blood line

Chapter 206 Battle of Violet

Zhao Jingtian is very comfortable lying in the guest room** in the gentle hometown, enjoying the treatment of exotic customs. It's rare for Zhao Jingtian to have such idleness. After dinner, he lay leisurely on the soft ** and slept soundly.

The night is quiet, and the moon is dark and the wind is high. Dozens of dark shadows came, lurking around violets like a strange wind in the night.

After a while, a dark shadow quietly squeezed into the gap in the top floor of the violet building and walked down to Zhao Jingtian's room on the sixth floor.

The shadow stood outside the door for a while, as if it were scouting the movement inside. It was not until he confirmed that Zhao Jingtian had fallen asleep inside that the dark shadow carefully opened the door of the room quietly.

With the faint pink light in the room, the dark shadow can see clearly that ** lies a young man with black hair in the Holy Kingdom.

"Is that such a kid? Where is the news so exaggerated? The shadow snorted disapprovingly. According to his observation, this boy is just a jade-blooded boxer, and he is just a rookie for himself.

The shadow slowly approached Zhao Jingtian and was very careful at every step. This does not mean that he value the assassination object very much, but this is his habitual action.

"Die, the little thing from the Holy Kingdom." The shadow meditated in his heart and punched at ** Zhao Jingtian's heart.

Wow! Zhao Jingtian, who was sleeping, suddenly took action and caught the fist of the shadow with a palm of four-colored fire.

"Ah!" The shadow screamed, and most of his arms burned to ashes as soon as he screamed. If he hadn't reacted in time and quickly cut off one of his arms, he would have no doubt that he would have been burned to ashes by this strange fire in two seconds!

Zhao Jingtian suddenly jumped up from ** and punched the heart of the shadow.

Although the shadow that lost an arm reacted quickly, how could Zhao Jingtian's speed be blown out?

With a bang, a burst of flesh and blood flew, and the mixed dirt of blood and internal organs wiped the pink bed terribly.

This shadow never thought that he would kill himself, but he was killed instead.

"Killer?" Zhao Jingtian looked at the body on the ground contemptuously: "You are much worse than the third brother Zhang Yan and Mu Beixing."

In fact, this person is not as unbearable as Zhao Jingtian said, but his arm was destroyed by Zhao Jingtian in case of surprise, which was caught off guard by Zhao Jingtian.

Zhao Jingtian didn't expect that he had just come here and met someone to kill him. The only explanation is related to the Prince Arian this morning.

"Well, you can't come and go!" Zhao Jingtian was murderous and flashed out of the room like a ghost.

The dark shadow lurking outside was waiting for the news of their companions. Unexpectedly, it was a strange young man from the Holy Kingdom who came out of the violets.

Between the lightning, these people understood what had happened: their companions failed.

Zhao Jingtian did not run away because of being assassinated as these people imagined. Instead, he stood calmly on the empty field at the door of Violet and said lightly, "Don't hide. Let's go together."

These guys knew that there was no need to hide and jumped out all of a sudden.

Zhao Jingtian glanced at these guys, wearing strange black night clothes like the man just now, and even their cultivation was not much different. The strength of these people is equivalent to the jade-blood-level boxer of the Holy Kingdom, and the only stronger one has reached the level of divine marrow.

Like the Boxer of Gilles and Rasha, they do not have a five-emer physique. However, their boxers can also have a fighting spirit equivalent to that of boxing spirit. Zhao Jingtian judges the level of these boxers according to the strength of the fighting spirit.

These people were also obviously aware of Zhao Jingtian's cultivation, but they were secretly surprised. How could their companions be defeated by their opponents so quickly?

"Up!" Under the order of the essence-level boxer who was obviously stronger, more than 30 jade-blood-level boxers rushed to Zhao Jingtian together.

Their task is to kill Zhao Jingtian as fast as possible, although they feel that such a large formation is a bit like killing chickens with a cow knife.

Unfortunately, as soon as they fight, these people thought sadly that it would be nice if they had brought more people.

Although Zhao Jingtian was surrounded by them, they couldn't beat Zhao Jingtian at all. Whenever their fists were about to touch Zhao Jingtian's side, there was always a strange force pushing them away. At the same time, their fists will always be pulled by Zhao Jingtian's strength to their companions.

Puff... Looking at their fists pierced by their companions, and their bodies were pierced by another companions, these Gillette boxers stared their eyes wide one by one, and their eyes were full of unwillingness.

It didn't take long for these boxers to die because of "killing each other".

Zhao Jingtian didn't expect that he would solve so many Gillette boxers of the same level so easily. He secretly said in his heart: "The wooden practice formula given by Wu Hanyan is indeed the true biography of Muling Villa, and even the moving flowers and trees are many times easier than before. I don't know where this guy got it.

The marrow-level boxer watched this scene motionlessly until Zhao Jingtian stood in front of him.

"You are very strong." The boxer's eyes flashed with a fanatical flame. For a long time, no one could make him so hot-blooded: "Your strength is better than that of a boxer at my level. It's not a bully for me to deal with you."

Zhao Jingtian has never been able to find an even opponent. The fighting spirit emanating from this person made Zhao Jingtian very excited: "Okay, come on!"

The figures of the two were as fast as the wind. The violet waiters and bodyguards who heard the sound of fighting outside and ran out were two ghost-like figures except for seeing the bodies on the ground.

Ellie's ** eyes were staring at Zhao Jingtian's fight with the Gillette boxer. When she saw the fierceness, she couldn't help moaning in a low voice and chanting, "Oh, my God, this guy is so strong. It seems that Prince Ariane has really made money."

Bang... The two keep bumping into each other, mixed with colorful fighting spirit and fist spirit, so gorgeous and colorful.

It's just that it's very eye-catching and colorful, mostly Zhao Jingtian's five elements of fist. What the Gillette boxer can emit is only a single gray fighting spirit.

I don't know if the two were intentional. These scattered fists and fighting spirit bombarded the bodies that fell on the ground several times until they were bombarded into a pile of rotten meat.

If the violet waiters and bodyguards had not known that this hotel had a mysterious master and would not have been affected by the fists and fighting spirit of the two people, those guys would have hid long ago.

Even so, some timid waiters still turned pale with fear and regretted why they ran out with others to watch the fun. Bodyguards who are good at boxing are not. Although they can't see the movements of the two people clearly, they can see such a boxer duel, which is enough to make them excited for a long time.

Mken is the capital of Gilles, and there are security soldiers patrolling every night. Strangely, Zhao Jingtian made such a big noise with the Gillette boxer tonight, and no patrol soldier came to inquire.

The two of them fought in half a catty and eight taels, which was difficult to understand. Zhao Jingtian seemed to return to the excitement when he fought with Tieqian and Yan Baili two years ago. A familiar mood surged into his heart, and Zhao Jingtian's heart was empty.

"Drink!" An instinctive consciousness made Zhao Jingqi come up with his earliest fire boxing skills, the fire whirlwind thirteen kicks.

Wow! Mixed with a gust of wind, four-color flames swept along Zhao Jingtian's feet and swept straight to the Gillette boxer.

The face of Gillette boxer, who was still very calm, suddenly changed. Zhao Jingtian's foot seemed to be ordinary, but it seemed to have a strange magic that made him unable to dodge. Gillette boxer has no doubt that the four-color flame on Zhao Jingtian's feet will definitely be doomed as long as he touches it!