blood line

Chapter 151 Rush

Catherine saw the strangeness on Zhao Jingtian's face and quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Jingtian whispered, "Many boxers have come here."

Catherine slowly dehydrated herself in the bathtub and showed her perfect figure in front of Zhao Jingtian without reservation.

Zhao Jingtian regarded it as a mass of air in front of him, but this mass of air really dazzled people and blooded.

"It's okay, it's our own people." Catherine slowly dressed and said to the outside, "Dopp, is that you?"

"Yes, Your Highness!" A thick and penetrating sound came in from the window.

"Well, let's take action now! Take back the command of this city first!" When Catherine gave the order, she gave Zhao Jingtian another feeling, as if she was already the real queen.

Wow... There was another sound of people running outside, and in a blink of an eye.

Catherine smiled like a hunter: "Zhao, let's go to the city lord's mansion to watch the fun."

When Zhao Jingtian and Catherine arrived at the city master's mansion in Kecheng, the door was already knelt down with more than 300 boxers with red *** upper bodies. Zhao Jingtian took a look and immediately felt cold: the muscles on these boxers were prominent, one by one, and it was estimated that they could not cause harm to them without the wave-level fists.

"Your Highness, the city lord's mansion has been captured. This is the head of the city lord." The first boxer, Dopp in Catherine's mouth, has a round head with his hands up.

Catherine looked at it lightly: "Dope, you did a good job. Let our people control Dak City. Next, we will go to Kayati. Take your people with you."

"Yes." Dopp stood up, and the more than 300 boxers behind him scattered around, leaving Dopp alone.

Dop only saw Zhao Jingtian, and the cold light in his eyes flashed away.

"Go in and have a look." Catherine suddenly became interested and went straight into the city lord's mansion.

As soon as you enter the city's mansion, you can see a bloody corpse, with brain plasma and blood everywhere, which shows how fierce the battle situation just now is!

"In the period when we came here, more than 300 people actually killed more than 1,000 boxers in the whole city's mansion. What kind of killing speed!" Zhao Jingtian has a certain understanding of the power of this group of boxers.

"Woo..." There was a low sobs in a corner. The three of them heard the sound. A six- or seven-year-old boy was looking at them, and his eyes were full of deep fear and resentment.

Catherine giggled and said, "Doop, your dereliction of duty!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" One flew away, and Dopp punched the little boy on the head mercilessly!

Bum! Dopp and a figure suddenly inserted horizontally next to him, and his body involuntarily took two or three steps back.

"Zhao, I don't think you are a kind person. The smell of blood on your body is so strong that I can smell it." Catherine said with a smile.

"There are tens of thousands of people who died in my hands, but I never kill children." Zhao Jingtian said, "This is my principle."

"Oh, aren't you afraid that the children you killed will come to you for revenge?" Catherine blinked as if she were waiting for Zhao Jingtian's answer.

"The law of the jungle, if he comes, just come. I will give them this opportunity." Zhao Jingtian said slowly.

"Okay, in order to show the sincerity of my partner, I accept your principle." Catherine smiled and said, "Dop, I can't make such a mistake again."

"Yes, Your Highness." Duopu looked at Zhao Jingtian and said coldly, "I will definitely challenge you if there is a chance."

"I will be with you at any time." Zhao Jingtian's tone was not very serious. Obviously, he did not really regard Dopp as his opponent. Because he only used 20% of his strength just now!

Zhao Jingtian now finds that his physical strength is advancing at a speed that is hard to imagine. Even if he doesn't need to fight, Dopp is definitely not his opponent!


"What? Did your sister occupy Dike City? Peter, who was in the palace, looked angry: "How can that be!"

An old man with a white beard but in an excellent mental state said, "Your Highness is not in a hurry. Although the battle with Ji Lie in front is tight, there is still a certain number of troops in our rear, and it should not be a problem to deal with Princess Catherine."

Peter said coldly, "Your Excellency, do you have a way to deal with her 'Ice Wolf Legion'?"

The Prime Minister smiled and said, "There is more than a way. As long as the Ice Wolf Legion dares to take another step to Tantai City, I promise that they will be smashed immediately!"

Peter snorted angrily: "I hope so!"


Outside Tantai City, a team of soldiers patrolled back and forth, and the guard was extremely tight.

Zhao Jingtian, Catherine and Dopp stopped to look away, and the three of them moved their minds at the same time.

After a while, Dopp took the lead in saying, "Your Highness, I suggest a strong attack. These people are no match for our ice wolf.

Catherine ignored Dopp's suggestion and turned to Zhao Jingtian and asked, "Zhao, what do you think?"

Zhao Jingtian said, "Let me lurk in first and have a look, and then make a determination after we find out."

"Do you look down on us?" Although Dope's voice was calm, there was obviously anger in his words.

"Catherine, it's up to you." Zhao Jingtian looked uninterested: "You know, we cooperate and are not responsible for anything else."

Catherine could see that Dopp was angry, and she could not fully control this cold and arrogant subordinate: "Well, Dope, you can try it first. However, if the situation is not right, you must retreat back immediately!"

"Your Highness, please take a look! I can destroy their defense line in front of the city alone!" Dopp ran towards Tantai City alone.

"Enemy attack!" A scout shouted, and the soldiers of Tantai immediately moved. Although there is only one person on the other side, their leader has made it easy to underestimate any one on the other side, because there are only more than 300 people on the other side!

Thousands of soldiers immediately lined up neatly, waiting for the enemy's charge.

A trace of murder appeared on Dopp's face: "Do you want to stop me with this kind of goods?"

When it was only two or three hundred meters away from the soldiers' array, Dopp suddenly accelerated and rushed into the soldiers' array with a shadow behind him!

Bang bang... After a burst of dust and screams, Dopp rushed back with blood all over his body. His speed dropped significantly, and the wounds all over his body kept bleeding out!

"The situation is wrong!" Zhao Jingtian quickly swept forward to pick up Ying Duopu.

Behind Dopp, dozens of guys in black cloaks rushed towards Dopp like bats!

Dopp can feel the approach of these enemies, but he has no power to fight back now!

"Hateful, I'm going to die here!" Dopp regretted his reckless impulse and did not listen to Zhao Jingtian's advice.

A figure jumped over Dopp's head and was mixed with the dozens of shadows that rushed to Dopp!

Dopp watched Zhao Jingtian shuttle through the group of black cloaks with astonishment. The five elements of fists on his body were dazzling and made people't help but bright!

"Dopp, don't run away!" Zhao Jingtian shouted anxiously, and Dope woke up like a dream and ran away.

Two cloakmen chased Dopp, and Zhao Jingtian then caught up. When their fists were about to touch Dopp's head, Zhao Jingtian's fists penetrated the hearts of the two guys.

"Go!" Zhao Jingtian performed a wave-level walking step, which was so fast that he couldn't even catch his figure with his eyes!

A wave-level boxer can use his fist to speed up his body, and coupled with such a superb footwork, Zhao Jingtian's speed can't be compared with those guys?

Seeing that he could no longer catch up with Zhao Jingtian, dozens of cloakmen drilled back into the array of soldiers and retracted into the city.

"Dopp is seriously injured!" In a house in a small remote village, Catherine rarely showed a sad face: "Zhao, do you have a way to treat him?"

Zhao Jingtian checked Dopp's injury: "It's okay. I hurt some tendons. It should be no problem if I rest for ten days and a half months. It's just that these guys' fists are very strange, as if they are a physical boxer like Dopp!"