blood line

Chapter 16 Miracle

I don't know whether it was because of the power of the fire attribute, or because of Zhao Jing's weather, Yan Baili's face became as red as pig liver: "Kid, you are dead! Ah!"

With a loud shout from Yan Baili, his fists suddenly turned red, like red iron!

"Little Sky, be careful! This is a boxing skill!" Yan Yaoying hurriedly reminded loudly.

The so-called boxing skill is the boxing skill formed by boxing. Only boxers above the breaking wind level can use it. It is so powerful that it can hurt people remotely.

Zhao Jingtian has never seen boxing skills, but with the experience of fighting with the boxer wearing a boxing gloves last time, Zhao Jingtian is not afraid of the power of fire attributes.

Playing with fire? In Zhao Jingtian's bloody behavior, the fire attribute is super strong!

"Wow!" Two fist-shaped flames flew out of Yan Baili's hands and flew to Zhao Jingtian like shells. Everyone has no doubt that if these two fist-shaped flames hit Zhao Jingtian, they will have to beat Zhao Jingtian all over!

Everyone thought that Zhao Jingtian would hide, but they didn't expect that Zhao Jingtian had no intention of dodging at all! He stood still and waved his fists out to meet the two fist-shaped flames!

"Wow!" Two flames burst out, emitting dazzling strong light, making everyone's eyes bloom!

"Sister Yan, it's now!" Zhao Jingtian shouted violently, and Yan Yaoying ran in the direction of Zhao Jingtian as if she had been ready.

"Stop them!" The responsive soldiers immediately surrounded, trying to stop Yan Yaoying. However, even if Yan Yaoying is injured, these guys can't stop her!

Yan Baili's reaction was faster. As soon as Yan Yaoying ran, he had already chased Yan Yaoying. When Yan Baili was about to hit Yan Yaoying's back with a punch, Zhao Jingtian and Yan Baili fought hard, and the two withdrew a few steps!

With such a time difference, Yan Yaoying has rushed out of the encirclement and escaped.

"Would you like to chase? Let's talk about it after I pass!" Zhao Jingtian's right arm drooped weakly and seemed to have been dislocated, but his body still stopped in front of Yan Baili like a tower.

Yan Baili knew that he could not catch up with Yan Yaoying at this time, but calmed down and glanced at Zhao Jingtian again: "Kid, you are very strong. With the shape-level training to catch the four moves of a wind-breaking boxer, it is the first time I have seen such a strange person like you in so many years. I'll give you a chance to join our fire dragon family, and I promise to make a big difference!"

Zhao Jingtian didn't seem to hear Yan Baili's persuasion and said calmly, "There are still six tricks. I don't know if you keep your words?"

Yan Baili was surprised and said, "Do you want to die? For the woman just now?"

Zhao Jingtian stretched out his left hand and made a gesture of invitation: "Don't worry about it, just do it!"

Yan Baili laughed angrily: "Okay, okay, okay! Today, I will kill you ignorant boy!"

Yan Baili jumped forward and was condescending. With the momentum of Mount Tai pressing down, his palms with flames pressed down on Zhao Jingtian's head!

It is impossible for Zhao Jingtian to hold Yan Baili's palms with his hands. The only thing he can do is to avoid it!

As soon as Zhao Jingtian dodged, Yan Baili's palms hit the ground. The ground exploded with a "bang", and the gravel with flames splashed everywhere.

"Puff..." More than a dozen small gravel hit Zhao Jingtian's arms, back and legs. Suddenly, more than a dozen skin-opening wounds appeared on his body, and blood spewed out like a child's urine.

"Five tricks!" Zhao Jingtian was bloody, and his dark face was a little sickly red. Coupled with his slightly ferocious look, he looked very terrible!

"Isn't this boy giving in?" The soldiers of the Fire Dragon family looked at Zhao Jingtian with incredible eyes. Although they are enemies, they still admire such a tenacious boy.

Yan Baili knew that Zhao Jingtian would never stop if he didn't fall. Although he had some pity for him, he could never be soft when so many soldiers were watching.

"Kid, the sixth move, fire dragon goes to sea, be careful!" Yan Baili's palms overlapped and rubbed each other, and then one palm pushed out, and a fire-shaped dragon about one meter long flew out of his palm.

With a roar, this dragon roared like a real dragon, with its teeth and claws, as if to tear Zhao Jingtian!

Zhao Jingtian was fearless. He supported it with one foot and threw a spinning kick on the other foot. With a bang, the "dragon swing tail" kicked by a fierce whirlwind hit the fire-shaped dragon's head, scattering the dragon into countless fire points.

