blood clan

Chapter 47 The Sun Emperor

~~~~~~ It's a shameless question, do you have tickets in your hand? Don't give it to me, thank you! If you don't have a collection, please collect it~! You continue.. It's important to read the article~! ~~~~~

Zhao Meng listened to Qi Wanxiang's voice and felt a kind of 'pleapery' that he had never felt before. I can't help but feel that someone's voice can also be so 'beaing' in my heart.

Looking at Qi Wanxiang standing up slowly, Zhao Meng had an impulse to run over and hug him. Qi Wanxiang's sound was like a sweet rain after a long drought, which completely rescued Zhao Meng from the imminent blow of Ajie and Alin.

"Of course, I admitted defeat to the boss," Zhao Meng said, jumping off the back of the big cock Xiaojin, without any pressure to admit defeat. However, after landing, he stammered and almost fell down. Zhao Meng stood firmly and waved his hand gracefully, and Xiao Jin disappeared in place.

Since Zhao Meng felt his space power, he felt that he had a small space like a mobile treasure house. This space could be opened anytime and anywhere, about the size of ten football fields.

The important thing is that there are flowers and grass in this space, and there are even some small animals that you can enter by yourself. It is simply a paradise.

Later, Zhao Meng regarded this place as his place to raise and summon the beast Xiaojin. It seemed that Xiaojin was also very satisfied with this place.

With Zhao Meng's admitting defeat, the referee also announced the end of the game, and the individual competition in the first grade group finally came to an end. Qi Wanxiang undisputedly won the title of first in the grade and became the biggest dark horse in this year's competition.

There is no scheduled game in the afternoon, and tomorrow is a four-to-two game. If you win, you will have a chance to win the championship.

Originally, Qi Wanxiang wanted to come to draw lots in the afternoon to see who tomorrow's opponent is? However, Tutor Mu Xin enthusiastically asked Qi Wanxiang to have a good rest and draw lots for her. Regarding the opponent's information, students will be sent directly to Qi Wanxiang's dormitory later.

After lunch, Qi Wanxiang and his party, who felt that they had nothing to do, plunged into the library again. Recently, Qi Wanxiang has become a young man who likes to learn. It hasn't been long since he went to this university, but he has entered the library many times.

When he returned to the dormitory at night, Qi Wanxiang received 'intelligence' from a classmate at the door. However, after returning to the dormitory, Qi Wanxiang directly began to practice to restore the strength repaired by his younger brother today.

About 'intelligence' and so on, it was directly left on the table. Anyway, if he can't win three dozen and one, Qi Wanxiang can really kill him on the cotton.

The time of cultivation always passes quickly, and the night passes in such a hurry. Facing the morning sun, Qi Wanxiang and his party went straight to the stadium after breakfast.

Today, there are more students watching the game than ever before, and many teachers can be faintly seen in the middle.

There are only two stadiums, which are slowly surrounded by people. Qi Wanxiang saw the teacher Mu Xin waving to him from afar and thought he was going to squeeze over. When I arrived at the front, I didn't expect that everyone would directly give way out. It seems that being famous also has certain benefits.

Looking at the wide passage in front of him, Qi Wanxiang was suddenly wrapped in a feeling of flattery. Fortunately, his heart was abnormal, or he had to jump out.

Before Qi Wanxiang came to Mu Xin, he heard Mu Xin's tutor say to himself anxiously, "Have you seen the information I gave you? I'm not good luck. Your opponent today is Yang Chenggang in the fourth grade, who is a fire power master."

"Uh... Look, don't worry, I will deal with it carefully," Qi Wanxiang replied softly with a guilty heart. After all, I didn't look at the mentor's 'intelligence' last night, and I felt a little sorry for the mentor.

Without waiting for Mu Xin's tutor to say anything more, Qi Wanxiang hurried to the game with Ajie and Alin. As the saying goes, many words will be lost. Qi Wanxiang is really afraid that if he is not careful, he will say that he didn't see anything last night, and the result is sad.

After arriving at the scene, Qi Wanxiang found that the fourth-grade buddy was already on the scene. Looking at the age, he was only about 14 years old. I really don't know how old he began to go to school.

Although the buddy opposite is young, he has the title of "Sun Emperor" in school. Although the hairstyle is three or seven points that have been outdated for a long time, it is meticulously combed, dark and bright, and discernable.

There are three flames constantly flying around his neck. It is said that he cultivated some 'real fire', which is comparable to the legendary samadhi real fire.

is a straight red suit, which is the same as Qi Wanxiang. However, the neck is not an open shirt collar like Qi Wanxiang, but a fiery red tie that tightly ties the neckline of the red shirt.

There is a pair of red leather shoes on the feet. If you add Qi Wanxiang to see through this power, you will find that the socks are also fiery red. In fact, in addition to a black hair, Yang Chenggang is absolutely red, even his trousers.

