blood clan

Chapter 71 The Fallout Butterfly

Seeing that the big golden cat in front of him was about to be crushed into powder, but at the last distance, Qiu Daoding was destined to never reach it, because he saw that the white wolf following him had not only reached the pig's teeth in the mountains, but also its hateful wolf claws had pressed his neck.

Sure enough, when Qiu Daoding was crushed down, there was no scream under his body, and he did not feel anything pressed. When Qiu Daoding was about to look back at the situation of the pig's teeth in the mountains, he found that the big golden cat was standing in front of him, looking at himself jokingly.

Regardless of its sarcasm, Qiu Daoding directly crushed Ajie again. Even if he knew that he could not catch up with him, he still crushed him without hesitation. Because after he turned around just now, he found that this guy actually made the pig's teeth in the mountains different, just like a big golden cat killing Nara's deer hoof.

Blood, at this moment, Qiu Daoding's eyes were full of blood, as if the whole world had turned blood red. My partner from childhood to adulthood, my companions who have spent countless crises together, have been exposed in front of their own eyes one after another. How can these people do this? How can we do something to them?" Qiu Daoding roared silently at the bottom of his heart.

Qiu Daoding, who was filled with grief and indignation, fell into a frenzy, which was a very special state. When a ninja experiences something that he can't accept, he has a certain chance to fall into this state.

In a state of chaos, they only have enemies and no friends in their eyes. My heart is full of the desire to destroy, and everything I see will tear up mercilessly (if it can be shredded). This state is at the cost of burning life. It is the so-called life and fighting.

Because burning life will release unimaginable energy, their strength will increase at least twice in this state. Although this increase is only an increase in energy intensity, it cannot bring them to the next level. But even people who are one level higher than them are not far away from facing them, which is in line with an old saying called 'one force to reduce ten sessions'.

The battlefield once again became confused by Qiu Daoding's frenzy, but he knew that his death was not far away. On the contrary, Arlene, who came out of the air, decisively joined the battle against the ninja team in the village. In addition, Anne became a sheep ninja several times in a row. Although she did not kill a single person, she successfully dispersed the two shadows in the village.

Relatively speaking, the impact of the battle between Qi Wanxiang and Walter Zmich is almost negligible. Although they will also dodge the 'meat | bullet chariot' from Qiu Daoding, it is obviously impossible for this skill to cause casualties compared with them.

Seeing that the people on his side keep falling, Walter Zmich has sprouted his retreat. As long as the village team dies, it is hard to say whether he can or leave here today. Although he thinks it is very important for the family, he obviously can't face death calmly for himself. Life for a long time is not It can be easily cut off.

Just dodged a blow from the big golden cat behind him, and the village saw a big hand with sharp nails fanning towards him. There was no extra time, and his body leaped backwards, because he had no extra choice.

At this moment, one of the ninja of the Murakami team is already a sheep, and the other ninja was easily forced away from the village by the rosefinch, and the Okada, who consumed so much energy that he could only put paper because of the abaku and rushing on the road, was actually killed by the fireball of the child on the back of the rosefinch. They fought everywhere, and there was no possibility of helping the village.

"Waiting for this moment" Yang Chenggang shouted in a low voice, and the bead-like fireballs soared out of the middle of the three 'true fire' arranged in the shape of "pin" above his head, sweeping the illusion that he could only throw fireballs one by one just now. Obviously, he has always retained his strength, waiting for the opportunity to prepare for a one-strike.

In the air, it is not very comfortable to avoid the attack. Murakami not only twisted his body and kept pinching the formula in his hand, but only dodged the first three fireballs. The fireballs behind him hit him one after another, and a burst of black smoke and white fog rose due to the high temperature, which made others stunned.

In everyone's expectation, if you get so many fireballs, no one will be able to stand it. Even if you can't ignite, even if the fireballs spontaneously, it will roast you to death. However, what surprised everyone's eyes was that after the white fog, the fireballs that hit actually passed through the white fog and fell on the ground in the distance, making a lot of explosions.

Yang Chenggang, who found the situation, decisively stopped the fireball. Before the white fog dissipated, he saw a piece of dead wood falling out of the white fog, fell to the ground with a "pop" and fell into pieces of wood all over the ground.

