blood clan

Chapter 86 Second Floor of Zhenmo Tower

~~It rose by two, and I found that two more were lost at night. I don't know whether the chess pieces should cry or laugh~ But I still hope that the ones that have not been collected can be collected~ Thank you!

Qi Wanxiang did not feel anything unusual when he passed through the stone gate this time, but as soon as he stepped out of the stone gate, he was stunned. Qi Wanxiang looked straight ahead, as if he had been subjected to the legendary fixation.

Looking along Qi Wanxiang's eyes, there stood a shy girl. Although she knew that she was over 20 years old at a glance, when she saw Qi Wanxiang come out, she still didn't dare to look up. She just squeezed the corners of her clothes uneasily, and her temples sweated slightly.

"It can't be wrong. It's her. It must be her..." Qi Wanxiang said and walked forward slowly. Even his steady steps were a little flustered at this moment. His mouth opened slightly, but in the end, Qi Wanxiang didn't say anything and just walked forward tremblingly.

Although her ponytail was replaced by a long flowing hair, although her body is no longer the sea-blue school uniform, although her feet are no longer the washed yellow white sneakers. However, Qi Wanxiang knew that she was the one he once dreamed about.

"Look at the girl opposite, look over, look over. Qi Wanxiang is waiting here. Don't be scared by my actions. In fact, I'm very cute." "Don't stuff a note into my textbook. It's boring, you know?"

"You will affect our study. Shall we study hard first and wait until we get into college?" "Actually, I don't want to do this, but I just can't help it. What do you think I should do? Hey..."

"In the afternoon physical education class, I will say that I have a stomachache and then ask for leave to read in the classroom. I don't quite understand a few English questions. Can you teach me?

"In yesterday's PE class, I pretended to have a stomachache, but you didn't come. In the end, my heart hurts, you know?" "I didn't say I wanted to come. What does your heartache have to do with me? I think you deserve it. Who told you to be lazy and not exercise?"

"This is Wen Lan's 'love is not right or wrong'. I'll copy it and give it to you. I hope you can like it: Why do I want to be teased and turn a good ball into a bad ball? What can I say about you? There is no reason why anyone loves whom... Give your heart to the end, whether you have the courage to accept you and me for the rest of your life. There is no right or wrong in love. We bravely pursue it. Even if we want to get out of control, we are afraid of something... Love is a door that doesn't need to be locked, and the sun will fall (the lyrics in the middle are omitted). "Thank you for the song you sent. I went home to find this song to listen to. It's really good."

"Don't go home at noon, okay? I'm going to eat the brewed skin on Mojia Street. It's delicious. Can I take you to eat? After school at noon, I will wait for you at the 100-meter right at the school gate. See you.

"Xiang, it's almost for the college entrance examination. I'm so scared." "What are you afraid of? Then we can go to a school." "I'm not afraid of me, I'm afraid of you. I think I delayed your study. I cried in bed for a long time last night." "Stupid girl, why do you need this? I know what kind of material I am. However, for you, I worked hard in the third year of high school."

"Finally finished the exam, are you going to the graduation picnic? I heard that the whole class will go, and we will have a chance to watch the sunrise together. "Xiang, aren't you worried about the exam results? I'm really scared." "Don't think so much. Anyway, you've finished the exam, haven't you? Let's have fun for a few days, OK?" "Well, then let's watch the sunrise together."

"It doesn't matter. If you go to college, I will wait for you to come back here. It's better for you to go out and have a look." "I really don't want to be so far away from you!" I really don't know what to do without you."

"Xiang, let's forget it. I may not be Xining after graduation. Now we are all adults and we have to think about it for the future. Come on, I believe you will find a better girl than me. Come on!", "Okay."

First love, standing in front of Qi Wanxiang is his green and sweet first love girlfriend. The original scene passed in front of his eyes, so pure and intoxicating. At that time, love was love without any impurities, and it was worth remembering for a lifetime.

Only when people grow up, they will weigh the pros and cons, and begin to forget the simple love. Since then, love has become materialized, and love has become a kind of comparison, a guarantee of future life, and an investment in life.

Qi Wanxiang didn't know why his first love broke up with him at that time, and he did not foolishly ask. The girl who has been together for four years, he knows her very well. Shortly after the beginning of her new year, her girlfriend, who used to only know floral skirts, white sneakers and ponytails, began to pay attention to Haagen-Dazs, McDonald's, LV and Chanel.

