blood clan

Chapter 103 Soul

!!! Continue to ask for collection. Why don't some book friends collect it even if they leave a message? The chess pieces are entangled!!!

"Grandpa sent you to the town magic tower. I was worried to death. Fortunately, you came out intact, otherwise I would have to die of guilt," Shangguan Qing patted his chest and said to Qi Wanxiang pretending to be afraid.

For Shangguan Qing, Qi Wanxiang has always thought that this is a good girl, at least she is much higher than herself in her ideological realm. She has looked away from life and so on. She doesn't pursue strength or longevity. She just wants to live a happy life. According to her, she was born in this world to enjoy life.

Some people may think that she is not self-motivated and not enterprising, but people have their own aspirations and there is no need to impose their ideas on others. The ancients said that don't do what they don't want to do to others. Everyone has their own outlook on life and values. Either someone is wrong.

For what Shangguan Qing just said, Qi Wanxiang had to smile, and then slowly said, "What are you worried about? Your grandfather is measured in doing things. He will definitely not hurt me. It's you who fools around all day."

After listening to Qi Wanxiang's words, Shangguan Qing spit out his tongue and said nothing, but Annie next to her said coldly, "I thought you wouldn't come out. If Liu Peng and the others hadn't feel your breath of life, I would have left long gone."

"Uh", in the face of Anne's straightforward words, Qi Wanxiang didn't know how to answer for a moment, so he had to scratch his scalp and said, "Aren't I come out safely? Why don't you have confidence in me?"

At this time, Annie did not answer again, but Murong Yan said, "Then you will do something that can make us confident?" After saying this, he took the hands of the two people next to him and turned out of the room. He didn't forget to say, "Let's ignore this guy."

With a swd, Alin jumped off Qi Wanxiang's shoulder, gently landed on the ground in front of her, looked back at Qi Wanxiang, and also left the room. In the face of this situation, Qi Wanxiang and Liu Peng can only conside at each other.

However, Qi Wanxiang is destined not to rest early today. As soon as these girls came out, Zhao Meng and Yang Chenggang came in. Yang Chenggang just looked at Liu Peng with an angry face and didn't say a word.

However, Zhao Meng, who has always been quiet, held his eyes and said, "I'm very happy to see the boss safe. I have nothing to say. You can rest early. I have to go back to my room to practice."

"Well, then you go to practice. I really have to rest early." As soon as Qi Wanxiang finished speaking, Yang Chenggang turned angrily and left the room. Zhao Meng also followed him out and saw everyone leaving. Liu Peng also left the room after saying goodbye.

Qi Wanxiang was left alone in the room. Looking at the darkening sky outside, he slowly stood up from the chair, closed the door of the room, and walked to the inner room. There is only a big wooden bed in the inner room, and there is nothing else, but it looks a little empty.

Sitting cross-legged **, Qi Wanxiang was not in a hurry to recover his mental strength. Instead, he explored his spiritual power into his divine realm. Now he needs to carefully study his divine realm and take a look at the magic tower.

As soon as the spirit sank, he heard the soul urn say angrily, "Are they all gone? Everyone came to look at you, but they had a heart." Then there was no follow-up, and after a sudden change of the magic tower, it turned into a person and appeared in Qi Wanxiang's divine realm.

The person who became the magic tower is about 30 years old, with a Confucian robe, wearing a white nylon scarf on his head and holding a white feather fan. He wore a sky-blue belt around his waist, chasing an unknown jade pendant, looking at Qi Wanxiang's faint smile.

This appearance is enough to be compared with the beautiful Zhoulang in history. If it is seen by a girl who is more open now, I don't know how many screams it will attract. Qi Wanxiang looked at the Zhenmo Tower in front of him and sighed. The sound of the man's urn was incompatible with the handsome appearance now.

"Don't look at it like this, I'm the magic tower." The sound of the man was still so buzzing, and Qi Wanxiang had goose bumps. However, the devil tower has no consciousness at all, and he is still shaking the feather fan coquettishly.

"Well, I admit that my mind is outdated. It's my wishful thinking to connect the voice with the image of people." Qi Wanxiang said with a painful look, looking at the Zhenmo Tower in front of him was puzzled.

"What's wrong with you? After your mental strength recovers, I can also appear outside the divine realm like this, that is, by your side. Are you very surprised and excited?" This sentence, in a buzzing tone, Qi Wanxiang began to feel cold. He thought he was just stimulated in the divine realm, and it seemed that After that, you have to be stimulated in real life.

