blood clan

Chapter 2 I'm a Vampire (modified)

Chapter 2 I'm a Vampire (modified)

staring at Mike Nicholas Farrar, Qi Wanxiang asked with a little trembling, "Well, will it hurt if I become a vampire?" However, Qi Wanxiang's trembling at this time was not caused by fear, but by the faint expectation and excitement.

Mike's answer to this question is still so straightforward: "No, that's a wonderful feeling. As long as you accept it in your heart in the early stage, you don't have to worry about it later and will automatically complete the inheritance."

"Now that the decision has been made, let's implement it." Qi Wanxiang gritted his teeth and thought a little viciously in his heart. He looked like a hero 18 years later. Then he turned to Mike and said, "Well, let's get started. You're going to bite my neck, right? Be sure to do it gently! Don't bite it off."

For Qi Wanxiang's constant nagging, Mike was not impatient at all, but looked at Qi Wanxiang and said proudly, "No, just stretch out your right hand and show your wrist."

Hearing Mike say this, Qi Wanxiang had a big question in his heart, "Is he going to bite his wrist? Isn't the vampire inheritance in the movie all about biting the neck?"

However, Qi Wanxiang did not ask this, but stretched out his right hand and showed his wrist.

Seeing Qi Wanxiang's outstretched right wrist, Mike also slowly stretched out his right index finger. When his fingertips were nearly ten centimeters away from Qi Wanxiang's wrist, he stopped.

Then, blood oozed from the fingertips, one drop, two drops and three drops.

When the blood touched the skin of Qi Wanxiang's right wrist, it disappeared in an instant. I don't know whether it evaporated into the air or directly penetrated into the skin, but neither of these situations should happen so quickly.

His eyes were completely attracted by three drops of blood. If Qi Wanxiang looked at Mike's expression at this time, he would find that it was full of reluctance and reluctance. How could he be happy at all?

When three drops of blood dripped on Qi Wanxiang's wrist continuously, it brought a strange feeling to Qi Wanxiang. These three drops of blood penetrated directly into the skin of his wrist when they dripped into his wrist, and then spread to all over his body almost instantly.

Then a voice sounded at the bottom of Qi Wanxiang's heart: "Accept or destroy!" The voice was full of domineering. Qi Wanxiang's whole body began to tremble and hurt uncontrollably, as if it could explode at any time.

With the pain of his heart, Qi Wanxiang meditated in his heart: "Accept inheritance" and his whole body suddenly relaxed. With the disappearance of the pressure on his whole body, Qi Wanxiang felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. Finally, he fell into a coma in front of his eyes.

Seeing Qi Wanxiang twitching, Mike clenched his hands tightly, and he didn't even notice that his nails were inserted into his palm. When he saw Qi Wanxiang's sweaty head, he was even more nervous to stop breathing (if he needed to breathe).

Finally, Qi Wanxiang stopped twitching, and Mike Nicholas Farrar sighed whether he was relaxed or disappointed. Raising his hand, Mike Nicholas Farrar looked at his palm with blood beads, but the blood beads could never leave his face. The blood from the wound penetrated into the palm of his hand from the side, and then the wound began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking at the completely healed wound in the palm of his hand, Mike Nicholas Farrar smiled, but the smile was mixed with a lot of unwillingness and loss.

"For many years, I haven't felt nervous, and now I'm finally at ease (really at ease?)" Mike Nicholas Farrar said to himself, but the following words had nothing to do with what he said before: "It's time to arrange the identity of this lucky son. At least, he must first enter human society safely and completely."

Qi Wanxiang did not completely lose consciousness after falling into a coma. He felt countless war scenes pouring into his mind. Qi Wanxiang looked down at the war being staged on the ground like a third party standing in the sky.

One side is a vampire army suspended in the air with two wings spread behind them, and the two wings behind them are slowly flapping. Some of the vampires raised the scepter in their hands and kept chanting spells, while others showed their sharp fangs in their mouths, and there were various blood clans transformed into giant animals under the legion.

The other side is tens of thousands of huge wolves. At this moment, they have completely become wolves, their eyes are red, their sharp claws are deeply grasping the soil under their feet, their mouths are slightly open, and they roaring, as if they can't wait to tear everything in front of them.

