blood clan

Chapter 121 The Thousand Hands are not necessarily Guanyin

After entering the martial arts arena this time, Qi Wanxiang found that he fell directly in the battle field below, not the audience above. Before I could figure out how to distinguish whether the person was a player or the audience in this martial arts arena, I saw a fluctuation in the opposite space, and a teenager of about 18 or nine appeared in front of Qi Wanxiang.

At first glance, this teenager gives people a feeling of extreme incongruity. His upper body was wearing a red vest, but it was tightly supported by the bulging chest muscles. However, compared with his developed body, his limbs, including his arms and legs, are a little too slender. In particular, his long arms are about to reach his knees, so the red shorts on his lower body look very comedic.

Looking at the teenager opposite, Qi Wanxiang did not have the slightest careless or ridicule. As the saying goes: people can't be seen, and no one can be measured. Being able to participate in the martial arts meeting is a symbol of strength. Moreover, the unusual teenager in front of him has been promoted through a competition, and Qi Wanxiang stared at him more carefully.

Seeing Qi Wanxiang's face with vigilance, this strange-looking teenager opened his mouth first and only heard him say, "Isn't it funny to see my appearance? Why didn't you smile at all?" While saying this, he also looked down at himself.

This question made Qi Wanxiang feel a little unprepared, but after a little meditation, he replied, "As the saying goes, Longsheng's nine sons and Zizi are different, not to mention us mortals? I think this strange appearance of Brother Taiwan only shows that Brother Taiwan is a shadow figure, and I have to be careful."

Hearing Qi Wanxiang's words, the teenager laughed loudly and said to the sky, "What a strange appearance, that is the shadow hidden character." After laughing, he looked at Qi Wanxiang with bright eyes and said solemnly, "With your words, you can be my opponent of Wu Baizu. I will show mercy to you in the game."

"Ha, after a faint smile, Qi Wanxiang didn't say anything more, but thought to himself, "He is really an arrogant guy. Such a person is either brain-damaged ignorance or arrogant capital. It seems that he has to be careful with his family."

Seeing that Qi Wanxiang didn't say anything more, Wu Baizu continued to say, "I'm from the Wanyao League. I hope the next battle will not hurt you too much. You know, after we start, sometimes we can't control ourselves."

Wan Yao League, these three words hit Qi Wanxiang's heart heavily. There are tens of thousands of people in this sect. If you can stand out from this, your strength will never be worse. Moreover, looking at his human figure, Qi Wanxiang couldn't help but explore it with his spiritual strength and found that it was already an empty period.

The strength of the monk is divided into: Shenning, Yuanying, Yukong, Jiedan, and foundation-building, and this Yukong period corresponds to the strength of the count. Judging from the realm of cultivation alone, the strength of these two people is similar, but don't forget that the demon clan generally has a strong body and very strong energy.

They have introduced so much, and Qi Wanxiang was embarrassed to continue to be bored, so he introduced himself: "The poor Tao is Jianzong Qi Wanxiang", but he thought to himself, "Anyway, I don't have any reputation in the world of cultivation, and I'm not afraid of what he will listen to." However, Qi Wanxiang is out of the world of cultivation, which is not famous.

As soon as the two talked here, a monk suddenly appeared between them with four scars on his head. Seeing that Qi Wanxiang and Wu Baizu looked at themselves, they said sarcastically, "Amitabha, the two benefactors are ready, so..."

With this long end, the referee has begun to retreat quickly. When he reached the wall, he quickly waved down the hand raised when he retreated and loudly announced: "Start". Then, I saw him follow the wall and get to the stands a few times.

Qi Wanxiang felt that this monk was very familiar. After looking carefully, he found that it was the enlightened monk who played as a referee for Shangguan Rong. Although Qi Wanxiang obviously deserted, Wu Baizu on the opposite side did not move.

People in the audience who watched Wu Baizu's last game were secretly surprised. When this guy went to the game, but after announcing the start of the game, he rushed directly to the opponent's side at high speed and tore the opponent in half without reacting. Why is this time so 'gentle'?

Seeing that Qi Wanxiang came to his senses, Wu Baizu said slowly, "Then I will launch an attack and ask my brother to be careful." As the words fell, he lay down on the ground and many arms appeared on his body.

Looking at the opponent's movements, Qi Wanxiang knew that this guy had directly turned into a beast. At present, it is also rudely in the unpleasant tearing sound of the cloth, mixed with a "pop", and a pair of dark wings appeared behind it.

The 'transmation' of Wu Baizu opposite is much more shocking than Qi Wanxiang. His body lying on the ground kept getting longer, and the arms on both sides of his body were also evenly distributed on the newly emerging section of the body.