Alin, a member of the Ganglow family walking in nature, is extremely sensitive to the surrounding environment and others. Suddenly, she felt that the crisis was approaching her. Alin did not hesitate to suddenly shrink the size of the cat, and rolled to the front right. She saw the figure of the village appear in the air and inserted it in her position just now.

"Sudan" is an important ninjutsu for ninja to escape. It is to bombard the energy in the body into a piece of dead wood that is warmed with energy to form a 'shadow split' effect. This 'shadow split' has no attack power and can only completely inherit the breath of the caster in a short time to attract firepower. Of.

The 'shadow split' skill relies on the ninja's own energy to create several energy-condensed splits, with similar attack power to the ontology, and even some powerful ninja shadow splits can release ninjutsu.

To get back to the main points, generally speaking, "substitute" is used with another powerful skill of ninjas. Once the "substitute" is launched, the ninja's breath is on the body of the 'shadow split' for a short time, and then launch the "hidden" that is already hidden whereabouts and breath, you can turn passive into active, and even kill the paralyzed enemy with one blow.

"Snone', as the name implies, is to use its own energy to form a kind of 'clothes' that are perfectly embedded with the surrounding atmosphere and energy on the body surface. It is completely hidden in the atmosphere and energy. Compared with the naked eye, it is difficult for general energy detection means to find a ninja that has launched "sto stealth".

And ninjas either launch "stalk" when they are not in contact with the enemy, or they only launch a stealth after the "stand-in", so few people basically understand this skill, and many people are planted by the method of ninjas.

If the village attack was not Arlene of the Ganglow family just now, if it were someone else, it would be very likely to succeed. Of course, except for Alin, there is only Liu Peng around. He can't reach the two on the back of the rosefinch even if he wants to kill them. Between Arlene and Liu Peng, people who are not brain-damaged will choose to attack Arlene.

Before the exposed Murakami could think about how he was exposed, he saw a drop of blood shooting at him. Seeing that it was blood, Murakami was a little disapproving. In his mind, this was obviously a little trick of the foreigner opposite who intended to distract himself. If he knew that the impact of the flame that forced him back was also caused by a drop of blood at the beginning, he would not have been so careless.

The first reaction to the attack on Arlene was Liu Peng, who was standing opposite her. As soon as he wondered how the village turned into wood and escaped, he saw that he failed to attack Arlene. The index finger quickly scratched the fingernail of the thumb again and shot away at the village with a drop of blood.

Seeing his own blood, it was only a few centimeters away from the village. This guy not only did not dodge, but also waved the bitterness that had just been pulled up from the ground. Seeing the village make such a move, Liu Peng really smiled. A proud smile flashed at the corners of his mouth and shouted, "Blood fireball."

With such a simple spell as releasing a "blood fireball", Liu Peng, who has reached the earl level, no longer has to pinch the formula as before. One idea is enough to release, and the power is still above the previous one.

At the moment when the village came into contact with blood drops, it turned out that the blood drops without threat in his eyes turned into a fireball the size of a basin. Obviously, it was impossible to avoid it. The village had to block it with all his strength. With a trace of surprise in his eyes, he touched the fireball. His wrist shook and picked the fireball to the golden cat.

The action of avoiding the fireball is a standard action in ninja's classroom. But he didn't see that because of the bitter contact with the fireball, a lot of sparks splashed from the fireball, and one of them fell on his calf. Maybe Murakami will not pay attention to this Mars even if he sees it.

With the sound of "rumbling, banging", the huge meat ball formed by Qiu Daoding finally stopped raging on the battlefield. Qiu Daoding gasped and knelt on the ground, facing his hometown. Knowing this moment, he knew that it turned out that compared with life, merit, fame, wealth and wealth were so ethereal.

"Maybe Lu Hoofjun and Zhuyajun also thought so at the last minute?" Qiu Daoding's final consciousness was here, and he didn't even have time to carefully recall the carefree days when he was with them.

"Pang", something fell at the foot of the village that was on guard. He was so scared that he jumped away for a long distance. At another look, it was another pair of Mid-Autumn Daoding's heads, and next to his body was a huge giant wolf. At this moment, its white wolf claws were showing bright red.

This bright red is so dazzling and unpleasant that the village can't help but have the idea of crushing it. As a poor village, although he was very unhappy with these ninja families, he was still angry that they died in a different place in front of his eyes.

"Maybe one day I will end up like this," the village can't help but have such a strange idea in his mind.