Seeing that Qi Wanxiang heard nothing after listening to his words, Zhenmo Tower asked Qi Wanxiang again, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with you? Or don't you like me to stay by your side?" This question directly makes Qi Wanxiang unable to talk about it.

However, this will be a super hitter in the future anyway, but you can't offend too much. If you don't work hard at that time, it will be a big trouble. As soon as he got here, Qi Wanxiang said, "No, I just want to give you a name, otherwise you won't have a name after you go outside in the future, which will be troublesome."

lowered his head, scratched his head, and after thinking about it, the magic tower said, "It's really time to give me a name. The magic tower is not my name. I'm just his soul, so you can give me a nice name."

If the magic tower at this time knew that Qi Wanxiang had given Ajie and Alin names such as Xiaobai and Xiaojin, he would never give him the right to name, but the fact is that he did not understand Qi Wanxiang's lack of Chinese culture.

"Why don't you call it a small town?" After lowering his head and thinking for a while, Qi Wanxiang looked up at the Zhenmo Tower and said happily. It seemed that Qi Wanxiang was quite satisfied with the name he had come up with.

After muttering for a while, the town tower looked at Qi Wanxiang and said sincerely, "Why don't you change your name? This name doesn't sound very good." At the same time, there was a very innocent expression on his face.

After a series of screening and investigation, the magic tower finally accepted the super shocking name that Qi Wanxiang spent billions of brain cells to come up with - Tata. After hearing this name, without Qi Wanxiang's happiness, Zhenmo Tower, no, it should be said that the tower, will also die quite satisfied and happy.

I remember that after the name, Tata's original words were like this: "The name Tata gives people a very imposing feeling, just like the magnificent body of Zhenmo Tower. In addition to being catchy, the pronunciation of the name is also particularly easy to remember, so that people will remember me at once.

Hearing Tata's explanation, Qi Wanxiang also didn't expect that he was so talented. When he had a son in the future, he would also give him such a shocking name as Tata, making him proud of my father for the rest of his life.

After the name was settled, Qi Wanxiang asked, "Tata, you still tell me how powerful it is to suppress the magic tower, but the most important thing is to tell me how powerful the magic tower is." Although Qi Wanxiang subdued the Zhenmo Tower, this was achieved through the Soul Tower. As for the details of the Zhenmo Tower, I really don't know.

Hearing Qi Wanxiang's question, Tata said seriously, "First of all, let me tell you the origin of the magic tower. This is the magic weapon of his former master Shangguan Feng. At that time, due to the cultivation of magic, the negative emotions in his body became stronger and stronger. Even threatening cultivation, Shangguan Feng had to stop practicing and find a way to solve the accumulated elements in his body.

Tata stopped here. After seeing Qi Wanxiang's unhappy face, he continued to say, "Shangguan Feng wrapped his seven negative emotions of gluttony, lust, greed, sadness, anger, laziness and arrogance with his own life and blood, intending to scratch these emotions and make himself on the devil's way. Make progress."

After a pause, Qi Wanxiang continued, "But it always backfires. Fortunately, for Shangguan Feng, this kind of mistake is also his creation. After wrapping negative emotions with blood, he continued to wash away with his blood evil spirit, but he didn't expect that these negative emotions actually absorbed the evil spirit of blood and used the energy in his body to turn into such a seven-story small tower, known as the Wan Magic Tower.

"Wanmo Tower?" Qi Wanxiang kept chewing the name in his mouth. It seems that the current name Zhenmo Tower was changed later. However, he still asked, "Why is it not called Wanmo Tower now, but Zhenmo Tower?"

"Ha" saw Qi Wanxiang's doubtful appearance. After Tata smiled, he continued to explain, "This is the name changed by Shangguan Lei and others. I dislike that the name of Wanmo Tower is too evil, so I changed the decent name to Zhenmo Tower."

After listening to Tata's words, Qi Wanxiang couldn't help but be embarrassed. It seems that people have liked to pursue good luck since ancient times. This name is not a big deal, it's just a code name. They still stubbornly changed their name.

Looking at Qi Wanxiang's understanding expression, Tata continued: "Each floor of this magic tower can release a separate negative emotion, which can cause a hypnotic effect on people invisibly, causing people to have a mental breakdown and do a lot of irrational things."

After saying these towers, he took a look at Qi Wanxiang and then continued: "Because the real magic tower is the cohesion of Shangguan Feng's blood essence, it has a very strong defense. In addition to the invisible attack, there is also an unexpected ultra-high defense. Other people's attacks can basically be blocked outside."