blood clan

Chapter 96 Fusion

!!! Second update ~ Please collect it!!!

Even if Qi Wanxiang only fights and does not take the initiative to launch an attack, it is a bit of a losing method. But after a while, Qi Wanxiang was still in a trance. Such a continuous battle is really not something ordinary people do.

The body has been colored, and some small wounds can recover quickly, but this also accelerates the energy consumption. There are still bigger wounds that can't grow quickly. If you don't do it, it will consume a lot of energy.

For example, when Qi Wanxiang's left wrist was cut with the knife just now, the meat rolled out. Although it stopped bleeding immediately, it was still not too strong because it did not recover during the battle.

Such a battle is destined to be an unfair battle. However, there is no fairness in the world. If you want to be bullied, you have to be strong and stand on the bully side.

The knives come and go, and the eyes are full of blood red. Qi Wanxiang now has only one idea in his mind, which is to persist. He believes that as long as he persists, he will win. But the attack of the split is still so sharp. Can you really win if you persist? In fact, the key is whether Qi Wanxiang can stick to it now.

It was another knife. Under the circumstance that Qi Wanxiang could not dodge, the knife scratched Qi Wanxiang's chest. The knife seemed to be light, but it brought a handful of blood flowers, which bloomed extremely beautifully in front of Qi Wanxiang.

Quickly mobilize the dark energy all over your body to stop the blood gushing out. Now Qi Wanxiang can be said to have bruises all over his body. If he continues like this, he will have no choice but to die. Sadly, he died under the knife of his split.

Due to blood loss and excessive energy consumption, Qi Wanxiang felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. If it hadn't been for the attacks of the split, he might have fallen asleep between the battles. Now Qi Wanxiang feels that he is really too tired.

"No, I don't fall like this. I have to stick to it. I still have a lot of things to do. I absolutely can't fall here. Fight! Battle!" Qi Wanxiang, who had been cut all over the scene, suddenly stopped and looked up at the split fiercely.

At this moment, Qi Wanxiang's whole body was dyed red with blood. His clothes were already messy, but now there are only a few pieces still hanging on the hidden parts of his body. At a glance, there is an indescribable sharpness.

Even the footsteps of the split chasing Qi Wanxiang stopped with the stop of Qi Wanxiang. In his simple consciousness, this person should have been almost eliminated by himself. Now, instead of running, he stops, which is a little weird.

"Even if you die in battle, you can't run away like this anymore. If you want to die, why are you afraid of war? Qi Wanxiang, who made up his mind, took the initiative to jump over this time, but he didn't find that his eyes were actually shining with a terrible red light.

When Qi Wanxiang jumped next to the split, Qi Wanxiang had become completely different. A pair of fangs in the mouth stretched out, and the face also became ferocious. The arms and legs are covered with a thick layer of scales, and even the hands and feet are covered. The nails of the hands have popped out, which makes people look indescribably afraid.

Seeing Qi Wanxiang like this, the split roared: "The devil changed." Then, in a rising black fog, two identical monsters hit each other with a "bang".

It turned out that Qi Wanxiang accidentally launched the demon king change in a desperate situation, which seems to be Qi Wanxiang's strongest skill. However, when Qi Wanxiang becomes like this, there is only a trace of fighting instinct in his heart, which is essentially no different from his split.

Catching, pounced and biting, Qi Wanxiang and his split bodies are like two primitive beasts, entangled together, and their fighting methods have become pure and simple. Now there is only one belief left in their eyes, which is to eliminate the guy in front of them who is exactly like themselves.

Such a battle is bloody and exciting, but after all, Qi Wanxiang suffered much more damage in the previous battle. Now, even if the demon king change has been launched, Qi Wanxiang is still in an unfavorable situation. If you tear it down like this, Qi Wanxiang will fall down in front of the split, which will be known as soon as you look at the current battle.

Qi Wanxiang, who was in the midst of madness, suddenly began to regain consciousness and began to know how to dodge those attacks. Just now, Qi Wanxiang found that a strange energy seemed to surge in his blood.

This energy runs with the 36-hole forging method throughout the body, which not only makes the injury on his body begin to recover, but also makes his lost mental strength begin to slowly recover. As this energy continues to spread all over his body, he can cope with the battle between Qi Wanxiang and the split.

"Blood of Origin" these four words crossed Qi Wanxiang's mind. It turned out that at the seventh level, Qi Wanxiang was recognized by the blood of origin. However, due to the huge energy, the blood of origin released a small amount of energy after entering Qi Wanxiang's body, but a large amount of energy was stored.

