blood line

Chapter 95 Gift

Seeing the mysterious appearance of Shen Beixing and Zhao Jingtian, Ning Feng and others still stood aside with quality and did not ask much. On the contrary, Long Xuefei, a good-mouthed woman, stretched out her head and said, "What's the fun and beautiful secret? Let's share it with everyone?"

Zhao Jingtian glanced at Long Xuefei: "It's nothing to do with you. No matter how much you talk, I will tell Mr. Ning that I won't let you enter the door!"

Long Xuefei spit out her tongue: "Stingy! Don't ask if you don't ask! I don't care about it yet!"

Zhao Jingtian walked to Ning Feng and whispered a few words in Ning Feng's ear. Ning Feng's face suddenly became ugly. However, a moment later, Ning Feng regained his original calm look: "I hope you two don't talk nonsense everywhere."

Zhao Jingtian and Shen Beixing nodded at the same time: "We know this."

"All right, everyone, please come in!" Ning Feng's voice fell, and Long Xuefei was like a countryman entering the city, shouting: "Wow! Muling Villa, I'm coming!"

Everyone was covered with black lines. Zhao Jingtian asked Shen Lanyue, "Why do you let such a little child go out with you!"

Shen Lanyue was helpless: "What can I do? The Long family said that such an important task cannot only be completed by the Shen family, but also the Long family should also contribute. In fact, in my opinion, it was probably the owner of the Long family who saw this hateful girl, so he took the opportunity to send her away. Who knows, this girl is still stupid. She really thinks that the family sent her to complete an important mission. There's nothing she can do.

Everyone entered the hall of Muling Villa. As soon as the old man Ning Baiyi saw Zhao Jingtian, he stood up from his chair and patted Zhao Jingtian on the shoulder enthusiastically: "Brother Zhao, I am very gratified that the old man is well. I always remember that I couldn't protect you that day. If something happens to Zhao's little brother, I won't even worry about the death of the old man.

"I guess you old man don't have any good intentions. You say it well!" Zhao Jingtian secretly slandered Ning Baiyi, but there was still a bright smile on his face: "Mr. Ning's words are serious. Thank you, Jingtian is safe and sound."

"Hey! Didn't you get caught by Shui Ruowei? She didn't embarrass you, did she?" Ning Baiyi suddenly said, "This girl is not a good master."

Zhao Jingtian's white eyes rolled countless times in his heart: "Don't you just want to know how I escaped? Can I tell you that I gave it to him and then escaped?"

However, Ning Feng and others care so much about Zhao Jingtian. If he doesn't give a reasonable explanation, people will feel that Zhao Jingtian has no conscience.

"Uh... the thing is..." Zhao Jingtian had already prepared his words and told the story of the mysterious man making trouble in the Shuiyuan Palace. Among them, it was half true and half false, and everyone heard it with interest. Zhao Jingtian felt that he was almost comparable to Li Chang, the storyteller of the Fire Dragon Family.

Of course, Zhao Jingtian skipped the passionate part and only said that he had escaped from the chaos. It is estimated that Shui Ruowei was injured by a mysterious man, so she didn't have time to come out to chase her.

This passage sounds seamless, and everyone is convinced. Only Ningling said coldly, "You speak too fluently, don't you? I guess you have been memorizing it for a long time, aren't you?"

Zhao Jingtian howled in his heart: "Please, my Miss Ning. If you want to expose me, you have to be in front of so many people!"

When Ning Lingxi said this, everyone was also slightly suspicious. Shen Lanyue quickly came forward to defend and said, "Maybe Mr. Zhao was too impressed by this matter, and it was normal to speak fluently."

Zhao Jingtian echoed, "That's natural. It's strange that I'm not impressed by a group of women..."

"Cough..." Ning Feng coughed twice and interrupted Zhao Jingtian to continue his crazy words: "Don't just talk, sit down and talk."

Ning Baiyi laughed twice: "Yes, yes, I forgot to greet the guests."

Everyone sat down in the seat of the guests. Ning Baiyi said to Shen Lanyue and Long Xuefei, "Two Longxing Chamber of Commerce from the City of Freedom, right? I don't know what you two mean by here?"

