blood line

Chapter 172 Fierce Battle at Sea

The thin and dark middle-aged man is the captain of the Titan, Lu Fangding. The so-called Sea Devil Fleet is actually a pirate fleet. Like the pirates Zhao Jingtian met at sea, the style of this sea demon fleet is also the three-light policy: burn them all, kill them all, and grab them all.

Normally, this sea demon fleet usually rested for more than a month after one vote. In the first ten days, a merchant ship was destroyed, so Lu Fangding, the captain of the Titan, went to sea at ease. Unexpectedly, this sea demon fleet came out to move again contrary to its previous habits.

In the panic of the crowd, Lu Fangding suddenly remembered the young man who had been said to have pirates and subconsciously turned his eyes to the young man.

He was still sitting on the deck calmly, and the two men and women beside him did not panic at all.

People like Lu Fangding who have been wandering around all year round will never miss people for the second time.

Lu Fangding hurried to Zhao Jingtian and said respectfully, "I had no eyes before and offended you. I don't know what good strategy you have to ensure the safety of this ship's merchants?"

Zhao Jingtian withdrew his mind and slowly opened his eyes: "If you were willing to listen to me before, speed up, and now you have left these fleets behind. But now, there is no other way but to resist.

Lu Fangding cried and said, "We have some boxers on our boat, but compared with the other team, there are obviously too few people. You can't fight!"

Zhao Jingtian stood up suddenly: "Gathe all the boxers together and listen to my command. Maybe there is still a fight."

Lu Fangding can't think of any good way anymore, so he can only bet all his life on Zhao Jingtian. He returned to the captain's room, took out a loudspeaker for louds and shouted at the ship, "Guys, this gentleman can lead everyone to resist the pirates. I hope the boxers can gather together and obey this young man!"

Hundreds of boxers immediately gathered on the ship, but these people looked at Zhao Jingtian with suspicion, and they did not believe in Zhao Jingtian's strength.

Zhao Jingtian didn't bother to care about these people, but left a cold sentence: "If you want to live, just be obedient!"

"Why do we listen to you?" A boxer looked unconvinced: "Look at it!"

Seeing the sea demon fleet approaching quickly, only a few hundred meters away from the ship, Lu Fangding was anxious: "What are you still shouting about here? If you have the ability, keep it and wait to deal with pirates!"

Zhao Jingtian took a look at the boxer and said, "Brother Zhang Yan, cut his eyebrows for me."

"Yes!" As soon as Zhao Jingtian's words were poured, Zhang Yan's figure immediately moved. The boxer only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and Zhang Yan had returned to Zhao Jingtian's side.

The boxers looked at the boxer's face and turned pale one after another: the boxer's eyes were bare, but his eyebrows did not know where to go.

The boxers knelt down to Zhao Jingtianxia together: "I'm willing to obey the prince's dispatch!"

Lu Fangding has only calmed down a little. He is also a person with eyesight. How can he not know? Zhang Yan is so powerful, how can his master be bad?

Zhao Jingtian threw Zhang Yan's carry-on bag on the deck, and dozens of black iron bullets: "Which of you is better, just take one and put it in your hand."

Many boxers who knew the goods immediately shouted: "Poison flame bomb?"

The boxers naturally know the power of this batch of ammunition. As long as the flame bomb explodes, the low-level boxers on the ship will only be poisoned by poison gas!

Even if they are not boxers, many businessmen present immediately lit up their eyes as soon as they heard the flame bomb. This batch of poisonous flame bombs is worth at least hundreds of gold coins.

Hundreds of gold coins are thrown casually, and this young man's come from is not small!

The boxer who had confidence in himself quickly picked up the poisonous flame bomb and suddenly became bold. At this time, they still couldn't wait for the pirates to come to the door quickly so that they could have a chance to try the power of the bomb in person.

Lu Fangding's face finally returned from white to healthy black. He grinned and said, "I didn't expect that the famous Zhao Jingtian was also on the boat. I was really blind. With him, Lao Lu, my Titan must be thrilling.

