blood line

Chapter 158 Fight Peter Again

In the sky, the two strong men still fight to the death. In the eyes of ordinary people, there are two gods fighting in the sky. Wherever they fall, they are blown up into a deep pit.

When a man saw that his house was blown up in a blink of an eye, he quickly knelt down and prayed: "God of Rasha, please don't fight..."

With a boom, in a blink of an eye, the man also turned into a blood-red dust powder.

Ande's heart is bleeding, and his imperial city is about to be destroyed by these two guys: "Who have I offended? How could it provoke such two monsters to make a scene on my territory? God of Rasha, please don't fight..."

It seemed to sense the "call" of Andepheus, and the two people in the sky suddenly stopped and suspended in mid-air.

"Hey, if you don't fight, if you continue to fight, it's not good for too many ordinary people to die." Bloody Shura smiled strangely.

The Lord of Rasha Gate had a messy face, and his white beard was stained with a lot of dust and civilian blood, completely without his usual calmness and calmness. Facing the rogue blood Shura, he roared angrily: "Blood Shura, you bastard! You have made the countries and cities I protect like this, and we will never die today!"

Xue Shura suddenly said seriously, "If we fight, we will fall at the same time, which is not good for anyone. Well, as I said before, if your apprentice defeats my apprentice, I will take him out of Rasha. Similarly, if your apprentice loses, please take your apprentice out of here. Of course, if they accidentally beat each other to death when they fight, they can't blame others!"

The owner of Rasha promised, "Okay!"

Before the two figures returned to the palace, they stopped beside their apprentices. The clothes of the Lord of Rashamen were originally white, but after such a toss, they turned earthy yellow, and they looked extremely awkward. Instead, the black cloak on the blood Shura is very clean and spotless.

After seeing the power of these two people, the ordinary soldiers were so scared that their legs kept shaking, afraid that they would accidentally vent their strength and smash them to pieces.

"Get out of the way of all the soldiers in a minute, otherwise, you will bear the consequences!" Blood Shura's voice was not loud, but everyone heard it.

These soldiers were eager to escape far away, without looking at the meaning of their leaders, and fled faster than anything else. In less than half a minute, all the soldiers everywhere ran away.

Except for a group of ministers and the king's family at the gate of the palace, there are only two pairs of masters and apprentices left.

Those ministers also want to escape. The key is that Xue Shura and the Lord of the Rasha Gate did not speak, and they dared not escape even if they wanted to.

Zhao Jingtian and Peter understood the meaning of these two old things. Without their mouths, they walked to the empty field in front of them and prepared to face their opponents.

Within too many redundant words, the two fought fiercely face to face. Since Zhao Jingtian stepped into the wave level, his body has become more ghostly and fierce. In front of everyone, Zhao Jingtian did not hide his clumsiness at all. He attacked Peter with the fastest body and the most ruthless moves!

Because Zhao Jingtian knows that Peter is not what it used to be!

Peter's momentum soared, surrounded by a hazy hot breath, suppressing all the five elements of Zhao Jingtian's power. This is the special effect of boxing in the country of Rasha, specializing in the five elements of boxing!

The two seemed to be shrouded in a strange fog, trapped in the fog for a battle of trapped beasts. Although Peter restrained Zhao Jingtian's five elements of boxing, he did not forget Zhao Jingtian's simple physical strength, which was no less than any Rasha boxer at the same level, so he did not feel careless.

In this way, the duel between the two is different from the last time, becoming Zhao Jingtian's main attack and Peter's defense.

"Papa..." Between the lightning, the two of them were full of fists, and I don't know how many punches were handed over!

With the passage of time, the two did not seem to be exhausted, but became more and more brave!

King Ande and a group of ministers were stunned, but Catherine looked calm. Looking at Zhao Jingtian, there were already more things that she didn't even know herself.

However, even if Rashaman is proficient in tempering physical boxing, Peter still can't defeat Zhao Jingtian with physical combat effectiveness alone.

Zhao Jingtian's blood practice taboo is to refine his body with blood. In addition, Zhao Jingtian learned to have a dragon fist. The crazy playing method and momentum of the dragon fist forced Peter into a desperate situation step by step!

"Thousands of yuan!" Peter had no skills to do, so he had to do it again. His hands were placed in a circle on his chest, and a black whirlpool several times stronger than the previous one appeared in his hands!

Zhao Jingtian looked up to the sky and roared, and the earth under his feet shattered the earth!

Blood Shura's eyes flashed: "Good boy! The power of Dragon Fist is really extraordinary!"

