Blood God Laugh

Magic Samurai information:

Magic Warrior Information:

Magic warriors are the same as magicians, and they are graded by magic storage.

Although the power sources of the demon warrior and the magician are magic, the difference is that the demon warrior chooses to use magic power and take the warrior's route.

Because although the magic warrior is recognized by the elements of heaven and earth, his understanding of magic, or his understanding of magic, is very low, and no matter how high the magic is, he can't perform advanced magic, so he chose to take the martial arts line.

Magic warriors generally use some low-level auxiliary magic, such as fireball and wind blade, which can be stronger and faster than warriors of the same level, but it is far less defensive and more durable than warriors.

Because the strength is generated from the muscles and veins of the human body, it has a good defense against all parts of the human body. Where it is hit, it can immediately condense strength to protect it. As long as the strength continues, the body will not be exhausted.

The magic is absorbed by itself and stored in the Dantian part. It cannot be moved and protected in all parts of the body. Once it is hit, it may be injured. Moreover, after the physical strength is exhausted, the magic cannot provide the body with the power to move.

So, the demon warrior, like the magician, is also a vulnerable group!