blood line

Chapter 147 Desert

Zhao Jingtian walked along this stone road, and the red magma on both sides of the stone road was about to jump up. Feeling the fire power penetrated from the magma, the two flames in Zhao Jingtian's body seemed to be called by those fire forces, and from time to time they wanted to fly out of Zhao Jingtian's body.

Zhao Jingtian finally suppressed the two flames and continued to move forward until the end of the road - the Fire Dragon Pool.

The Fire Dragon Pool is a small round pool. The water in the pool is different from the magma outside. Zhao Jingtian could feel that the pool of water was hotter than the magma outside, but it seemed that the pool water was still.

There is a large stone tablet next to the Fire Dragon Pool, which is engraved with the skill of how to quench your body and heart through the Fire Dragon Pool. Zhao Jingtian looked at it several times, wrote it down carefully, then took off his clothes and jumped naked into the dragon pool like boiling iron water!

"Ah!" Enduring the great suffering, Zhao Jingtian transported the fire power of his whole body and separated all positions around him from the hot pool water with fire fists. Zhao Jingtian fell into the middle of the pool with his fists. The pool seemed to have aura, and began to be moved by Zhao Jingtian.

Zhao Jingtian closed his eyes tightly and kept absorbing the power of fire from the pool. Zhao Jingtian's skin became transparent, as red as iron in the casting furnace.

The burning silence and faint blue involuntarily flew out of Zhao Jingtian's body and melted into the fire dragon pool, immediately adding the temperature of the pool several times!

"Ah--" Zhao Jingtian didn't expect this, and the temporary high temperature made him faint in pain.

Strangely, even if Zhao Jingtian lost consciousness, the layer of fiery fist on his body can still automatically protect him, separating him from the pool water, and prevent the pool water from directly burning him into roast suckling pig.

Time passed minute by minute in Zhao Jingtian's coma, and the fire power in the fire dragon pool kept rushing towards Zhao Jingtian and swam around him one after another. The burning and quiet blue is like two naughty children. After playing outside enough, they returned to Zhao Jingtian's body.

"Hmm?" As soon as Zhao Jingtian regained consciousness, he immediately found that his body had undergone great changes!

He, who was already super hot, now has a feeling and use of the power of fire far more than dozens of times before! Now Zhao Jingtian only needs to use fire boxing skills, which is enough for him to defeat an ordinary wave-level boxer!

Coupled with all kinds of strange secret skills, even if Zhao Jingtian fights with a jade-blooded boxer now, he has enough confidence!

"I'm here... I'm here..." Just as Zhao Jingtian was about to leave, suddenly a weak voice kept calling for others to find him.

That came from the top of the Fire Dragon Pool. Zhao Jingtian looked up and saw that there was a spherical stone on the uneven stone wall and ceiling wall that seemed to be incompatible with the stone next to him. The sound seemed to come from the stone.

Zhao Jingtian is not a reckless person. A casual cry can make him destroy this stone. However, the voice seemed to resonate with him, which made Zhao Jingtian have an impulse to knock the stone away to see.

"I'd better not touch anything that can be hidden here by the old man." Zhao Jingtian resisted the idea of breaking the stone, jumped on the stone road and dressed again.

Stepping back along this road again, Zhao Jingtian had a new feeling about the magma on both sides: "The place with the strongest fire power is the Fire Dragon Pool. These magma are just vassals of the Fire Dragon Pool. Even if I jump into this magma now, I can't even break the skin!"

Zhao Jingtian went all the way to the organ where he came down, and he found that Yue Yuhao didn't know when he had been waiting for him there.

"Father, have you been waiting for me for a long time?" Zhao Jingtian asked in surprise.

Yue Yuhao smiled and said, "After a while, it won't be long. How about it? How do you feel?"

Zhao Jingtian showed a satisfied smile and punched casually, with a strong fiery power, and attacked Yue Yuhao!

Bang! Yue Yuhao raised his hand gently, held Zhao Jingtian's fist in his palm, and immediately extinguished the fire power invisibly.

