blood clan

Chapter 28 Beautiful Little Yellow Sparrow

Peng Xinmoer watched * fly over from the tree and was ready. When it flew over the edge of the tree, it jumped on its back. His right hand snapped his finger and shouted in his mouth: "Flame Armor."

I saw a flame on Peng Xinmoer's body on his back. Except for the absence of flames on his face, there were flames everywhere else on his body. Coupled with the * under his feet, it is like a fire god.

* The whole body is composed of fire elements. If you touch a person, you will hurt him and be ignited. Although this * was summoned by Peng Xinmoer, if he didn't give himself a flame armor, he would burn himself first.

Qi Wanxiang watched Peng Xinmo jump on *'s back and killed him directly as soon as he picked up the blood drink in his hand.

Peng Xinmoer watched Qi Wanxiang who was chasing * and pounced directly on him. While commanding * to continue to fly forward, he turned around and hit a row of fireballs the size of four washbasin directly.

Qi Wanxiang looked at the fireball as a few beautiful turns in the air and flashed over easily. Obviously, the aerial fight with * just now has improved his flight skills.

However, Peng Xinmoor sat* and took advantage of this rare opportunity to rush directly into the air. It kept hovering over the woods, and I didn't know what I was waiting for, but it didn't mean to leave.

Qi Wanxiang saw Peng Xinmo sitting in the air and fell directly next to Arlene on the ground.

Qi Wanxiang said very unpleasantly, "It seems that this guy is very confident!" Waiting to clean us up! If there is a chance now, I won't leave! MD, do I look so much like a soft persimmon? It's really unbearable and familiar!" After saying that, he had to jump out. I thought to myself, "No matter what, I want to meet this guy again."

Alin looked at Qi Wanxiang about to jump out again and grabbed Qi Wanxiang's arm. Seeing Qi Wanxiang looking at himself puzzledly, he said, "Well, I understand your mood. But I think we'd better go to see Ajie first. Anyway, he is flying so much that he can't do anything to us! The only thing is that the purpose of arresting this guy has not been achieved."

That's all after hearing this, and there is no good way to catch this guy by himself. Originally, I thought that it was a matter of the three of them to catch him. I didn't expect the result to be like this. It seems that you can't completely look at the level. The spells of the Simmore family are indeed not so easy to deal with, and we have to pay attention to them in the future.

Qi Wanxiang and the others went out of the woods and saw Ajie still standing there. To be honest, Qi Wanxiang really has no choice in the face of this curse-like exile. This is a spell involving space, and there is really no effective way to do it.

However, as soon as Qi Wanxiang and Alin walked next to Ajie, this guy suddenly jumped to them. Still jumping around them, it seems that the child has just been suffocated.

Ajie jumped around Qi Wanxiang and Arlene and cursed: "MD, don't let me catch you, a little thing, I have to waste you..."

Looking at Ajie's constantly beating body and listening to Ajie's continuous classic national scolding. Qi Wanxiang couldn't help but be confused: "Is this a foreigner?" Why do you scold people so smoothly?"

Our classmate Alin looked at Ajie's slightly crazy performance, and her eyes were full of tears. But he thought, "Is there any sequelae of this exile?" Or is it insane? What a great spell."

If Ajie, who is crazy on the ground at this moment, hears the inner thoughts of Qi Wanxiang and Alin, I don't know how he will feel? Will there be a feeling of being careless in making friends?

Qi Wanxiang, Alin and Ajie on the ground are still immersed in their respective states, but they did not find Peng Xinmoer's movements in the sky. With a finger*, a drop of blood from his hand immediately floated out, fell straight on *'s back, and was quickly absorbed by it.

Then, the fire element in the air quickly converged to* at a speed visible to the naked eye. These accumulated fire elements were absorbed at once, and its size also soared in an instant.

Peng Xinmoer shouted at Qi Wanxiang and his party on the ground, "I won't play with you. The guy who is in the way comes. See you next time." After saying that, * accelerated to the north. There is only a string of fiery red left in the vast night sky, just like a meteor shower across the sky.

Watching Peng Xinmo walk away, Qi Wanxiang wants to catch up. Ajie and Alin are also ready to pursue. However, when I heard Peng Xinmoor's farewell at this time, I felt that someone around me was approaching quickly.

Qi Wanxiang opened his spiritual strength to the maximum and carefully sensed that there was more than one person close to him.

Qi Wanxiang has the intention to leave, but now this distance, and it is still late at night, I guess he can't get rid of this new group of people. In accordance with the principle that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, Qi Wanxiang and others decided to stay and see who let the powerful Peng Xinmoer escape from the battle like a big enemy.

After a while, two beautiful women appeared in front of Qi Wanxiang and the others. Qi Wanxiang couldn't help but exclaim in his heart. Of course, he didn't dare to say anything in front of the invincible beauty Arlene, so he only looked at the artistic vision twice.

The tall one is like a ten-thousand-year-old ice, like someone owes her five million, with a stiff face and bursts of chills coming from her body. The other is a kind expression, with two cute dimples on the face, and the breath on the body is similar to *, but it is not so pure.

Three people and two non-humans have a total of five pairs of eyes, staring at them for a while. The ice beauty interrupted her silence, although her tone was so unpleasant: "Have you been committing crimes in a row recently? We are from the Special Affairs Department of China. Confession and lenient, resistance and severity.

"Uh..." Everyone present was furored by this sentence. Before Qi Wanxiang and the others could answer, the dimple beauty next to her spoke.

"Sister Xue, don't scare them. If they had been criminals, they would have run away long ago and wouldn't have waited for us to catch them." The dimple beauty first explained to the ice next to her, and then turned her head to Qi Wanxiang and said, "That... I'm Murong Yan, and this is my cousin Ouyang Xue. We are both from the National Special Affairs Department of China. We are tracking down the murderer of the serial murders in Xining City. Do you have anything to tell us? After saying that, he gave Qi Wanxiang a sweet smile.

Faced with this situation, Qi Wanxiang immediately thought of a sentence, and the mantis caught the cicada and the yellow finch behind. There are still two such beautiful yellow finch. But we are mantis fooled by cicadas. Are there also beautiful little yellow finches?