blood line

Chapter 221 Calculation

Looking at this pair of affectionate brothers and sisters, Zhao Jingtian sighed. The rest of the people were also glad that Fisher and Zhao Jingtian could come back alive. Only Tano greeted him hypocritically, but always stared at the body of the tiger-headed eagle that was divided into two by Zhao Jingtian.

Zhao Jingtian sneered secretly and didn't break it. With Zhao Jingtian's understanding of Fisher, even if Zhao Jingtian and Fisher said that there is something wrong with Tano, you should be on guard. Fisher will definitely scoff at Zhao Jingtian and even be angry.

Fisher's trust in people is sometimes an advantage, but more often it is also a fatal weakness.

Waiting for everyone to recover from their excitement, Zhao Jingtian said to them, "Okay, your task has been completed, and I have to complete my task."

Slaine was a little reluctant: "Mr. Zhao, are you leaving now?"

Zhao Jingtian smiled at the little girl with a pale face and said, "Yes, we just met by chance, and it is also a kind of fate to experience this kind of storm together. But what I have to do is very dangerous, and you can't help..."

"I can." Slina suddenly interrupted Zhao Jingtian's words: "I can feel the exact location of the fire."

Zhao Jingtian was stunned: "What's going on?"

Fisher laughed and said, "This is true. Last time we accidentally met the autumn funeral, and there was a phantom of that ghost everywhere. Finally, Slina pointed out which flames were real and which flames were just the light and shadow used by the ghost fire to fl threaten people, so that we successfully escaped the threat of the ghost fire.

Zhao Jingtian was secretly surprised: "It's not a good thing for this little girl to have this kind of ability."

After thinking about it, Zhao Jingtian said to Slina very seriously, "I sincerely invite you to be my guide and pay a thousand gold coins for the employment."

When I heard a thousand gold coins, everyone's eyes almost fell down. They took such a big risk to hunt tiger-headed eagles together and almost lost their lives. In the end, they relied on Zhao Jingtian to get an average bounty of less than 1,000.

And Slina just led the way to find the fire, and she was rewarded with a thousand gold coins. This Zhao Jingtian is really rich!

In fact, they are even more envious of Slina's good luck there to meet an employer like Zhao Jingtian. They think that even if Slina is sold, it is not worth a thousand gold coins.

Only Tano was absent-minded about this and said to Zhao Jingtian with a smile, "That's good. Slina is a very smart child!"

Zhao Jingtian sneered and echoed, "That's it."

Fisher patted Slina on the shoulder: "Little sister, help Mr. Zhao well. If my brother hadn't been in a hurry to go back and hand over the goods to the employer, my brother would have accompanied you."

Selena nodded shyly: "Brother, I will."

Looking at Tano's dark and anxious face, Zhao Jingtian said very cooperatively, "It's not too late. Let's go first."

Fisher said to Zhao Jingtian, "Mr. Zhao, you should also be careful. It doesn't matter if you can find something or not. You must save your life!"

Zhao Jingtian knew that Fisher's concern was sincere and couldn't help patting him on the shoulder: "Thank you, Brother Fisher, let's say goodbye."

After Zhao Jingtian and Slina separated from everyone on the hill and grassland and walked east for half an hour, Zhao Jingtian suddenly stopped.

Slaina asked curiously, "Mr. Zhao, what's wrong?"

Zhao Jingtian smiled meaningfully: "It's time to go back to your brother."

When Slina was still confused, Zhao Jingtian had already taken her little hand and ran away.

Slina's pale face blushed, and she had never been held by other men except her brother.

In a trance, Slina seemed to feel that she had flown up, and the turquoise of the grassland around her became blurred...

Fisher himself dragged half of the body of the tiger-headed eagle in front, and the body of the other half of the tiger-headed eagle was pulled by several other hunters. They were not as strong as Fisher and walked behind Fisher.

Tano followed Fisher empty-handedly, and his eyes were spinning around. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Those people behind shouted, "Brother Fisher, let's stop and rest for a while. We're exhausted."

Fisher looked back and saw that these brothers were half tired and sweaty. It was really hard.

"Okay, let's stop and have a rest." Fisher said carelessly.

Everyone sat on the ground and took out the kettle they brought to drink water.

Fisher also wanted to drink water, and there was an extra kettle in front of him: "Brother, I'm not thirsty. Drink mine first."

Fisher looked at Tano and nodded gratefully, "Hmm."

Looking at Fisher's throat knot as he drank water, Tano's sinister eyes flashed with an extremely ferocious light.

"No more drinks?" After taking the kettle handed back by Fisher, Tano laughed twice.

Fisher said, "Well, don't drink..."

Suddenly, Fisher's face changed wildly!

"What's the matter, this water is poisonous..." Fisher's face suddenly turned black!

Tano smiled ferociously and said, "Yes, it's the poison I gave you!" As long as you die, this mercenary is all mine! To tell you the truth, there are 100,000 gold coins in this employment, which was sent by Master Ruth to hire us. It's just that when you weren't there, I'll take it for you. Then, I will cover up my appearance and hire you again, haha!"

"Damn you!" Fisher was about to kill Tano, but he only felt that his strength was contained by the poison and could not give any strength.

The rest of the people were shocked and came forward to help. But where are they Tano's opponents?

These guys were all blown out by Tano, and their life and death are uncertain.

Fisher is about to faint, but what can he do? Seeing Tano punching him hard in the chest, Fisher closed his eyes in despair.

With a bang, Fisher was bombarded dozens of meters away by Tano.

"Look, you're still not dead!" Tano said viciously as he walked to Fisher. He had to watch Fisher die in person to feel at ease. He and Fisher have played since childhood. Naturally, he knew that Fisher's revenge, who seemed to be loyal, was also quite terrible.

Fisher's parents died at the hands of a lord. After Fisher's successful boxing, he killed the lord's mansion alone and killed more than 300 people in the lord's family.

Thinking of the tragedy that the lord's head was placed by Fisher in front of his parents' grave, Tano shivered.

When Tano came to Fisher, he was extremely surprised to find that although Fisher's heart was punched by him, not only was he not dead, but the signs of poisoning became weaker and weaker, and his face slowly recovered.

"What's going on?" Tano was terrifying. Fortunately, Fisher is still in a coma.

Tano gritted his teeth and looked fierce: "I don't believe it. I can't kill you this time!"

With a whew, Tano's fist went straight to Fisher's head!

"Hmm!?" Just as Tano's fist was about to hit Fisher in the head, a long bow and arrow flew towards him.

This bow and arrow is mixed with fierce fighting spirit and the sound of breaking wind. It is difficult for Tano to find it even if he doesn't want to.

If Tano killed Fisher desperately, he would definitely be shot in the heart by the bow and arrow, and Tano would not be so crazy.

It's just a flash of an idea, and Fisher has disappeared in front of Tano's eyes.

Tano's face was bloodless: "What's going on?"

When Tano saw who the arrow was from, his spirit suddenly collapsed.

Slaina was staring at herself angrily, as if she wanted to smash her body. Although Tano's understanding of Slina is very accurate, it is definitely not as strong as the arrow just now.

There is only one possibility, and the terrible Holy Kingdom boy is also nearby.

"Tano, your fox tail is finally exposed." The voice that made Tano's liver and gallblad appeared behind him, he slowly turned around and looked at Zhao Jingtian's joking eyes!