blood clan

Chapter 51 Demon King Transformation

Three to one, from the perspective of the number of people, seems to take a big advantage. However, one of Qi Wanxiang's three Qi Ziyu did not take advantage. Instead, Qi Ziyu relied on the advantage of speed to borrow the gap of several people, and the three of Qi Wanxiang could not do it.

Looking at the people on the battlefield, they didn't seem to have any scars. However, it is not difficult to find that one of Ajie's front legs was obviously injured, and one of Arlene's hind legs was also difficult to exert strength.

Qiziyu did not use any weapons to attack, but relied on its own body. As a result, the enemy's injuries are all internal injuries, and it is difficult to have bleeding symptoms. Even if you are beaten to bleed, the corners of your mouth will bleed.

The close battle depends on the fighting skills, reaction power and explosive power. Obviously, Ajie and Alin are at a loss here. In addition, Qizi fish now smells a little muddy, which makes the balance of the battle not fall to either side.

Even if Ajie and Alin tried their best to grab, pounce and bite, they didn't have any results except for the scars they exchanged.

Suddenly, when Arlene attacked, her injured hind leg was not supported, and the attack ended halfway. But Qi Ziyu obviously didn't plan to let go of this opportunity. On one side of the body, Qi Wanxiang's blood-drinking knife flashed an oblique slant, and his right leg pulled to Arlene like a whip.

"Dark bondage", Ajie released a magic at the critical moment and successfully made Qi Ziyu's body beat. With this meal of Qi Ziyu's body, Ajie seized the opportunity and bumped into Arlene.

Although Arlene was knocked away and out of danger, Ajie himself did not have time to dodge. I only heard a "bang" sound in my ears, and then I felt like I had been hit by a train and flew into the air.

Seeing that Ajie was kicked high into the air, Alin shouted "no", and her body turned around and rushed to Qiziyu regardless. Qi Wanxiang increased his attack and did not give him the opportunity to attack Ajie again.

Ajie in the air tried to adjust his landing posture, and then hit the ground with a "bang". Suddenly, Ajie's body arched into a shrimp. Although it won't kill Ajie this time, he can't get up for a while.

Knowing that after attacking one person, with the attack of the other two, it was difficult to continue to attack the people who had attacked, so Qi Ziyu kicked A Jie's foot directly into the air and threw him hard.

In the face of the attack of Qi Wanxiang and Arlene, without Ajie, Qi Ziyu seemed to be more comfortable. Keep grasping the gap between the two attacks, leaving heavy or light scars on them.

Finally, there was a chance to slightly injure Qi Wanxiang and force Qi Wanxiang back. Qi Ziyu also cleared Arlene out of the battle circle.

Looking at the two partners bowing into shrimp on the sidelines, Qi Wanxiang felt a kind of anger in his heart. The injury of the two reminded Qi Wanxiang of their experience of almost losing their lives against Hans Azamet when they fell asleep for the first time.

Up to now, although they are still alive healthily, they have lost the most basic point of being human beings, that is, there is no human body, but exist in the world in the form of animals.

Although they said they didn't mind, they said they were waiting for Qi Wanxiang to help them recover. However, every time others treat them as pets, although Qi Wanxiang doesn't say anything, his heart is dripping blood.

Thinking of this, Qi Wanxiang silently vowed again in his heart, "No matter what, I will not allow anyone to cause fatal injuries to you again, and I will definitely risk my life to restore your body."

Suddenly, a fist wind hit Qi Wanxiang's face. The fierce fist wind caused pain on Qi Wanxiang's face. There was also an unpleasant question in his ear, "Can the battle with me be so distracted?"

Suddenly, he looked up and saw that Qi Wanxiang's eyes were full of blood red. His right hand stretched out like lightning and grabbed Qi Ziyu's fist at once. Look at Qi Wanxiang's hand that grabbed Qi Ziyu's fist, which was covered with thick cuticle. Even the nails on the ten fingers have grown more than an inch, and there is still a faint cold light.

Seeing that his fist was clenched, Qi Ziyu hurriedly looked at Qi Wanxiang. He found that Qi Wanxiang had a ferocious face at this time, and then cooperated with his red eyes, and the turbulent black fog all over his body, as evil as a demon king in another world.

"Demon Transformation" uses his anger to stir up the dark elements in his body at a certain frequency, triggering violent factors hidden in the depths of his blood and making himself into a crazy state.

Even your own body has a certain temporary mutation with the cause of the rage factor. Qi Wanxiang's state at this time is the precursor to the "Demon King's Change". Once you enter the "Demon Transformation", you will lose your will.

That is to say, the "Demon Transformation" will lead to the loss of human emotions and completely become a killing machine. Coupled with the effect of the rage factor, the mind is full of destructiveness, and it will be destroyed desperately when it sees anything.