The sea demon fleet approached quickly, and the people on the Titan could already see the faces of the pirates on the fastest ship.

A boxer's hand kept shaking and was about to throw out the poisonous flame in his hand. Zhao Jingtian shouted in a low voice: "Don't move! Wait for them to get closer! Captain, slow down the ship and let them surround it!"

Lu Fangding shouted loudly: "Slow down by half!"

The speed of the ship suddenly dropped, and the boxers stood more smoothly.

Only then did the boxers understand Zhao Jingtian's meaning and couldn't help sighing with Zhao Jingtian's meticulous thoughts. In fact, they usually understand these principles, but it's just that the enemy is in chaos.

On the navigation ship of the Sea Devil Fleet stood a pirate head with a pointed hat and a nose as pointed as the top of the hat. Seeing the Titan slowing down, he naturally thought that the Titan was afraid.

" Surround this ship!" The pirate leader naturally entered Zhao Jingtian's trap.

Seeing these boats carrying more than 50 people surrounded, Zhao Jingtian sneered and shouted, "Brothers, do it!"

The boxers quickly dispersed, and poisonous flame bombs were thrown at the approaching boat.

The pirate's head was quick-eyed and was punched in mid-air by a poisonous flame bomb when it flew towards him. A flash of fire flashed in the air and exploded, and a poisonous flame bomb was scrapped.

But other pirates are not so lucky. Before they could see what had happened clearly, black things hit them.

Several explosions sounded, and the boats suddenly burst into flames, and black smoke came out. The choking breath made them breathless.

The pirate leader found something wrong in time and roared quickly: "Jump into the water quickly!"

The quick-responsive pirates jumped into the water. Some slow-witted and ill-lived guys who were directly hit by the flame bomb directly turned black, fell on the boat, and lost their breath for a few seconds.

The pirate leader shouted, "Take down this ship!"

Hundreds of surviving pirates swam over like big fish, and some pirates on ships that had not been hit by poisonous flames picked up short crossbows and shot at the big ship.

swish, but the boxers were fine, and some poor businessmen who had no time to dodge were shot dead.

Without Zhao Jingtian's order, Zhang Yan immediately jumped into the sea and rushed to the boats that launched short crossbows. While rushing, he also cleaned up the pirates along the way with the red moon in his hand.

On the sea where Zhang Yan passed, a long bright red ribbon floated, which was particularly dazzling under the sunlight.

Looking at Zhang Yan, who stepped on the sea like a flat ground, the pirates on the ship were shocked: "S shoot him!"

Woth! The short crossbow flew quickly and rushed to face Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan waved the red moon, and a circle of red light blocked Zhang Yan in front of him. As soon as these crossbows touched the red light, they broke one after another and fell into the sea, and none of them hit Zhang Yan.

The pirate gritted his teeth, personally picked up a strong crossbow, aimed at Zhang Yan, and shot violently.

Wo! The arrow carries a powerful water force, like a blue meteor, dragging its long tail to Zhang Yan!

Bang! A figure flew horizontally and cleaned up the arrow.

The pirate head saw another young man floating on the surface of the water. The arrow he shot was actually caught by the young man with two fingers!

Fire boxing technique - flame finger, specially used to block and destroy some special weapons.

In the fiery fingers of the young man, the water-blue arrow turned into a wisp of blue silk and disappeared into the air.

The pirate head watched Zhang Yan behind Zhao Jingtian rushing into the boat and sweeping the pirates on the boat like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. A burst of blood mist sprayed, and another body was swept into the sea.

Seeing that Zhao Jingtian and Zhang Yan were so brave, the boxers on the ship were so powerful that they fought to the death with the pirates who rushed to the ship. A fierce hand-to-hand battle began on the ship.

Lu Fangding was happy: "What a awesome boy. It seems that I don't have to take action. My Titan should be fine!"