blood line

Chapter 249 Star Destroyer

Wu Tianxing gritted his teeth and shouted to the sky: "Mr. Xiao, if you don't come out, when will you wait!"

Ling He was stunned by the roar of Wu Tianxing and quickly stopped his footsteps. Other swordsmen also thought that Wu Tianxing had a helper, and immediately he was on guard, and his eyes and feelings were all dispersed in case of emergency.

I never thought that Wu Tianxing had been waiting for a long time and still couldn't see the man.

Ling He was so angry that he scolded: "His grandma, I really thought he still had support! Brothers, destroy the heavenly sword array!"

"Yes!" Eighty swordsmen moved at the same time, and their swords floated above their heads and brushed them directly. More than 80 swords danced at the same time. With the hum of the sword, the light flowed, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

Unfortunately, such a gorgeous scene is no different from the call of death in the eyes of Wu Tianxing and his son. Ning Bairen and Ning Feng's uncle and nephews hurt them too deeply, and now they can still do it, but the only result is that their whole body muscles and veins are broken.

"Ha, ha ha..." Wu Tianxing's bleak laughter was endlessly ferocious: "I didn't expect that I would be calculated by that person in my life! Han Yan, my son, leave here and give me another chance to avenge me!"

Wu Hanyan understood what his father was going to do. There was nothing but a trace of cruel determination on his face: "Father, I will definitely avenge you!"

Brush - More than 80 swords flew diagonally into the sky, exuding the sword spirit of five different color attributes, and they were born with each other. The sword spirit kept growing and growing, and soon filled the whole sky. Moreover, every sword seems to have human nature, aimed at Wu Tianxing and Wu Hanyan and his son.

"Kill!" Ling He shouted, and the flying sword in the sky flew down neatly. The sword spirit attached to the sword firmly locked Wu Tianxing and his son, so that they had nowhere to hide and dodge!

"Ah!" Wu Tianxing let out a thunderous roar, turned into a fierce five-ecade fist, and quickly hit the more than 80 swordsmen.

At the same time, Wu Hanyan escaped at his fastest speed and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Boom!" Wu Hanyan, who fled thousands of meters away, heard a violent roar behind him, and his escape speed accelerated faster and faster: "Father, Xuan'er and I will definitely avenge you!"

Wu Hanyan did not look back. If he turned around, he would definitely see a ball of blood flying from the city of freedom and straight to the sky.

Luo Feng slowly approached the city of freedom, and his eyes were devastated.

Being bombarded by the last blow of Wu Tianxing, the bodies of Linghe's swordsmen were torn apart, and no body was intact. Their flying sword pierced the ground and could not be seen any damage.

And Wu Tianxing didn't even see the bones, and probably turned into a pool of blood and the blood on the ground melted together.

A white shadow slowly fell from the sky and suspended over the city of freedom. With a wave of his hand, the 80 swords automatically flew up and didn't know where they flew.

Luo Feng looked up at the man with endless complexity in his eyes: "Master..."

The person who came was the master of Luo Feng, Ling Yunxiao, the patriarch of Tianjian of Xuantian Heaven.

Ling Yunxiao, with cold eyes, ignored Luo Feng. He looked down at the City of Freedom and said loudly, "The boxers of the Holy Kingdom obey your orders. Come to the City of Freedom quickly to worship my Xuantian Sword League. Within ten days, those who do not come to worship will die!"

The sky of the Holy Kingdom is full of commands like gods.


"Oh, my God, where is this? So terrible!" As soon as Lu Fangding's big ship sailed to the periphery of the Blood Curtain Triangle, the disciples of the Muling Villa immediately shouted, and the blood-red wind made them creepy.

Lu Fangding stopped the boat in place and shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "What's the matter with this boy? Does he deliberately won't let us in? Why don't you take away this blood curtain?"

Liang Xiao smiled and roared loudly inside the blood curtain: "Zhao Jingtian, Jin Xiangzong and Liang Xiao are visiting!"

Wow! A wind-shaped whirlpool generated from the inside of the blood curtain, absorbing a large area of the blood-red fog, revealing a sea road without blood fog.

