blood clan

Chapter 85 Town Tower

~ps: Chess pieces, thank you, and I don't know who smashed the four red tickets. Is it the same person as last time? ~

The Zhenmo Tower, also known as the Wanmo Tower, is the magic weapon of the blood refining sect Shangguanfeng, which disappeared in the catastrophe of Taoism. After Shangguan Feng disappeared, the Wanmo Tower fell into the hands of Jianzong, and after the Jianzong people refined it, they changed its name to Zhenmo Tower.

"Well, since you say so, I'll take you to the Magic Tower." Shangguan Lei agreed to him after listening to Qi Wanxiang's words. Then he turned to Shangguan Qing and said, "Qier, your brothers and sisters will arrange for others. I will take Qi Wanxiang to the Zhenmo Tower."

His lips opened slightly, and Shangguan Qing finally said nothing, but nodded to Shangguan Lei. Because she knew that Qi Wanxiang was bound to get the blood of the origin. No matter how much she persuaded him, he would go to the magic tower. Good luck." All Shangguan Qing can do now is to pray for Qi Wanxiang in his heart.

"Let's go." While Shangguan Lei spoke, he put his right hand on Qi Wanxiang's shoulder. Then Qi Wanxiang felt it again. The feeling of being taken away by Mike, but compared with the previous dazzling, this time it was just dark in front of his eyes, and then the light came.

"Wow", Qi Wanxiang vomited on the black land under his feet. It turned out that he thought it was the last time Mike vomited after he took her away, but he didn't expect that he vomited again and couldn't resist it with his current physical fitness.

Regardless of Qi Wanxiang's vomiting, Shangguan Lei introduced himself: "I've arrived. The front is the Zhenmo Tower, and I've only been to the first floor. This layer is the appetite layer, where there are countless delicacies and wine, which will increase people's appetite when they smell that fragrance.

When he said this, Shangguan Lei's face showed infinite yearning, but after a while, he recovered: "If you want to get the blood of origin, you can't indulge in it. Remember, you must restrain your desires." When he said this, Shangguan Lei was already serious.

"Thank you for your teaching. I will definitely overcome the past. I will not let you down. I will definitely get the blood of origin." Qi Wanxiang waved his fist here, just like walking ahead.

In front of Qi Wanxiang is a closed octagonal pavilion, about three meters high. Right on Qi Wanxiang is a stone door, which looks like 1.78 meters. There is nothing written on it, but a faint blue color, giving people a kind of vicissitudes of life.

As soon as I walked to the stone gate, the stone gate opened. As soon as Qi Wanxiang wanted to see what was inside the stone door, he felt a strong suction from it. Qi Wanxiang's body is rapidly sliding towards the stone door under the effect of this suction.

With a "bang", Qi Wanxiang opened his dark wings and tried his best to resist the huge suction in the stone door, and his feet had also been deeply stepped into the soil under his feet. But even so, Qi Wanxiang only delayed the fate of being sucked in, and his body still slowly slipped towards the stone door.

At the critical moment, Qi Wanxiang remembered that behind him was Shangguan Qing's grandfather. He quickly turned around and shouted, "Grandpa, save me quickly. I'm going to be sucked in." At this time, Qi Wanxiang was only dozens of centimeters away from the stone gate. With two cracks, Qi Wanxiang stretched out his hands and supported them on both sides of the stone door, which stopped his body. However, he knew that his physical strength was limited and could not last long.

Shangguan Lei was satisfied with his strength when he saw Qi Wanxiang's movements. After nodding secretly, he said, "Qi Wanxiang, the first floor of the Zhenmo Tower is in that stone gate. Now give up resistance and go in."

After hearing Shangguan Lei's words, Qi Wanxiang was relieved and thought to himself, "It seems that this town magic tower really lives up to its reputation. I can't automatically go in, but was sucked in by this guy. It's really a treasure of the town, and even the way to enter is so character."

As soon as he released his hands, Qi Wanxiang's body disappeared into the stone door, and then the stone door was also closed heavily. Looking at the closed stone door, Shangguan Lei looked at the sky and muttered, "Brother, what you inherited has been successfully handed over to your descendants. Next, it depends on whether he has the ability to collect it." After saying this, Shangguan Lei disappeared in place.

With a bang, Qi Wanxiang was heavily thrown on the floor. Even if you are the most awesome magic weapon, you don't have to do this, do you? This made me fall hard enough," Qi Wanxiang turned over and lay on the floor with his eyes closed.

Xiang, this is the first feeling that Qi Wanxiang has recovered from being knocked out. There are all kinds of fragrances in the air, including the fragrance of rice cooked by my mother when I was a child, the fragrance of the best table of dishes I have ever eaten, and even the faint fragrance of popsicles I bought when I was a child. In a word, the fragrance of all the food that Qi Wanxiang thought was delicious before was smelled by Qi Wanxiang in an instant.

