blood clan

Chapter 74 Fierce confrontation

~~I'm really sorry that the computer failed yesterday and has not recovered until now~

His right foot stepped on the ground fiercely, and then took it back faster than stepping on it. Obviously, the meat of the newborn's right foot is relatively tender. After the village stepped on the ground, it was quickly collected under the conditioned reflex.

He exhaled heavily, and the village quickly pinched a trick. After a gust of smoke, three villages appeared in the same place. Obviously, the current magnificent energy of the village was enough to release the "shadow split" technique again.

The bodies of the three villages twisted at the same time, making neat movements like a person. When they reappeared, they were already ten meters away, and each village had an extra handful of bitterness in their hands, rushing to Liu Peng's place.

Under the leadership of Murakami, Okada and that Nakanobu also launched an attack. The Zhongren's method was the same as that of the village. After the direct "shadow split", he rushed to the back of the village. Originally, he could not perform this ninjutsu, but after the "life sacrifice", the "shadow split" was no longer a problem.

Okada read a word in his mouth and kept pinching the secret in his hand. Then he heard him shouting: "Yin and Yang five elements, the universe is upside down, strangers should not enter, lonely ghosts, gather." After casting the spell, there was a black fog around him for no reason, which completely enveloped him in an instant, and faintly there were bursts of ghost crying and howling from it.

"Condensation" can condense the lonely ghosts around the caster. In the following attack, these ghosts will attach to it. When the enemy relaxes its guard, they take the opportunity to invade the other party's body, control the other party's thinking or interrupt the other party's actions, so that the other party cannot fully control their actions.

Faced with their actions in the village, Liu Peng and his group will certainly not sit back and wait for death. First of all, Ajie reacted. After tasting the terrible destructive power brought about by increasing his body shape, Ajie enlarged his body shape again, but this time it was not more than four meters high, but about two meters high. Obviously, his body shape was too big to bring a certain sensitive decline.

The direct reduction of the size of the cat is Alin's choice, but it is completely two extremes with Ajie. Arlene is already very fast. Such a small size can definitely bring her speed to a new height.

The rosefinch once again pulled up its flight altitude, more than ten meters above the ground. Obviously, the three below are dangerous elements. Yang Chenggang and Annie sitting on the rosefinch have no ability to fight or protect themselves.

Looking at the three villages rushing straight towards him, Liu Peng raised his hands above his head, then pressed them hard inward and shouted low: "The blood is boiling." With Liu Peng's low drink, a blood-red light came from his body, which quickly spread out with him as the center, and then disappeared.

"Blood Boiling", the racial skills of the Sinmore clan, will make their blood uncontrolled riots against the enemy, which may erupt from the wound. For the friendly army, it makes their blood flow faster, exerts the energy in their bodies to the extreme, and promotes their ability to be strengthened to a certain extent.

The racial skills of the Simmore clan are the most difficult to use among all races, because they can only be opened after reaching the count's strength. But the power of the skill of "blood boiling" is well known. It not only weakens the strength of the enemy, but also enhances the strength of its own side to a certain extent. The ability can be said to be quite BT.

After Liu Peng released the "blood boiling", the morale on the battlefield, which had become a little sluggish due to the shocking effect of their "life sacrifice" in the village, quickly recovered, and all of them were full of energy like chicken blood.

The battle situation on this side basically did not have much impact on Qi Wanxiang and Walter Zmich. The battle between them went from the air to the ground, which was fierce. Of course, the general vision needed to see their battle clearly, which was also delusional.

Because of their high speed and powerful power, as long as they touch others a little, they can cause huge casualties. However, after facing each other, they became a little heavy lifting. Obviously, it was a powerful blow, but the result was always dodged by the other party, which made people hold their breath more and more angry.

"Why is your strength slowly getting stronger?" In the face of Walter Zmich, who released the "blood escape", Qi Wanxiang, a monk with two feet, couldn't touch his head. However, no matter how strong Wukong is, you can't escape the palm of Buddha.

After a period of battle, Qi Wanxiang found that his strength could stabilize Walter Zmich. In terms of martial arts, he was stronger than him in terms of physical strength alone. Coupled with his variety of spells, defeating him was predictable.

However, as an old blood clan in his 100-year-old, Wat Zmich has much better combat experience than Qi Wanxiang. If it hadn't been for Qi Wanxiang's experience in Cain's divine realm, he might have been defeated by the old man.