When Wu Baizu's transformation was over, Qi Wanxiang couldn't help exclaiming in his heart: "Nima, what a big centipede." Wu Baizu, who was lying in front of Qi Wanxiang, has completely turned into a centipede magnified countless times.

This centipede is more than 20 meters long and about one meter wide. There is a red shell on the back, and there are more than one meter of feet on both sides of the body, which is also bright red. The test was looking up at Qi Wanxiang in front of him, revealing that his abdomen was also bright red. On the contrary, the head seemed to have penetrated deeply into the abdomen of the first section, and only a pair of arms waved outside.

This gorgeous appearance brought an unparalleled shock to Qi Wanxiang. Therefore, she just observed the centipede quickly and did not launch an attack rashly. I kept skimming the knowledge about the centipede I had seen in my mind, trying to find out what shortcomings this guy had.

In the face of Qi Wanxiang's failure, Wu Baizu roared: "Brother, be careful", and then even the limbs of the first head lay on the ground and bumped over like a train. Moreover, this guy looks bulky, but his speed is very fast. I don't know if it's because he has many feet.

Standing close by the train lane makes everyone who passes by the train know that when that kind of huge thing comes quickly, it will bring a strong pressure. At this time, Qi Wanxiang looked at Wu Baizu, who was getting closer and closer, which was such a feeling. I seem to be a dead leaf in the wind, which may be blown away and crushed at any time.

It's getting closer and closer. Qi Wanxiang resisted the idea of flashing aside and tried to keep his calm. When Wu Baizu was still one meter away from him, his legs exerted his strength after squatting down, and then with the help of a downward fan of his wings. The body was like a ragged cannonball, shooting into the sky of Wu Baizu.

Ideas are beautiful, but reality is often the backbone. Qi Wanxiang wanted to cross Wu Baizu's head, then fell on his back, and then tried to launch an attack to find his weakness, but Wu Baizu obviously saw Qi Wanxiang's abacus.

In Qi Wanxiang's open eyes, Wu Baizu stopped his moving body on the ground with the feet behind him, and then the first half of his body stood high with Qi Wanxiang's body flying up. The front pair of feet, which contained the highly poisonous centipedes in Qi Wanxiang's image, stabbed straight into Qi Wanxiang's ribs.

"Nima, is this still okay?" While exclaiming in his heart, Qi Wanxiang's wings quickly stirred, and his body retreated quickly after a pause in the air. Qi Wanxiang, who can't borrow in the air, believes that if he touches him hard, the pair will be miserable.

However, Wu Baizu obviously does not want to give up such a fighter. The first half of the body still stood at the same height as Qi Wanxiang's body, and then the second half moved rapidly on the ground, and then the whole body pressed against Qi Wanxiang, which was no faster than Qi Wanxiang's wings to incite retreat.

After seeing Wu Baizu's movements, Qi Wanxiang cursed "I wipe" in his heart, but his body did not retreat, but rose rapidly into the air. He thought proudly, "You are 20 meters long, even if you stand up like a stick, you can't reach me?"

Sure enough, when Qi Wanxiang's body rose to more than 25 meters, Wu Baizu stopped rising. Wu Baizu just supported himself with the last section of his body, and then a pair of big eyes distributed on both sides of the first section stared at Qi Wanxiang tightly, while the other feet on both sides of his body kept swinging irregularly.

With a cold hum, Qi Wanxiang felt that he was a little shocked after facing this guy's body shape just now, and then the next battle fell into the wind, and now it is necessary to find it back.

With a wave of his right hand, Qi Wanxiang already has a big blood-red knife in his hand. What is this big knife not a blood drink? When Qi Wanxiang's left hand was also put on the handle of the blood-drinking knife, his body hit Wu Baizu like a meteor. In the eyes of others, there is only a long bloody shadow left.

In the face of Qi Wanxiang's powerful blow from the air, Wu Baizu did not retreat as expected. The body first shrank down, and then the first section of the body was slightly lowered, facing Qi Wanxiang with the back of the first section, and hit it quickly.

With a loud "bang", Qi Wanxiang's body bounced into the air again with the help of the rebound from the blood drink, but the soreness from his arm told Qi Wanxiang that he did not seem to take advantage of the blow he had just now.

And Wu Baizu's situation was indeed a little worse than that of Qi Wanxiang, after the two collided and made a loud "bang". In another loud "bang" sound, Wu Bai hit the ground heavily. The ground was strong enough to smash some cracks, but there were no big pits.

However, Qi Wanxiang saw Wu Baizu shaking his head and standing up again, rubbing his numb arms, and gave up the idea of another blow.