"Death!" With a loud shout, Qi Wanxiang grasped Qi Ziyu's fist tightly with his right hand and clawed his left hand with five fingers on Qi Ziyu's face.

At this time, there was only one thought left in Qi Wanxiang's mind, which was to tear the annoying ghost in front of him into pieces. Then he laughed loudly and vented all the anger and fullness in his chest that was about to burst his chest.

Looking at the approaching magic claw-like five fingers, Qi Ziyu has no doubt that once he is caught by Qi Wanxiang's claw, he will change his face and even die.

With all his strength, Qi Ziyu could not break free from the fist caught by Qi Wanxiang, and his body, with Qi Wanxiang's grasp, could not move. It's like the body is firmly fixed to the ground by something.

If you look carefully at Qi Wanxiang's right hand, you will find that there is a continuous black fog rushing from his right arm through the captured fist of Qi Ziyu to Qi Ziyu's whole body. These black fog not only swim through the whole body of the croaker, but also echo the black fog that rises from the ground at some point.

It turned out that Qi Wanxiang launched the spell of "dark bondage" while catching Qi Ziyu's fist. Due to this physical contact between Qi Wanxiang and Qi Ziyu, this spell is equivalent to permanent.

That is to say, as long as Qi Ziyu does not take off the fist caught by Qi Wanxiang, or Qi Wanxiang's own dark elements are not exhausted, it can theoretically make Qi Ziyu permanently fixed.

At the critical moment, Qi Ziyu shouted: "The shoulder well, open." With a soreness on his shoulders, Qi Ziyu felt that his arms were full of strength. After trying, he still couldn't break free from Qi Wanxiang's control, but he could barely move a little.

"It seems that you can only take out all your strength." With the idea in your heart, Qi Ziyu shouted again: "Taiyuan Cave, open it." With this shout, Qi Ziyu felt a hot air rising from his hands this time and spread all over his body in an instant.

The top 36 acupuncture points of the human body and the five acupuncture points of the lower limbs are the limit that Qizi fish can open at present. Now these five acupuncture points have been opened one after another. If Qi Ziyu still can't break free from Qi Wanxiang's control, he can only admit defeat like his cousin.

It seems that Qi Ziyu has turned over countless thoughts and reacted several times, but this is all in a short moment. Qi Wanxiang's claw-like five fingers still fiercely grabbed Qi Ziyu's face door.

"Ha ha", Qi Ziyu did not show a trace of panic at the moment when Qi Wanxiang's left hand was about to reach his face, but made a low laugh.

Then, in Qi Wanxiang's surprised eyes, Qi Ziyu stretched out his right hand and hit Qi Wanxiang's left wrist like a dragonfly. Qi Wanxiang's left hand suddenly numb, and even his whole left arm was weak and drooped heavily.

However, Qi Ziyu's attack did not stop, and his right knee bent heavily on Qi Wanxiang's little belly. Qi Ziyu's counterattack was completely beyond Qi Wanxiang's expectation.

I thought Qi Ziyu's body was completely controlled by himself, but I didn't expect that he didn't know how to break free from his control at the critical moment. Therefore, in the face of this attack by Qi Ziyu, Qi Wanxiang was completely unprepared.

Otherwise, it is not so easy to hit Qi Wanxiang.

Under this knee impact, Qi Wanxiang only felt that his body was like an overturned river. At this time, not to mention what I ate in the morning, even my intestines and so on can't wait to spit out all of them.

Qi Wanxiang, who grabbed Qi Ziyu's left fist with his right hand, couldn't help relaxing his control of Qi Ziyu's left fist because of Qi Ziyu's blow.

Qiziyu was keenly aware of this. His left hand suddenly twitched, and his body successfully got out of Qi Wanxiang's control with a rotation. And with this turn, Qi Ziyu circled behind Qi Wanxiang.

When Qi Ziyu circled behind Qi Wanxiang, he turned his back to Qi Wanxiang. Qi Ziyu raised his shoulders with his hands back, and then claspd Qi Wanxiang's shoulders tightly with a "pop".

"Get up", with the shout of Qi Ziyu, Qi Wanxiang's whole body was thrown over his head by Qi Ziyu. With a bang, it hit the ground in front of him heavily.

This time, Qi Wanxiang felt pain all over his body. All over the body, except for the most precious part of a man, there is no place that does not hurt.

With the time of Qi Ziyu, Qi Wanxiang's chaotic thinking gradually became clear. I remembered who I was and what I was doing here.

"Huh", Qi Wanxiang exhaled heavily. His terrible red eyes also became clear. The thick cuticle on his hand also slowly retreated and returned to the normal human appearance.

Seeing Qi Wanxiang's appearance, Qi Ziyu breathed a secret breath. No one knows how much pressure he has under in the face of Qi Wanxiang just now. It was not until he saw Qi Wanxiang return to normal that he felt at ease.