At this time, he knew that she had been submerged by the flood of the metropolis. Or, she caught the pulse of the times and kept up with the trend. She is no longer her. She is a student of a second-rate undergraduate school, and obviously can't give her the life she wants.

In my sophomore year, my high school classmates organized a party. At the meeting, Qi Wanxiang met her and looked at Qi Wanxiang with a little dodge. Qi Wanxiang found a separate opportunity and asked, "Do we still have a chance?"

The girl did not answer Qi Wanxiang's question directly, but asked, "If you succeed and I come back to you, will you still want me?" Or one day when I come back to you with enough money for us, will you want me?"

Looking at the girl's unavoidable eyes, Qi Wanxiang didn't know how to answer, and he didn't know if he would have such a big belly to accommodate her. Looking at her mature appearance now, this enchanting dress may have been..." Hey, you have changed, and I have also changed. He is driven crazy by the world." In the end, Qi Wanxiang just shouted hysterically.

If it had been before, the girl would never have said such a thing. If it had been before, Qi Wanxiang would have accepted the girl without hesitation when he heard the girl say so. However, they are no longer what they used to be, they are now.

If a girl's current life is to satisfy her vanity, isn't it an alternative vanity for Qi Wanxiang to refuse a girl? Speaking of which, it's just 50 steps and a hundred steps. However, at this moment, Qi Wanxiang's vanity is just wearing the cloak of morality.

In order to satisfy his vanity, a person embarked on a seemingly bright road and made a 'bright' progress on the road of life. Live in luxury houses, drive luxury cars, wear famous brands, go to high-end clubs, and live a 'high society' life. One person began to complain about society and life. His original ambition had been wiped out, just like Ah Q in Lu Xun's book, living and walking dead.

God always makes jokes with us, and we are faced with choices again and again. No matter how right you think you are when making a choice, you will always complain that your choice is so stupid afterwards.

After a few years of ups and downs in society after graduating from college, Qi Wanxiang's resentment towards girls is no longer so strong, and he even has a trace of contempt for himself and has your imperceptible regret for his choice at that time.

In the dead of night, Qi Wanxiang often thought, if God gave me another chance to choose, what would I do? What kind of choice will I make, and what will be the consequences of such a choice on my future life?

Rub your eyes, yes, she is in front of you. I didn't expect that this choice would often appear in front of me so quickly. In the face of this choice again, I didn't have the calmness I imagined, the calmness I imagined, just as panicked and helpless as before.

Qi Wanxiang's heart was turning upside down, but the familiar crisp tone came to his ears, with a trace of obvious panic and helplessness, just like Qi Wanxiang now.

"Xiang, will you forgive me?" With such a sentence, it sounded like a thunder in Qi Wanxiang's ears, which made him at a loss. It's like a magic sound, so that he can't help but ignore its existence.

With a heavy breath, Qi Wanxiang finally came to the girl. At such a distance, the girl stood still and waited for him. However, Qi Wanxiang walked for a long time, as if every step consumed his whole body's energy.

One step reminds me of the previous scene, that is, Qi Wanxiang doesn't want to think about it, and he can't stop those memories that keep pouring out. Every step out is closer to making a choice, and I remember a little more.

Raising his right hand and slowly touching the girl's cheek, this feeling is so familiar. I remember the first close contact with the girl. When everyone was riding the school bus for a physical examination, I just gently took her hand in the back of the car and made me excited for a month.

When Qi Wanxiang's fingertips scratched the girl's eyelids, Qi Wanxiang not only felt the trembling eyelashes, but also felt a trace of moisture. This reminded Qi Wanxiang that when she kissed her for the first time, she also cried so much, saying that she was her own person in her life.

"Hey", after sighing gently, Qi Wanxiang put his hands on the girl's shoulders, let her look at her, and then said word by word, "The world has not changed, but we have all changed. Let's choose again now. It has become meaningless. We are no longer who we used to be."

Hearing Qi Wanxiang's words, the tears in the girl's eyes rolled down like a river that broke the dike. The girl also choked and said, "I knew you would dislike me, and I knew it would be like this!" I'm so stupid! I'm really stupid! I thought you would love me for the rest of your life..." The girl's choking became louder and louder, and Qi Wanxiang couldn't hear what she was saying.

Yes, since you have made such a choice at the beginning, just forget it! There is no need to make other choices. Without the original choice, you may not have yourself as you are now. Now that it has passed, you should face the past bravely. You can't just think about how to make the choices that have been made, but you should think about what choices you should make in the future.

Don't dwell on the past and don't let go of the past. Just take every choice in the future seriously and let yourself not have new regrets.