As soon as Zhao Jingtian's foot landed, Yan Baili had already approached Zhao Jingtian when he came out to deal with the fire-shaped dragon!

Bum! Zhao Jingtian was punched in the chest again and flew out like a sandbag. Although the fiery fist did not cause much damage to Zhao Jingtian, the strength of the other party's punch really hit him!

"Puff!" Zhao Jingtian sprayed a mouthful of blood and climbed up from the ground with difficulty: "The eighth move, come on!"

Yan Baili's big eyes showed his surprise: he knew that the boy was not afraid of fire attribute boxing, so his sixth move just now was only used to attract Zhao Jingtian, and the real killing move was the seventh move. But Yan Baili didn't expect that Zhao Jingtian could still stand up when he was slapped with all his strength!

"What a pity!" Yan Baili shook his head with some regret, took a few big steps to approach Zhao Jingtian again, and hit Zhao Jingtian's left shoulder with one palm: "Abolt your left hand again!"

Zhao Jingtian hurriedly retreated. Unexpectedly, Yan Baili was another false move. When he punched, his body rolled strangely and swept his legs to attack Zhao Jingtian's feet!

If this move succeeds, Zhao Jingtian will immediately lose the ability to resist!

Seeing Yan Baili's leg sweeping attack, Zhao Jingtian's feet were facing the ground, and his whole body floated gently like fallen leaves in the wind, avoiding Yan Baili's leg sweeping. At the same time, Zhao Jingtian stepped on Yan Baili's feet. With this elasticity, Zhao Jingtian withdrew a few meters later.

At the critical moment, the physical boxing skill of Xingyun Liushui once again played a vital role. Zhao Jingtian's timing and the landing point of stepping on the other party are just right, just as accurately calculated in advance!

"Good skills!" Yan Baili couldn't help but praise: "There is still one last move left. The lord of this city loves talent. I will give you one last chance to surrender!"

Zhao Jingtian smiled strangely at Yan Baili: "You know the answer, why do you ask again? The last chance, if you keep your word, is also my chance to get out!"

Yan Baili's fiery red eyebrows stirred slightly: "Why are you so desperate?"

Zhao Jingtian smiled and said, "No, it's just that you, the red-haired monkey, are not happy!"

"Look for death!" Yan Baili was really angry. He stimulated all the fire attribute power of his whole body, and his body was like a flame and ran towards Zhao Jingtian!

The hot flame seems to light the air around it, burning the air!

"This boy is over..." Everyone held such an idea. They seemed to see Zhao Jingtian, who was black and burned by Yan Baili's anger.

"I won't die so easily! Ah!" Zhao Jingtian shouted wildly, and the sound was like a landslide, like a tsunami, making everyone present deaf and loud!

Bang... The ground about five meters in front of Zhao Jingtian suddenly blew up a deep pit, and countless metal fragments flew up from the ground, like a sharp knife, making a sound of breaking the wind!

In front of Zhao Jingtian, there seems to be a thick mobile metal barrier. It's too late for Yan Baili to close his feet, so he can only continue to rush forward along the inertia!

A flame rushed into a piece of colorful metal and continued to rush forward about three meters. With a sad scream, the flame flew down more than ten meters!

"Oh, my God! What's going on?" The soldiers saw a scene that they would never forget in their lives: Yan Baili was beaten like a sieve, full of holes full of blood!

And Zhao Jingtian on the other side turned into white hair in a blink of an eye!

"Okay...'re fine..." Yan Baili spit out these words with difficulty.

Those soldiers reacted in a hurry, stepped forward to help Yan Baili, took out all kinds of medicine powder to treat trauma and sprinkled it on Yan Baili.

"Can I... go?" As soon as Zhao Jingtian finished speaking, another mouthful of blood spewed out. That move exhausted Zhao Jingtian's efforts and forcibly transported the magic formula to the top. Tieyun Mountain City is full of metal, and this terrain has given Zhao Jingtian a huge increase in the magic formula.

Zhao Jingtian occupied the time and place, seized the opportunity and hit Yan Baili!

It is a unique thing in the Holy Kingdom before!

But Zhao Jingtian also paid a painful price for this. Due to overdraft of his spiritual strength, Zhao Jingtian's hair turned white like a 70- or 80-year-old man.

At this moment, Zhao Jingtian is quite difficult to walk, not to mention fighting again.

"Kill this boy!" A group of angry soldiers roared and rushed towards Zhao Jingtian.

"Hist...hand! Let him... go!" Yan Baili's face was pale, and the situation seemed to be much worse than Zhao Jingtian. Even so, his weak voice is still full of weight in the minds of these soldiers.

"Thank you..." Zhao Jingtian turned around and took two or three steps, with a bang and fell to the ground!