the alien army fell completely!

On the other side, the southern allied forces are still circled in the desert. Although they have seen the high tower of Tiecheng, there are still many distances. The rotating sand does not distinguish us at all, and a large number of southern warriors are also swallowed up by the desert.

"Bastard, bastard, the time hasn't come yet. Don't make a grimace, you bastard!"

The govous king cursed, and his short feet ran fast on the flowing sand and had to be fast. At this time, there was no safe route, so he had to rush desperately to the iron city in front of him.


The Iron City shot countless arrows into the desert, and each arrow tail dragged a long rope. The goin king had never been so excited. He opened his hands to meet the arrow rain at a faster speed.

The arrow rain did not fall to the ground, because the rotation of the desert became more and more intense, and the arrows and ropes were pulled straight by the whirlpool and hung low on the sand.

The tall demons and sands can easily grasp the ropes, and each rope is densely filled with hundreds of people.

But the govage king screamed anxiously, and the short man could not reach the life-saving rope hanging above his head, just a little, a little bit.

Several other gosmen jumped up bravely, and their short hands were about to grab the rope, with a smile of death on their faces, but jumping was definitely the biggest mistake.

"shu!!!" The short body suddenly flew backwards.

"Ah-!!!" Screaming crazily.

Looking at several goblets sucked into the depths of the desert, the gobump king was scared into a cold sweat, and he almost jumped with him, and then the end was absolutely very sad.

"Dad, great god!"

A gobion with full armor rushed to the gobator king. He was an undead warrior of the gobiki clan in the battle of Tislas City, and was later accepted as the adopted son by the gobator king.

The gobump king has been taking him with him for many years. The immortal luck really lives up to his reputation. Even if he sleeps under the arrow rain, he will definitely leave him a small humanoid space.

"What are you doing, ah!!! Don't--!"

The king of the beeous screamed in fear, because the undead warrior lifted him up, but the powerful air-eating power did not work on the king of the beeous king. Maybe someone had to stand on the sand.

"I, praise the god of the god!"

The scream was accompanied by excited ecstasy. The gobion king grabbed the life-saving straw and climbed fast along the rope. Other gobins followed suit one after another.

The devouring power of the desert whirlpool is more powerful, and there is a danger of being sucked even on the rope. The sand in the center is getting lower and lower, and a large amount of blood sand is swallowed into the blood mouth.

The alien army that tens of millions of people entered the sand of death rotated with the sand flow on the sand surface. The blood of the body dried up quickly, and the dry body cracked and decomposed into countless fine bloody sand grains.

Only the strong people in the world can resist the devouring power of blood and protect a small part of the most elite power in the clan.


The roar was still low, and the tremor spread over the surrounding land. Soon the whole divine world of the Wan Dynasty was trembling.

The blood light rushed out in the center of the desert, and the blood light reflected the colorful crystal, making the hanging crystal projection more brilliant.

"Quick, let's go to the sand of death. The throne is about to be born. Others will continue to kill!"

The strong people in the alien realm got rid of their respective opponents one after another and rushed to the sand of death, while the blood sacrifice could not be interrupted, and the army left behind fought more cruelly.

A small half of the inner city on both sides of the northeast of the Iron City has been broken, and foreign troops have flocked in, street battles, tunnel battles, and the battle for the Tongtian Tower. There is no surrender, only the killing of life and death.


Over the sand of death, more than a thousand realms gathered, but only a small part of them can get the divine throne. At the moment of the birth of the divine throne, no alliance is reliable, only two words, kill and rob!

In the endless depths of the whirlpool, even if Feng Yang and others desperately refine and reduce the infinite blood power into one, it can't be suppressed to develop into a demon. The deep roar is from these 21 thousands of blood bodies.

Hundreds of divine crystals are stepped on at the foot of the blood body. No matter how it is suppressed, it can't stop the violent tremor of the divine crystal, driving the violent tremor of the whole divine world.

