blood clan

Chapter 131 You have to do your best

Under the push and shoving of a group of people, Qi Wanxiang did not know how he returned to his room. Under the constant urging of Shangguan Rong, there were only four people left in the room, including Ajie, Alin, Liu Peng and herself.

Seeing everyone go out, Shangguan Rong hurriedly ran to close the door of the room. Seeing everyone looking at her movements, her face couldn't help blushing, and then said to Qi Wanxiang, "What should they do? Just tell me." After saying that, he looked at Qi Wanxiang as if he had not seen the other three people.

Qi Wanxiang was very excited about Shangguan Rong's concern, but he was not used to him, but he still felt a little overwhelmed. After hearing Shangguan Rong's words, he quickly said, "They just need to slowly release the dark energy in my body."

After hearing Qi Wanxiang's words, Liu Peng was the first to put his hands on Qi Wanxiang's body, and then a strong dark element kept emerging from his hands and was constantly guided by him to Qi Wanxiang's body.

Originally, Qi Wanxiang thought that he needed to guide the dark energy sent into, but he did not expect that as soon as these energy entered the body, the thirty-six-hole forging method spontaneously accelerated operation, wrapped in these dark energy that had just entered the body and slowly transformed into Qi Wanxiang's own energy.

And the internal organs in his body that were injured by the 'rasha sound' (camely caused by the dark energy in the body resisting the Rasha sound) began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye after these dark energy entered the cycle. Because of the battle and the self-healing behind, the dark energy in Qi Wanxiang's body has been quite weak.

And when this energy flows through the heart, a stream of energy is absorbed by the heart. Due to the battle, the originally dull color of the heart slowly began to return to its former color under the stimulation of these energy. The magic tower in the divine realm fell into silence after absorbing some dark energy through the divine realm.

Qi Wanxiang's body was recovering rapidly. After he felt better, he sat cross-legged **. Liu Peng stood under the bed and kept sending dark energy. However, Liu Peng found that he no longer needed to attract these dark energy by himself. As long as the dark energy surged into his palm, it would be quickly absorbed by Qi Wanxiang's body.

Liu Peng has always thought that his dark energy is strong, but now in the face of Qi Wanxiang's whale swallowing absorption, he feels that there is really little dark energy in his body for the first time. He hurriedly shouted at Ajie and Arlene, "Transport energy quickly. I can't hold on any longer."

Hearing Liu Peng's shouting, Alin, who was lying on Qi Wanxiang's shoulder, began to send energy to Qi Wanxiang's body with her four claws as the contact point. Ajie, who had been behind Qi Wanxiang, actually raised a hind leg indecently, put it on Qi Wanxiang's other shoulder and began to send him energy.

Looking at Ajie's rather indecent action, Shangguan Rong was very entangled, but when she saw a dark energy gushing out of his back legs, she forgave him and persuaded herself in her heart: "After all, it's also healing for myself, otherwise I will never forgive him."

After such energy transmission lasted for ten minutes, Liu Peng first stopped his movements. Now there is only a little energy left in his body, which must be retained to support himself to continue cultivation. After he stopped, he sat down and began to practice to restore the dark energy in his body.

And after Liu Peng stopped, Ajie and Alin stopped for about five minutes. The energy in their bodies is much worse than that of Liu Peng, and now it is the limit of them. After stopping, he also fell to the ground and began to absorb dark energy.

"Huh" slowly exhaled, and then Qi Wanxiang opened his eyes. First, he said thank you to the three people practicing on the ground, and then said to Shangguan Rong, "I'm much better. Now I can start to recover by myself. You can go back first. I will practice with them and don't eat. Call me."

Liu Peng, Ajie and Alin have fallen into practice and are indifferent to Qi Wanxiang's voice of gratitude. However, after listening to Qi Wanxiang's words, Shangguan Rong said, "Are you really all right? Then I'll be relieved. Practice quickly, and I won't bother you."

After saying that, Shangguan Rong left the room without looking back. Because she was afraid that if she looked back, she would be reluctant to leave. In this way, what would delay was Qi Wanxiang's practice, which would affect the next game, which was not the result she wanted.

After watching Shangguan Rong go out, Qi Wanxiang also got out of bed and sat next to the three of them and began to guide the rapid operation of the thirty-six acupuncture points forging method with mental strength, so that he could recover the energy in his body more quickly.