After the picture turns, this time the two legions are also fighting, one side is the dark parliamentary army, with three major components, including the vampire army, the werewolf regiment, and the human necromancer legion.

The other side is the human coalition, including the Knights of several religions, the League of Human Magicians, etc.

The picture turned again, and a blood clan was flapping its pale wings and flying rapidly, with black smoke coming from his body. And a blood clan with blood wings behind him is desperately blocking five people. These five people are all white armor, bloody cloaks, and bloody crosses painted on their chests. Five people obviously have the upper hand, but they can't immediately defeat the enemy in front of them.

Qi Wanxiang's head became heavier and more uncomfortable, and finally gradually lost consciousness. During the period when Qi Wanxiang lost consciousness, several big things happened in Ningbei City.

First of all, a death was reported on the front page of the Xihai Metropolis Daily. According to reports, the deceased was a male employee of an enterprise in Ningbei City. He was only 25 years old on the day of the accident. It is said that the deceased was drunk on the street due to emotional frustration and excessive alcoholism. He was frozen to death. Before his death, he still held a bottle of beer in his hand.

For a while, this so-and-so has become a negative textbook for countless parents to educate their children to study hard.

However, a piece of news was reported on the fourth page of the newspaper. Mike Nicholas Farrar, chairman of Rising Sun Investment, a famous investment company in Ningbei, announced the transition of the company and his property to his adopted son Wanxiang Nicholas Qi.

It is said that this successor is a young and handsome Chinese, which ignited the dream of Prince Charming of countless single girls and began to fantasize about becoming that happy princess.

Obviously, these two news were arranged by the big director, Mike Nicholas Farrar, the chairman of our Rising Sun Investment and the housekeeper of the Vampire 14.

During the seven days when Qi Wanxiang was in a coma, the housekeeper Mike Nicholas Farrar played his functions to the fullest. Not only did it reasonably arrange Qi Wanxiang's "death", but also directly arranged Qi Wanxiang for the "adveted son" identity he had been preparing for through various channels.

So far, Qi Wanxiang has died, while another Chinese-American Wanxiang Nicholas Qi has made a gorgeous appearance.

In order to better take care of Qi Wanxiang's daily life and safety, the housekeeper Mike Nicholas Farrar even prepared a "cute" maid and a good bodyguard for him.

When Qi Wanxiang woke up, he lay on the only small bed in the room. Mike Nicholas Farrar, the housekeeper, was sitting on the chair, smoking leisurely, and there was a glass of red wine on the low machine, which was so comfortable.

Looking at the leisurely appearance of the housekeeper, Qi Wanxiang suddenly felt that his stomach seemed to be a little hungry, so he casually asked, "How long have I slept?"

After smoking a cigarette and taking a sip of red wine, Mike Nicholas Farrar slowly replied, "It's only seven days and seven nights."

Hearing this answer, Qi Wanxiang already felt not a little hungry, but his hungry stomach was a little twitching. He thought to himself, "I haven't eaten for seven days and nights, and I haven't starved to death."

However, now is not the time to think about the reason why you didn't starve to death, but you should have a good meal. Is there anything to eat?" Qi Wanxiang seems to have no choice but to ask this so-called housekeeper, and he still has a deep understanding of Qi Wanxiang's current situation.

"What do you want to eat? Human food or our own food?" Mike's answer was still weak, but it was so harsh in Qi Wanxiang's ears.

"Yes, I'm already a vampire, which is different from human beings! But except for being hungry, I feel that my whole body is full of strength, as if everything is under control. Other than that, there seems to be no change." After Qi Wanxiang felt it for a moment, he couldn't help but come up with such an idea.

While thinking about it, Qi Wanxiang looked down at his hands and feet to see if there was any change.

This look scared Qi Wanxiang. He not only smelled bad all over his body, but also his clothes became smaller. Wait, things like getting smaller clothes shouldn't happen. Is it because you have grown taller?

jumped out of bed, and Qi Wanxiang felt that he had really grown taller. I can't help shouting, "God, earth!" God finally opened his eyes and finally grew taller! Finally got rid of the sadness of being short that has plagued me for many years.

The ecstatic Qi Wanxiang was interrupted by Mike Nicholas Farrar's words, "Well, I said, should you take a shower first? I have prepared all the clothes you changed for you, right in the bathroom. After a while, you can enjoy a big dinner."