Blood God Laugh

Wage domain-level data:

Whird area-level information:

When the strength reaches 10,000 jin, that is, the fifth level of the strength level. At the same time, they understand the 9 times the strength increase rate. Through the strength increase, they can form a domain field and reach the domain level!

is its own 10,000 catties of strength, plus the increase of 90,000 catties of strength, a total of 100,000 catties of strength.

The domain-level realm needs sufficient power support to cause a certain frequency vibration to the surrounding air with force and increase rate to form a domain field!

Therefore, in order to reach the domain level, you must meet 10,000 catties of strength and 9 times the growth rate at the same time. Even if you have 15,000 jin of strength and the growth rate reaches 8 times, far more than 100,000 catties, it is impossible to form a domain field!

The domain-level strong is hierarchical, with 10,000 catties of strength, plus 9 times the increase rate, a total of 100,000 catties of power, forming a field with a diameter of one meter. There is 100,000 catties of pressure in the field, and the outer wall of the field can have 100,000 catties of defense!

After reaching the first level of the domain level, you can continue to increase the strength, or increase the growth rate, or multiply the two to reach 200,000 jin of power, it is the second level of the domain level!

Domain second-order, two-meter field, 200,000 catties of field internal pressure, and 200,000 catties of external wall defense!

and so on, the domain level is the ninth level, which is a nine-meter field, with 900,000 pounds of power!

The tenth level of domain, a ten-meter domain field, 1 million catties of power!

There are even domain level 11 and domain level 20 or above!

Because above the domain level, there is a more legendary level, which requires more horrible. If you can't break through, you can only rise in the domain level forever!

Just like the heavenly strong, even if there is 100,000 pounds of strength and no growth rate, it can only be regarded as the 95th level!

Of course, at this time, as long as you don't enter the domain field, you can completely compete with the domain level 1!

If you meet the boundary requirements, you can bring the field into the body and form a boundary in the body, you will be the world-level strong!

As for the requirements of the boundary level, the strength information of the boundary level will be announced later! ( Please refer to the boundary information)