blood clan

Chapter 72 Broken Leg

Looking at the guy opposite, he didn't move, just staring at himself. The village was a little puzzled for a moment. Why did they all stop? Even the two ninja subordinates of his team looked at themselves nervously.

"Isn't it just that you don't care about the dead Qiu Daoding's head? However, it is understandable to do so on the battlefield. After the war, they will still have the opportunity to bring their ashes back to their hometown. What on earth are they making a fuss about?" As soon as they thought of this, the village settled down.

Just now, because his mental strength was highly concentrated on the other party, he didn't pay much attention to himself. At this time, because others did not move, he began to feel that the energy flow in his body was very abnormal. Obviously, I didn't release any ninjutsu, but the energy in my body spontaneously accumulated to my right leg, and it was getting faster and faster.

After this energy accumulated, nothing was formed, and there was no more stay at all. I felt that here, the village suddenly felt cold on its back. I couldn't help wondering, "What the hell is going on?" Thinking of the village here, I quickly looked at my right leg and saw that a flame was burning, and it was getting stronger and stronger. At this time, there was a burst of burning sensation on my skin.

It turns out that the "blood fireball" released by Liu Peng will not only start to burn when encountering flammable substances, but also attach to the surface of the human body. This flame can also continuously absorb the energy in the body through the epidermis of the body to burn, and once the energy is absorbed successfully. It is difficult for people attached to fire to stop the passage of energy and extinguish this kind of flame with energy to support combustion.

Use the practice method to prevent the passage of energy in the body while constantly tearing the trousers on the legs and throwing them away. However, Murakami found that he could not stop the continuous passage of energy in his body, but also that the flames continued to burn on his calves. Even if the trousers on his legs were taken off, it was useless.

He quickly pinched a few tips in his hand and shouted a " stand-in technique". Although there was only the last piece of dead wood left on his body, the village had to use it. When the dead wood around him became exactly the same person as himself, the village decisively launched a "stealth". Now even if he can't sneak up on them, he has to dive to the two subordinates.

"Hahaha", Liu Peng and several others laughed on the battlefield, which seemed very strange for a moment. However, they couldn't treat the scene they saw calmly without laughing.

After a burst of white fog, a person exactly the same as the village appeared in the place where the village stood. Except for his eyes were a little blank, even the breath on his body was exactly the same. However, not far behind this 'shadow split', the village slowly left, and there was still a strange flame burning on his right leg.

At first, the pain on the leg did not ease. Murakami thought it was a sequela of burning, but the loss of energy in the body was not found to be decreasing due to the continuous use of "substitute" and "snosis".

Hearing the loud laughter behind him, Murakami quickly looked at his right leg, but found that the flame was burning like a bone-attached jaundice and still sticking to his right leg. The fire seemed to be stronger than the front. Obviously, neither of his two ninjutsu failed to get rid of the flame's entanglement with him.

At this time, Murakami finally panicked, which not only seriously affected his actions, but also exceeded the consumption of his usual combat energy. If it goes on like this, you will definitely not be far from death.

Waving a knife from the palace, no, it's waving a knife to self-harm. With a heartbreaking roar, Liu Peng and others looked at the village quietly with surprised eyes. Just now, this guy actually cut off his burning right leg in the heartbreaking roar.

Only the legendary wolf will bite off his leg to escape when he is caught by the hunter's iron clip. Unexpectedly, Liu Peng and others saw the human version of the live praise today. At this moment, they were really shocked.

As a martial arts practicer, whether it is a power warrior, a monk or any other non-human, they have been moving forward with the goal of becoming stronger since childhood. On this road, they know the truth from different channels such as elders, books, etc., that is, if they want to become stronger, they have to endure hardships and have the perseverance that a strong person should have.

Today, not as an opponent, in terms of martial arts alone, Murakami really deserves the learning of Liu Peng and their respect. In the ancient Three Kingdoms, Xiahou Dun, the great general of the State of Wei, was shot in the eye by a bow and arrow on the battlefield, and then he drew an arrow and ate the target, which has always been synonymous with bravery.

Once upon a time, we all had the dream of being a generation of fierce people, but often in the face of some small setbacks, we will become resentful or simply give up. However, Murakami, now faces the death of his teammates in battle and injury, he can still break his leg and fight for a glimmer of life, which is a very powerful spirit.

This feeling of respect and admiration is very common on the battlefield, but the hostile two sides will not release water in the next battle for this reason, because it is not only an insult to themselves, but also the greatest insult to their opponents.