The blood demon god is laughing wildly. He can feel that there are no more creatures in the divine world. Although Yang has gained all the blood power in the last battle, he has also obtained infinite blood soul power.


The illusory body of the demon soul finally broke open the golden chain formed by the soul of the Dragon God.


The devil's mouth opened and wanted to swallow the soul of the dragon god broken into dozens of pieces into the devil's belly.


The dragon roared, and a milky white dragon rushed out of Fengyang's blood body and swallowed the broken dragon god's soul before the blood demon god. The dragon body immediately glowed with a strong golden light and quickly turned into a gold chain, entangled, replacing the position of the dragon god and locking the blood demon god tightly again.

"Uh--" The blood demon god roared, "The seal of the divine crystal has been broken. How long do you think this can trap me?"

"It won't take a while, and now I'll help you completely open the seal!"

Feng Yang's reply was as low as thunder, and the huge blood feet took a step away, and the other 20 thousands of blood bodies also followed suit, allowing hundreds of brilliant divine crystals under his feet.


drank majestically, and the fluttering blood hair was 3,000 feet long, and hundreds of divine crystals under his feet finally rushed out of the center of the earth and the sand of death!

The heaven and earth of the divine world of the Wan Dynasty shined brilliantly, and the divine throne was finally born!

More than a thousand strong people in the world took up to chase, and various ethnic regions also took up to help.

It is easy to distinguish the divine crystals that meet their own attributes, and they will be robbed desperately, and even there will be no modesty between the same clans.

The throne had come out, and the allied forces of the hundred ethnic groups immediately stopped attacking the Iron City and retreated like a tide, but it was difficult to come, and it was even more difficult to retreat.

"Fire with all your strength!"

The high-level generals of the Iron City ordered that they would continue to maintain the blood sacrifice until Feng Yang came back, even if they killed the last soldier of the Iron War.

"Block them, even if you die!"

The two immortals and gods also ordered the human warriors to block the retreat of the alien army with flesh and blood. While the air battle was fighting for the throne, the battle on the ground that should have ended was more fierce.

The desert whirlpool goes straight into the depths of the earth, and hundreds of divine crystals are no longer there, but there is still the last and largest one, the main divine crystal.

Fengyang held up the divine crystal, looked up, and shot two bloody eyes. The two strong men who were competing for the divine crystal were penetrated by blood light and immediately collapsed the body world and dissipated the soul!

The bloody eyes saw the void, and most of the disaster had come to an end. The eyes penetrated into the void again and saw Feng Linger in her sleep. The spinning eyelids signaled that she was about to wake up.

"Maybe I can't wait for you to wake up!"

Feng Yang sighed secretly, sent the divine crystal in his hand out of the center of the earth, and also rushed to Feng Linger, who was sleeping in nothingness.

"The art of blood god, lock the soul!"

18 Wanzhang splits turned into chains with their hands and locked the blood demon god tightly. At the same time, the golden dragon chain came out, looked up to the dragon and rushed out of a golden body. The soul of the dragon god has been reorganized and also rushed to Feng Linger, who was sleeping in nothingness.

The milky white dragon returned to the body, and Feng Yang's tone was contemptuous, "Let's start, blood and fire refine the soul!"

Thirty-six blood chains transformed by 18 split hands ignited blood fire, and Kuang Jiangchen and Yang Er shone with blood light in their eyes. The pain of soul refining made the blood demon roar crazily, but their eyes were full of contempt.

"Ah-hahaha, you are so naive. This demon body is completely condensed with soul power, even if you can destroy my weak soul of consciousness, what's the use! It's just to wake up the demon's body for a moment. When the demon's body wakes up, it can completely devour the divine world of the ten thousand dynasties in the blink of an eye. You have no chance of winning, ah-haha!"

"Hmm, half a moment is enough to destroy the soul!"

The huge blood hand grabbed the soul and brain of the blood demon god, and the whole heart of the earth ignited a blazing blood fire. The mainland mountains and rivers of the divine world and the undersea valleys all spewed out rolling rocks.