"Really, Zhao Jingtian is too much to ask Brother Chen to be his fog absorber here every day!" A man in the blood curtain scolded and roared at Lu Fangding, "Why don't you come in quickly? Do you want me to invite you? Brother Xiao Chen, who has provoked you, be careful that I will kill you all and turn them into this blood fog!"

Xiao Chen's fierce name still played a certain deterrent role. At least the women in Shuiyuan Palace were scared to turn pale.

Liang Xiao smiled disapprovingly: "Captain Lu, let's go."

Then, Lu Fangding's boat took everyone to a world that they could never imagine.

"Oh, my God! So much gold, silver and jewelry!" Those women from Shuiyuan Palace have long been full of golden eyes and can't wait to wear the most beautiful jewelry on Fortune Island.

The disciples of Muling Villa also roared: "Haishan worm, underworld snake grass! There is such a medicinal material here!"

Liang Xiao's attention from Jin Xiangzong was attracted by the metal mountain. The strong smell of gold on it made him feel that as long as he stayed there for a year or two, it would not be difficult for him to break through to the realm or the air extinction level.

"Come on." The big ship continued to move forward until an island suspended in mid-air, Zhao Jingtian greeted them with a smile on his face.

Liang Xiao looked up and couldn't help but be shocked by Zhao Jingtian's temperament. At this time, Zhao Jingtian, Liang Xiao could not see his specific strength at all. Liang Xiao only felt that Zhao Jingtian stood there, as if he had merged with the surrounding world. If he hadn't stood in front of him, his spiritual power would never have felt Zhao Jingtian's existence.

"Awesome!" Liang Xiao's admiration came from the bottom of his heart. He has always aimed to defeat Zhao Jingtian, but he knew that he would never have a chance to catch up with Zhao Jingtian.

As soon as these "refugees" ran to the floating island, they went to their own homes. When a large number of women in Shuiyuan Palace saw Shui Ruowei's big belly, their shocked expression was really indescribable. When they heard Shui Ruowei smile and said that the child in her belly was three years old, the women almost fainted on the spot.

There are so many strange things in this world!

And the disciples of Muling Villa knelt down in front of Ning Lingxi one after another, crying bitterly and couldn't afford to kneel down for a long time: "Miss, you must avenge Muling Villa!"

Ning Lingxi and Shui Ruowei's faces sank at the same time.

Ning Lingxi knew that what she did that day was not a dream, but that she really saw her father and seventh uncle. With such a deep blood feud, even Ninglingxi, who has no dispute with the world, can't help but turn red. She can't wait to immediately go back to the Holy Kingdom to find Wu Tianxing's family.

Although Shui Ruowei was driven out of Shuiyuan Palace by Shuixianfei, she still took Shuiyuan Palace as her place of origin. Now that the Shuiyuan Palace has been destroyed, how can she not be murderous!

After listening to Liang Xiao's words, Zhao Jingtian also frowned tightly.

However, Zhao Jingtian still did not easily propose to kill back to the Holy Kingdom: "Look again, you live here during this period to improve your strength. The enemy we have to face may be unimaginable."

Everyone had no doubt that Zhao Jingtian did not dare to kill back because of his timidity, but Zhao Jingtian did not tell them why, which made these people who came to Zhao Jingtian very depressed.

Zhao Jingtian saw the doubts and unwillingness of these people and explained patiently: "Believe me, if you go back now, it will only make the situation worse and worse. Our enemy is a hidden super boxer. Moreover, his power and strength are beyond our imagination. Now if you kill him back, you will only be trapped by him..."

"I don't care!" Ningling suddenly roared: "I must go back!" I want revenge! I want to kill all the people of the martial arts family!"

Everyone was silent. They all know that for Ninglingxi, she lost her mother and younger brother, and now she has lost her father and become a lonely family, and no one can stand it, let alone a girl like her.

Zhao Jingtian sighed helplessly: "Okay, Lingxi. In that case, let's go back. Lan Yue and Ruowei stayed to take care of the children, and the others returned to the Holy Kingdom with me.