As soon as Shen Lanyue wanted to speak, Long Xuefei rushed to say, "Well, our behind-the-scenes boss alliance leader said that last time because of Zhao Jingtian's incident, he sent us to send gifts and apologize. That's it."

Zhao Jingtian rolled his eyes and said, "Is there anyone who has come to be a lobbyist like this? No wonder you will be kicked out of the city of freedom!"

Ning Baiyi smiled very happily and said, "Miss Dragon is really interesting and direct enough! Anyway, I have accepted this gift. Please go back and tell the alliance leader that we still value the harmony of the alliance. I hope the alliance leader will not worry about this matter.

Long Xuefei looked at Ning Baiyi in surprise: "Well... you don't have to look at what the gift is? What if you think it's not enough or too much?

"Idiot! I really don't know how the Longxing Chamber of Commerce has such a fool!" Zhao Jingtian scolded fiercely in his heart. Everyone also looked at Long Xuefei like an onlooker idiot. Shen Lanyue couldn't wait to dig a hole to hide. Only Long Xuefei still looked at Ning Baiyi and waited for Ning Baiyi's reply.

"Ha, that's enough, that's enough. How can Miss Long be so considerate and not enough? As for whether it will be too much, I won't know until you send the gift!" Ning Baiyi cleverly turned his attention away.

Long Xuefei snapped her fingers: "Little guys, bring up the things to me!"

"Damn!" Zhao Jingtian thought for a long time and could only use such a word to describe his mood at this time.

As soon as the boxer of the Longxing Chamber of Commerce waiting outside heard Long Xuefei's voice, he quickly brought in dozens of large boxes of things and put them on the floor.

"This..." Ning Baiyi shook his head: "How can I see so many things? I don't know if Dragon Girl has a gift list?

"Is this old man Ning really going to accept Wu Hanyan's gift and reconcile with him?" Zhao Jingtian thought for a moment and figured it out: "That's right. They are originally face-to-face and back-to-face. The gifts sent by the enemy will not be accepted for nothing!"

Long Xuefei scratched her head: "This... I didn't... By the way! Sister Yue, don't you have the list?

"It's only now that you think of me!" Shen Lanyue was so impressed that she threw herself into the sky. She took out a folded post from the bag on her body and presented it with her hands: "Master Ning Zhuang, please have a look."

Ning Baiyi took over the post and showed a satisfied smile on his wrinkled face: "One million gold coins, a thousand consecutive crossbows of the fire dragon family specialties, 1,000 catties of rare iron ore black manganese in Jinxiangzong, ten snow lotus in Shuiyuan Palace, and a thousand sets of earthly defense armors of Wujimen. It's good. Not bad, haha!"

Long Xuefei asked cautiously, "What do you mean, just right?"

Ning Baiyi nodded and said, "Yes. I received it, no more, no less, just right.

"Great! I made another contribution to the Long family. This time I go back, they have to reward me with something, haha!" Long Xuefei laughed unscrupulously and confused the onlookers: What kind of girl is this?

Ning Yang kept silent until Ning Baiyi accepted the gift of the Longxing Chamber of Commerce that he stood up from his seat: "Father, please uphold justice for your child and your grandson. Father, I believe my father-in-law's family was destroyed, and your three grandchildren were beaten and injured by outsiders in front of their own house. I believe my father should know very well. Please severely punish the villains who came to the door and killed your daughter-in-law's relatives!"

Ning Yang's words are reasonable, and the meaning is obvious: they kill your son's relatives and bully your grandson in front of your house. If you, as a grandfather, don't take a stand, what else can you say?

Ning Baiyi sneered: "Yes, your nephew's father-in-law's family is very beautiful in Zhencheng. Not to mention how Feng'er is in Zhencheng, even if I go to Zhencheng, I can only stand aside! In addition, they seem to have said that even if Lingxi and the murderer are mixed up, even if the bastard of the Song family looks like our Lingxi, he has to follow the little bastard obediently, right? Humph! The little boxer of the Song family is so domineering that he is really worthy of your big tree!"

Ning Yang was sweating all over and knelt on the ground in horror: "Father, damn it!"