In the process of fighting with Qi Wanxiang and his split, the energy in Qi Wanxiang's body was almost drained, and in the end, he was still fighting just supported by his willpower. However, the demon transformation drained the last drop of energy in the body, which made the blood of origin begin to release the remaining energy, otherwise Qi Wanxiang would definitely be blown up by this energy.

Grabbing the fist hit by the split and turned around in an instant, Qi Wanxiang fell over the shoulder and fell heavily on the ground. This split is also about to consume his own energy. He and Qi Wanxiang have as much energy.

However, in the later battle, Qi Wanxiang suffered more injuries than him, so the energy consumption was also faster than him, which led to Qi Wanxiang's energy consumption. Now Qi Wanxiang has been supplemented by the hidden energy of the blood of origin, but his split is still the same energy, so Qi Wanxiang has seen the dawn of victory.

The split who was thrown to the ground got up without any hesitation and rushed to Qi Wanxiang decisively. However, he is now a very weak split. His movements are so clear and slow in Qi Wanxiang's eyes!

With a gentle twist of the body, a blow of the split body flashed. At the same time, Qi Wanxiang's right hand has been stretched out like lightning and tightly stuck in the throat of the split. Qi Wanxiang has decided to end the battle, so he did not hesitate to start.

Looking at the split body that kept piercing in his hand and scratching Qi Wanxiang's arm. Qi Wanxiang opened his mouth and said, "It's over. I didn't even know my fighting consciousness. It was so powerful that I almost fell into your hands." Although Qi Wanxiang's voice was a little hoarse after the demon king's transformation, this sentence was still melancholy.

After saying this, a flame suddenly surged from Qi Wanxiang's right hand. The blink of the flame has spread to the whole body of the split, throwing fiercely into the distance. The split began to roll on the ground, but even so, the flame on his body was still burning without extinguishing at all.

The flame just now was a move that Qi Wanxiang realized after getting the blood of the origin, called 'soul burning', which is similar to Liu Peng summoning fireballs with blood. This is also the burning of Qi Wanxiang relying on his own blood to accumulate the fire elements around him. After this flame burns, the party constantly absorbs the energy in the target's body until it knows that the target has no energy.

However, from the use method, it can be seen that Qi Wanxiang's control and application of this spell is obviously much better than Liu Peng. Even Liu Peng can't do the means of burning in his own hands and then controlling his own energy loss.

Looking at the wailing split on the ground, Qi Wanxiang didn't have much thought. After a while, the wailing disappeared, and there was nothing left on the ground. If there were not some shallow or deep pits on the ground, Qi Wanxiang would even be in a trance whether there was a battle or not.

The battle was over, and Qi Wanxiang's body began to recover slowly. After the ferocious face faded, it was a dirty face, and the face was full of fatigue. And all over the body, the scales like snake scales also quickly retreated. The hands and feet have also returned to their normal human appearance, and the nails have been taken back before the hands and feet recovered.

However, with the recovery of the body, after Qi Wanxiang found that he integrated the energy hidden in the blood of the blood of origin, the rising energy did not stop. Originally, he thought that his energy would stop after recovery, but now it seems that his idea is too obvious.

Sit down quickly cross-legged, concentrate and begin to guide the energy in the body to start running along the operation route of the 36-hole forging method. If you don't guide these energy that is a little out of control now, Qi Wanxiang believes that his end will definitely be very tragic.

Last time, Qi Wanxiang successfully broke through the second layer of his thirty-six acupoint forging method: chest and abdomen access. Now, looking at the energy everywhere in his body, Qi Wanxiang wants to hit the third layer: the mainstay.

There are 14 acupuncture points in this layer of the 36 acupoint forging method: Zhongzhong acupoint, Jiuwei acupoint, Juque acupoint, Shenque acupoint, Qihai acupoint, Guanyuan acupoint, Zhongji acupoint, Qugu acupoint, Yingchang acupoint, breast acupoint, milk root acupoint, Qimen acupoint, Zhangmen acupoint and Shangqu acupoint.

The first acupuncture point that Qi Wanxiang hit is the middle acupuncture point. This acupuncture point is located in the middle line of the front of the body, in the middle of the two breasts | head, the main internal qi and mind. Qi Wanxiang was cautious about the impact of this acupuncture point. As long as you are not good, you are likely to turn yourself into a fool.

Therefore, this layer is called the mainstay, that is, many of the acupuncture points of this layer are related to people's mind and spirit. This is just like medically studying the human brain without understanding it, and it dares not touch the brain easily. Therefore, although Qi Wanxiang wants to hit these acupuncture points, he does not dare to be sloppy at all.