"Good boy, you have tried the power of your old man!" Yue Yuhao said angrily.

Zhao Jingtian laughed and took the fist back: "Father, can this punch enter your eyes?"

Yue Yuhao nodded: "With such strength, as long as you break through the same wave level as Zi Chong, even Ning Feng in Muling Villa may not be your opponent."

Zhao Jingtian said seriously, "Yes! I will break through as soon as possible! Father, have you prepared the Tuxing and Jinxing boxing skills you prepared for me?

"Ready. In the main hall of the Fire Dragon Hall, let's go back to the top first. Yue Yuhao said.

A day later, Zhao Jingtian left the Fire Dragon family and left for the Kingdom of Rasha. Yue Zichong and Long Xuefei saw Zhao Jingtian off and sent him a few miles away from Huolong City before stopping.

Zhao Jingtian patted Yue Zichong on the shoulder happily: "Kid, wait for me to come back to drink your wedding wine!"

Yue Zichong nodded seriously: "Definitely!"

Long Xuefei blushed: "Who said she would marry you!"

"Haha!" Zhao Jingtian looked up to the sky and left with a long smile: "Take care, brother."

"Hmm." Yue Zichong waved goodbye: "Big brother, go early and come back early!"

While talking, Zhao Jingtian disappeared, and Yue Zichong was slightly moved: "Brother has reached the wave level? His speed of stepping on the waves is simply evil!"

Long Xuefei showed a sweet smile: "Do you know why I like you, not your brother?"

Yue Ziyong shook her head in a dumbfounded way. Long Xuefei giggled and said, "Because you look more real and cute, and I can't see through your brother at all. So, don't lament his cultivation speed there. It's not something a normal person can have.

Yue Zichong knew that Long Xuefei was comforting her arrogant self, and he couldn't help but be moved and held Long Xuefei in his arms: "Thank you..."



Zhao Jingtian's journey was unimpeded and he didn't encounter any trouble. Whether passing through Wu Hanyan's free city or Luo Zhongxuan's infinite door, nothing is in the way. Zhao Jingtian quickly arrived at the Tagon Desert, the border between the Holy Kingdom and the Rasha Kingdom.

Zhao Jingtian raised his eyes and looked at the yellow sand. A hot wind shouted wildly and rolled up the restless sand and stone, which really answered the four words: flying sand and stone.

"What a damn place! I really don't know what the Rasha Congress looks like. Zhao Jingtian couldn't help imagining that the people of Rasha live in the desert, full of dust, their mouths full of sand, and even their eyelashes are earthy.

However, when he thought of Dokaf and Peter's appearance, his skin was as white as tofu. Zhao Jingtian immediately reversed his imagination: "Let's pass by this desert and have a look!"

Zhao Jingtian put on the two armors of water and fire and carefully stepped into the desert. Although the wind and sand were fierce, Zhao Jingtian's armor could still independently block the wind and sand from him one meter away. If you look here from a distance, Zhao Jingtian is like a small mobile fortress in the wind and sand. No matter how the sand flies and stones outside, I will move forward safely.

"For good, I brought enough water!" After walking for a day, Zhao Jingtian drank half a pot of water. Looking at the ten pots hanging behind him, Zhao Jingtian was very relieved. In five days, Zhao Jingtian can completely pass through this desert and reach the Rasha Kingdom. Therefore, the water is still abundant.

Huh? In front of him..." Zhao Jingtian looked through the wind and sand, and there was a red figure faintly lying on the ground dozens of meters ahead. Looking closer, Zhao Jingtian saw that it turned out to be a young woman from Rasha with red hair.

The woman was not dead, but fainted because she lost too much water. Zhao Jingtian weighed that his water was enough, so he took out a kettle, pointed the mouth of the kettle at the woman's mouth, and gently poured out a little water.

Feel the sweetness and moisture of the water. The woman's sexy thick lips moved slightly, and her tongue licked everywhere, licking the water flowing on her lips clean.

After a while, the Rasha woman woke up and saw Zhao Jingtian with a calm face: "Can I continue to drink your water?"