Gently flashed Walter Tsmich's straight fist, and Qi Wanxiang grabbed his right arm waved at him like lightning, but before he caught it, Qi Wanxiang had found that his left leg had bent to his life.

"Nima, this is the guarantee of my future life. How can I let you 'touch' it casually?" Qi Wanxiang shouted strangely. With a flap of his wings, his body retreated directly to the air behind him, more than one meter away from the ground.

"Shadow Arrow" Walter Zmich drank and raised his hand, and saw a blue, 50 centimeter-long energy arrow quickly shooting at Qi Wanxiang. As an old vampire, even if he has no decent magic ability, spells such as "Shadow Arrow" can be easily stimulated by understanding dark energy.

On the left side of his body, Qi Wanxiang easily flashed the "shadow arrow" shot by Walter Zmich. However, then a fist kept expanding in front of Qi Wanxiang's eyes. Obviously, Qi Wanxiang's defensive dodge failed to escape the experienced Walter Zmich's attack prediction in the end.

"Old ghost, it's really cunning." Qi Wanxiang still didn't complain, and the movement of his hand was not much slower. When his left index finger scratched his thumb, a drop of blood had been shot out. With the formula of his right hand, he shouted in a low voice: "Flame impact." This spell was learned by Qi Wanxiang from Liu Peng a few days ago, and now it has been used.

With Qi Wanxiang's low drink, he saw the blood in the air, "bang" turned into a flame, and then pressed his head down on Walter Zmir. The scorching air wave | Water Tsmich couldn't even open his eyes. Obviously, this flame is not ordinary.

Back, now you can only retreat. Walter Zmich did not dare to rush into the flame. Who knew whether this guy would tamper on this flame? If he was defeated by this guy with such a level of scheme, he would be depressed.

As soon as he exited the flame-covered area, Walter Zmich felt a rapid approach to him, as if he was going to devour himself at any time. With a flap of wings, the body that was originally moving forward was forced back by the flames and retreated again. Due to the rapid continuous retreat, this time he had to use the power of his wings to complete it.

With a bang, Walter Zmich heard such a sound as soon as he retreated. Then the flame in front of him suddenly exploded, and a man rushed out of the middle of the flame, holding a bright red battle that seemed to drip blood in his right hand. With a simple slanting move, the knife with a bloody smell turned to the door of Walter Zmich's face.

The third retreat, but I didn't expect that Walter Tsmich thought he had successful attack in exchange for his three retreats. Sure enough, his decision was right. This guy's growth speed has exceeded his imagination. Fortunately, the release of 'blood escape' has already begun. As long as he persisted for a few minutes, he can leave this damn battlefield." After Watt Zmich dodged the blood drink, he couldn't help thinking with hatred.

The battle here is fatal and shocking step by step. However, the group fight between Liu Peng and the village was also quite exciting and wonderful.

In the roar of ghosts and wolves, they kept throwing out a fierce beast folded with paper from Okada's body, but these guys, compared with the paper crane they rode in front of them, all have red eyes, and there is less death and indexity in their movements. They all look like those who have experienced hundreds of battles. Soldiers, who constantly dodged the attack, rushed to all corners of the battlefield and joined the regiment.

And our Yang Chenggang has undoubtedly become the strongest firepower output on the court. Those guys released by Okada, at least when they were thrown out, were ignited by his accurate fireball shooting and turned into ashes in the sad scream.

Those lonely ghosts who will summon the condensed with "condensation" and constantly press them into the origami puppets they have made. The puppets that lack flexibility and adaptability suddenly have quite good abilities.

Although Yang Chenggang shot very well, Okada released too many puppets. Although Liu Peng and Zhuque will also kill a few sporadically, origami puppets have begun to flood the battlefield, and Liu Peng and others will get into trouble if they don't pay attention.

The village, which was jointly attacked by Liu Peng and others, obviously learned a lesson after releasing the 'life sacrifice' this time, and no longer dared to stand far away, but kept messing around among Liu Peng and others, and would take action fiercely as soon as there was a chance.

There are also two splits in the village. As long as one dissipates, he will immediately perform the "shadow split" again, replacing the original ninjutsu, and the field will become three villages again. With the huge energy after the 'life sacrifice' as the backing, the village is extremely calm.