blood clan

Chapter 25 Mini*

Peng Xinmoer watched Qi Wanxiang and Alin get up and stared at him, but did not take the next step. It seems that they have lost their idea for a while because of their own resistance to the fire ring, and they are waiting for the wolf's exile to be lifted. Peng Xinmoor knew the current situation after a little thought.

"Since you are not going to attack, let me learn your skills!" As he spoke, another few fireballs hit Qi Wanxiang and Linda. This time, the fireball is not one or two, but one by one like a machine gun.

Qi Wanxiang and Alin began to hide and seek, constantly dodging the fireballs coming. After a period of avoidance, Qi Wanxiang found that these fireballs were very different from the fireballs at the beginning. It seems that these fireballs are much smaller in power than those at the beginning.

Qi Wanxiang guessed correctly. At the beginning, the fireball was directly stimulated by Peng Xinmore's blood. This fireball will hurt the enemy while burning the enemy's energy. Now the fireballs are all stimulated by dark energy, which will only cause certain damage to the enemy.

After Qi Wanxiang found that the power of the fireball was small, he began to approach Peng Xinmoer step by step. Arlene looked at Qi Wanxiang's movements and began to approach from the other side.

"Alin, I'll attack him later. After he forces me away with the ring of fire, you can attack him. We don't want to go at the same time. Anyway, we have to stagger the attack. I don't believe that his magic has not been released at intervals." Qi Wanxiang's voice sounded directly in Arlene's mind.

Since the last time Qi Wanxiang used the soul-fixing technique against Ajie and Alin, it has been found that Qi Wanxiang can easily break into their spirit. In addition, Ajie can actually control the absorption and operation of dark energy like a blood clan.

The figures of Qi Wanxiang and Arlene kept approaching Peng Xinmoer, and his small fireball launched more and more frequently. And he didn't stand still, he began to move constantly. Even if they move as fast as Qi Wanxiang and Alin, it still makes it more difficult for them to stagger the attack after approaching.

"It seems that there will be no result if it goes on like this. Just seeing that this guy is a mage, I actually ignore that he is also a blood clan. Since it is a blood clan, there is also the constitution of the blood clan, even if the constitution of their clan is worse than that of other clans." Qi Wanxiang kept thinking about it for a moment.

"It seems that you have to work hard, otherwise your physical strength will definitely be exhausted by this guy." Qi Wanxiang made a secret decision.

With a "bang", a blood mist burst out on Qi Wanxiang's body. The dark energy on his body suddenly increased, and the dark energy around him continued to gather on him. The spell launched by Qi Wanxiang is certainly the "outbreak" of the Atamit family's stunt.

Qi Wanxiang's strength was already very close to the count's level. This secret skill "explode" and his strength directly rose to the count. However, at this time, Qi Wanxiang felt bursts of pain in his back, as if his whole back was about to tear. With Qi Wanxiang's sad scream, the clothes behind him were torn, and it was actually a pair of huge wings.

The wings behind Qi Wanxiang are actually wings. You should know that the wings that other blood clans broke through to the count's time are all bat wings. The wings are all dark, but the thick feathers are very visual impactful.

Qi Wanxiang felt that his body was full of strength and turned his head to look at his new wings. Just like the original, there is no sense of strangeness. The wings are used like hands, patting gently, and the body slowly floats up.

Peng Xinmoor approached Arlene directly as early as when Qi Wanxiang's body burst into bleeding fog. A resistance to the ring of fire pushed her out fiercely, but while he kept retreating, he pinched the complicated formula and said something in his mouth.

Soon, a black fog appeared in front of Peng Xinmoor. Slowly, as his tricks changed, the black fog slowly turned into the appearance of a bird. When the bird composed of black fog became slender, his movements also stopped. At this time, our Qi Wanxiang Yegang grew wings, and Arlene just got up from the ground again.

Peng Xinmore watched Qi Wanxiang fly into the air with flapping his wings, and he also gave birth to his right hand. Three drops of blood were continuously spewed out from the fingertips of the index finger and directly into the bird composed of black fog. However, his face also became extremely pale in an instant. It seemed that these three drops of blood were the essence of his life, and the burden on him was not light.

With the influx of the blood of his life, Peng Xinmoer made another mark with his hands. He shouted loudly: "With my blood, I will give you a soul, condensed!"

With Peng Xinmoer's shouting, the natural energy around him began to converge to the bird in front of him. The black bird originally composed of black fog has also become fiery red with the continuous convergence of natural energy, and its volume is also increasing in volume.

"Ji..." With a sharp cry, the originally suspended bird seemed to suddenly come to life. With flames all over, it kept hovering over Peng Xinmoer's head, and its size suddenly expanded to the level of 4 meters.

"It seems that the natural energy gathered is the element of fire. What this guy is best at should be the magic of fire. Let's deal with him quickly," Qi Wanxiang said to himself, and his body was generally shot at Peng Xinmore.

Looking at Qi Wanxiang rushing straight to Peng Xinmoer from the air, Arlene was unwilling to lag behind and rushed straight over. He recruited the bird just now, and it seems that his strength has weakened. Maybe there will be a chance. I keep cheering myself up.

Looking at Qi Wanxiang, who was approaching quickly from the air, Peng Xinmo smiled and said, "It seems that my strength has improved a lot, but I have also become stronger, so you can try my * strength first!" With a gentle swing of his right hand, the * that was originally hovering above his head directly pounced on Qi Wanxiang.

Looking at the welcome*, Peng Xinmoer was quite unhappy. Because summoning * requires the essence and blood, so that after summoning, the summoner's strength will be greatly damaged. ( The Simmore family can open their own divine realm when the baron's strength is strong. Other clans generally can only do it after the marquis's strength. Qi Wanxiang is obviously an exception.)

Originally, this* was summoned out under the guardianship of the family elders and sealed into his own divine realm. Just use a small amount of dark energy to summon it out during the battle, but now you are forced to summon it out during the battle.

Suddenly, Peng Xinmoer felt a burst of danger coming to his face.

With a shout of "Resisting the Ring of Fire", Peng Xinmoer instinctively used his own magic to retreat from the enemy. With a bang, something was directly blown away, and a closer look turned out to be a piece of wood. Wait... Is it wood? Isn't that big golden cat?" Pengxin Morton was full of doubts.

"I was fooled, haha" Arlene smiled proudly and patted Peng Xinmore directly on the head. Just now, Arlene looked at this guy in a daze and picked up a piece of wood directly from the ground and threw it away. This guy was really fooled, threw out his cylindrical spell directly, and pushed the wood away.

"Flashing", with a quick shout, a black fog instantly wrapped Peng Xinmoer's body.

However, Arlene's claws shot at the black fog without hesitation, but this claw was empty. As her claws fell to the ground, the black fog in front of her also dispersed, and there was no figure of Peng Xinmoor.