After resolutely cutting his right leg, the village quickly adjusted the energy in the group and kept rushing to the section of the broken leg, and the bleeding was organized in a few seconds. Although his face is pale now, he can give full play to his strength without worries.

Okada retreated decisively after Yang Chenggang changed his attack target, but he saw a scene of Murakami breaking his leg on the way back. This scene reminded him of his childhood dreams and those youthful eras. He didn't know when he became so cowardly and vulnerable. Thinking of this, Okada slowly stopped and retreated.

In fact, although the scene of Murakami's broken leg shocked Liu Peng and his group, the biggest role was that the two ninjas of Murakami's team almost lost their confidence in fighting, and Okada, who had already retreated, regained their belief in fighting and regained their confidence in fighting.

Liu Peng thought that with the participation of Ajie and Alin, it would be more smooth and even in a short time. However, the fact was completely beyond his expectation. Headed by Murakami with a broken leg, Okada and the other two Zhongren began to fight to the death. Every contact was a way of fighting for injury.

While the battle here was in full swing, the battle between Qi Wanxiang and Wat Zmich showed a trace of a change that Walter Zmich thought was not discovered by Qi Wanxiang. That is, Walt Zmich released the spell of "blood escape" between battles.

"Blood Escape", as the name implies, is an escape spell. After a period of guidance, the caster condenses his whole body spirit and most of his strength to form a blood bird, and then escapes between battles.

Because of the "blood escape", the spirit of the whole body and most of the strength must be condensed first, so in the process of casting the spell, others will feel that his strength has risen, and it is difficult for the enemy to find the intention to escape.

Although the four of Murakami began to fight for injuries and successfully disintegrated several sieges by Liu Peng at the beginning of the war. However, as the battle progressed, on the one hand, Liu Peng and others adapted to the village's playing style, and on the other hand, A Jie was fiercely flirted with the werewolf's BT resilience and began to fight for the 'body' battle.

Slightly to the right, the bitterness that originally stabbed Ajie's left eye crossed Ajie's left ear, with a trace of blood beads floating in the air. However, Ajie bit the shoulder of Zhongren's left hand with the knife that had just assassinated him.

Before Zhongren could make any effective counterattack, he saw a golden shadow passing by. The Zhongren had been thrown to the ground, but by this time it had become a corpse. The corpse was missing a left arm and a head.

With the cooperation, Ajie and Arlene's tacit understanding was vivid. After the pig and deer butterfly, another ninja fell under their attack. This completely stimulated Murakami, Okada and that Zhongren who were still fighting.

"Baga" roared, and the village first broke out. A blue fog appeared on his body, which enveloped him in an instant. Under this strange blue fog, Alin first found that the broken leg of the village had grown again at a speed visible to the naked eye. Seeing this scene, she did not With an "ah" scream.

Following Alin's eyes, Liu Peng and others also found the strangeness in the village, but Liu Peng did not easily jump on it when he didn't figure out the situation, but commanded the rosefinch to shoot a fireball at the village. And even Ajie, who was ready to jump over, was blocked by Liu Peng. He didn't want to lose soldiers at the last moment.

The fireball emitted by the rosefinch disappeared into the blue light after flying a distance under everyone's gaze, not even causing any waves. Everyone's first reaction was not to believe in evil. Yang Chenggang also sent a few fireballs, and Liu Peng also sent a "blood fireball", but without exception, it did not have any effect.

Compared with the caution of Liu Peng and others, when Okada and the rest of Zhongren saw the blue light on the village, they all looked up to the sky and roared, and the roar was so sad and tragic, as if they had been greatly stimulated.

After the grief, they looked at Liu Peng and their eyes were full of hatred and the flame of revenge. Then the Zhongren struggled to pinch a few tips under everyone's eyes, and then emitted a blue fog all over his body. Obviously, with his strength, this blue light cannot be as chic and freehand as the village.

At this moment, the village's eyes are full of relief, pity, encouragement and other complicated emotions. It's really hard to imagine that a person's eyes can be so complicated. However, with such a complicated look, none of the people present did not understand.

After the blue fog appeared on Murakami and the middle ninja's body, Okada pinched the secret, but a light blue flame appeared on his body. This scene made Liu Peng and the others directly caught off guard and really don't know what to do.

And Murakami, Okada and the Nakanin quickly recovered from their injuries in the blue light. After a while, they seem to be in the best state, and the battle scene becomes complicated again because of the strange blue light.