"Are you the first-grade dark horse Qi Wanxiang?" Facing Qi Wanxiang's continuous look at his eyes, Yang Chenggang was obviously a little unhappy and asked coldly. Compared with the fiery red, there is a big difference.

"Are you the 'Sun Emperor' Yang Chenggang? Why is it so small?" Qi Wanxiang finally couldn't help asking the question that had been in his heart since he went on the court. I didn't listen to the other party's question just now.

As a man and a man who can rank in the top three of the school, Yang Chenggang was angry at Qi Wanxiang's words. Whether it's age or something else (you know...) Being called small will be intolerable for a man.

Yang Chenggang, as the proud son of heaven, has shown his evil strength since kindergarten. It is comparable to the speech and emotions of adults, the memory that others can't compare, etc. Until the age of 7, he was found to have different abilities by the relevant departments of the country and was sent to Shengjing University.

In fact, even if he enters Shengjing University, Yang Chenggang's talent is still at the top among those with different abilities. First of all, he became a closed disciple of the vice president of Shengjing University and studied beside her for five years.

At the age of 11, he was sent to the first grade until the fourth grade this year, and there were few defeats in any form of competition at school.

However, today, I was teased by a freshman, yes, a freshman who has been in school for less than ten days and slapped his face fiercely. Even if he is now the first in the first grade, this shame is intolerable.

Qi Wanxiang looked at Yang Chenggang, who was constantly changing his face, and couldn't help guessing in his heart, "What's wrong with this brother?" A man of Yang Chenggang is a well-deserved little brother in the eyes of Qi Wanxiang.

Looking at the strange atmosphere on the game field, the students watching the game under the stage admired Qi Wanxiang's courage and prayed silently for him.

What admired Qi Wanxiang's courage was that he dared to provoke the little "adult" Yang Chenggang, known as the "Sun Emperor". Pray for him because the title of 'Sun Emperor' does not mean that Yang Chenggang selflessly dedicates light and heat like the sun, but has the strength and courage to burn himself and melt the enemy like the sun.

Even the referee sitting on the referee's bench began to feel a sense of sadness for Qi Wanxiang. It can be said that a calf is not afraid of tigers. Without teaching people, it is impossible to imagine the powerful energy contained in such a child's body.

With the sound of the referee's announcement of the beginning, Yang Chenggang's original three groups of 'real fire' that were spinning around his neck rushed directly to the top of his head and made a "pin"-shaped arrangement, or an equilateral triangle arrangement.

"Is this little ass child cramped? Why don't you even have a minimum introduction or anything, just look like you're going to fight? This unlucky child..." Qi Wanxiang doesn't seem to realize how much he has offended the 'Sun Emperor', and he is still in the mood to complain in the face of such a situation.

The students watching under the stage did not have the calm kung fu as Qi Wanxiang. With a classmate who seemed to know the goods, "Is this the famous stunt 'overclocking laser cannon' of 'Sun Emperor'?" Shouting.

It's like throwing a small pebble into a calm lake, stirring up infinite ripples (in fact, there is no way to limit it...) General. The students' blood and ** (actually gossip and complaints) were completely ignited, and all kinds of exclam came from the crowd.

"Nima, as long as you are a man, you can never stand any form of blow in the name of small, and so is Xiao Zhengtai as a man." It seems that this pure man is Yang Chenggang's hardcore.

"The last words a powerful man, especially a young man of serious age, want to hear are words such as immature and young, of course, small are also included in it." This is said by a girl who seems to know men very well.

Qi Wanxiang slowly felt that he seemed to despise the enemy again. The unusual excitement under the stage, like a vegetable market, can well explain that he misjudged the current form.

With a "bang", a pair of huge dark wings appeared behind Qi Wanxiang. It's a shameful waste to scrap another set of Armani." Qi Wanxiang did not forget to complain about his prodigal behavior. If Mike hadn't sent a few sets of clothes, he wouldn't have been so handsome.

Correcting errors in time has always been one of Qi Wanxiang's few advantages. When he found that he had miscalculated the form, Qi Wanxianghao did not hesitate to show his ability to watch the family. It would be too faceless to be abused by Xiao Zheng.

Facts show that Qi Wanxiang's guess is completely correct, just when the classmates under the stage exclaimed, and Qi Wanxiang opened his wings.

From the three 'true fire' above Yang Chenggang's head, a basin-sized fireball spewed out, dragging a long tail flame straight at Qi Wanxiang. Wait, it seems that it's not over yet. Another shot at Ajie, who is going to detour from the side, and another shot at Arlene, who has just jumped off Qi Wanxiang's shoulder.

The three fireballs are not much different before and after. Although Qi Wanxiang and the others dodged the three fireballs without danger. But before they stood firmly, the same three fireballs flew to their faces.

"Nima, what's going on? Don't you want magic or magic or something? Why is it endless like cabbage? After avoiding the incoming fireball many times. Qi Wanxiang looked at Yang Chenggang, who was standing there with his hands in his trouser pockets and a fireball rising above his head, and finally couldn't help swearing.