Opening his eyes, Qi Wanxiang found that he was not on the floor, but on a **. There is a large crystal lamp hanging from the ceiling, emitting a faint light, bright and not dazzling. A big word 'rice' is written on the wall facing Qi Wanxiang. On both sides of this 'rice' are a couplet, the upper couplet: fingering to taste the soup for the guests, the lower couplet: fragrant imperial meal guests, horizontal approval: food for heaven.

Seeing this, Qi Wanxiang sat up, but after sitting up, he suddenly found that his fart was no longer a bed, but a fan, and the surrounding environment had also changed. Qi Wanxiang was surrounded by gurgling springs, and all kinds of delicious food and wine floated on the water.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Qi Wanxiang couldn't help thinking about the word "Qushui Banquet". Qushui Banquet, also known as Quyan, began in the Qin Dynasty of China. It was a kind of banquet given by the ancient court. Its special feature is that it was a banquet with nothing to do. At the banquet, people sat in front of the running water, and there were often activities such as appreciating flowers and writing poems.

Just thinking about this, Qi Wanxiang found that he was no longer sitting by the water alone. There are many 'ancient people' kneeling next to the gurgling stream. The reason why they are said to be ancients is that they are all wearing long robes and headbands.

Not only are there many people, but also Qi Wanxiang's ears are constantly listening to the pleasant sound of the piano, beautiful singing, the poetry of literary people drinking to the high level of interest, and the sound of persuading each other. Listening, Qi Wanxiang unconsciously fell into it, reached out to pick up a wine glass from the surface of the water, and drank all the wine inside.

"Come on, brother, drink this cup full! Let go of all the thoughts in our hearts, let's eat and drink to our heart's content, and let's have a good time together." As he drank the first glass of wine, Qi Wanxiang's ears kept exhorting himself to drink and eat.

"I've never had such a good wine, another glass of wine," said Qi Wanxiang, who had grabbed another cup quickly from the surface of the water and still drank it up. Hahaha" With a big smile, Qi Wanxiang picked up a large piece from his hand and bit it fiercely.

"Life must be full of joy, so don't make the golden bottle empty against the moon." Qi Wanxiang ate and drank, and vaguely chanted the poems he had memorized before. For a while, it was so unrestrained and unhappy. There is also a constant sound of praise and envy from people around him.

I keep eating and drinking like this, and I don't know how long it has been, as if a century has passed, as if it is just a moment. Suddenly, Qi Wanxiang wanted to know who he was, but he kept asking the people around him. They just laughed and advised him to drink and eat meat, and did not answer their questions at all.

"Who am I? Who am I? Ah..... Who the hell am I?" Qi Wanxiang kept asking himself and oppressing himself, but he just couldn't remember who he was. Suddenly, he felt that everything in front of him was fake, and everything was so unreal that even the people around him who had just exchanged cups with him were fake.

If they are really their friends, they should know who they are. Moreover, Qi Wanxiang suddenly noticed that he had been eating and drinking, but he did not feel too full, and his heart was still empty, as if he had eaten nothing.

Thinking of this, Qi Wanxiang's spirit was shocked, and he felt that he was not drunk at all. It's more accurate to say that you are drunk than to be lost in this fairyland-like place.

"No, I can't do this. I came here to do something. I'm not here to eat and drink. I can't go on like this. I must remember who I am." Qi Wanxiang thought so, but the sound of persuading wine kept coming from his ears, and the smell of the food kept smelling the food in his nose, which made him think about it. Wei unconsciously transferred to the food.

Qi Wanxiang raised his right hand and bit his wrist fiercely. Suddenly, blood flowed out along the corners of his mouth. However, not a drop of blood flowed to the ground, and the blood still entered Qi Wanxiang's mouth.

As his blood was inhaled by himself, Qi Wanxiang's eyes became clear and refreshed in an instant, and he was no longer turbid and godless just now. And Qi Wanxiang's identity kept flashing in his heart, as if he were looking at the camera of his more than 20 years of experience.

"No, all this is fake. Disappear from my eyes and get out of here!" After thinking about everything, Qi Wanxiang drank violently, emitting a strong evil spirit on his body, like a demon who chooses someone to eat, looking crazy and bloodthirsty.

Under Qi Wanxiang's loud shout, the ancient singing in front of him disappeared, and the gurgling water also disappeared. Qi Wanxiang found that he had returned to a room. The ceiling and walls around him were white, which made Qi Wanxiang's eyes faintly painful.

However, after Qi Wanxiang adapted to the environment here, he found that there was a stone door on the wall directly opposite him, which was exactly the same as the door that sucked him in. At the same time, he felt that he had passed through the first floor of the Zhenmo Tower.

Qi Wanxiang passed the appetite layer on the first floor of the Zhenmo Tower. But if you want to get the blood of the origin, there are still six layers behind. Even with the reminder of Shangguan Lei, he was lost in it, and he didn't know how to wake up at the critical moment. On the sixth floor behind, Qi Wanxiang doesn't have any information. What should he do?

"Stretching the head is a knife, and the lock is also a knife. Since you have chosen, try to go on." This idea flashed in his heart, and Qi Wanxiang took a heavy breath and still stepped into the stone door in front of him and walked to the second floor of the Zhenmo Tower.