Dark energy is attached to the earth. Only when it comes into contact with the earth can it absorb dark energy more quickly. Soon under the cultivation of the four people, even the room slowly gathered, and the dark energy kept leaking from their bodies.

Absorbing dark energy is not enough to absorb enough to become your own, but a part of it should not be converted into your own energy in time, or is not absorbed by the body, but will spread back into the air.

After practicing, time will always pass quickly. I don't know when it will be dawn. Still waking up with the sound of waking up to breakfast, Qi Wanxiang found that there was a particularly strong dark energy around the four people.

And the other three also woke up at this time. After seeing them get up, Qi Wanxiang quickly said, "Thank you very much yesterday. Without your help, I could only recover half of my strength at most."

After hearing Qi Wanxiang's words, Liu Peng replied, "It should be. Besides, now that we have continuously recovered the energy consumed yesterday, our strength has increased slightly. The dark energy here is quite strong." And after Liu Peng finished speaking, Ajie and Alin also watched Qi Wanxiang keep moving their heads.

It turned out that due to the pure Buddha's true spirit in the Yuanjue Temple, the dark elements here were deeply suppressed under the ground. Even at night, these suppressed dark energies still can't seep out. But last night, under the continuous cultivation of the four of them, the dark energy of the ground was drawn out.

The other three slowly mobilized the dark energy close to the body surface to enter the body by relying on spiritual power, and after Qi Wanxiang quickly ran the thirty-six-hole forging method, his body was like a general magnet attracting the dark energy underground to gather on his surface. In this way, the cultivation speed of the other three people has indeed accelerated a lot invisibly.

Looking at the movements of the three people, Qi Wanxiang didn't know what he was talking about, but the relationship between his friends moved him. In the original society, emotions have become the cheapest thing, and even money is stronger than emotions. Under the influence of strong materialism, people in this country have begun to materialism.

"Hey" sighed heavily, and Qi Wanxiang didn't say anything more. No matter what reason they came together, now there are only pure feelings between them, and there are no other mixed feelings.

This time, Qi Wanxiang could no longer express their help to Qi Wanxiang in words, but with a heavy sigh. I hope that one day I will have the opportunity to repay them, or help them as they help themselves.

Then they washed their faces and ate. Due to Qi Wanxiang's recovery, they were all extremely happy. Today is a competition between groups, so they rushed directly to the big square where the martial arts venue was after dinner.

After entering the square, it is already overcrowded. There are only two martial arts arenas floating alone in the center of the square, which is a little inferior to the 72 martial arts arenas on the first day of the game. However, today's two games are before the finals that will affect the 100 years of the Xiuzhen world. Therefore, everyone came to witness such a moment.

Someone seemed to know Qi Wanxiang in the crowd. After Qi Wanxiang came to him, he kept making way for him, so that their group could easily reach the martial arts arena. On the way, he kept hearing people's comments.

"This is the dark horse Qi Wanxiang of Jianzong this year. I heard that his strength is very strong, and even the people of Desperate Valley were killed by him." After listening to what this person said, he was obviously not interested in Desperate Valley.

"Have you heard that this guy defeated the ghost spirit from the ghost sect with a single move of 'shadow arrow'. His opponent is a ghost baby. I don't know if he can defeat it so easily?" The speaker obviously paid more attention to Qi Wanxiang's game.

After stepping into the martial arts arena, Qi Wanxiang found that his opponent had arrived. Up to now, the players have known each other well. After all, everyone has participated in so many competitions that it is difficult not to expose themselves.

"Are you the ghost of the ghost sect? I will do my best in the next game, and I hope you can show all your strength." For this Qi Wanxiang, this move defeated Shangguan Rong's ghost devouring the sky. Qi Wanxiang did not know whether it was a kind of gratitude or a kind of disconvinity.

Grateful is the gratitude that he can show mercy to Shangguan Rong. Dissistrate is dissistrate that he can defeat the person he likes so easily. Qi Wanxiang not only wanted to repay his generousness, but also wanted to defeat him to prove his extraordinaryness. Therefore, what he said inadvertently became such a salty word.

"Ha, Jianzong Qi Wanxiang, right? In my eyes, no enemy is weak. Every time I face the enemy, I will do my best. If you want to wash away the humiliation I inflict on your lover, you should work hard and courage. Compared with Qi Wanxiang's words, what the ghost said will put himself in the position of victory.