A pair of golden claw-shaped hands grabbed the black whirlpool on Peter's chest. A few clicks, and the black air-shaped whirlpool is fragmented!

"Ah!" Peter screamed, and his body flew dozens of meters away and fell to the ground, but he could no longer stand up!

Zhao Jingtian is independent of the center of the venue, with his hair radiating, and a pair of green pupils blooming out to look down on the world!

The Lord of Rashamen walked to Peter and helped him up in person: "How cruel! All the bones of the whole body are broken!"

Zhao Jingtian replied coldly, "Otherwise, it's me who will die."

"Zhao...Jing...Tian..." Although Peter is not dead, it is a little worse than the dead: "As long as I... don't die... I will definitely... come back... to find you..."

Before Peter finished his words, the owner of Rasha had already disappeared with him.

"Good apprentice, haha!" Xue Shura affectionately patted Zhao Jingtian on the shoulder. With Zhao Jingtian's current cultivation speed, his "old man" will no longer treat Zhao Jingtian with his previous disdainful attitude.

Catherine held the Rasha Order in her hand and raised it high: "From today on, I, Catherine & Alexander, are the queen of Rasha Kingdom!"

"See you, Her Majesty!" All ministers are wall grass. Who would think that they had a long life and offended Catherine supported by Zhao Jingtian and Xue Shura?

Andrephe put down his crown with trembling hands and put it on Catherine's head in person.

"Where's Dopp?" To Amphi's surprise, Catherine did not blame him, but asked gently.

"Your men? They are in my bedroom..." Andrefei didn't dare to say any more, because he had noticed that Catherine's breath had changed a little.

Andre, who knows her daughter very well, understands that Catherine wants to kill!

Zhao Jingtian followed Catherine through the ruins of the palace to Andephe's bedroom. Although Xue Shura and the Lord of Rashamen fought fiercely, they still took care of the key places. Of course, the king's sleeping place should naturally be kept.

Dopp's whole body was printed on the wall, and blood splashed around the wall next to his body. There was no wound in his chest. Obviously, blood spewed out from his back.

Zhao Jingtian put down Dopp's body and looked at it. His back was shaken into a pile of meat mud!

"Who did it!!!" Catherine's eyes turned red and she picked up her father's and Frederick's collar.

Andre was almost out of breath: "Yes...yes...the old Prime Minister...Lal..."

Catherine kept gasping, like an enraged female wolf: "Lal, I'm going to smash you into ten thousand pieces!"

As if something suddenly occurred to her, Catherine suddenly turned to Zhao Jingtian: "Zhao, help me bring back this old man's body again!"

Zhao Jingtian smiled and said, "Benefits."

Catherine said without thinking, "If you encounter any trouble and need my help in the future, I am willing to use the strength of the whole Rasha Kingdom to help you!" This Rasha order is the agreement I put with you!"

Andre wanted to say something, but as soon as he saw the fierce light in his daughter's eyes, he closed his mouth.

Zhao Jingtian pushed the Rasha order back: "Your Majesty, we are partners, and I have always believed in your reputation."

After saying that, Zhao Jingtian turned around and rushed out of the palace.

"Damn it, this national teacher and the boy of the Holy Kingdom are masters and apprentices!" The old Prime Minister Lar scolded and fled in the direction of Jilie with the ten bodyguards behind him.

When Xue Shura and the Lord of Rashamen started fighting, the very alert old prime minister Lar smelled the wrong smell. Under the protection of the bodyguards, he escaped from Kayati with a batch of his treasures. Now as long as he escapes to the kingdom of Jilie, the wealth he brings is enough to buy a province of the kingdom as his own independent kingdom.

Lal was dreaming, and a figure chased after him, like a gust of wind, stopping in front of him.

"You bastard of the Holy Kingdom, how do you know I'm here?" Lar's face changed wildly.

Zhao Jingtian said coldly, "You have a person with my breath of fire. Unless you hide in the ends of the earth, as long as you don't leave me a million meters away, you can't hide anywhere!"

A boxer subconsciously wiped his hand on his body. Zhao Jingtian's eyes were like a torch: "You killed Dole!"

The boxer immediately straightened his chest: "So what? I don't believe that you can fight against ten of us!"

Zhao Jingtian waved his hand: "I won't kill them, I'll only kill you." Listen, as long as you don't stop me from killing him, you can kill Lal and take away his wealth. I will never stop you.

The boxer immediately shouted, "Don't listen to him. After he kills me, he will kill you!"

Lal was also shocked: "I'm your master! You have to listen to me!"

However, before Lar could scream a few more times, he clearly heard the sound of his broken heart, and then he had no consciousness...